Why are you a Seventh Day Adventist ?

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Page 3: Why are you a Seventh Day Adventist ?

Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen by God as a peculiar people,

separate from the world. The great Cleaver of truth has cut them out of the

quarry of the world, and brought them in connection with himself. He has

made them his representatives, and has given them the work of exalting his

down-trodden law. {1888 1679.2}

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We have come to a time when God has been greatly dishonored. Those who have long

known our belief, and what we teach, have been surprised by the statement that the

Battle Creek Sanitarium is not denominational. No one has the right to make this

statement. It does not bear the witness that God wishes His people to bear before men

and angels. In the name of the Lord we are to identify ourselves as Seventh-day

Adventists. If any one among us is ashamed of our colors, and wishes to stand under

another banner, let him do so as a private individual, not as a representative of Seventh-

day Adventist medical missionary work. {Battle Creek Letters 52.5}

Let us take our position as Seventh-day Adventists. The name is a true expression of our

faith. I am instructed to call upon God's people to bring their actions into harmony with

their name, of which they have no need to be ashamed. The Seventh-day Adventist faith

will bless whenever it is brought into the character-building.

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I was shown in regard to the remnant people of God taking a name. Two classes

were presented before me. One class embraced the great bodies of professed

Christians. They were trampling upon God's law and bowing to a Papal

institution. They were keeping the first day of the week as the Sabbath of the

Lord. {4bSG 54.1}

The other class were but few in number, and were bowing to the great Law-

giver. They were keeping the fourth commandment. The peculiar and prominent

features of their faith were the observance of the seventh day, and waiting for

the appearing of our Lord from Heaven. {4bSG 54.2}

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Why are you ath-day Adventist?

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The Standard

‘The greatest want of the world is the want of men,—men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.'—Education, p. 57.

For such men and for such women God is calling today.

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Seventh-day Adventist Church Standards on:


• Health

• Reading

• Pure Speech

• Social Relations

• Music

• Amusement

• Dress

• Marriage

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Sabbath Observance

We appeal for wholehearted revival in true Sabbath observance.

Greet the sacred hours with prayer and song; close the day with

prayer and praise. Keep worldly music, worldly reading, worldly

activities, worldly conversation, out of this day.

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Sabbath Observance

Lay aside all secular papers and refrain from the use of the

radio (modern media) unless it be use in listening to a religious

service or programme. Sacredly guard the beginning and ending of

the Sabbath, especially having all the preparations fully made

before the setting of the sun. Faithfully attend the services of the

house of God.

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Sabbath Observance

Refrain from unnecessary automobile journeys, pleasure trips,

social visiting, and from the purchase of gasoline, newspapers, or

food supplies. Instead of our own pleasure, our own words, our

own business, and our own thoughts, let us call the Sabbath a

delight and employ its holy hours in prayer, Bible study, devotion,

and spiritual ministry for others.

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Our diet should be simple and nourishing; we should obtain sufficient

sleep; our recreation should be found in uplifting physical labor,

nature study, or ministry for others; while stimulants and luxuries

should be avoided; and as Christ's loyal sons and daughters, let this

be the motto and guiding principle of every life: 'Whether therefore

ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.' 1

Cor. 10:31.

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It would hardly seem necessary to remind our people that the use

of beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages, as well as tobacco in

any form, is a test of church fellowship among Seventh-day

Adventists. Those who have been led of Satan to indulge in the use

of these defilements of flesh and spirit, and persist in their use after

faithful warning, should be dis-fellowshipped from the church. The

good name of the church of Christ should not be brought into ill-

repute by permitting any user of liquor or tobacco to remain in its


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ReadingFrom the wealth of literature that floods our modern world,

candidates for heaven will select only those books and periodicals

that strengthen, elevate, and develop true character. Remembering

that evil and vicious literature is often published in the most

attractive guise, that tales of wild adventure and social laxness,

whether fact or fiction, damage mind and morals, blight spiritual

growth, and crowd out the nobler aspirations, all Christians should

turn from these things as they would from the leprosy, of a deadly


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Pure Speech

Speech is a God-given talent that should be used only to His

glory; and both the Bible and the Spirit of prophecy caution against

levity, cheapness in conversation, coarseness in language, and the

use of slang, all of which are wholly at variance with the ideals

of Christian attainment. Now is the time to become proficient in

the court language of heaven.

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We counsel the most careful discrimination in the selection of

music; for here is an influence that may be employed to cultivate

the finest qualities, or may be used to debase the soul and break

down the morality. The jargon that comes over the radio, and too

often into Adventist homes, is depraving the musical ear of the

world. Any melody partaking of the nature of ragtime and jazz,

any language expressing foolish, trivial, inane sentiments, should

never be heard in a Christian home.

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We commend the use of uplifting and ennobling music to the

exclusion of all other, and place our special approval upon

religious music and the selection of hymns which combine

majestic harmony with divine truth.

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Those who have seen the truth and felt its importance, and have had an

experience in the things of God, are to teach sound doctrine to their

children. They should make them acquainted with the great pillars of our

faith, the reasons why we are Seventh-day Adventists--why we are

called, as were the children of Israel, to be a peculiar people, a holy

nation, separate and distinct from all other people on the face of the


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These things should be explained to the children in simple language,

easy to be understood; and as they grow in years, the lessons imparted

should be suited to their increasing capacity, until the foundations of

truth have been laid broad and deep. {CG 495.1}

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We entreat our dear people to guard well their social and

recreational activities, remembering that mere amusement is the

idle wasting of empty hours. Surely no one preparing for the

coming of Jesus will be found at the theater, the carnival, the

movie house, the opera, the circus, the dance, the card table, or

in attendance at commercialized sports.

