Advanced Non-Relational Schemas For Big Data by Victor Smirnov

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Advanced Non-Relational Schemas

For Big Data

by Victor Smirnov

“Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data

structures and organized things well, the

algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data

structures, not algorithms, are central to

programming. (See Brooks p.102).”- Rob Pike,

Notes on Programming in C, 1989

What If You Need...

Dynamic Vector

Searchable Bitmap

File System

Compact Inverted Index

Suffix Tree/Suffix Array

Version History

Name Your Specific Problem...

Non-Relational Schema

Is just a data structure

That uses some Memory Model

Typically, Key->Value mapping

Where Key is an Integer ID

And Value is an arbitrary array of a limited size or

memory block

It's assumed that operations on memory blocks

are atomic.

Partial (Prefix) Sums Tree

Given a sequence of S[0, N) = s0...sn-1 of non-

negative integers

Sum(i) returns X = s0+s1+...+si.

FindLT(X) returns max position i that Sum(i) < X

FindLE(X) is the same, but Sum(i) <= X

We can also define range versions of Sum(i, j) and

FindLT(j, X)

All operations perform in O(log N) time.

Packing Perfect Balanced Tree into an Array

Some Performance Bits

Dynamic Vector

An ordered sequence of elements (bytes,

integers, strings) of size N

Acess(i) is O(log N)

Insert(i, value) is O(log N)

Delete(i) is O(log N)

We can also define batch operations:

Insert(i, value[])

Delete(i, j)

Split(i); Merge(AnotherVector);...

Dynamic Vector

Dynamic Vector Operations

FindLT(i) returns the B where i bounds and offset

j in the block B for i

Acces(i) is O(log N)

Insert(i, value) and Delete(i) are also O(log N)

because the tree is balanced.

File System: Map<ID, Vector<T>>

Maps ID to Vector<T>

Merge all values into one large Dynamic Vector,

in ID order

Create separate “index” sequence from pairs <ID,

Offset> in ID order

We can represent this “index” sequence as two

partial sums tree, for ID and for Offset

We can merge both these trees to one because

they have exactly the same structure: multi-index

balanced partial sums tree.

Map<ID, Vector<T>>

Sharing Tree Structures

Tree structure sharing saves both space and

time: SPMD principle (single program, multiple


We can align partial sum trees with different

structures using interpolation (padding with


We can merge index and data streams (index

and data) of Map<ID, Vector<T>> in one multi-

stream tree.

Merging the trees, we will try to fit index pairs and

corresponding data into the same leaf node of

multi-stream tree.

Multistream Tree Node Layout

Multistream Balanced Tree


Atomic block operations are not enough

Even simple tree update affects several blocks

So, ACID is mandatory for advanced non-

relational schemas

We can get ACID for free with Multi-Version

Concurrency Control (MVCC)

We need Version History over data blocks

Where each each transaction is a version.

Transaction History via MVCC

Version History Implementation

Version History maps pair <ID, Version> to an ID

of real data block for that version and given ID

We have Map<ID, Vector<Version, ID>>

We can turn it to Version History by sorting each

Vector<Version, ID> (less sapce, slower)

Or by creating additional partial sums tree index

on top of it (more space, but much faster)

We can do it in just one multi-stream balanced


MVCC requires some other data structures but

they can be designed by analogy.

Concurrency Handling

Version History is a

complicated data structure

Concurrent access to it

must be restricted

Split whole Version

History to shards

And shard blocks by ID to

reduce lock contention on

Version History

Distributed Storage and Processing

MVCC is very


Because of Version

History and MVCC

So we can join storage

nodes to Raft groups

And join Raft groups to

larger groups with 2PC

Using split/merge model

to map data to nodes.

Storage Options

Bonus Slides

Searchable Bitmaps

rank1(n) = number of ones in [0, n)

select1(i) = position of i-th 1 in the bitmap

rank0(n) = number of zeroes in [0, n)

select0(i) = position of i-th 0 in the bitmap

Searchable Bitmap: Structure

Searchable Bitmaps: Persistent



LOUDS Tree: Parent()

Wavelet Tree

Searchable sequence [0...N) for large alphabets

Rank(i, s) returns number of symbols s in [0, i)

Select(k, s) returns position i of k-th symbol s

Insert(i, s), Delere(i), Access(i) – insert, remove

and access the symbol at position i respectively

All these operations have O(log N) time


By mapping numbers to symbols we can perform

the following lookup operations: >, >=, <, <=, <> in

O(log N) time.

Wavelet Tree: Structure

Wavelet Tree: Rank

Wavelet Tree: Inverted Index

Inverted Index Lookup


More details are at:
