1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry

1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry - JSConf.eu 2013

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We spend our days creating large-scale applications byte by byte. But what happens at night when we get rid of bloated libraries and browser dependencies? What will we discover deep under the surface if we dissect the language of the web into its atomic parts? In this talk we will hack tweet-sized games, write code in only six characters and create the self-modifying “Hello World” in less than 1024 bytes of JavaScript. All just for fun and without asking “Why?”. Prepare yourself for 140 slides full of old-school ASCII art and crazy code golfing! More info here: http://2013.jsconf.eu/speakers/martin-kleppe-1024-seconds-of-js-wizardry.html

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1024+ Seconds of JS Wizardry

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Maps API

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Real World

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Dark Side

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Crazy Hacks

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. ,> <

+ - [ ]

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`o__o' ] (_Y_) _/


(__)_,--(__) 7: ; 1

_/,`-.-' : (_,)-~~(_,)

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Brainfuck8 Characters

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+++++ +++++ initialize counter (cell #0) to 10[ use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10 > +++++ ++ add 7 to cell #1 > +++++ +++++ add 10 to cell #2 > +++ add 3 to cell #3 > + add 1 to cell #4 <<<< - decrement counter (cell #0)] > ++ . print 'H'> + . print 'e'+++++ ++ . print 'l'. print 'l'+++ . print 'o'> ++ . print ' '<< +++++ +++++ +++++ . print 'W'> . print 'o'+++ . print 'r'----- - . print 'l'----- --- . print 'd'> + . print '!'> . print '\n'

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!e brainfuck language is designed to challengeand amuse programmers,and was not made to be suitable for practical use.

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!e brainfuck language is designed to challengeand amuse programmers,and was not made to be suitable for practical use!

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+[] => 0 +!+[] => 1!+[] + !+[] => 2

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![] => false !![] => true[][[]] => undefined

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![] +[] => "false" !![] +[] => "true"[][[]] +[] => "undefined"

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"false"[0] => "f""undefined"[5] => "i""false"[2] => "l""true"[0] => "t""true"[3] => "e""true"[1] => "r"

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[]["filter"]["constructor"](" CODE ")()

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v = (31)["toString"](32) 2400< = ("")["link"]()[0] 4000% = GLOBAL["escape"]("<")[0] 11000C = GLOBAL["unescape"]("%43")[0] 18000} = String["fromCharCode"](123) 41000

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function(a,b,c){for(a=12;a--;c=[c]+(4095^[,396,82,66,76,80,76][a]).toString(2)+2);for(a in c)b=

[b]+"■\n"[c[a]];return b} //j.mp/140js

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function(){/**Your entry, a useful, unique, and valid JavaScript expression thatpacks as much functionality into 140 bytes as possible. **/}

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function(a){.......................................................................................................................return a}


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function(a,b,c,d){d+=c;return[d<0|a&b<<d?a=parseInt((a|b<<c).toString(d=32,b=newDate&2|1).replace('v',''),d):a|b<<d,a,b,d]} // tweetris

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..... 00000

..##. => 00110

..... 00000

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..... 00000

..##. => 00110 192

..... 00000

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..... 00000

..... => 00000 192>>5=6

..##. 00110

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..... 00000

..... => 00000 6>>1=3

...## 00011

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..... 00000

..... => 00000 6&3 =2

...X. 00010

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<!doctype html>




var b = document.body;

var c = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0];

var a = c.getContext('2d');

// start of submission //


// end of submission //



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for(a;b;){c;d;} // 15for(a;b;){c;d} // 14for(a;b;)c,d; // 13for(a;b;d)c; // 12for(a;b;d)c // 11

