What’s Happening on Snapchat… “Swipe Up” For More Content Within Discover Ads What It Is As an extension to 10second video ads within Discover Channels, Snapchat now offers the opportunity to swipe up for addi>onal content. Brands can currently leverage this feature in two ways: 1. Extended piece of video content, up to four minutes long 2. Drive to app install directly from the App Store without leaving the plaForm The swipe up mo>on is na>ve to the plaForm and the Discover Channel but had not been open to adver>sers previously. Both of these features are currently available in an open beta. Brand Applica8on For the first >me on the plaForm, brands are able to share video content longer than 10 seconds. This opens up great opportunity for storytelling, however, it’s important to keep in mind length and the snackable content that these users are used to consuming. Because of the mobile nature of Snapchat, driving to app install will be a big (and first) testament to the channels ability to drive traffic. The plaForm will be able to provide data on the number of apps downloaded from an ad.

Cake & Socialyse February 2016 Snapchat Updates

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Page 1: Cake & Socialyse February 2016 Snapchat Updates

What’s  Happening  on  Snapchat…    “Swipe  Up”  For  More  Content  Within  Discover  Ads    What  It  Is    As  an  extension  to  10-­‐second  video  ads  within  Discover  Channels,  Snapchat  now  offers  the  opportunity  to  swipe  up  for  addi>onal  content.  Brands  can  currently  leverage  this  feature  in  two  ways:    

1.      Extended  piece  of  video  content,  up  to  four  minutes  long  2.      Drive  to  app  install  directly  from  the  App  Store  without  leaving  the  plaForm    

                                     The  swipe  up  mo>on  is  na>ve  to  the  plaForm  and  the  Discover  Channel  but  had  not  been  open  to  adver>sers  previously.  Both  of  these  features  are  currently  available  in  an  open  beta.      Brand  Applica8on    For  the  first  >me  on  the  plaForm,  brands  are  able  to  share  video  content  longer  than  10  seconds.  This  opens  up  great  opportunity  for  storytelling,  however,  it’s  important  to  keep  in  mind  length  and  the  snackable  content  that  these  users  are  used  to  consuming.      Because  of  the  mobile  nature  of  Snapchat,  driving  to  app  install  will  be  a  big  (and  first)  testament  to  the  channels  ability  to  drive  traffic.  The  plaForm  will  be  able  to  provide  data  on  the  number  of  apps  downloaded  from  an  ad.