THE SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE TRAINING EFFECT The mix of training in exercise selection and the benefits in training program

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THE SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE TRAINING EFFECT The mix of training in exercise selection and

the benefits in training program

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Preference Training Variables The must important aspect is to decide what is the type of training effect to achieve. The mix of training variables in exercise selection movements, reps, intensity, volume, sets, rest, tempo and time in tension, when attempting to design a particular class or training program. Strength, Endurance, Hypertrophy, Functional strength, Relative Strength, or Cardio aerobic, Dance are all variables. and choosing the correct training effect and previous fitness or training level, current physical conditions, the technical knowledge, abilities, skills and the training environment. focused on posture and appropriate exercise, are fully beneficial in the training process, monitoring improvement, progression, regression and the preparation for more demanding training to achieve outstanding results. In order to correct and reach effective training appropriately there are specific recommendations to follow in relation to select different training variables:

• Exercise selection• Intensity & density • Reps & maximum reps• Tempo & time under tension• Sets & volume• Rest & recovery periods• Frequency training

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Range Diversity The selection of appropriate repetition range is one of the most important training variables in a training program. Reps range influences other training variables such as the tempo, sets, and rest. The intensity and reps range are intrinsically linked and proportional as the reps range decreases the intensity increases.

The maximal voluntary contractions are essential for strength training and the intensity used is a reflection of MR (maximum reps), this is the maximum weight lifted for the number of reps given which means that the chosen weight should go to concentric failure repetition. you must go to failure in order to achieve that incredible effect, each particular reps range has a specific training result.

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REPS RANGE             INTENSITY                     TRAINING EFFECT                     1-6 MR                         85-100% of 1 MR             Relative Strength 6-8  MR                         80-85 %                             Functional strength 8-12 MR                       70-80 %                             Hypertrophy 12 +  MR                       60-70%    or less               Strength Endurance 


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Intensity Display Is very important to pay special attention to Low-Intensity training (high reps), using high-intensity reps range and advanced training system for beginners will originate long-term overreaching that eventually leads to Plato effect and overtraining.

The recommend 12-15 reps strength-endurance is the most beneficial for the preparation stage of training, it is important to realise that there is a lot of proof and confirmation to show that maximal strength is only achievable at (70-80%) of (1 MR). in others case studies show that minimal level should be (60-70%) but this is more only for beginners to resistance training.

Using lower reps ranges with muscle groups with high percentages of fast twitch fibres like the biceps or hamstrings (semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris) is beneficial for those in the explosive move, and speed, or sports specific with high neurological and coordination demand, with potential stabiliser fatigue.

Using high intensity (85-100%) of (1RM) Low reps ranges must be used for those to adapt to the reps. The minimal threshold to elicit a training effect will gradually increase. The minimal threshold may be 12-15 reps at (70%), for beginners recommend to do 8 reps or less in order to have any influence on maximal strength. It is important to consider low reps and high intensities are not used too frequently as this might contribute in overtraining.

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Reps Election Using mid-rep ranges causes great muscular and hypertrophy response and increases growth hormone. use higher rep ranges with muscle groups with higher percentages of slow twitch fibres and beginners to endurance training as part of their stage preparation.

Tempo Is the time under tension and speed of movement, is one of the variables, that is neglected for variation within a periodised program, in fact, the variation in the tempo may be critical for prolonged strength development particular for pro-elite athletes in bodybuilding, power lifting, and sports specific. Design the desired tempo for the selected exercise in very basic terms, slow - moderated (fast), this may be insufficient, here some examples of different methods for showing tempo:

1. Barbell Squat-Bench Press 3-4 sets, 6-8 reps   120s• These 4 digits describe tempo for every different phase of the exercise (eccentric- isometric).


Use this formula to understand the tempo.

• 4 seconds for eccentric phase, controlling phase from standing position to the bottom position.

• 1 second for isometric phase, the pause in the bottom position.• 1 second for concentric phase, the exercising phase from bottom position to the standing

position.• 0 second for the isometric phase, the pause in the standing position. or holding posing.

The numbers won't change for each exercise, no matter whether the exercise is executed with a concentric or eccentric phase first it is always written as (eccentric-isometric)-(concentric-isometric).

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Speed Option

The speed of the movement determines a number of things including the amount of tension developed, the use of mechanical energy such as the stretch-shortening cycle and the load. This has implications for the outcome of the training effect. Using the mechanical properties of the stretch shortening cycle will increase more neurological adaptations for relative strength and power whilst increasing the muscular tension can increase more morphological and physiological changes for high hypertrophy.

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Time Under Tension Time Under Tension: Describes how long a muscle or group of muscles is under contractile stress. Time under tension (TUT) is calculated by multiplying the repetitions by the tempo or total time for each repetition. 

• 6 reps, then total (TUT) for that set would be 6 x 6s or 36sec this will describe the training effect, elicited from and different times under tension.

It is important to know the total time under tension for a set or the desired training effect may not be achieved:

• 10 reps Squat or Chest press at estimated tempo of will take about 20 seconds to complete the set. 

The desired training effect should dictate the total time under tension, this should be the first and most important thing when selecting the repetitions and tempo. These training variables are highly interconnected. The eccentric tempo will vary depending on the desired training effect. For preparation and hypertrophy training the usual range is 3-6 seconds for the eccentric phase, for functional and relative strength 1-3 seconds is used. The eccentric duration will also be affected by the range of motion of the exercise.