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88b d888 888 888888 .d8888b. d888 888 d8P "88b d88P Y88b d8888 888 d8P 888 Y88b. 888 888 d8P 888 "Y888b. 888 888d88K 888 "Y88b. 888 8888888b 888 "888 888 888 Y88b 88P Y88b d88P 888 888 Y88b 888 "Y8888P" 8888888 888 Y88b .d88P d88P 888 d888 88888888b. .d88888b. 888 d8P 8888888888 8888888b. 8888 Y88b d88P" "Y88b 888 d8P 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 d8P 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 888 888d88K 8888888 888 d88P 8888888P" 888 888 8888888b 888 "" 8888888P" 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 888 T88b 88888 Y88b. .d88P 888 Y88b 888 888 888 T88b 88888 "Y88888P" 888 Y88b 8888888888 888 T8888b 88888 T8888b

______.------.______ .------|J.--. |Q.--. |K.--. |------. |T.--. | :(): | (\/) | :/\: |A.--. | | :/\: | ()() | :\/: | :\/: | (\/) | | (__) | '--'J| '--'Q| '--'K| :\/: | | '--'T`______'------'______| '--'A| `------´ `------'

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a = canvas.getContext('2d');

a.translate(x, y);a.createLinearGradient( x0, y0, x1, y1);

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a = canvas.getContext('2d');

a.translate(x, y);a.createLinearGradient( x0, y0, x1, y1);

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for (prop in a){ a[ prop[0]+(prop[6]||'') ] = a[prop];}

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// translate// createLinearGradient

a.ta(x, y);a.cL(x0, y0, x1, y1);

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with (a){ ta(x, y); cL(x0, y0, x1, y1);}

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<body id=b onkeyup=e=event onload=z=c.getContext('2d');z.fillRect(s=0,0,n=150,x=11325);setInterval("0<x%n&x<n*n&(z[x+=[1,-n,-1,n][e.which&3]]^=1)?z.clearRect(x%n,x/n,1,1,s++):b.innerHTML='game over:'+s",9)><canvas id=c>

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<body id=b onkeyup=e=event onload=z=c.getContext('2d');z.fillRect(s=0,0,n=150,x=11325);setInterval("0<x%n&x<n*n&(z[x+=[1,-n,-1,n][e.which&3]]^=1)?z.clearRect(x%n,x/n,1,1,s++):b.innerHTML='game over:'+s",9)><canvas id=c>

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<body id=b onkeyup=e=event onload=z=c.getContext('2d');z.fillRect(s=0,0,n=150,x=11325);setInterval("0<x%n&x<n*n&(z[x+=[1,-n,-1,n][e.which&3]]^=1)?z.clearRect(x%n,x/n,1,1,s++):b.innerHTML='game over:'+s",9)><canvas id=c>

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<body id=b onkeyup=e=event onload=z=c.getContext('2d');z.fillRect(s=0,0,n=150,x=11325);setInterval("0<x%n&x<n*n&(z[x+=[1,-n,-1,n][e.which&3]]^=1)?z.clearRect(x%n,x/n,1,1,s++):b.innerHTML='game over:'+s",9)><canvas id=c>

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<body id=b onkeyup=e=event onload=z=c.getContext('2d');z.fillRect(s=0,0,n=150,x=11325);setInterval("0<x%n&x<n*n&(z[x+=[1,-n,-1,n][e.which&3]]^=1)?z.clearRect(x%n,x/n,1,1,s++):b.innerHTML='game over:'+s",9)><canvas id=c>

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1. Golf down2. Rewrite

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eval('··············/* */·······································/* */····································/* */·································/* */······························/* */····························/* */··························/* */·························/* */·························/* */·························/* */··························/* */····························/* */······························/* */·································/* */·····································/* */···············································································')

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eval('··············/* */·····················↩··················/* */···················↩·················/* */··················↩···············/* */················↩··············/* */···············↩·············/* */··············↩············/* */·············↩············/* */·············↩············/* */·············↩············/* */·············↩·············/* */··············↩··············/* */···············↩···············/* */················↩·················/* */··················↩···················/* */···················↩····························································')

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eval('··············/* */·······································/* */····································/* */·································/* */······························/* */····························/* */··························/* */·························/* */·························/* */·························/* */··························/* */····························/* */······························/* */·································/* */·····································/* */···············································································')

