Mirakler i Koranen Næstved, 2012 Isam Saeed

Koranens mirakler - islam konference okt.12

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Mirakler i Koranen

Næstved, 2012

Isam Saeed

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August 2012:

Jewish genetics expert from

the Albert Einstein College of

Medicine converted to Islam

as a result of scientific

evidence supporting the


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o Keith Leon Moore (born 5 October 1925 in Brantford, Ontario) is a professor emeritus in the division of anatomy, in the Faculty ofSurgery, at the University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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o {de ikke tænke Koranen Havde det været fra andre end Allah, de ville have fundet mange uoverensstemmelser}. (Kvinder: 82).

o Dr. Miller siger dette vers: «videnskabelige principper er kendt på nuværende tidspunkt princippet om at finde fejl i de teorier, for at bevise ægtheden, og det ironiske er, at Koranen opfordrer til muslimer og andre til at finde det vil ikke have fejl.

o Miller stoppe længe på følgende vers:{Har ikke de vantro vidst, at himlene og jorden blev syet sammen

og fremstillet af vand alt levende du ikke tror}. (Anbīya: 30).

o Siger: "Dette vers er netop emnet for videnskabelig forskning, der vandt Nobelprisen i 1973 og var for Big Bang teorien, hvori det hedder, at den eksisterende univers er resultatet af en enorm eksplosion skete ham universet, inklusive himlen og planeter.

Gary Miller

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God created everything from water. Scientists

found that percentage of water in the bodies of

the living organisms is more than 70%, God


(And We have made from water every living thing )

Sûrat Al-Anbiyâ-’Verse 30)

(Allah has created every moving (living) creature from

water ) (Sûrat An-Nûr- verse45)

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So Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators

11 22 33

44 55 66 77

Then We made the Nutfah into a clot

And indeed We created man

(Adam) out of an extract of clay

Thereafter We made him as a Nutfah and

lodged it in a safe lodging

And then We brought it forth as

another creation.

Then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh

Then We made out of that little lump of flesh


Then We clothed the bones with flesh

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One of the most strange phenomena is the creation of human !

one cell grows to be 100 trillion cell , How does this operation

happen? who controls this precise program, Is it nature or the

creator of nature?

100000000000000One hundred trillion cell

A fertilized cell which is seen only by a microscope

After 9 months

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The most strange thing is that the mother cell starts to split but it

doesn’t produce same cells, but different cells ,some of it for skin,

bone , brain eye and heart , etc……who tells these cells to do

such job ? God says:

(He has created everything, and has measured it exactly

according to its due measurements ) (Sûrat Al-Furqân -verse2).

The program of life… who made it?

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God had created human from water and dust , therefore we

find that water is about 2/3 of our body, so mixing water with

dust produce clay , which is our origin, God says :(And indeed

We created man (Adam) out of an extract of clay (water and

Dust) ) ( Surat Al-Mu’minûn - verse 12 )


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The Nutfah is not seen by naked eye because of its smallness, but

medical researches show that secret of life is more smaller than that

and it is in the deep of the Nutfah, in what is called the hereditary

tape (DNA) which contains all necessary information to create a

Sane man. God says :(Thereafter We made him as a Nutfah and

lodged it in a safe lodging ) ( Surat Al-Mu’minûn - verse 13 ) the safe lodging

is the uterus, scientists say that the uterus becomes greater a

thousand times after pregnancy!!!

The Nutfah

Which is The produced sperm by man


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The head of the sperm contains all needed programs and information

to produce the embryo , therefore it is responsible for the

determination of the sex of the fetus (male or female). Qur’an refers to

that as God Says: (And that He (Allah) creates the pairs, male and

female * From Nutfah (drops of semen - male and female discharges)

when it is emitted ) (Sûrat An-Najm – verse 45- 46)

Length of the sperm is less than one part of one hundred part of millimeterLength of the sperm is less than one part of one hundred part of millimeter

Each time the man ejaculate Each time the man ejaculate 300 million sperm! 300 million sperm!

Sperm is supported by a long tail to help it in the swimming toward the target,

that tail will be separated from the sperm before penetrating the ovum.

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(Does not man see that We

have created him from

Nutfah Yet behold he

(stands forth) as an open


When the first sperm enters the ovum ,that ovum starts to secrete a When the first sperm enters the ovum ,that ovum starts to secrete a

matter to close its cover in front of all sperms . after mating , the fertilized matter to close its cover in front of all sperms . after mating , the fertilized

cell starts to secrete hormone of HCC which is detected by the pregnancy cell starts to secrete hormone of HCC which is detected by the pregnancy

revealer , this hormone orders the entire body to stop the menstrual revealer , this hormone orders the entire body to stop the menstrual

period and also gives an indication for the woman that she is pregnant. period and also gives an indication for the woman that she is pregnant.


