Applications of and Challenges in Self-Awareness All participants of the Slides Factory

Academic Course: 13 Applications of and Challenges in Self-Awareness

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Page 1: Academic Course: 13 Applications of and Challenges in Self-Awareness

Applications of and Challenges in Self-Awareness

All participants of the Slides Factory

Page 2: Academic Course: 13 Applications of and Challenges in Self-Awareness

Application 1: SwarmRobotics

• Imagine a swarm of robots that need to solve a certain task, e.g.– Cleaning a devastated area– Exploring Mars

• In difficult environments with holes, hills, obstacles, . . . the robots have to cooperate– Transport an object together– Form organisms to cope better

with environment

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Application 1: SwarmRobotics

• Robots are aware of the task they are supposed to perform and monitor their performance in the environment

• Robots should be able to adapt to maximize their performance

• Adaptations take place on an individual level as well as on a collective level:

– Individuals adjust their behavior

– Collective behavior emerges (e.g. organisms are formed by multiple robots)

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Example project – SYMBRION (1)

Symbiotic Evolutionary Robot Organisms

• Hundreds of small cubic robots are built and deployed in an environment

• Robots sense each other and the environment and are capable of aggregating into “multi-cellular” organisms

• Aggregation and disaggregation is self-driven, depending on the circumstances: different environments, different tasks

• Questions addressed:– Can we build such robots and program the basic behaviors needed for

appropriate (dis)aggregation?

– Can we provide adaptive mechanisms that enable newly “born” organisms learn to operate (sense, move, act, …)?

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Example project – SYMBRION (2)

Scenario movie


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Example project – SYMBRION (3)


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Example project – SYMBRION (4)

Current Results

• Different controllers have been developed for robots

• Evolutionary approaches are able to adapt the controllers based upon fitness

• Different organisms are formed as required by the environment

• Some initial versions of hardware have been developed and are currently being deployed

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Example project – ASCENS (1)

Autonomous service component ensembles

• Self-aware, self-adaptive, and self-expressive autonomous components

• Components run in an environment and are called ensembles

• Systems are very difficult to develop, deploy, and manage

• Goal of ASCENS: – Develop an approach that combines traditional SE approaches based

on formal methods with the flexibility of resources promised by autonomic, adaptive, and self-aware systems

• Case studies:– Robotics, cloud computing, and energy saving e-mobility

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Example project – ASCENS (2)


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Example project – CoCoRo (1)

Collective Cognitive Robotics

• Aims at creating an autonomous swarm of interacting, cognitive underwater vehicles

• Tasks to be performed by the swarm:– Ecological monitoring

– Searching

– Maintaining

– Exploring

– Harvesting resources

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Example project – CoCoRo (2)

Scenario movie


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Example project – CoCoRo (3)


• Draw inspiration from nature to generate behavior:– Cognition generating algorithms:

• Social insect trophallaxis

• Social insect communication

• Slime mold


– Collective movement:• Bird movement

• Fish school behavior

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Application 2: Power networks

• Current power networks rely mainly on big companies, generating and distributing energy

• The scenario is quickly changing:– Renewable energy (solar panels, wind turbines, …)

– “Home-made” energy

– Smart devices

• This opens to a lot ofopportunities, butrequires an appropriatemanagement

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A new scenario

• People can produce their own energy

• People can sell energy they do not use

– To their neighbors in a peer-to-peer fashion

• Renewable energy impacts positively on the environment

• Smart devices can help in controlling the energy consumption and in providing us with information

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• US Nationwide energy dispatch without (a) and with (b) renewable contribution

• Source: Brinkman, Denholm, Drury, Margolis, and Mowers, “Toward a solar- powered grid,” Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 24–32, 2011

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The new scenario’s issues

• The new scenario introduces some peculiarities– The production is “distributed” among a possibly large

number of producers (or “prosumers” if they consume energy)

– The production is subject to external conditions (e.g., weather)

– Smart devices are better than old ones but must be coordinated

• In general, we have a more dynamic and unpredictable scenario

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Power network control

• But how this situation can be controlled?

• A human control

– Is difficult (many parameters, autonomous entities, …)

– Can be not impartial (big companies are self-interested)

• Can a power network control itself?

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What is needed?

• In both cases, for networks’ self management/organization we need:

– Mechanisms, which can enable the network to act on itself

– Policies or goals, which leads the networks in taking decisions

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Example project - PowerTAC

• Represent each house by means of an agent

• Agents are aware of their current and expected future energy expenditure

• Agents act based upon this knowledge

• Can either sell or buy energy

• PowerTAC: competition to develop appropriate mechanisms and agents for selling and buying energy

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Application 3: Data management

• More and more content is being generated

• Content needs to be effectively managed in order to avoid user form being swamped

• Task is to:

– Manage existing content

– Acquire new content

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Example project - SAPERE

Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems

• Computers for handling data and providing services are integrated into an “ecosystem”

• System is extended with – methods for data and situation identification

– decentralized algorithms for spatial self-organization, self-composition, and self-management

• Thus, we obtain automated deployment and execution of services and for the management of contextual data items

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• Pervasive computing– Sensor rich and always connected smart phones– Sensor networks and information tags– Localization and activity recognition– Internet of things and the real‐time Web

• Innovative pervasive services arising– Situation‐aware adaptation– Interactive reality– Pervasive collective intelligence and pervasive participation

• Open co‐production scenario, very dynamic, diverse needs and diverse services, continuously evolving

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• Open production model• Smooth data/services

distinction– live semantic annotations (LSA)