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eval('··············/* */···················'+'·················/* */·················'+'················/* */················'+'··············/* */··············'+'·············/* */·············'+'············/* */············'+'···········/* */···········'+'···········/* */···········'+'···········/* */···········'+'···········/* */···········'+'············/* */············'+'·············/* */·············'+'··············/* */··············'+'················/* */················'+'··················/* */·················'+'···························································')

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eval('··············/* */····················\··················/* */··················\·················/* */·················\···············/* */···············\··············/* */··············\·············/* */·············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\·············/* */·············\··············/* */··············\···············/* */···············\·················/* */·················\···················/* */··················\····························································')

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eval(z='············/* */····················\··················/* */··················\·················/* */·················\···············/* */···············\··············/* */··············\·············/* */·············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\·············/* */·············\··············/* */··············\···············/* */···············\·················/* */·················\···················/* */··················\···············································setTimeout(z)')

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· · · · # # # # # # · · · · · # · · · ·· · # # # # # # # · · · · # # # # # · ·· # # # # # # # # · · # # # # # # # # ·· · # # # # # · · · · # # # # # # # # ·· · · # # # # · · · # # # # # # # # · ·· · · · # # # · · · # # # # # # # # · ·· · · · # # # · · · # · # # # # # # · ·· · · · # # · · · · # # # # # # # · · ·· · · · · # · · · # # # # # # # · · · ·· · · · · · # · · # # # # · · # · · · ·· · · · · · # # · · # # # · · · # · · ·· · · · · · # # # · · # # · · · · · · ·· · # · · · # # · · · # # · · · · # · ·· · · · · · # # · · · # · · · · # # · ·· · · · · · # · · · · # · · · · # # · ·


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"zw2", "l6k", "e3t", "jnt", "qj2", "xh2", "2kty2", "wrt", "13n2", "3n9h2", "3pdxt", "1csb", "3iyb6k", "3pk72","3nmr2"


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for(y in n="zw24l6k4e3t4jnt4qj24xh242kty24wrt413n243n9h243pdxt41csb43iyb6k43pk7243nmr2".split(4)){for(a in t=parseInt(n[y],36)+(e=x=r=[]))for(r=!r,i=0;t[a]>i;i++)}


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# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

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function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=Math.sin,h=Math.cos,i=g(d)*b+h(d)*c,j=h(e)*i-g(e)*a,k=f/(f+j);return{x:g(e)*i+h(e)*a*k,y:(h(d)*b-g(d)*c)*k,z:j}}


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function(a,b,c,d,e,f){var g=Math.sin,h=Math.cos,i=g(d)*b+h(d)*c,j=h(e)*i-g(e)*a,k=f/(f+j);return{x:g(e)*i+h(e)*a*k,y:(h(d)*b-g(d)*c)*k,z:j}}


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with(Math)x-=.05,0>cos(o=new Date/1e3+x/PI)&&(e[~~(32*sin(o)*sin(.5+y/7))+60]=-~r)


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with(Math)x-=.05,0>cos(o=new Date/1e3+x/PI)&&(e[~~(32*sin(o)*sin(.5+y/7))+60]=-~r)


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document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>" + output;


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document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>" + output;


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document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>" + output;


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document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>" + output;


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document.body.innerHTML = "<pre"+">" + output;


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eval(z='pre.innerHTML="eval(z=\'" + Z + "\')"')

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pre.innerHTML= Z

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eval(z='pre.innerHTML="eval(z=\'" + Z + "\')"')

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eval(z='pre.innerHTML="eval(z=\'" + Z + "\')"')

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!e FinalCountdown

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····················/* */·······································/* */····································/* */·································/* */······························/* */····························/* */··························/* */·························/* */·························/* */·························/* */··························/* */····························/* */······························/* */·································/* */·····································/* */·················································································