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Time Under Tension (TUT)                     Dominant Training Effect 1-20 sec                     Speed Strength-

Maximal Strength 20-40 sec                                             Functional

Strength 40-70 sec                              Hypertrophy50-70 sec                                             Strength


Time Under Tension TUT

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Tempo Range • The section of the mid-isometric tempo will vary depending on the desired

training effect. If more muscular tension is desired for hypertrophy effects, the isometric pause should be increased to reduce the effect of the stretch shortening cycle, up to 4 sec to eliminate the elastic energy from the eccentric phase, for strength training this period should be 0-2 seconds and 0 for power training.

• The selection of concentric tempo will vary depending on the desired training effect, the majority of training effect must be with concentric tempos of 1 sec or less this will recruit the desired fast twitch fibres, moving as fast as possible.

• The selection of isometric tempo will vary depending on the desired training effect. There are strong arguments for inclusion of intra-set pauses in a biomechanics advantages position for the recruitment of fast twitch fibers, these can be up to 10-15 seconds in duration (cluster training).

• The selection for fast tempo, it is critical that basic threshold or strength is achieved prior to start explosive strength training program.

• The selection of sets & volume is the key to achieve strength using multiple sets, this will lead to higher and quicker strength gain and for each training effect. there is an optional and upper limit to the number of sets required.

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Training Effect    Reps     Intensity       Time Under Tension   Rest/Sets/ExerciseRelative Strength 1-6 / 5-12       85-100               1-20                  

180-300s      Functional Strength      6-8         80- 85         20-40                  

129-180s     4-8Hypertrophy             8-12         70-80           40-70                    

90-120s     4-8Strength endurance     12+         70-less         50-120                  

10-90s       2-4


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Sets Choice Use more sets to achieve gains in size and functional relative strength. Hypertrophy gains will be trigged by the greater volume causing increases in testosterone and growth hormone. Functional-relative strength gains with high sets will be gained by better recruitment of the fast twitch fibres for athletes with a great percentage of fast twitch fibres, a greater number of sets will elicit more increase in strength. If a program has only a few specific exercises, then more sets should be undertaken on these exercises to focus strength in particular planes or for particular movement patterns.

• Reduce sets in exercises with large repetition ranges, longer time under tension or in sessions with more exercises. 

• List of an optional minimum volume of set per session to achieve the desired training effect.

Controlling and monitoring the appropriate sets carefully is the best way to prevent overtraining and Plato effect. If the athlete drops off 2-3 reps from one set to the next move or exercise, then reduce the volume rather than reducing the intensity, it is very important that the adjustment of the number of sets for a particular training, sport or for a particular individual in order to maximise performance and improvements.

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Training Effect     Reps   Intensity   Range         Reps/Session         Sets/SessionRelative strength 1-6     85-100%    95-100             12-20              

  6-20                                        90-95             20-35       6-12                                                        85-90               28-60             9-20Functional strength 6-8     80-85%      80-85               55-85              

    8-27Hypertrophy         8-12   70-80%      75-80               70-110              


Intensity Sets-Reps/Session Range

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Difference Of Rest Period The elemental selection of the appropriate rest period depends on which goal is being targeted, the higher the intensity and the lower the reps range the longer the rest periods. Adequate rest period ensures that the energy system being targeted recovers fully between sets.

Relative strength training targets the anaerobic lactate ATP-CP system which takes up to 4-5 minutes to completely replenish the ATP-CP stores, it also primarily targets the neurological system which takes much longer to recover than the muscles being used, many do not appreciate the importance of these rest periods and as such only allow a few minutes rest, this will cause inadequate rest periods and the desired training effect on the neurological system will not be achieved.

• The selection of the rest period will vary on the exercise. Those exercises which have a longer range of motion, that recruit more muscle mass or are neurologically more demanding will require longer rest period for adequate recovery.

• The selection of rest period will vary depending on the individual participants or athletes, the larger the athlete the longer the rest period needed will be because of the different fiber composition. As an adaptation over a period of time, for any particular time under tension, an athlete may well require less time to recover between sets.

Other considerations with rest periods: The rest interval can be manipulated to affect the hormonal response, keeping the rest intervals shorter will increase production of testosterone and growth hormone, pairing antagonistic muscle groups push-pull in the upper body or lower body pairs can allow for a shorter rest period and large volume of work for the session.

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Training Effect             Reps       Intensity         TUT             Rest PeriodRelative Strength           1-6         85-100%         1-2s            

180-300sFunctional Strength         6-8         80-85%          20-40s         120-

180sHypertrophy                 8-12     70-80%          40-70s           90-

120sStrength Endurance       12+       70%-less        50-120s        


Resting Period

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Important Consideration • Intra-set rest periods 10-20 seconds in the advanced training system of cluster training should not necessarily be chastised, and may, in fact, favour the recruitment of the higher threshold motor fibre units.

• Periodisation happens when an individual gradually becomes accustomed to the stress of a particular session and, because of this principle of acclimatisation, instructors must progress and vary the exercises selected, the repetition range, the number of sets the tempo, the rest periods and the order of the exercises movements, in order to progress their clients or athletes towards a particular goal, it is this ability to balance out acclimatisation with the specificity of training to reach a particular goal that forms the basis of periodisation.

• Preparation phase is always the initial training phase for beginners to resistance training and might last up to 6-12 months, the aim of this phase of training should be to prepare the body for more extensive or intensive training such as for hypertrophy, functional and relative strength. The client should reach a certain foundation of skill, structural stability and balance prior to commencing more advanced training.

• Ensure to master the foundation movement patterns without restriction, compensation or pain. (squat, lift, pull, press, rotate, smash, carry-moving, gait-locomotion)

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Key Points

In the training session keep close observation assessing and evaluate your performance considering the weak points:

• Agonist strength.• Antagonist strength balance.• Connective tissue strength.• Muscular system tolerance and


Always ensure that particular individuals can perform through a full range of motion with good stability and balance at a slower tempo prior to increasing the tempo with more dynamic exercises.