Climate zones

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  • 1. Tropical Wet & Dry

2. Tropical Wet & Dry Location: Located near the Equator on the outside edges of the Tropical Wet India, C. Africa. Temperature: 68-77 degrees Precipitation: This zone experiences two distinct seasons (wet & dry). Dry season: >4 inches of rain. Wet seasons: +25 inches of rain. Vegetation: grasses, shrubs, few trees. Influences Climate: changing wind and ocean currents. (Monsoons) 3. Arid 4. Arid Location: Most deserts are found along the 30 degree latitude line (north and south of the equator). Southwest Asia, North Africa Temperature: can range from -30-130 degrees. (Arid means dry not HOT) Precipitation: >10 inches of rain a year. Vegetation: The plants often have long roots and are spaced out. Some examples are scrub bushes, grasses, and cactus. Influences the climate? 1. Rain shadow affect 2. Dry air patterns 5. Highlands 6. Highland Location: high elevation Mt. Kilimanjaro, Plateau of Tibet Temperatures: temperature drops about 3 degrees every 1000 feet in elevation. So, the temperatures in Highland depends on the elevation. Precipitation: varies with elevation. Vegetation: vegetation might be normal at the base but vegetation become sparse as you move up to the mountain eventually no vegetation can survive Influences Climate: 7. Humid Continental 8. Humid Continental (what we have..) Location: interior of continents between the 30 and 60 degrees latitude Temperature: Humid Continental climate is one of the few climates with 4 different season. (0-100!) Precipitation: Between 20 and 50 inches of rain falls in this climate zone. Almost all regions with this climate experience snow. Vegetation: A wide variety of plants are found in this region.This climate is excellent for farming since it has warm summers and regular rainfall. Influences Climate: far away from equator less direct sunlight. No large bodies of water nearby for insulation 9. Tropical Wet 10. Tropical Wet Location: Found near equator. (C. Africa, SE Asia) Temperature: only 1 season. Stays warms and wet year-round. 60-80 degrees. 100-300 inches a rain a year! Vegetation: only zone that can support true rainforests. Rainforests cover only 6% of the Earth but produce 40% of the oxygen. Contains half the world's animal and plant life. Influences the Climate: near the equator receives direct sunlight. 11. Mediterranean 12. Mediterranean Location: 30oand45odegreelatitudes. (mostlyfoundaroundtheMediterranean duh...) Temperature:Theclimateisknownfor warmtohot,drysummers(70s)andmild tocool,wetwinters(30-65degrees). Precipitation:verydryduringsummer months,wetduringwintermonths.(20 inchesayear) Vegetation:PlantsinMediterranean climatemustbeabletosurvivelongdry summers.(shrubs&grasses) Influences Climate: largebodiesofwaterkeepsitcoolin Summermonths,andmildinthewinters. 13. Semi Arid 14. Semi Arid Location: Semiarid climate is always found on the outer edge of Arid climate areas. Think of Semiarid as a transition climate between dry and wetter places. Sahel (edges of Sahara) Temperature: depends on the location/latitude. (similar to Arid). Precipitation: Considered semiarid if it averages between 10-20 in./year Some years these places may get 20-40 inches of rain, but sometimes 5-10 inches. (unpredictable for humans). Vegetation: scattered trees, shrubs,grasses. Adaptions to persevere water. Influences climate: seasonal changes in wind and ocean currents bring dry and wetter seasons. 15. Humid Subtropical 16. Humid Subtropical Location: The Humid Subtropical climate is found on the east coast of continents between 20o and 40o north and south of the equator. Temperature: stays about 70 throughout the year. Slight cool down during winter months. Precipitation: around 48 inches a year. High temperatures cause evaporation high humidity. Vegetation: mainly evergreen trees, bushes, and shrubs. Many plants can be farmed here since the growing season is sometimes 8 months long. Influences Climate?