Obo Manobo Ministry Updates By: Orlando L. Calimpitan MMCCAI Officers: Orlando L Calimpitan [Chairman], Billy Cabalinan [Vice Chairman], Joel Pang-ot [Secretary], Osias Encarnacion [Treasurer], Elmer Cabuyao [Officer-In- Charge] Orlando L. Calimpitan [Speaker] "The Great Challenge" during the grand fellowship of Magpet churches of Christ. Orlando L. Calimpitan taught the subject "Leaders fit for the Lord's Work". The subject is about perseverance and lifestyle as ministers/pastors. Cristina Calimpitan, one of the lecturer and taught " Women, Go and Shine" shared about womens' role in the church. Cristina Calimpitan is active in church activities especially in supporting ministerial work of MMCCAI. MMCCAI officers meet to discuss Ministers Convention to be held at Communal, Buhangin, Davao City scheduled on October 11-13, 2012. Purpose for this convention is to enhanced leadership of ministers/pastors and promote unity among ministers/ pastors. Bro. Mel Maldupana was chosen to be the speaker. Prayer Request: 1. Ministers/Pastors' Unity. 2. Peace and Order in Mindanao 3. Financial Assistance for Ministers Convention. 4. Souls win for Christ 5. Church involvement in church planting. Evening worship service at Palo 6, Sallab, Magpet, Cotabato. More or less 300 participants from local churches of Christ at Magpet Municipality. Present were Bro. Samuel Villacencio, [Ambassadors for Christ Team], Antonio Mijangos,[Magpet District Evangelist] and Billy Cabalinan, Kidapawan District Evangelist]


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Obo Manobo Ministry Updates By:

Orlando L. Calimpitan

MMCCAI Officers: Orlando L Calimpitan [Chairman], Billy Cabalinan [Vice Chairman], Joel Pang-ot [Secretary], Osias Encarnacion [Treasurer], Elmer Cabuyao [Officer-In-Charge]

Orlando L. Calimpitan [Speaker] "The Great Challenge" during the grand fellowship of Magpet churches of Christ.

Orlando L. Calimpitan taught the subject "Leaders fit for the Lord's Work". The subject is about perseverance and lifestyle as ministers/pastors.

Cristina Calimpitan, one of the lecturer and taught " Women, Go and Shine" shared about womens' role in the church. Cristina Calimpitan is active in church activities especially in supporting ministerial work of MMCCAI.

MMCCAI officers meet to discuss Ministers Convention to be held at Communal, Buhangin, Davao City scheduled on October 11-13, 2012. Purpose for this convention is to enhanced leadership of ministers/pastors and promote unity among ministers/ pastors. Bro. Mel Maldupana was chosen to be the speaker.

Prayer Request:

1. Ministers/Pastors' Unity. 2. Peace and Order in Mindanao 3. Financial Assistance for Ministers Convention. 4. Souls win for Christ 5. Church involvement in church planting.

Evening worship service at Palo 6, Sallab, Magpet, Cotabato. More or less 300 participants from local churches of Christ at Magpet Municipality. Present were Bro. Samuel Villacencio, [Ambassadors for Christ Team], Antonio Mijangos,[Magpet District Evangelist] and Billy Cabalinan, Kidapawan District Evangelist]