EBRESPHERE A territorial community around blogs Daniel Gil & Carme Pla London, July 5, 2007 International Conference ‘Catalan Culture and Identity in the Digital Era’

A territorial community around blogs in Terres de l'Ebre (Catalonia): Ebresphere

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In: Catalan Culture and Identity in the Digital Era, International Conference (London, 5-7 July 2007) Five events are described in a chronological order, which, according to the authors, have driven the consolidation of a territorial community around blogs in Terres de l'Ebre (in Tarragona, south of Catalonia, Spain). From this historical evolution, some conclusions come out on the current role blogs are playing in Terres de l'Ebre and their main features along with the proposal of Ebresphere as the name to define this community. Future prospectives and tendencies to follow-up are proposed. Finally, a classification is established about large groups of blogs configuring this community.

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Page 1: A territorial community around blogs in Terres de l'Ebre (Catalonia): Ebresphere

EBRESPHERE A territorial community

around blogs

Daniel Gil & Carme PlaLondon, July 5, 2007

International Conference‘Catalan Culture and Identity in the Digital Era’

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From April 2006 to February 2007

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Leaving behind the anonymity

April 20, 2006

A brief article in Diari de Tarragona: Les Terres de l'Ebre s'enganxen a la revolució

dels blocs a Internet.

The article mentioned about 20 blogs.

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The First thematic talk

December 1, 2006

Atictes Conference:La blocosfera ebrenca i el seu impacte en

l’opinió pública

By Gustau Moreno, blogger and journalist

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From them to us: bloggers start talking

November 7, 2006

Gathering talk at Ràdio Ebre:Who is who in Terres de l'Ebre blogs

4 bloggers presenting local blogs

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The big party

February 3, 2007

1ª Trobada de Blocaires Ebrencs:EBREBLOC

101 blogs, implication of public entities, journalists and local mass media

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New ways, new paths

February 25, 2007

First literary show ”Joan Cid i Mulet”:talking-conference on weblogs as a literary


Interaction between bloggers and traditional literary authors

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Young, circular, self-organized community

The element connecting this community geographically, culturally and socially:

Ebre river

giving the name: EBRESPHERE

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Map source: http://www.ebreguia.com/imagenes/img_territori/mapa_TTEE.jpg[Consult: June 13th, 2007]

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A first classification6 Criteria


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Authorship Scope Adressee Format Institution or Entity Subject

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Big Picture

A majority of Personal blogs gathered around exceptional Territorial/Local

blogs with a dominance of Textual formats to discuss 3 main subjects:

Politics Education Music

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Some Facts

194 weblogs 161 in Catalan language 155 on Blogger platform 40 about politics 22 about education 10 about music

More details : http://ebresfera.blogspot.com

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Further Questions

Daniel Gil / [email protected] http://bauenblog.info

Carme Pla / [email protected] http://carmepla.com/eng