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Public recreational activities, unless under careful Christian

supervision, are frequently employed by Satan in destroying souls.

We strongly urge separation from worldly associations at skating

rinks 'and public bathing beaches. Friends, do not spend your

precious hours in playing chess, checkers, or similar games that

consume the time we should spend in missionary endeavor and

helpful ministry, for such infatuating amusements are opposed to

spiritual growth and have no place among us.

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In cases where members of the churches hold bridge or similar

card parties in their homes, or frequent such gatherings in other

places; or have dances in their homes or attend them elsewhere;

or frequent shows in theatre or movie houses, we recommend

that faithful labour be put forth to reclaim such individuals from

the errors of their way; but if this proves unsuccessful, that they

be dismissed from church membership.

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A Clear Declaration of Christian Principles

If you truly belong to Christ, you will have opportunities for witnessing for

Him. You will be invited to attend places of amusement, and then it will be

that you will have an opportunity to testify to your Lord. If you are true to

Christ then, you will not try to form excuses for your nonattendance, but

will plainly and modestly declare that you are a child of God, and your

principles would not allow you to be in a place, even for one occasion,

where you could not invite the presence of your Lord. {AH 519.2}

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A Clear Declaration of Christian Principles

It is God's purpose to manifest through His people the principles of His

kingdom. That in life and character they may reveal these principles, He

desires to separate them from the customs, habits, and practices of the

world. . . . {AH 519.3}

Wonderful scenes are opening before us; and at this time a living

testimony is to be borne in the lives of God's professed people so that the

world may see that in this age, when evil reigns on every side, there is yet a

people who are laying aside their will and are seeking to do God's will--a

people in whose hearts and lives God's law is written. {AH 519.4}

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A Clear Declaration of Christian Principles

God expects those who bear the name of Christ to represent Him.

Their thoughts are to be pure, their words noble and uplifting. The

religion of Christ is to be interwoven with all that they do and say. . . .

God desires His people to show by their lives the advantage of

Christianity over worldliness, to show that they are working on a

high, holy plane. {AH 519.5}

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In the choice of attire, we appeal to Christian manhood and

womanhood for dignity, modesty, good taste, and simplicity,

avoiding extravagance, flashiness, extreme fashions, and fads. Very

low necks, short sleeves, and short skirts fail to accord with

Christian standards. 'Satan is constantly devising some new style of

dress, . . . and he exults when he sees professed Christians

eagerly accepting the fashions he has invented. Testimonies, Vol.

IV, pp. 634, 635.

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Remembering also that our bodies are temples for the indwelling

of the Holy Spirit, let there be no artificial aids to change,

detract, disfigure, or discolor the handiwork of the Creator.

Neither will the true Christian desire to adorn the person with

jewelry; and in lands where the custom is not obligatory, no

'circlet of gold' should be worn as a testimony to marriage vows.

(Testimonies to Ministers, pp. 181, 182; Testimonies, Vol. IV, p.


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Social Relations

In an age of shattered social ideals and standards, let our young

men and women stand forth as representatives of purity and

virtue. Let the associations of all be characterized by Christian

cordiality, reserve, and dignity, avoiding all levity, cheapness, and

undue, familiarity. With demoralizing conditions about us that rival

the orgies of Sodom and Gomorrah, let all the approaches to an

untarnished character be sacredly guarded.

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God designs that every Christian home in its harmony, peace, and

love should be a model of the home in heaven. In fulfillment of

this ideal there can be no marriage with unbelievers, for in

homes established under the unequal yoke, 'the shadows are

never lifted.'

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Our ministers will honor the divine counsel given by refusing to

officiate at mixed marriages. Courtships should likewise be conducted

in harmony with the highest Christian principles. 'Marriage has been

perverted by sin; but it is the purpose of the gospel to restore its

purity and beauty.'—Mount of Blessing, p. 100.

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We deplore the tragic abandonment of the family altar in many an

Adventist home and urgently appeal for its revival and faithful

maintenance. In these days of lowered standards careful heed should

also be given to the vital counsel from the Lord: 'Whosoever shall put

away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another,

committeth adultery; and whoso marrieth her that is put away doth

commit adultery.' Matt. 19:8,9

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Divorce is no light and trifling matter.

A person who has passed through divorce proceedings has

had a regrettable and unfortunate experience which will

always leave a scar. If there should be any adequate

reason for question about the Biblical cause for such

divorce, or about guilt regarding the individual, such person

should not be looked to for leadership in our churches.

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Church Services

We appeal to our ministers, our workers, our people everywhere,

to keep their feet in the '' old paths,'' and not to remove the

"ancient landmarks" of this message.

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Church Services

We ask our churches to give greater attention to good order, proper

decorum, and reverence, while they set themselves against all excessive

formalism and ritualism, including choir processionals and recessionals

in the conduct of our Sabbath services. There is an apparent endeavor

in some instances to bring the spirit of entertainment into church

services, Sabbath school exercises, Missionary Volunteer meetings, and

evangelistic meetings.

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Church Services

This should be guarded against, and the Bible given its rightful place

as the centre of all our services and programmes. [Dramatisation

and acting should have no place among us, pageants and playlets

should be avoided, and save in the case of some dignified

representation to make real what our missionaries are facing in

mission lands, make-up and costuming should not be countenanced.

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Church Services

Let us hold to the plain and simple, and discard the elaborate, the

exaggerated, the gaudy and showy. These principles of simplicity should

also govern graduating exercises in our schools, as well as weddings in

our churches. Let us not seek after the spectacular and the theatrical,

but keep to the simplicity, the meekness, the plainness, which have

characterised this movement from the beginning.