JELENA VUKASINOVIC, PhD THE TRUE NATURE OF I AM Meditation program: "The Metaphysics of Love" Science of Consciences [email protected] www.themetaphysicsoflove.blogspot.rs

THE TRUE NATURE OF I AM - Jelena Vukasinovic, PhD

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Page 1: THE TRUE NATURE OF I AM -  Jelena Vukasinovic, PhD



Meditation program: "The Metaphysics of Love"

Science of Consciences

[email protected]


Page 2: THE TRUE NATURE OF I AM -  Jelena Vukasinovic, PhD

“I was 33 when I came to my Guru, and with 37 I was realized”

Jelena Vukasinovic, PhD

Teacher of meditation

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All point in self-realization is that you don’t need to do anything for being happy.

All things must come by themselves. Happiness don’t need any reason, any act,

it simply is. It comes when we accept life as it comes. But it is not so easy to come

in flow of spontaneous, because being spontaneous depends on our ETC

(emotions – thoughts – concepts) code, which in this case mean our habits,

thoughts, ideas, concepts, emotions and deeds. Our ETC code is qualified by our

desires and fears. If we have more goodness in our ETC code, spontaneously we

will manifest goodness in our life, but in contrary if we have more badness in it

we will spontaneously have bad manifestations on our life.

Most of people don’t look on themselves as totality, and don’t realize that all

their lives is just their own projection, and that when they change ETC code the

manifestation will change too. Until that we are separated in our own minds and

our desires and fears qualify our destiny.

The base of happiness is in Absolute (Pure Consciousness), but it is in material

to, because without physical body happiness don’t have any instrument for

realization and manifestation. We always must be at the border of consciousness

and nonconsciousness, it means that we must be aware that we are the source,

not manifestation.

The main goal is to overcome the clamp for our own personality. That means

that we must take the responsibility from destiny in finding the way of

discovering happiness in ourselves, the only place in which we can find it.

The only way for discovering happiness is in finding the source of unhappiness,

because happiness is our natural state of Being. The source of unhappiness is in

our own mind. And the only way to abolish mind is to find its own source.

Traveling in to the source of mind is not an easy job, it needs courage and hard

will because it is a trip to nowhere, and there are no book that can learn us about

that. Finding the source of mind is - transcendence of mind. After the

transcendence of mind we are staying in Absolute, from which we have never


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In that transcendence state of mind, which is our real nature, we are coming

through non-dual experience. Non – dual experience has it source in Absolute,

as a potential, and further in Pure Consciousness, and it assumes that person

have knowledge that „I am” is the source of everything, the source of creation,

energy and all manifestation. We can’t describe the experience of I am, because

for that we need mind, and there is no mind in it. But still we cannot say that

such an experience doesn’t exist. It is beyond principles - man and woman,

positive and negative. It don’t contain dualities. It is always with us, and it is not

conditioned with anyone or anything.

Non- dual experiences are happiness, love, knowledge, blessedness, infinity,

silence, emptiness. They exist in all our experience because their source is in the

complete mind. From the complete mind which is Love follows all the emotions.

There are different types of blessedness – Savikalpa Samadhi, Nirvikalpa

Samadhi, Nirvikapla Sahadja Samadhi and in final Nirvana as Maha Samadhi.


Samadhi is a state of consciousness, the Divine state of consciousness in which

we lose our personality and become one with God, Universe, one with our

selves. But the true is that we do not become nothing what we haven’t been yet,

and that we only lose the illusion of the projected world, although we still live in

it with absolute understanding that all that world is in us. That is physical,

mental, emotional and spiritual understanding.

On the physical level in Samadhi we have the same feeling about our body and

other material forms. There are no any difference in, for example touching your

left hand and touching the hand of your partner. The feeling is the same.

Certainly we can always „came back“ to our own body and feel that difference

by paying the attention on the difference. Without that we feel that we all are

the same, as being in Samadhi assumes that our point of view is different. We

don't see things as they are, we see them as we are, and in this case we are the

source of universe not his manifestation.

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On the mental level when we are in Samadhi we feel that we are the source, and

we see by our physical eyes that everything is in us. That is not philosophy nor

metaphysics concept that is our own every day experience. When we open the

eyes we see our bad, our body, our family in us. When we go out we see that the

trees are in us, we see the cars moving through us, we see the other people

walking through us, and that is physical and mental understanding. There are no

thought in Samadhi, there are no any concepts nor doubts, presumption and

worries. The mind is quiet, and we hear only silence. Music of silence is then our

own melody. And wherever we go we here only silence, no matter are we with

thousand people, or we are alone by the river.