Ovum (Sûrat Yâ-Sîn – verse 77)

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After the merger of the sperm with an ovum , splits start at once,

and then the fertilized ovum goes toward the wall of the uterus to

stick and cling to it. God says: ( It is He, Who has created you

(Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah [mixed semen drops of

male and female sexual discharge] then from a clot (a piece of

coagulated blood) ) (Sûrat Ghâfir- verse 67 )

The clot

The inner wall of the uterusThe inner wall of the uterus


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A little lump

of flesh

After that , the embryo is transformed to Something like a chewed

piece of meat , God says about that :(then from a little lump of flesh -

some formed and some unformed (as in the case of miscarriage) -

that We may make (it) clear to you (i.e. to show you Our Power and

Ability to do what We will). And We cause whom We will to remain in

the wombs for an appointed term) (Sûrat Al-Hajj – verse5 )

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Look attentively at the

size of the embryo

when it is one month old

as its length is less than

4 millimeter and look at

length of the Fetus just

before birth

Who guides that embryo in his journey to life ?

He is Almighty God who says: (Our Lord is He Who gave

to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright ) (surat Taha- verse 50).

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After nine months , Fetus

gets out to be a child with

ears , eyes and brain

which contains

1000000000000 cell .

How does this child know

the exact time to go

out ???? Allah is the doer

who says: (then brings you

forth as an infant ) (Sûrat

Ghâfir- verse 67).

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Human embryoCat embryo

(Or do they assign to Allah partners who created the like of His creation, so that the creation (which they made and His creation) seemed alike to them?" Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things; and He is the One, the Irresistible.) (Sûrat Ar-Ra‘d – verse 16)

There is a big similarity between the embryo of many living organisms , which testify that there is only one creator

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Also there is a similarity between The beginning of galaxies

and the embryo at early stages which testify that there is

only one creator (be He exalted and blessed), God says:

(Allah is the creator of every thing) , Glory to God !!!

Image for a far galaxy in its early stages

Image for an embryo in its early stages

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There is an amazing similarity between the brain weave for an

embryo and the cosmic web for a galaxy !! It is really hard for a

human to distinguish between both of them . It is an indication that

the creator of universe is the creator of human!!

Brain weaveBrain weave Cosmic webCosmic web

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1) "verdenen (dunia)" står der 115 gange i Koranen i forhold til 115 gange for "dommedag


2) "engel" dukkede 88 gange sammenlignet med 88 gange for "djævle".

 3) "Life" står der 145 gange i forhold til 145 gange for "død".

 4) "fordel" står der 50 gange sammenlignet med 50 gange for "ulemper".

 5) "mennesker" står der 50 gange i forhold til 50 gange for "apostle".

6) "Satan" står der 11 gange i forhold til 11 gange for at søge tilflugt fra den fordømte Satan.

 7) "katastrofe" står der 75 gange sammenlignet med 75 gange for "Thanksgiving".

 10) "muslimer" står der 41 gange i forhold til 41 gange for "jihad".

 11) "Gold" står der 8 gange sammenlignet med 8 gange til ”lykkeligliv”.

 13) "zakat" står der 32 gange sammenlignet med 32 gange for "velsignelse (baraka)".

 14) "sind (aqil)" står der 49 gange i forhold til 49 gange for "lys".

18) "uretfærdighed (dholm)" står der 114 gange mod 114 gange til "tålmodighed".

 19) "Muhammad" står der 4 gange i forhold til 4 gange for "sharia".

 20) "Mand" står der 24 gange i forhold til 24 gange for "kvinde".

Mirakler i Koranen og digital beregninger

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Den anden mirakel:

 1) "Prayer": 5 gange.

 2) "måned": 12 gange.

3) "I dag": 365 gange.

 4) "Sea": 32 gange.

5) "Earth (land)": 13 gange.

• Bemærk: Earth = Sea + jord = 32 + 13 = 45.

 Sea procentdel af jord = = ( 32÷ 45 ) * 10071,111111

 Andel af jordens jord = (13÷ 45 ) * 100 = 28.888888

 Andelen af arealer + sea ratio = 100%

 Det er, hvad resultaterne af moderne videnskab nylig.