Times of rain GOOD RAIN BAD RAIN

Times of rain

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Page 1: Times of rain

Times of rain GOOD RAIN BAD RAIN

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Today we will be talking about the rain. With this reflection we want to ask our father to talk to us in the name of YESHUA

It seems this year it has rained more than the usual and it is said we should be expecting way more Rain.

The rain can tell us 2 things in our lives

# 1. Its a blessing: that’s why in churches we sing or say pour down your rain and its good to ask for rain when you are under a roof but what if you don’t have a roof over you. But what if you did not have that roof over you. What if you were to see your land being flooded would you keep asking for rain?

I think its safe to say we wouldn't ask. So let me be clear rain is a blessing I remember a couple of years back in Texas it did not rain for a wile the ground was latterly cracking the prices on hay bails had gone sky high every one wanted to be a farmer with bails of hay because it was easy money. if you had hay in storage from when it had rained before.

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#2: but it can also be catastrophic like yes its raining like our brothers in Houston and Corpus are going through right now it all depends where you are and it also depend on your situation if you are in agriculture well you probably are happy when it rains if you just planted and are wanting it to rain thinking wow I'm glad its raining but if you work in construction well that would mean you cant work till rain goes away and if it’s a week that means no work no money cant pay rent if you have a company that means you could loos a lot of money or loos contracts now lets talk in spiritual terms if the LORD was to pour down his blessings on you wouldn't that be a tremendous blessing to us I think we all at one point in our lives have experiment his touch his blessing in our lives for some of us we cry and some times we worship and some times we prais and we don’t know why that is the lord touching your lives in we should take advantage of his presence upon use the manifestation of his touch upon us because there is times where we wont even feel a thing I think we have all felt some times like you can pray worship and you don’t feel nothing and when you don’t feel it you worry you feel desperate for his touch but it also happens that when he lets his blessings his presence upon use and we despise it this could mean our down fall why because some times the Lord wants to manifest his self on you take you to another level and you resist you self like ohh no not me not today what is this or that person going to think.

Our bodies contain the same thing the dirt contains and just like the dirt needs water we need that spiritual water from our creator our bodies are thirsty for his presence


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Some people even come out of the service saying I didn't feel anything the holly spirit was touching that person but not me well you were resisting him

You did not want that blessing and un like us our father tells you this today

• And we can see it in several passages in the bible the Deu 11:14 then He shall give to your land the early and latter rain in its season, and you shall bring in your grain, your wine, and your oil.

• Deu 11:15 And He shall give food in your fields to your livestock; and when you have eaten and are full,

He is not like us that we get mad and stop talking to people and we pay back the same way or worst. Even if we despise him today he will send the latter rain he will continue to send that blessing to make Shure you are fully blessed if you are his son or daughter so you can have that chance so when you fell lonely and sad when you feel all alone he is their to tell you I am hear you are not alone. Rain in the Hebrew word is pronounced Matarmeaning water rain drizzle but before Noah their was no rain that’s why people did not believe him when he said it was going to rain it like go out and people fire is going to rain what would people think of you they would think you are crazy we haven't seen that people would make fun of you and

Before Noah it was only the “Dew "that would water the land what dose this tell us that only a touch of his presence is all we need .but some times we are so hungry one touch is not enough we hunger for more

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Where did the rain first take place the bible tells us it first happened with Noah and ever since we have seen too much rain Has caused damage but too little rain has done also done damage and we are going to see there is a balance in this he also said he would not destroy earth with water again

In actuality it is considered a weather phenomenon it is classified in its elements like intensity the frequency and constancy and altitude and how profound it goes and its distributes do you imagen a rain drop? We commonly think its like a tear drop like every one paints them but they are round and are round or oval the little ones are round the bigger ones are oval they are like o.5 and or 6..35 millimeters and their velocity is 4 to 16 miles per hour and it depends in its volume and its intensity now that’s what science says but what dose the word of God tell us. Rain is classified as 2 things early and later rain just 2 ways simple but through out the word it’s the same I want us to understands what is the early and the later rain

When we have drought and the ground yearns for that rain it is a blessing when it rains but when it is what if it has been raining already then if it continues to rain then we got problems it could be catastrophic but rain in dew time is grate it is of blessing and it is rejoicing what dose this mean it has a grate teaching to us it talks to us physical and spiritual. it can change our lives both ways spiritual and physical .

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Jer 5:21 Hear now these things, O foolish and senseless people; who have eyes, and see not; and have ears, and hear not:

Jer 5:22 Will you not fear Me? Says the Lord; and will you not fear before Me, who has set the sand as a boundary for the sea, as a perpetual ordinance, and it shall not pass it. Yes, it shall rage, but not prevail; and its waves shall roar, but not pass over it.

• God put a limit to the sea it would go to a certain limit and that’s it the waves go big but return back it beautiful when you get a condo or have house near the sea and enjoy the beauty of it Jer 5:23 But this people have a disobedient

and rebellious heart; and they have turned aside and gone back.

• Jer 5:24 And they have not said in their heart, Let us fear now the Lord our God, who gives us the early and latter rain, according to the season of the fulfillment of the ordinance of harvest, and has preserved it for us.

• Jer 5:25 Your transgressions have turned away these things, and your sins have removed good things from you.