On the emotional level in Samadhi we know that all that manifestation follows

from one point of our existence, and that in this point is the center of the

Universe. This point is our Spiritual Hart. Our mind and all our manifestations are

just the part of that Divine emotion which emerges from our Spiritual Hart and

that emotion fulfills all our world. We have physical feeling that our Hart is big

as Universe, because we know that our Hart is our Universe. We can call that

emotion, as the state of Love. Universal Love which is the same as Knowledge

and Creation, and which is applied on human being as Individual Love,

Knowledge and Creation. There are no other emotions in that state of mind. We

are Love all the time, and because of that we can see only love in our life.

On the spiritual level Samadhi assumes that our consciousness is accumulate all

dualities, all principals, all ideas, all manifestations, and that it just Is. That state

of complete mind and the existence we can only describe as - I am. As we sow

there are no words, thoughts, emotions by which we can describe that level of

the existence. You simply know that – You are, and you don’t need any proof for

this. You are the proof to your selves.

There are different types of Samadhi, although that division is also illusion,

because Absolute is One, only our mind see it self different form It. That is why

we can say that that division is only the division of perception of our true nature,

more closely the perception of out Divine nature.

Those types of Samadhi are - Savikalpa Samadhi, Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Nirvikapla

Sahadja Samadhi and in final Nirvana as Maha Samadhi.

Before we explain the manifestation of all of these types of Samadhi we must

first say that Samadhi is not the same as Absolute. Samadhi is a state of mind

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and implies complete mind, but in Absolute there are no mind. In Samadhi we

have Divine emotions as Universal Love, Knowledge and Power applied on a

human being as Individual Love, Knowledge and Power, but in Absolute there

are no any emotions. In Samadhi we see the world in us, in Absolute there are

no world. Absolute see only Absolute, and It is a source of all the experience.

Therefore the realization comes step by step, form the first spontaneously

Samadhi experience, which can take just a several minutes a day, to complete

disappearance in Absolute when we have just a several minutes, or hours a day

in Maha Samadhi when we give lecture, when we write, heal people, make a

food…etc. Because of that Absolute is our primary goal and Samadhi is the way

which can bring us to our goal.

Now we can explain those types of our Divine experience…Samadhi.


This is a first level of Samadhi in which we came in spontaneously. Samadhi

cannot be practiced, it happens when, and if it happens. There are no any

guarantee that our devoted meditation, practice and life will bring us to

Samadhi. It just happens, and there are no explanation why it happens to some

people, and to some people not. All manifestation is just a God’s play and

spontaneity is it main rule. Of course there are lot of meditation techniques

which can bring us close to Samadhi. But it can come also in other ways as to

painters, writers, scientists. The main connection point on all of these ways is

that in some period of time we abolish our mind, when we are present in „here

and now“. It can be done by meditation, pranayama, creation in art and science,

or by making love as it can be in Tantra. All of these practices can just prepare

our body and mind to receive first Samadhi.

When it happens we are on our way to realization, and there are no way back.

On that point we are in Savikalpa Samadhi. We had some experience of complete

mind, it last some short period of time, and it gone away. After that we had to

put a huge effort to maintain that state of complete mind, and it come through

meditation, or other devoted practices. That state of complete mind, or Samadhi

can come back again spontaneously but usually it requires from us active

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relationship and lot of meditation practice to keep our mind still. There are still

subject, object and process of observation, and we can said that mind

disappeared in Samadhi and yet it constituted again very quickly.

Regardless on that this rise from dualistic mind to Savikalpa Samadhi is the

biggest rise in our entire life, because it define that we are “on the Way” and

everything from that moment to complete realization will be in service of that

Devine Goal. At the beginning there are long periods of time in dualistic mind,

and a very short in complete mind. By the time those periods of complete mind

are longer, and those of dualistic mind are shorter, but still we need to put our

effort to maintains them by integrating our ECT (emotions – concepts- thoughts)

code in Samadhi.

The Metaphysic of Love is meditation program which bring us directly to

Samadhi, and then help us to integrate ECT code, and to come closer to the next

step of Devine consciousness - Nirvikalpa Samadhi.


The second phase on our way to infinity calls Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In that state of

consciousness the dissolution of mind come much easier, but still we must put

some effort in it through meditation. The very much difference between

Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi is in experience of personality. In Savikalpa

Samadhi we have so called “personal blessedness”. We have some periods of

time when we are in the state of compete mind, but it is personal experience.

We still have the feeling that world is separated from us, although we experience

it from the state of complete mind. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi there are no subject

and object. The world become non-personalized, and our experience of it is from

the point of source, not manifestation. In this phase we still must meditate to

stay in Samadhi for longer periods of time, because there are still periods of

dualistic mind in which we are dealing with our ETC (emotions – concepts-

thoughts) code.

