2010 Talent Shortage Survey Thursday, 20 October 2011 Thank you. I’m excited to present to you today the results of our 2010 Talent Shortage Survey and tell you little about our latest paper from Manpower, Teachable Fit: A New Approach to the Talent Mismatch. 1

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2010 Talent Shortage SurveyThursday, 20 October 2011

Thank you. I’m excited to present to you today the results of our 2010 Talent Shortage Survey and tell you little about our latest paper from Manpower, Teachable Fit: A New Approach to the Talent Mismatch.


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Manpower Inc. 2010 Talent Shortage Survey | Thursday, 20 October 2011


Talent shortages in the news…Within the next eight years there could be at least 5 million potential job

vacancies in the United States. Economics Week, April 2010

By 2020 India will have the largest youth population in the world, but only a fraction of them will be employable due to a severe skills gap.

Outlook Business (India), April 2010

51% of IT organizations surveyed believe talent issues have limited their efficiency and productivity.

Deloitte, September 2009

Europe’s work force is expected to become 15% smaller within five decades. The Wall Street Journal, April 2009

I’d like to start by taking a look at some recent news…(read through).


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Manpower Inc. 2010 Talent Shortage Survey | Thursday, 20 October 2011


Despite the recent downturn, finding the right talent remains a pressing, pervasive issue for employers worldwide.

31%of employers worldwide are telling us they are having difficulty finding the right talent.

Unemployment may still be at or near record levels in many countries and territories, but employers are still having difficulty filling positions because many candidates lack the specific skills employers are looking for.

For example, a company may be looking for an accountant. But what the employer may really be looking for is an accountant with the basic capabilities, plus one that’s proficient with international accounting standards, has experience in the oil and gas industry, speaks a specific foreign language in addition to English and is good at leading a team. You see how the added specificity of skills makes finding “the right”individual even more difficult. It’s not just the hard or technical skills employers need but also the soft skills.

In fact, 31 percent of employers worldwide are telling us they are having difficulty finding the right talent.


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The immediate problem is not the number of potential candidates.

Rather, it’s a talent mismatch: There are not enough sufficiently skilled people in the right places at the right times.

The immediate problem is not the number of potential candidates. The global unemployment rate rose to 6.6 percent in 2009, jumping to 8.4 percent in the Developed Economies and European Union.Yet, 31% employers world-wide still can’t find the talent. Our problem now is a talent mismatch. There are not enough sufficiently skilled people in the right places at the right times to meet national and global demand.


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Before we discuss an approach to help combat the talent mismatch let’s take a look at the results of our Talent Shortage Survey for 2010. What are the skills companies around the globe are having difficulty finding?


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Global Survey Findings

About Manpower’s Annual Talent Shortage Survey

Fifth year

Nearly 36,000 employers

36 countries and territories

Research conducted in Quarter 1 2010





This is the fifth consecutive year of polling employers about their challenges in finding talent. The survey asks two main questions…


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The Questions

1. How much difficulty are you having filling jobs due to the lack of available talent?

2. What is the one job you are having the most difficulty filling due to the lack of available talent?

We ask employers whether or not they are having difficulty finding talent. If they are, then we ask what is the one job that they are having difficulty filling.

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As mentioned previously, what we found this year is that approximately 31 percent of employers report difficulty filling key jobs due to lack of available talent. This percentage is lower than the 41 percent reported in 2007, but is one percentage point higher than last year’s low of 30 percent.So we may have more people looking for work, but employers indicate they aren’t the right fit for their job vacancies. We will see this numberclimb as the recovery gains momentum.


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Global Survey FindingsEmployers having difficulty finding talent

The talent shortage does not affect all countries and territories surveyed equally. For instance, nearly three out of four employers in Japan and two out of three in Brazil indicated they still encountered difficulty hiring people for key positions.Not surprisingly, a number of employers – especially those in developed economies – reported little or no difficulty in finding employees as there are currently more people who are unemployed due to the amount of downturn.


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Global Survey Findings The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling globally

Skilled Trades1

Sales Representatives2

Technicians (primarily production/operations, engineering or maintenance)



Accounting & Finance Staff5

Production Operators6

Secretaries, PAs, Administrative Assistants & Office Support Staff





[Note to presenter – job title descriptions are available from your country’s marketing/communications department.]The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling globally ranked in order are…


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In the Americas, more than 11,000 employers were surveyed in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and the United States. 34% of those surveyed indicated that they are having difficulty filling positions due to a lack of suitable talent. This is a slight, two-point decrease from last years survey, but is three percentage points higher than the global average.


