Are you afraid of lagging behind in SEO race? Well need not to worry, just discover the significant and appropriate off page strategies to improve your reputation. Implement those off page strategies and come up with a benchmark for others. As for now, let’s find the effective strategies you need to follow to compete in the SEO race are as follows: 15 Essential Off-Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies

15 Essential Off Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies

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After deep insight research CanCurve Solutions bring you a list of 15 Essential Off Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies, Which can enhance your visibility on Search Engine and Boost up your productivity. www.cancurve.com

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Page 1: 15 Essential Off Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies

Are you afraid of lagging behind in SEO race? Well need not to worry, just discover the significant and appropriate off page strategies to improve your reputation. Implement those off page strategies and come up with a benchmark for others. As for now, let’s find the effective strategies you need to follow to compete in the SEO race are as follows:

15 Essential Off-Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies

Page 2: 15 Essential Off Page Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Strategies

First of all, you need to build an online reputation among the most popular social networking sites, so just create your own account on these sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Right from these sites start promoting your brand with new friends and create a good status and reputation online. Active participation on web will be good for online reputation management.

1. Online Reputation Management

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To get lots of traffic on your website through articles and blogs, professionals need to submit their write ups in most popular search engines. The popular search engines are Google, MSN, Yahoo, Alexa, Bing, Altavista, Alltheweb, Excite and Lycos at free of cost. The professionals need to make sure that search engine submission should be done properly, otherwise it won’t be beneficial for the organization.

2. Search Engine Submission

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Directory Submission is not dead yet and playing a crucial role in SEO. For better SEO, it is necessary to find out effective and credible directories. The quality directories will be the best way to obtain good traffic on the website. It is true that they provide results a little bit late, but it is worth doing it. Some of the directories even offer paid listing to the professionals, but it is not good, so don’t go for it.

3. Directory Submission

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Blogging is one of the best ways through which professionals can convey about their company’s product and service. Blogging attracts readers and customers to visit your site and get connect with your brand. The interactive and informative content will be good for readers, so write some unique content related to your service and let people know how effective and useful it is for them. The blog should be precise and creditable. It helps the brand to get numbers of visitors on site.

4. Blogging

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Create forum and start sharing or discussing topics with your friends. Make sure to work on Do-follow forums as no-follow forums don’t work efficiently. The forum posting will be helpful in creating trust over the brand and clear all doubts related to the service your company is offering. The forum discussion creates more awareness among friends and other visitors too, which is beneficial for the site.

5. Forum Postings

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Social Bookmarking is one of the best ways to promote the website as it helps the user to enable users to add, edit, comment and share bookmarks of web documents. When content is updated on a website on a frequent basis, then it is good in Google’s eye. Google likes these types of websites. Some of the popular bookmarking sites are Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon, etc.

6. Social Bookmarking

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People can exchange links with similar service providing websites as it can enhance link popularity which is the most important factor Google’s Page Rank Algorithm. It is a process in which the alliance of websites work as a web ring and exchanges web links in a ring. The webmasters register their website with an organization which is in centre and it exchanges and run the process. In return gets a HTML code which is inserted into the web pages.

7. Link Exchange

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To increase page rank, the cross linking procedure is known as the best way. Here the professionals links two site through their links inserting in internal pages, by which people can enhance the internal pages ranking. The internal pages of the website will become popular. Cross linking should be done as per the Google’s algorithm otherwise it is waste for professionals.

8. Cross-Linking


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Business Reviews are another essential parameter for Google to judge how the website is helping and benefitting its customers. Each review, whether good or bad brings huge difference in site’s ranking. As a result, it is important to work efficiently so that you can get good reviews in return. You can suggest people to write reviews on popular websites, including Kaboodle, Shvoong, RateitAll, Stylefeeder, etc.

9.Business Reviews

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Promote the pictures of products by sharing it in public. Sharing pictures with friends will be helpful in promoting the brand and product. Let your friends like, connect and share it more and more as it is helpful in promoting the website. It is even helpful in driving traffic from all across the world. People can find photo sharing websites for them, which include Picasa, Picli, Flickr, Bucket, etc.

10. Photo Sharing

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As like photo sharing, video promotion is also necessary for the website as it helps the viewers to understand company’s motive and service just in a minute. As we all know a picture speaks more than thousand words likewise video also do the same task and let people understand what a company is all about and how it is beneficial for customers. It certainly drives more traffic to the website rather than article and blog submission practice.

11. Video Promotions

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12. Local Listings & Yellow PagesInstead of pushing the website to fight in huge competition, make sure to first compete in local regions. Once you become popular in your own region work harder to get set go to another level of competition i.e. worldwide. To target the local region, submit your website on Yellow Pages, Superpages, Google Local, Maps, Yahoo Local, Hotfrog, etc. It will help the company to get right direction to work efficiently.

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Social Shopping Network is the best way to promote your website if it is an e-commerce site. One just needs to submit the products on varied popular online shopping sites to get god results. There are numbers of online shopping site available that can make your products popular among large masses. Some of the popular social shopping networks are Google Product Search, MSN Online Shopping, Yahoo Online Shopping, Style Feeder, Kaboodle, Buzz Shout, etc.

13. Social Shopping Network

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Submit your article, blog and press release to get effective links from the popular websites. It is necessary to post each of these things on popular sites as those sites have beneficial links which is quite essential for website. It not only brings good links to the site, but it even generates traffic on the site. The professionals will certainly find huge difference in their SEO ranking and results.

14. Article, Blog and Press Release Submission

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Submission of website on CSS, RSS AND W3C website directories will be helpful to drive traffic on website in an easy way. Each of these directories will go through the entire website and bring user-friendly and SEO friendly changes that are needed to be changed. It will be certainly helpful for the businessmen to make their website effective from all dimensions of Google’s eye. So, don’t forget to get it done.

15. CSS, W3C & RSS Directories Submission

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