Presenters: 1. Abdelrahman Ali Mahmoud Morgan 2. Abdelrahman Amir Abdelrahman El essawy 3. Basem Mohamed Abdelmone’m 4. Abdelrahman Mostafa Basyoni 5. Mohamed Hassan Khamis

Augmented reality

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Presenters:1. Abdelrahman Ali Mahmoud Morgan

2. Abdelrahman Amir Abdelrahman El essawy

3. Basem Mohamed Abdelmone’m

4. Abdelrahman Mostafa Basyoni

5. Mohamed Hassan Khamis

Augmented RealityAugmented Reality

Real World

Connect Them Together

Augmented Reality Definition

Real SceneBy User

Virtual Scene By


Another Example

Do You Wish To Enter a Game ?!

Head Mounted Display

Real Scene By User

Virtual Scene By Computer AR

Virtual Scene as a Real one VR

Brief History :-L. Frank Baum 1991

Morton Hielg -1957-

Sensorama >>

Ivan -1966-

1970 >> 1980Then They Continue Developing Augmented Reality At Many Places :

US Air Force's Armstrong Laboratoy , Nasa Ames Research Center And University of North Carolina at chapel Hill

- 1990 –

Augmented Reality Became a Scientific Term

Here are the three components needed to

make an augmented-reality system work:

Head-mounted display

Tracking and Orientation system

Mobile computing power

The components



Head mounted


Tracking and



Head-mounted Displays

head-mounted displays (HMDs) will enable us

to view graphics, text and virtual objects

created by augmented-reality systems

A model of head mounted display

There are two basic types of HMDS:

video see-through

optical see-through


Video see-through displays block out thewearer's surrounding environment, using smallvideo cameras attached to the outside of thegoggles to capture images.

On the inside of the display, the video image isplayed in real-time and the graphics aresuperimposed on the video.

One problem with the use of video cameras isthat there is more lag, meaning that there is adelay in image-adjustment when the viewermoves his or her head.


Optical see-through displays is not fully realizedyet. It is supposed to consist of a ordinary-lookingpair of glasses that will have a light source on theside to project images on to the retina.

Eg. Google Project Glasses

Tracking and Orientation

An AR system needs to know two things


where the user is located (Tracking)

where he is looking. (Orientation)

Small Area Tracking

For indoor application, where the movement of

the user is short ranged we can make use of

simpler tracking systems

eg. Optoelectronics Tracking System which

consists of user mounted optical sensors and

infrared LEDs, embedded in special ceiling

panels. The system uses the known location of

the LEDs, the known geometry of the user-

mounted optical sensors and a special

algorithm to computer and report the user's

position and orientation.

Large Area Tracking

In case of out door applications, where the

movement of user will be comparatively larger,

his location with respect to his environments is

tracked with the help of GPS RECIVERS which

works in coordination with the GPS satellites.


For orientation, an inertial/magnetic tracker rides

on a headband above the AR glasses.

This device detects head movements along with

an electronic compass that establishes the

direction of the viewer's gaze in relation to Earth's

magnetic field.

Mobile Computing Power


Mobile computing can be accomplished with

the help of a wearable computer. A wearable

computer is a battery-powered computer system

worn on the user's body (on a belt, backpack or

vest). It is designed for mobile and predominantly

hands-free operations, often incorporating head-

mounted displays and speech input.

Wearable Computers

Three important features of wearable computers are





The computer runs continuously, and is

“always ready'' to interact with the user. It

does not need to be opened up and turned

on prior to use. The signal flow from human to

computer, and computer to human runs

continuously to provide a constant user--



Traditional computing paradigms are based on the notion that computing is the primary task. Wearable computing, however, is based on the notion that computing is NOT the primary task.

The assumption of wearable computing is that the user will be doing something else at the same time as doing the computing.


The wearable computer can encapsulate us. It

doesn't necessarily need to completely enclose

us, but the concept allows for a greater degree

of encapsulation than traditional portable


All the slides of applications was videos we couldn’t attach it here we attached the links on youtube.com


(layar software)




Android Operating System

An application on augmented reality

Features :

1- Photography and video

Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p

HD video. While video is recording, a recording light is

displayed above the eye, which is unnoticeable to the


Take picture : "ok, glass, take a picture.’’

Record video : "ok, glass, record a video.’’



Google Maps and Google Latitude.

Give directions : "ok, glass, give directions

to [place]."

3-Other Google applications:

3-1-Google Now

Intelligent personal assistant(android).

Display weather :

"ok, glass, how is the weather in [location]?“"ok, glass, do I need an umbrella today?“

Give flight details :

"ok, glass, when does flight [flight number] departure from [airport]?"


Google Search and Google Goggles.

Search : "ok, glass, google [search query].“

Search photos : "ok, glass, google photos of [search



Google Translate

Translate : "ok, glass, say [text] in [language]."

4-Send Message and Calling

Bluetooth connection with android device or iphone.

Send message:

"ok, glass, send a message to [name].""ok, glass, send [name] that [message].""ok, glass, send [message] to [name].“


"ok, glass, call [name]."