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Americas Survey Findings

Employers in the America’s having the most difficulty filling positions are those in Brazil (64%), Argentina (53%), Mexico (43%), and Peru (43%). The talent mismatch is the least problematic in the United States, where 14% reported difficulty filling positions, and Canada, where 21% reported difficulty.


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Americas Survey Findings


Sales Representatives2

Technicians (primarily production/operations, engineering or maintenance)

3 Engineers


Accounting & Finance Staff

5 Production Operators


Secretaries, PAs, Administrative Assistants & Office Support Staff






10Skilled Trades

The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the Americas

[Note to presenter – job title descriptions are available from your country’s marketing/communications department.]The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the Americas ranked in order are…


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Nearly nine thousand employers were interviewed in Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan. 41% of these employers reported difficulty filling positions due to a lack of suitable talent. This is a nine point increase compared to last year’s survey and is 10 percentage points greater than the global average.


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Asia Pacific Survey Findings

Employers having the most difficulty filling positions are those in Japan, where 76 percent reported difficulty, Singapore (53%), Australia (45%) and Hong Kong (44%). Employers in Japan had the most difficulty globally. Regionally, the talent shortage appears to be the least problematic in India, with 16% of employers reporting difficulty filling positions.


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1 Sales Representatives

2 Technicians (primarily production/operations, engineering or maintenance)

3 Engineers


Accounting & Finance Staff


Production Operators6

IT Staff (Primarily programmers/developers)



8 Sales Managers



Asia Pacific Survey Findings

Skilled Trades

The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the Asia Pacific region

[Note to presenter – job title descriptions are available from your country’s marketing/communications department.]The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the Asia Pacific region ranked in order are…


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Europe/Middle East/Africa (EMEA) Survey Findings

Over 15, 500 employers were interviewed in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. The survey indicates that 23 percent of the region’s employers are having difficulty filling positions due to a lack of suitable talent. This is a two point decline from last year’s survey, and eight percentage points lower than the global average.


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EMEA Survey Findings

In the EMEA region, employers in Poland reported the most trouble filling positions, with 51% reporting difficulty. Romania, Austria, and Switzerland also reported above average difficulty. Ireland reports the least difficulty globally, with 4% of employers having difficulty filling positions. The UK, Norway, Spain, South Africa, and Netherlands also had less difficulty.


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1 Production Operators61

Sales Representatives2

Technicians (primarily production/operations, engineering or maintenance)



Accounting & Finance Staff5



Secretaries, PAs, Administrative & Office Support Staff


IT Staff




EMEA Survey Findings

Skilled Trades


Doctors & other Non-Nursing Health Professionals

The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the EMEA countries

[Note to presenter – job title descriptions are available from your country’s marketing/communications department.]The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling in the EMEA countries ranked in order are…


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Manpower Inc. 2010 Talent Shortage Survey | Thursday, 20 October 2011


[COUNTRY] Survey Findings

The top 10 jobs employers are having difficulty filling (ranked in order):

[Customize with your country’s survey findings if available. If not delete.]

[Country Name]

1. Insert Job Title

2. Insert Job Title

3. Insert Job Title

4. Insert Job Title

5. Insert Job Title

1. Insert Job Title

2. Insert Job Title

3. Insert Job Title

4. Insert Job Title

5. Insert Job Title

And in [country name] the top 10 list is…


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Manpower Inc. 2010 Talent Shortage Survey | Thursday, 20 October 2011


One thing is clear: The talent mismatch cannot be filled one position and one hire at a time.

Organizations must recalibrate their mindsets to consider candidates who may not meet all the job specifications, but whose capability gaps can be filled in a timely and cost-effective way—candidates who are a “teachable fit.”

One conclusion that we arrive at is that with systemic and wide-spread talent shortages, we can’t resolve this issue one position and one hire at a time.

This means organizations must recalibrate their mindsets to consider candidates who may not meet all the job specifications, but whose capability gaps can be filled in a timely and cost-effective way. In other words, candidates who are a teachable fit.


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What is “Teachable Fit?”

It’s a concept that looks at the capabilities required by a job, evaluates the importance and teachability of each, and finally determines the capacity of candidates to develop these capabilities.

Teachable fit is an analytical framework designed to evaluate the capabilities required by a job—the knowledge, skills, values and mindset, and the personality and intelligence that the role requires. These capabilities are evaluated by examining how important they are and how teachable they are. Then, employers can compare this framework to a candidate’s capacity (both in technical skills and in mindset) to match those capabilities or fill the gaps.


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Finding a Teachable FitTo find a teachable fit, organizations must ask four questions:

What capabilities are essential to performing the job?1

Which of these are teachable in an efficient way?2

Is there adequate time and money to develop these capabilities in the candidate?


Do candidates have the capacity (motivation and capability to develop them?


