04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

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Page 1: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse
Page 2: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

More force is needed to quickly stop a More force is needed to quickly stop a baseball thrown at 95 mph than to quickly stopbaseball thrown at 95 mph than to quickly stop

a baseball thrown at 45 mph, even thougha baseball thrown at 45 mph, even thoughthey both have the they both have the same masssame mass..

More force is needed to quickly stop aMore force is needed to quickly stop atrain train moving at 45 mph than to quicklymoving at 45 mph than to quickly

stop A stop A car car moving at 45 mph, even thoughmoving at 45 mph, even thoughthey both have the they both have the same speedsame speed..

BothBoth massmass and andvelocityvelocity are important are importantfactors when considering the forcefactors when considering the force

needed to change the motion of an object.needed to change the motion of an object.

Page 3: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

momentummomentum = = massmass x x velocityvelocity

p = mvp = mvp = momentum; has units of kg*m/sm = mass; has units of kgv = velocity; has units of m/s

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Momentum is a vector,Momentum is a vector,so direction is important.so direction is important.

An object’s momentum will changeif its massmass and/or velocityvelocity

(speed and direction) changes.

According to Newton’s laws,According to Newton’s laws,a a net forcenet force causes an object to causes an object to accelerateaccelerate,,

or or change its velocitychange its velocity..

A net force, therefore, causes achange in an object’s momentum.

Page 5: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

F = maF = ma (Newton’s Second Law)(Newton’s Second Law)

The formula F = ma can broken down into the following units:

N = (kg)(m/s2)


Page 6: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

mm v v=pp

Impulse = change in momentumImpulse = change in momentum

To have a change in momentum there must be a force applied during a time interval

FF t t=pp

(kg)((kg)(m/sm/s))=pp ((NN)()(ss))=pp


Units: Momentum

Momentum equation Impulse equation

Units: Impulse

Page 7: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

mvmvf f - - mvmvii=ppf f - p- pii

FF t t=ppSymbols:

mm v v=pp

mvmvf f – – mvmvii = = FF t t

Since Δ means “the change in” – we can rewrite the equation on the left to be:

Now we can combine the two equations into one:

Page 8: 04-14-08 - Momentum And Impulse

The greatest change invelocity will occur when

the impulse is the greatest.

By increasing the amountof force and the amount oftime the force is applied,the greatest change in

velocity can be achieved.

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A 1000 kg car moving at 30 m/s (p = 30,000 kg*m/s)A 1000 kg car moving at 30 m/s (p = 30,000 kg*m/s)can be stopped bycan be stopped by

30,000 N of force 30,000 N of force acting acting for 1.0 s (a crash!) for 1.0 s (a crash!)

ororby 3000 N of force by 3000 N of force actingacting for 10.0 s (normal stop)for 10.0 s (normal stop)