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God is not a mean person like some people say ohh those of you who believe in that God who is mean ya’ll are crazy no he has always been a good and mercifully God he even sends his rain upon good and bad people and his son to shine on the ones who believe in him and those who don’t how amazing is our God but what happens when people keep giving the glory to things other than God is their any one who can stop this hurricane I will tell you who God if we only turn to him turn to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob every station has its reason can you imagen it raining only

• In winter what would we do in the spring what would we reap our plants wouldn't grow so rain in dew time is good. The times we are living seams global worming and all the pollution has affected our stations but our God says it will rain when he said and snow will come when he established it its that simple he cares about us it don’t mater what the Meteorologist say because he keeps the seasons in early and later rain. Jer 5:24 And they have not said in their

heart, Let us fear now the Lord our God, who gives us the early and latter rain, according to the season of the fulfillment of the ordinance of harvest, and has preserved it for us.

• Jer 5:25 Your transgressions have turned away these things, and your sins have removed good things from you.

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• People have told god we don’t want this even use that we are gods chosen people and we are making his blessing's depart from us its not that god don’t look out for us or he did not want to deliver us no he dose we are just too busy to attend to his outpour of his presence to his calling Jer 5:25 Your transgressions

have turned away these things, and your sins have removed good things from you

What dose God want from us to have a sincere hart would you like to have a fake friend that tells you to your face ohh muh muh I love you and as soon as you turn around boom stab in the back the Lord doesn't like it ether people who sing and worship and say they want to do his will and yet do what they want when they want and do not what the Lord has said why because I can. Once their was a man who asked so what can we do as servant's of God or what are we allowed to do well anything it just depends where you want to spend eternal life the choice is yours Romans 3:23For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious

standard we are not perfect that’s the truth but its when a person has a

rebellious hart that we don’t care what God thinks any more that’s when

its bad .we can say all day I love you Lord but it like a mirage if your

husband screams at you all day ohh honey I love you and treats you like a

mop or worst it would be better for him to not tell you he loves you but to

treat you good am I right actions speak louder than words Jer 5:24 And they have not said in their heart, Let us fear now the Lord our God,

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Fear him is recognize that he has the power to do what he said he would do the queston is how do we benefit from the rain. Hosea 6:3 Let us strive to know the LORD. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land.



A person can come to church any church that don’t make you a better person its putting the word of God to practice knowing the God of Israel that is what is going to make you a better person your life will continue to change the more you know him the better you become the more you discover how wrong were you and the greatens of his mercy. we want to simply understand how it effects us the Torah describes the sun set like when we messed up some thing that’s established is dawn nothing will stop dawn from coming the Lord is the only one who can change it and he will in dew time in our lives the sunset symbolizes when we have messed up. The dawn symbolizes we have a new start every morning it’s a new opportunity you have the possibility to wake up and love some one so every morning you get a new opportunity in your life like that rain we have to be like the scripture says it we have to be certain that our light is growing till its perfect so you know Yeshua now what?

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• Now we must know him we must walk in his way experience his presece relate to him I said to him not to the paster or leader we are good to eat and chit chat but it means realat to that path that path where we are bonrnable to fall and if you do so shake that dust off and get up don’t stay cryng like a cry baby its permitedto stumble and fall don’t be like some people I know they can see people fall and they wont lift a finger to pick them up they ether lught or just stare at you if we see a brother fall tell that brother its not permited to stay their if you fall call on to the mighty name of yeshus tell him how you feel be honost with him and he will send his rain that later rain one last scripture Joe 2:1 Sound the

trumpet in Zion, make a proclamation in My holy mountain, and let all the inhabitants of the land be confounded; for the day of the Lord is near;

• Joe 2:2 for a day of darkness and gloominess is near, a day of cloud and mist; a numerous and strong people shall be spread upon the mountains as the morning; there has not been one like it from the beginning, and after it there shall not be again, even to the years of many generations.

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Joe 2:12 Therefore also now, says the LORD, turn you even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:

Joe 2:13 And tear your hearts, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and relents from sending calamity.

Joe 2:14 Who knows if he will return and have pity, and leave a blessing behind him; even a grain offering and a drink offering unto the LORD your God?

Joe 2:15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly:

Joe 2:16 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that nurse: let the bridegroom go forth from his chamber, and the bride out of her chamber.

Joe 2:17 Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare your people, O LORD, and give not your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them: why should they say among the people, Where is their God?

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The Lord Had Pity

Joe 2:18 Then will the LORD be jealous for his land, and pity his people.

Joe 2:19 Yea, the LORD will answer and say unto his people, Behold, I will send you grain, and wine, and oil, and you shall be satisfied with them: and I will no more make you a reproach among the nations:

Joe 2:20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, with his face toward the eastern sea, and his back toward the western sea, and his stench shall come up, and his foul smell shall come up, because he has done great things.

Joe 2:21 Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things.

Joe 2:22 Be not afraid, you beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wilderness do spring up, for the tree bears her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield their strength.

Joe 2:23 Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God: for he has given you the former rain faithfully, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.

Joe 2:24 And the threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil.

Joe 2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, and the consuming locust, and the cutting locust, my great army which I sent among you.

Joe 2:26 And you shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, who has dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

Joe 2:27 And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.

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When the rain falls and when it dose it will be in vane if we don’t prepare our land if we don’t prepare the land ahead of time it will all be in vane why because it will grow weed and the weed will not let the good crops grow but if we prepare the land with good seed what will happen we will reap good crops if we say God send the rain but we are not willing to put effort and time in it will be in vane. We have to prepare our selves what farmer wanting to get good crops and stays asleep all day and says well I want to reap good crops but ahh I don’t want to do the work. We ask and ask but we don’t want to prepare our harts and our harts have to be prepared to humble our selves and do exactly what the book joe says weep before the Lord ….