To Do Its Function:



3-application(interconnection between hardware and internet)

Explorer Program:

updates to the Glass are planned after the program starts.

Project started : 2010

Release date :

Developers (US): early 2013

Consumers: Q4 2013

Price : 1,500 Dollars

Disadvantage Of AR :



Security and Privacy

Interoperability (such as Wikitude AR and Layar AR browser)



Tablets and targets

Physical danger

Will it ever take off ?!!


The use of facial recognition technology, combined with geo-location and

augmented data will lead to a seamless integration of our online and offline lives.

As a result of these developments, a person walking around in the physical world

will no longer just be a person, but will be their physical self along with a digital

profile and other information that either the person itself or others make available

online. Imagine walking into a social gathering and getting ignored by a bunch

of people because you have self-identified yourself with a political or religious

affiliation that they don’t particularly care for. Or worse — imagine being singled out for additional security screening at the airport because of it.

تجميل الوجه


Yes — where there is a marketing opportunity, there will be spam, deceptive

advertising techniques and social engineering tricks to dupe gullible consumers

into paying for things they don’t really need. If you think too many legitimate

Internet companies (that are sensitive to your privacy concerns) are harvesting

all the data you publicly share on the Internet, there are even more scammers

out there doing the very same thing. Be ready to be tricked and duped by too

good to be true augmented offers in the real world — offers that will lure you in

ways that unsolicited email from online pharmacies or belly-fat banner ads only

wish they could.


Privacy and Security

Nevertheless, all of this causes great concern for the privacy of its users and

realistically Augmented Reality cannot come without its drawbacks. Here in the

UK we are anything but anonymous and some people are unaware of how

much of their personal information is accessible to complete strangers.

Although it is not an issue for us in the UK at the moment because very few have

began to use this service, it is a big thing in Japan. However, they have little

problems with privacy as people remain very anonymous in Japan even though

they have all the social media platforms that we do (if not more), the most you

could get hold of is their email address. We seem to not have anything holding

us back to uploading everything about ourselves; where we live, who we hang

around with, and even what we’re doing at the weekend. They do not even

have pictures of themselves up on their profiles in comparison to our 500 photos!

However, there are some measures to try and help us preserve our privacy. There

have been some experiments with what is known as a ‘badge’ that people can

wear to “passively manage dynamic privacy” in environments where potentially

sensitive information is streamed across real and virtual worlds. Such a device

might be embedded in your mobile phone in the near future.

The main problem with privacy for PROs is that there are no clear boundaries

when it comes to accessing consumer’s personal information. The Data

Protection Act (1998) is the only law that it supposed to protect our privacy yet

this is vague and open to interpretation. When it was passed 13 years ago the

internet had not become such a phenomenon.


The time difference between what you see and what really happen

Have bad effect on young ability to separate the fiction from the reality. Three

dimensional, real-time running augmented reality programs like "first person

shooters" have been believed to increase teen aggression because they

normalize violence.

Tablets and targets

The challenge for many of the AR projects being shown and discussed at

conferences like this is that to use them, you have to contort yourself around a

tablet or smartphone, which becomes the window through which you see the

augmented world. You might also have to print an AR "target" that your app uses

as a beacon, over which it can display its imagery.

In some applications, using a tablet-and-target system works just fine. In an art

gallery, for example, holding up a smartphone to view supporting media about a

painting is not asking too much. And for commerce, the system can work as well: I

used the Panasonic Viera AR Setup Simulator app to see how a flat-screen TV would

look in my living room before I bought it (I got an LG instead, but that's a different


But in other applications, in particular for books and games, and for some

gimmicky marketing apps, you have to drag out your phone, load a specific

app, point the camera it at a particular target (a sign, a gameboard, a book),

wait for the software to recognize what you're pointing at, and then keep the phone pointed at the target while you interact with the app.


Physical danger :

Augmented Reality, like any mobile media technology presents

some real physical safety issues. If you think mobile phones are

currently a distraction while driving a car, think of an augmented

windshield feeding you driving directions, along with more data

about your surroundings than you may need. Or imagine crossing a

busy street in an unfamiliar neighborhood, while simultaneously

using an Augmented Reality interface to look for that hot new

restaurant, checking out what people are tweeting about it and

being bombarded with ads through it all.

Will it ever take off ?!!

It is all very well and good if PROs start to include this media platform in their

campaign tactics however it is not definite that it will take off in the UK like it has in

Japan. It is important to remember that part of Japanese culture is to be tech

savvy and it is not part of ours. But, maybe we are just being naive if we believe this

will never take off and no one will ever use it here in the UK. It was only 20 years ago

people would have laughed in your face if you said most households will have on

average 3 computers/laptops by 2010. We can already see augmented reality

being used by companies for promotional purposes.

Ford has just launched an “augmented reality outdoor campaign to put its new

C-Max model in the palm of consumers’ hands”. It will project a virtual image of

the car and allow passersby to have a go. It is claimed that it is the first outdoor

campaign to use augmented reality in the UK – and it undoubtedly won’t be the



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