Gita Yoga White Paper Improve your life in 5 months using the principles of Bhagavad Gita

Gita Yoga White Paper: 8 Steps to Improving Your Life Using Principles of the Bhagavad Gita

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Learn how to dramatically improve your life in 8 steps using the principles of the Bhagavad Gita.

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Gita YogaWhite Paper

Improve your life in

5 months

using the principles of Bhagavad Gita

By Andre Gray


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In this economy financial stability, let alone security, is difficult to achieve. Relationships with our spouses, children, relatives and friends can be strained, unhealthy and even destructive. If we or someone we love are dealing with health problems this can also exact a heavy and very damaging toll on us emotionally.

It is well documented that in stressful financial times divorce rates soar and the number of articles in health magazines and scientific journals that link illnesses to strained or broken relationships is too numerous to count.

All these issues, when unresolved and left unchanged can lead to:

Insomnia Digestive Problems Eating Disorders Emotional Distress Irritability Anger and Resentment Divorce Loneliness Anxiety Stress

The longer we do not address these issues and change course the higher the probability that we will not be able to change course at all. This does not have to be so. We can start a processs today and in less than 5 months have turned our life completely around.

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The Cause

End of the world conspiracy theorists notwithstanding the probably of modern society coming an abrupt halt in the next year are unlikely.

Merely endeavoring to survive, not to mention succeed, in today’s world can be overwhelming, causing stress, straining our relationships and diminishing our emotional and physical health.

The solutions we need are solutions that have stood the test of time are as sound today as ever before. The principles of the Bhagavad Gita are such solutions. The principles of the Bhagavad Gita are tried and tested. The endorsements of Arjuna, Shankara, Thoreau, Emerson and Gandhi are testimony to the universally applicable nature of its content.

The Requirements

What you will need:

Bhagavad Gita Bhagavad Gita Mentor/Advisor Journal/Diary 45 uninterrupted minutes a day, 5 days a week. Commitment

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How to Begin

1) Select a time of day when you can remain uninterrupted for 45 minutes. This is of absolute necessity.

2) Spend some time identifying, clarifying and writing out the two biggest issues or problems you face. Write these two issues clearly and concisely in two separate sentences/phrases on the first page of your journal. (We will work only on solving and dealing with two of your major concerns in this 5 month period, no more.)

3) Share these two issues with your Mentor.

4) Monday: Write Problem #1 into your journal.

5) Open the Bhagavad Gita to the first chapter and begin reading. As you read, with attention and focus, ideas, solutions and realizations will begin to come to mind as the various philosophical principles resonant with the issue you are confronting in your own life. As these ideas and solutions come to mind stop reading and write them down in your journal before continuing. Read only the first chapter.

6) If during your reading no ideas or possible solutions come to you, do not be worried, this is common and more than likely to be the case. If, however, you were able to write down some possible ideas and solutions go back, read them and plan a way that you will implement or begin to implement that idea or solution in the next 24 hours.

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7) Tuesday: Repeat the process with Problem #2. Write the problem at the top of the appropriate page and begin reading the first chapter of the Gita. Again you will write any ideas or solutions that come to mind. Review the ideas and find ways to implement those ideas and solutions in the next 24 hours.

NOTE: Read the same chapter the entire week. Monday and Wednesday read for problem #1. Tuesday and Thursday read for Problem #2.

8) Friday: Compile the solutions of the week on to the page, along with any questions or clarification you need about a particular principle. Contact your Mentor/Advisor, either by phone or e-mail, and share the progress you have made over the week. You can also take this opportunity to ask any questions you may have about particular points in the Gita and how to implement them in relation to the problems on which you are currently working. Continue to implement the ideas and solutions gained over the previous four days.

9) Following Monday: Repeat the process reading from chapter two.

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The Results

There are 18 Chapters in the Gita, reading a chapter a week you will have completed this process in less than 5 months. You will have spent this time proactively confronting, addressing and solving the two problems that have caused you distress.

After the 5 months you will find:

Those two “enormous” problems, if not already solved, are no longer insurmountable but are smaller and far more manageable life issues.

You are in control of your problems they are not in control of you. You have regained self-confidence. You will have significantly reduced if not eliminated stress and

anxiety. Your relationships have improved dramatically as well as your ability

to sustain them. You have found the power and optimism that comes with confronting

and dealing constructively with life’s issues.

5 months may seem like a long time, particularly when we are distressed. However, with this process you will make incredible improvements in the situation, and in your ability to deal with the situation, within weeks, not months.

For more information contact the author Andre Gray at::


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