Beegis, digital field mapping that just works (FOSS4G2008)

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Andrea Antonello,Silvia Franceschi,Mauro De Donatis

BeeGISdigital field mapping that just works

Foss4G, Cape Town 01/10/2008


Advanced Geographic Information System for environmental analysis and planning.


A mobile tool capable to be connected to GPS and possibly to other measurement tools.


An application able to deal with maps as well as notes and images.





is an application developed for tablet pcs and ultramobile pcs

is a nmea gps-enabled application

is thought mainly for Geologists and Engineers

is not a lightweight application, the aim is to use the same application during the survey and for the following analyses in the office

is not for PDAs

works on Windows,

Linux and Macosx

BeeGIS, the bittersweet history

Map It was developed at the University of Urbino by Prof. De Donatis together with a commercial company and based on proprietary software developed with VB

after a very successful start the partnership broke and Map It couldn't be developed from the academic part and wouldn't be developed by the company

Map It is death, lot's of good scientific work is lost

De Donatis didn't stop and agreed to start over again, basing on GFOSS -> BeeGIS

BeeGIS, the key features



Annotation layer

Geonotes, stick your post-it on the map

select the geonotes tool, the geonotes layer will be loaded automatically

click on the position of interest on the map

a note will pop-up, ready to be filled with informations of any kind

the position of the note is projection dependend, i.e. if you change projection, also the geonotes are properly reprojected



geonotes can quickly be changed in color


geonotes can quickly be changed in color

and in size


geonotes can quickly be changed in color

and in size

more settings and general info are hidden behind a double-click on the title


geonotes can quickly be changed in color

and in size

more settings and general info are hidden behind a double-click on the title

geonotes support three types of


Geonotes: paint

the paint tab supports drawing and writing with the tablet's pen

basic properties can be changed, as stroke width, color and transparency

Geonotes: text

the text tab supports insertion of text through a keyboard

Geonotes: media

the media tab is a storage tab for any type of document

it supports drag & drop

Geonotes: media

the media tab is a storage tab for any type of document

it supports drag & drop

by double-clicking on an item, the default application for that type will open it

Geonotes: media & images

an exception is done for images (once the geonote was saved once), which are opened in their own editor

Geonotes: media & images

an exception is done for images (once the geonote was saved once), which are opened in their own editor

if saved, the drawn layer is saved as a separate layer

The annotation layer, draw free on your map

select the annotation layer tool, the annotation layer will be loaded automatically

a properties view is opened, inside which stroke width, color and transparency can be set

just draw free

The annotation layer

The GPS tool

GPS settingscenter view on GPS position

automatically add points to layer

turn on GPS

manually add point to layer

add a geonote at the GPS position

The GPS tool: settings

NMEA serial port connected GPS are supported

an interval for automatic data insertion can be configured

a distance threshold can be defined to avoid continuous data acquisition when standing in one point

with Start Gps, BeeGIS connects to the device and starts background data acquisition

The GPS tool: settings

After chosen the port and started the GPS, in the textarea an information about the data read is given.If to the selected port a GPS is connected, some NMEA strings appear.

The GPS tool: position and view

Once the GPS is turned on, the gps position is visible on the map and a view reporting the available GPS informations is opened.

The GPS tool: position and view

BeeGIS puts the acquired GPS data on the map depending on the selected layer type

every time a the GPS is turned on, the user has to decide whether to start a new feature or continue from the last created on the layer

hint: if you do not see the GPS point, you are probably out of view. Use the center on GPS view button to set the view.

The GPS tool: adding to point layers

points can be added manually or automatically

The GPS tool: adding to line layers

lines can be added manually or automatically

in order to be able to create separated lines, the user is prompted whether he wants to continue from the last drawn feature or instead create a new one

The GPS tool: adding to polygon layers

polygons can be added manually or automatically.

as for lines, also separate polygons can be created




Why BeeGIS?

BeeGIS is available at

Thanks for your attention

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HydroloGIS s.r.l. - Via Siemens, 19 39100 Bolzano

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Second Outline Level

Third Outline Level

Fourth Outline Level

Fifth Outline Level

Sixth Outline Level

Seventh Outline Level

Eighth Outline Level

Ninth Outline Level




HydroloGIS s.r.l. - Via Siemens, 19 39100 Bolzano