• Interactions– Sorts of bio‐chemical reactions

among components– In a spatial substrate

• Eco‐laws– Rule all interactions– Discovery + orchestration

seamlessly merged

• Built over a pervasive network world

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Infrastructure and applications

• Infrastructure– A very lightweight infrastructure– Ruling all interactions (from discovery to data exchange and

synchronization) by embedding the concept of eco‐laws– To most extent, acting as a recommendation and planning engine– Possibly inspired by tuple space coordination models– Yet made it more “fluid” and suitable for a pervasive computing

continuum substrate not a network but a continuum of tuple spaces

• Applications– The “Ecosystem of Display” as a general and impactfultestbed– To put at work and demonstrate the SAPERE findings– Active and dynamic information sharing in urban scenarios– Active participation of citizens to the working of the urban


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Example project - RECOGNITION

Relevance and Cognition for Self‐Awareness in a Content‐Centric Internet• Project draws inspiration from human cognitive processes to

achieve self-awareness• Try to replicate core cognitive processes in computer systems:

– e.g. inference, beliefs, similarity, and trust– embed them in ICT

• Application domain: internet content– Manage and acquire content in an effective manner by means of

self-aware computing systems

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Motivation: Technological Trends

• Participatory generation of content– Prosumers, diversity, expanding edges– Long tail, swamping, scale!

• Content in the environment– Linkage of the physical and virtual worlds– Embedding content and knowledge

• Acquiring knowledge through social mechanisms– Blogging, social networking, recommendation, RSS


• How content reaches users will continue to change…

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Self-awareness to support technological trends

• Intention: Paradigm to support ICT functions

– Enabling content centricity

• Better fitting of users to content and vice-versa

– Synchronize content with human activity and needs

• Place, time, situation, relevance, context, social search

– Autonomic management

• Of content, its acquisition and resource utilization

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Approach: Human Awareness Behaviour

• Capture & exploit key behaviours of the most intelligent living species– Human capability is phenomenal in navigating

complex & diverse stimuli

– Filter & suppress information in “noisy” situations with ambient stimuli

– Extract knowledge in presence of uncertainty

– Exercise rapid value judgment for prioritisation

– Engage a and multi‐scale social context multi learning

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Application 4: Cooperative E-Vehicles

• In a few years the e-mobile cars of a big town will be able to communicate with• each other and the time tables of the users

• traffic management servers,

• battery loading stations,

• parking lots, etc.

• In such an ensemble, the communicating entities and users may pursue different goals and plans– several users may share cars, but have different time tables

– Loading stations have only limited capabilities; so cars may not be able to use the nearest station for changing the battery

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Application 4: Cooperative E-Vehicles

• Communication and cooperation between the entities of the ensemble leads to better Quality of Service w.r.t.

– reliability

• e.g. transport/delivery reliability, adherence to schedules, guarantee to reach the goal, recharging-in-time assurance

– adaptability to changes

• e.g. traffic flow, daily personal schedule of the driver

– predictability of plans

• confidence in reaching a desired location at a preferred time

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Application 5: Science Cloud

• consists of a collection of notebooks, desktops, servers, or virtual machines– running a cloud platform

/application– communicating over the Internet

(IP protocol), forming a cloud– providing data storage and

distributed application execution • Every participant is

– provider and possible user of resources

– knowsabout• itself(properties set by

developers),• its infrastructure (CPU load,

available memory),and• other SCPis(acquired through

the network)

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Application 5: Science Cloud

• The science cloud – is dynamically changing

• Participants may dynamically join or leave the cloud or just disappear from the cloud

– is fail-safe • Continues working if one or several nodes fail

– provides load balancing • By parallelly executing applications if the load is high, but

not before that.

– aims at energy conservation• virtual machines are shut down or are taken out of the

configuration if not required

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Current research questions and challenges

• Dilemma of wishing to make our designed artefacts autonomous but not too much (safety).

• To have a metrics to measure properties related to awareness, autonomy.

• We do not know how to engineer self-organization and emergence.

• We do not know how to cope with autonomy and variability. Dilemma of system stability and reliability incorporating randomness and variability.

• How to design and implement self-aware systems?

• What kind of tools and methodology can we use here?

• Is it ethical to build self-aware systems?

• Can we build autonomic self-aware systems that behave in an ethical way? Related: legally correct behaviour, behaviour compliant with some set of rules and regulations.

• What makes known natural systems self-aware?

• Describing the scope of the future behaviour of a self-aware system.

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Current research questions and challenges

• Predicting the behaviour of autonomic systems and their interactions with the environment.

• How to ensure safety and security of autonomic self-aware systems? How to differentiate malicious from benign behaviour?

• What does the system theory of autonomic self-aware systems look like?

• How to build an autonomic self-aware system that would last 100 years?

• To what extent can Big Data be treated as an autonomic self-aware system?

• Can you separate an autonomic self-aware system from its environment?

• In what sense is human and machine self-awareness different? What implications do these differences have on developing them?

• How can we draw inspiration from human self-awareness for designing machine self-awareness?

• How to do the second order design needed in autonomic self-aware systems?

• Will autonomic self-aware systems develop their own medical science?

• Goal: build an autonomic self-aware energy production system.

• Goal: build a smart city / computer network / communication network.

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• Sapere

– http://www.sapere-project.eu/

– C. Villalba and F. Zambonelli, "Towards Nature-Inspired Pervasive Service Ecosystems: Concepts and Simulation Experiences", Journal of Network Computers and Applications, vol. 34(2), pp.589-602

– F. Zambonelli, "Pervasive Urban Crowsourcing: Visions and Challenges", The 7th IEEE Workshop on PervasivELearning, Life, and Leisure (PerEl 2011), pp.578-583, 21-25 March 2011