OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual 1 Day 4 – OpenTable Tools Plan for the day Topic Overview OpenTable Tools Aspects Covered Dining Community ROMS CHARM OtRestaurant.com Crash RAT SuperNut QA Audit Form (Call Flow Sample) C-Sats Outcome Page | 1

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OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual

1 Day 4 – OpenTable Tools

Plan for the day

Topic Overview OpenTable ToolsAspects Covered Dining Community

ROMSCHARMOtRestaurant.comCrashRATSuperNutQA Audit Form (Call Flow Sample)C-Sats


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Tier 1 Support Training

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OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual

Core Knowledge – Community

Our community is a branded site on the internet where we manage and engage in conversations about OpenTable with our users. The community site is: https://community.opentable.com

Online communities are similar to forums and knowledge bases, with the exception that they are more social, informative, dynamic, and they offer a human feel. We’ve chosen to bring community into our support model for a few different reasons, but primarily, we're able to help many users resolve their questions with one single post. This “one-to-many” support model often leads to higher customer satisfaction and reduced support costs.

How it works

Your ResponsibilitiesAs an OpenTable technical support representative, and community moderator, you have the following responsibilities - 1. Enforce Community Policies2. Respond to customer-posted questions and issues within 4-6 hours of their original post time3. Review and respond to abuse reports

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4. Escalate potential dining disasters, abusive users, and other areas of crisis/ negativity, immediately5. Identify patterns with user behavior, and note in your end-of-shift report6. Always close the loop with the customer. Post when the issue has been resolved, and post a

message of acknowledgement if you have to escalate the issue to other OT employees.

Diner Support Overview“Diners” are the end consumer to the OpenTable network. OpenTable services are free for diners to use, and OpenTable makes money when a diner books a reservation through one of our services and honors the reservation.

Diner products include:Website: www.opentable.comMobile apps (Android, iOS, etc.)Mobile website: m.opentable.comOpenTable Gifts (gift cards)Payments (via mobile phone)Dining rewards program (points & dining cheques)Dining feedback (reviews)

Diners use the OpenTable website and mobile apps to book reservations at participating restaurants. Diners honor their reservation by showing up, and ordering a meal. Certain restaurants may have our mobile Payments product integrated with their system, so diners can pay their check without having to flag down a server. Once reservations are honored, diners will be awarded points based on the reservation, and will have the option to fill out and submit a dining feedback form.

Booking a ReservationReservations can be booked at restaurants on the OpenTable network from our website, mobile apps, and from over 600 partner sites (including Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.) that leverage our booking service. Additionally, some restaurants also have reservation widgets embedded on their website, so diners can directly book from the restaurant’s website as well.

Reservations typically start with the following search elements: date, time, and party size. Once those details are entered, our application will search through the restaurants that show availability at that time. Online availability is a directly affected by the availability that the restaurant enters into their OpenTable system. If our website or apps says that there is no availability, it’s because the restaurant has not opened up the availability in their system.

Occasionally, a user may receive an error message stating that the reservation cannot be completed due to a “temporary connectivity issue.” This means that the restaurant is having trouble keeping their system online, and should be investigated. If necessary, escalate to a Tier 2 support team member.

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Making a PaymentDiners using an iPhone have the opportunity to pay for their meals directly from the OpenTable application at participating restaurants. In order for a diner to use this service, they must be using iOS7, and the restaurant must be set up to accept payments via mobile.

Receiving PointsDiners are awarded 0, 100, 1000 dining points for honoring reservations booked through certain OpenTable properties. Restaurants will pay $1 per cover for 100 point reservations, and pay $7.50 per cover for 1,000 point reservations. 2 covers = party of 2 people for dinner = $2 paid by the restaurant to OpenTable.

Once enough points have been accumulated, diners can redeem them for an OpenTable Dining Cheque. Dining Cheques are treated as cash by any restaurant on the OpenTable network, and are essentially used in a similar manner to Traveller’s Cheques. 2,000 points = $20 cheque, 5,000 points = $50 cheque, 10,000 points = $100 cheque.

In order for a diner to receive points for their reservation, 2 things must happen:1. The reservation must originate from either opentable.com, or from one of our mobile apps.

Reservations that originate from a restaurant’s website, or one of our partner sites (e.g.: Yelp), are not always worth points

2. The restaurant must mark the diner as “seated” in their electronic reservation book, or the system automatically marks them as “assumed seated.”