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eval(z='············/* */····················\··················/* */··················\·················/* */·················\···············/* */···············\··············/* */··············\·············/* */·············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\············/* */············\·············/* */·············\··············/* */··············\···············/* */···············\·················/* */·················\···················/* */··················\···············································setTimeout(z)')


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.<script>eval(z='p="<"+"pre>"/* */;for(y in n="zw24l6k\4e3t4jnt4qj24xh2 x/* */42kty24wrt413n243n\9h243pdxt41csb yz/* */43iyb6k43pk7243nm\r24".split(4)){/* */for(a in t=pars\eInt(n[y],36)+/* */(e=x=r=[]))for\(r=!r,i=0;t[a/* */]>i;i+=.05)wi\th(Math)x-= /* */.05,0>cos(o=\new Date/1e3/* */+x/PI)&&(e[~\~(32*sin(o)*/* */sin(.5+y/7))\+60] =-~ r);/* */for(x=0;122>\x;)p+=" *#"/* */[e[x++]+e[x++\]]||(S=("eval"/* */+"(z=\'"+z.spl\it(B = "\\\\")./* */join(B+B).split\(Q="\'").join(B+Q/* */)+Q+")//m1k")[x/2\+61*y-1]).fontcolor/* */(/\\w/.test(S)&&"#\03B");document.body.innerHTML=p+=B+"\\n"}setTimeout(z)')//</script>


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.<script>eval(z='p="<"+"pre>"/* ,.oq#+ ,._, */;for(y in n="zw24l6k\4e3t4jnt4qj24xh2 x/* =<,m#F^ A W###q. */42kty24wrt413n243n\9h243pdxt41csb yz/* #K q##H######Am */43iyb6k43pk7243nm\r24".split(4)){/* dP cpq#q##########b, */for(a in t=pars\eInt(n[y],36)+/* p##@###YG=[#######y */(e=x=r=[]))for\(r=!r,i=0;t[a/* d#qg `*PWo##q#######D */]>i;i+=.05)wi\th(Math)x-= /* aem1k.com Q###KWR#### W[ */.05,0>cos(o=\new Date/1e3/* .Q#########Md#.###OP A@ , */+x/PI)&&(e[~\~(32*sin(o)*/* , (W#####Xx######.P^ T % */sin(.5+y/7))\+60] =-~ r);/* #y `^TqW####P###BP */for(x=0;122>\x;)p+=" *#"/* b. OQ####x#K */[e[x++]+e[x++\]]||(S=("eval"/* l `X#####D , */+"(z=\'"+z.spl\it(B = "\\\\")./* G####B" # */join(B+B).split\(Q="\'").join(B+Q/* VQBP` */)+Q+")//m1k")[x/2\+61*y-1]).fontcolor/* TP */(/\\w/.test(S)&&"#\03B");document.body.innerHTML=p+=B+"\\n"}setTimeout(z)')//</script>

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function $(s){ return document.getElementsBySelector(s);}

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Model=function a(b,c,d,e){function f(){var a=this,f={};a.on=function(a,b){(f[a]||(f[a]=[])).push(b)},a.trigger=function(a,b){for(var c=f[a],d=0;c&&d<c.length;)c[d++](b)},a.off=function(a,b){for(d=f[a]||[];b&&(c=d.indexOf(b))>-1;)d.splice(c,1);f[a]=b?d:[]};for(c in b)d=b[c],a[c]=typeof d=="function"?function(){return(d=this.apply(a,arguments))===e?a:d}.bind(d):d;a.init&&a.init.apply(a,arguments)}return f.extend=function(f){d={};for(c in b)d[c]=b[c];for(c in f)d[c]=f[c],b[c]!==e&&(d["__"+c]=b[c]);return a(d)},f},typeof module=="object"&&(module.exports=Model); // c-{{{-<

~350 Bytes gzipped

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require("fishbone"); Pirate = Model({ ... });captain = new Pirate(); captain.on("drunk", captain.yell);captain.drink().drink().yell();

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