It is also the time of our Spiritual Hart growth. At first in Savikalpa Samadhi we

got that Devine feeling form the right side of the chest, but it was as breeze

coming from that point. We could increase it only by meditation. In Nirvikalpa

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Samadhi we have that physical feeling that our Hart become bigger every day,

and that it becomes the center of our Universe. Slowly that feeling become

stronger, and in one point you know that your Spiritual Hart is a center of the

Universe, and overall manifestation, because it is bigger then Universe,

respectively the Universe is in your Spiritual Hart.

Meditation on Nirvikalpa Samadhi, on growing the Spiritual Hart and on

integration our ETC (emotions – concepts- thoughts) code, as we do in "The

Metaphysics of Love", when time is come will bring us to second level of Devine

consciousness - Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi.


In Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi there is no dualistic mind any more, there are no

any dualities in One’s experience. Its’s a state of observing conscious and

unconscious experience. The mind is totally immersed in blessedness and it

came through only when One must do something related to the body. The One

in this state of consciousness always have knowledge of being person and being

Absolute at the same time.

The difference between Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi is

that in Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi there are no need for meditation, mind is

always in Samadhi, and the manifested world have no influence on it, and at the

end meditation become our natural state of mind. When we forget the idea of

meditation, we are in Nirvikalpa Sahaja Samadhi.1


In Hinduism and Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain,

a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go

1 Gruičić, Zoran, Gruičić Dušan: „Blessedness“, youTOPagencija, Novi Sad, Futoški Put 40b, 2016, pp. 89.

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away. 2 Nirvana is a state of freedom from all suffering that Buddhists believe

can be achieved by removing all personal wishes.3 It is a state of perfect

quietude, freedom, highest happiness along with it being the liberation from

samsara, the repeating cycle of birth, life and death.4

Nirvana or Maha (Great) Samadhi manifest as silence, peace, fullness, absolute

liberation from all worries, fears, absolute non dualistic experience,

permanently blessedness and unlimited and permanent happiness.

In this state of consciousness complete mind survive in constantly liberally

awareness about Pure Consciousness. Once we achieve Nirvana it never go

away, it always stay with us although it never left. By itself Nirvana is Love. It is

complete experience of man and God at the same time. As in Absolute there are

no any experience, the One is always at the teeter “there are no experience”-

“there is experience”. Knowledge about the idea that there are something which

preceded on all our experience bring us at the end of our realization process,

bring us to the understanding of our true nature, to Absolute.

We can conclude that Nirvana is a double experience – the experience of person

which we can describe with statement “I am”, and the experience of Absolute,

although there are no experience in Absolute. We can call it consciously

experience of absolute potential. 5


Before we were born and after we die we are Absolute in the meanwhile we are

Absolute to, but still we do not know our true nature, and all described processes

of realization have only one goal, and that goal is to achieve Absolute and to

reveal our true Being. This world is just an illusion just like it is birth and death.

Those all are just manifestation in consciousness, just an illusions of mind. When

2 Awailable at: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/nirvana 3 Awailable at: http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/nirvana 4 Anindita N. Balslev: „On World Religions: Diversity, Not Dissension“, SAGE Publications. 2004, pp. 28–29. ISBN 978-93-5150-405-4. 5 Gruičić, Zoran, Gruičić Dušan: „Blessedness“, youTOPagencija, Novi Sad, Futoški Put 40b, 2016, pp. 90

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there is no mind there is no world. The world begin with the beginning of mind,

and ends with the mind disappearance. It is like in the state of a deep dream.

We cannot say that we do not exist in that state of a deep dream, although there

are no world, there are no memories, there are no experience in the state of a

deep dream, but still we exists. Because of that we can ask ourselves what does

exists in that state of a deep dream, and where does it go with the birth of mind.

As we said earlier different types of Samadhi are not Absolute, because they

arise from It. Absolute cannot be described in any way, because we should have

mind to describe something and in the Absolute we cannot constitute the mind.

It is a state similar to the state of a deep dream but still it is consciously state of

Knowledge where Knowledge know It self. Knowing the Absolute means being

the Absolute.

Absolute is real because in its base is Conscience or Knowledge, but still we

cannot say that Absolute is just a Conscience or Knowledge. Absolute is nor

awareness, nor no-awareness. Be aware of something means that we separate

ourselves from Absolute, be unaware means that we are the Absolute.

Experience is a state of mind, and the Absolute is a state beyond mind. We

cannot prove Absolute, but we cannot disprove It. Absolute is a final creator,

maintainer and canceler which is doing all by non – doing, by Its own existence.

Absolute consists of potential: Conscience, as the source of all creation (as male

principle), and Nature, the big low of all creation from which derive the low of

karma, and the low of cause and consequence (as female principle).6

From Absolute arises Pure Consensus which we can describe as Universal Love,

Universal Knowledge and Universal Creation. Pure Consensus applied on men

manifests as Consensus which is Individual Love, Individual Knowledge and

Individual Creation. Consensus is the source of mind and all manifested world.

6 The same, pp. 92-93.