The concept of a teachable fit focuses on four questions:What capabilities are essential to performing the job?Which of these are teachable in an efficient way?Is there adequate time and money to develop these capabilities in

the candidate?Do candidates have the capacity (motivation and capability) to

develop them?


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Training is Vital.

A commitment to reskilling and upskilling current and potential employees will enable organizations to expand the available pools of talent, ensure that their workforces continue to be appropriately skilled and keep employees engaged in their work.

Learn more about these ideas in our new Fresh Perspectives paper, Teachable Fit: A New Approach to Easing the Talent Mismatch, available on the Research Center at Mapower.com.

To fill large talent gaps with candidates who are teachable fits, organizations must understand that training is vital. They must commit to reskilling and upskilling their current and potential employees. This commitment to training ensures that workforces continue to be appropriately skilled and helps keep employees engaged in their work. You can learn more about the Teachable Fit concept in our new Fresh Perspectives paper, Teachable Fit: A New Approach to Easing the Talent Mismatch, available on the Research Center at Manpower.com.


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Confronting the

Talent Crunch






What can organizations do now?Key stakeholders must form effective partnerships to combat the talent shortage

To answer the challenge of the talent shortage, the key stakeholders –employers, governments, labor unions, academic institutions, andindividuals– must form effective partnerships and work together to ease the talent mismatch through information sharing, training and reskilling efforts, and other programs. When the public and private sectors work together, especially regionally, the results can be impressive.


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• Invest in training and development• Redefine jobs and facilitate mobility within

organizations• Expand the recruiting pool to find those with a

“teachable fit”• Improve retention, especially of older workers• Invest time in local schools and universities to

ensure curriculum meets market needs

Some key actions employers can take include investing in training and development, redefining jobs and facilitating mobility within the organization, expanding the recruiting pool, and improving recruiting and retention, especially of experienced older workers. Employers should also invest time in local schools and universities, encouraging their employees to teach and coach to develop students’ future world-of-work skills. We will talk more about the “teachable fit” concept.


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• Adjust immigration policies as necessary to enable the flow of in-demand talent

• Coordinate policies between sending and receiving nations to encourage mutual benefit

• Use effective labor market forecasting methods• Invest in employee education for training and

transition• Foster partnerships among other stakeholders

When it comes to filling shortages of skilled labor, immigration for work is a solution, not a problem. Governments should adjust immigrationpolicies as necessary to enable the flow of in-demand talent, and countries that are primarily “receivers” should coordinate policies with the “senders” to encourage a mutually beneficial circular flow. Governments should also, of course, use effective labor market forecasting methods, invest in employee education and training and transition, and foster partnerships among all the stakeholders.


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Labor Unions

• Focus on employability and continuous training to keep members’ skills up to date

• Work with the marketplace and employers to coordinate reskilling partnerships and keep course content current

Academic Institutions

Labor Unions and Academic Institutions are also key stakeholders in the talent shortage issue. Organized labor leaders need to focus as much on the employability of their members as on job protection. Continuous training to keep skills up to date and aligned with technology should join wages, benefits, and job protection on the labor negotiation agenda. Job rotations and cross-training should be encouraged, as should classes on entrepreneurialism for those who may want to run their own business. Academic Institutions face the perennial complaint that course content always lags what people need to know on the job. One way to close the gap is for academic institutions to be more in the marketplace. Contribute faculty and facilities to reskilling partnerships, then incorporate the new curricula into standard course offerings to keep them refreshed.


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• Take responsibility for managing your career• Remain flexible and willing to experiment in

new roles• Be alert to labor market trends and

opportunities• Be creative in transferring skills from job to

job and industry to industry

People with strong education and in-demand skills have choice in the job market and tend to embrace the responsibility of managing their careers. People with more general skills and less paternalistic employers must make more concerted effort to remain employable. They should understand their strengths, remain flexible and be willing to rotate and experiment in new roles, be alert to labor market trends and opportunities, and be creative in transferring their skills to new jobs and even industries.


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Manpower Employment Outlook SurveyThe most extensive, forward-looking hiring forecast; 36 countries and territories.

Teachable Fit: A New Approach for Easing the Talent MismatchThe talent mismatch will only intensify as the economy recovers. Learn how organizations can recalibrate their talent strategies and find candidates with a teachable fit.

The world of work experts

Full articles can be found in Manpower’s Research Center at www.manpower.com/researchcenter.

Manpower provides research and reports for economists, journalists, university researchers and think tanks to help them assess and forecast the health and direction of the world’s labor markets.

Social Networks vs. Management? Harness the Power of Social MediaThis Fresh Perspectives paper explores how organizations should leverage the connective power of social networking to enhance productivity, innovation, collaboration, reputation and employee engagement.


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