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How to enhance customer engagement with social media nativedge

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How to enhance Customer Engagement with Social Media

Social media accounts are great for keeping in touch with loved ones and friends but

who says they cannot be used as a tool to drive sales up and put money in the bank for

your business?

Businesses like Timothyskyes, Tech Crunch and Gawker Media have had their gross

revenues boosted in ninety (90) days by using a combination of social media marketing

and other Online marketing Strategies.

Traditional advertising is gradually taking a back seat because a lot of successful

business owners have confessed that with a bit of creativity, they have achieved a great

deal with less budget on Digital Marketing.

The process is as easy as A, B, C; the more customers you engage on social media the

more trust you generate for your brand.

Trust gained on social media leads to more people visiting your website and procuring

your services or products. Also you get to enhance your online presence and value for

your brand.

In this article, I have highlighted how you can use social media marketing to build a

trusted community for your business, engage your followers and boost your brand


Create Social Media Page(s) for Engagement

Create social media pages and link it up with your website. Don't limit yourself to one

platform; create pages on as many platforms as possible that are relevant to your

business. Over time you will find out which ones works best for you.

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A key advantage is that when you post advice and tips to your social media pages and

create links to your website, followers/customers click on the links and they are

redirected to your website.

This is good for your overall search engine optimization.

Also, your customers may express their views about your product or service whether

good or bad on your social media page(s). This will enable you make better and tactical

decisions that would tailor your products and services around the needs of your


No doubt, having social media page(s) set up allows you to hear what consumers are

saying about your products, services and competitors giving you competitive advantage.

You can use this information to better your business by taking advantage of your

competitions weakness or even try offering better services.

Lets say for instance you run a catering business and your competitor serves their food

in high quality take away packs and customers are happy about it.

You could find a better quality take way pack that conserves the heat of the food you

are selling to customers. Thereby, making it taste and feel like it just came out of the pot

when they are finally ready to eat.

What you just did is come up with a better solution than your competitor and that would

help you gain more customers by beating out your competition.

Offer Advice or Tips to Your Followers

People like to know that you care for them and that you are concerned about progress

they make in their business.

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So create useful tips in video, article, infographics or podcast on subjects that your

business covers and is relevant to your customers and followers on social media. Try to

tone down sales pitches in you post.

Post the article on all your accounts. I agree with Neil Patel when he says post once on

Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. But repost three more times on the same day

on twitter to market your tip or advice to your followers.

This will make them realize that you have them at heart and are not there only to make

profit but you actually care for their wellbeing too.

Trust will be established and you may just build for yourself a loyal community of

customers, you may end up being your brand ambassadors for free.

Differentiate Between Personal & Business Accounts

It might seem like a basic rule but a lot of people are guilty of this. What you need to

understand is that your prospective customers might get confused when you start

tweeting or posting personal posts.

Sometimes on our personal accounts all we want to do is complain about our jobs and

bad customer service, which is completely allowed because it is your personal account

but a definite NO NO for your business account.

They have followed you just to get updates for your business and when you don't deliver

you lose followers and prospective customers as well.


While some entrepreneurs hold the belief that social media platforms are just 'Nice to

Have' that their teenage kids use to interact with their friends. Emerging trends like the

2015 presidential elections have clearly shown the power of social media.

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So why miss out on this evolution, the big brands are already players on social media

and online marketing.

Get started and reap the benefits. You may want to read 10 Online Marketing Mistakes

to Avoid to be better equipped as your start to boost the web presence of your business

through social media.

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PS: To view this article on www.nativedge.com click http://nativedge.com/blog/how-to-enhance-customer-engagement-with-social-media/

Also, if you would like to see more tips and reviews on Online Marketing and Technology visit http://nativedge.com/blog/