Question 2 kelly hunt

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Page 2: Question 2 kelly hunt

Here is The pretty Reckless’ actual Album cover, advert and some clips from their Video from another song. Straight away I see the connection through these 3 texts. Firstly her hair is the same in each of the images and as is her make-up, this instantly creates a image of the Artist also the colour scheme is kept quite tightly together. The simple black and white image on the album fits into the outfit she is wearing in the Video and the furniture. Also there is red writing on both the advert and the album, this ties in with the red Roses in the Video. Each of the texts have the same style and characteristics running throughout each, this bonds together a brand identity, like I have tried to create in my own texts.

Page 3: Question 2 kelly hunt

I have tried to create a connection between each of my 3 texts and I have used little simple but yet effective characteristics to do so.

I have kept the same font that is used in my Digi Pack to the one on my Advert, this way it ties together knowing the two are the same.

Also keeping the artist in the same clothes and the hair the same etc again creates this bond and connection between the 3, from this we can tell what Digi Pack the Advert is promoting and what album the song is from.

Keeping the motif of the rose running throughout each text also helps as it creates this image of it being a recurring motif throughout the artists work.

Also as the image of the artist on the Digi Pack were she is stood up is a very similar angle and position to the one on the advert, just in a different location; she is still holding the jacket and the Rose the same way and looking out to the left with one leg up against the wall, the only difference is that on the Digi Pack it is more of a low angle, this creates a strong connection between the two texts.

Page 4: Question 2 kelly hunt

Keeping the same church and woodland area in my Video as the one I used in my Digi Pack also creates a connection as the same images run throughout each of the texts. I think it also helps that I kept them in black and white too, for the same reasons. The fact that they are very sort of dark grunge like images sets this feel that the video is going to be quite dark too, helping present the Genre of Rock, also setting a running theme throughout the song.

As the names of all the songs on the Digi Pack are quite dark, Rock like and all have that love song twist to them I think this creates a flowing theme throughout the artists image too not just the 3 texts. For an example, ‘clashing colours’ this sounds quite Rock like just for its name ‘clashing’ and the meaning I would get from just the name of this song and looking at the style of Digi Pack it is coming off, would be that its about two lovers that personalities don’t match.

Page 5: Question 2 kelly hunt

I think I have created a strong and clear brand identity throughout each of my texts, the Digi Pack, Advert and my Video.

Also the fact the my Digi Pack cover is very dark represents the kind of Rock chick grunge that my Video echo’s, the section in my Video where the camera is panning round the trees in high angle I have used a ghostly effect which makes the image darker and blurred, this again matches this kind of dark and gritty atmosphere. The Advert is very simplistic in the way its just merely the Artist stood but as I have used almost the same shot as on the Digi Pack it again sort of echo’s the other text.

I have took one element out of each text and placed it in another creating this constant flow of theme, style, Genre, motifs and an over all image.

If I had chance to do this task again I’m not quite sure how else I would make the combination of each task even more noticeable. I think I have tried to link each one in one way or another. Even just the simplest of link like the fact that my Advert contains the image of my Digi Pack does actually create a connection, so the fact that I have used the same colour scheme, style, atmosphere, mise en scene and attitude throughout really comes across strongly.