Restaurants have 3 days after a reservation has taken place to mark the status of the reservation. Statuses include:1. Pending: Upcoming reservation, or, the restaurant has not yet assigned the status of a reservation

and it is within their 3 day window2. Seated: Restaurant acknowledges that the party arrived and was seated3. No Show: Restaurant says the party did not show up for their reservation, and have not cancelled4. Cancelled Restaurant: Restaurant says that the party cancelled5. Cancelled Web: Diner cancelled their existing reservation through our apps/ website6. Seated Disputed: Diner was marked as no show/ cancelled, and disputed the status 7. Cancelled Disputed: Diner was marked as no show, and disputed the status saying they had called to

cancel8. No Show Excused: Diner was a no show, but an OpenTable employee has excused the no show from

their record9. Assumed Seated: Restaurant didn’t mark the status of the party within 3 days, so the system auto

marks the customer as seated

Once the status has been set, the restaurant’s ERB must send the data back to the OpenTable servers for the points to appear in a diner’s account. This process usually takes about 24 hours, but depending on network connectivity it can take up to 7 days for a diner to see the points in their account.

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No Show and Cancelled statuses will trigger an automated email to the diner letting them know of the action. In some cases, restaurants mark a diner incorrectly, which triggers an email. Diners will often dispute these inaccurate statuses to be sure they get all of the points for their meal. You will learn more about how to handle these types of issues in the scenarios below.

Support ToolsThere are a couple key tools used to support OpenTable diners:1. The Community - The Community is our primary diner support tool. From within the Community,

diners can post public questions, start private conversations with OT employees, submit support tickets, and carry on discussions with other members. There are several boards in the community for users to participate on. Current support forum boards include: General Help, Points Issues, Account Reactivations, Gift Cards, and Dining Cheque Issues.

2. CHARM - CHARM is OpenTable’s proprietary diner and restaurant information management tool. CHARM will allow you to look up a diner’s reservation history, manage diner accounts, manage points, and more.

3. RightNow - RightNow is the tool used to process email tickets submitted by diners through the email form.

Using The CommunityThe community is our primary support tool. At its core, it is a site made up of forums, knowledge base articles, and soon we will incorporate training materials, blogs, and other discussions.

When interacting in the community, it’s very important to maintain an authentic, friendly, and positive tone. Responses that have been copied and pasted, or feel like templates, are likely to be harshly criticized by customers.

Additionally, the community is a completely public space. Anyone, including our competitors, can visit the community and follow conversations. It’s important that we do not ever post any OpenTable confidential information in the community, and we must be careful with setting precedents related to points and the dining rewards program.

Community StructureThe community is actually one site divided into 6 sections — one for each international market that we serve: USA, UK, Canada, Japan, Germany, and Mexico. Your same login credentials will allow you to access all 6 communities. You can navigate to the different communities by using the flag, drop-down menu in the upper, right hand corner of the page.

Each community has the following structure:

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Moderation ToolsModeration tools help us to better manage the content in the community. They can be accessed from the appropriate “Options” menu of each post. Moderation actions taken on the “Topic Options” menu will apply to the replies underneath. The “options” menu on the individual topic, and the individual replies apply to only that message itself.

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Country-Specific Homepage

Categories (Support vs. Discussions)

Boards Topics (top-level threads)

Replies (attached to topics)

Private Messages ((1:1 messages between users)

User Profiles (user activity and login


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The Move Tool will be the primary moderation tool that you use. Use the move tool to move outdated topics to the “Archived Topics” board, or inappropriate topics to the “Deleted Topics” board where no other community members will be able to see the content.

Additionally, the move tool can be used to merge duplicate topics into one specific thread. To merge a thread, you will need to grab the destination topic’s ID. The topic ID appears in the URL, and in the example below, is the portion of the URL in bold, red text:https://community.opentable.com/t5/New-Member-Corner/Introduce-yourself/m-p/ 534

The Edit Tool is available for you to use to remove an email address, or any other personal information that a user might have posted. If you remove any content from a post, replace it with the phrase: [personal information redacted]. Additionally, use the edit tool to clean up spelling or clarify the title of a topic. Do not use the edit tool to edit the user’s original content out of context.

The Private Message tool is the best way to request personal information from a user, or to take a potentially stressful conversation offline. To send a user a private message, click their username to get to the user profile. Then, click the red “Send this user a private message” button. Private messages will appear in the upper, right hand corner of the site.

You can prompt a user to send you a private message by hyperlinking directly to your PM-inbox. Use the following link below, but change the user ID at the end (bold, red text) to match the user ID on your personal profile.

Link to send a PM directly to yourself:https://community.opentable.com/t5/notes/privatenotespage/tab/compose/note-to-user-id/177

Your user ID is located at the end of your user profile:https://community.opentable.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/177

NOTE: Private Messages were never designed to be a replacement for email support, so to that end you will notice that your private message inbox lacks some basic email-like functionality:

There is no visual “replied” indicator to show that you’ve responded to a message

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You are not able to see the full PM thread in the private message inbox There is no search functionality within the PM inbox

For more complicated issues that will likely require several back-and-forths with the customer, please submit a ticket on their behalf using the community ticket form, and let the customer know that you have done so.

Your ProfileAll OpenTable employees will be identified in the community with a specific marking on their profile. Once logged in, please do the following:

1. Set an avatar: gear icon >> avatars >> upload image2. Set email notifications: It will likely be overwhelming to subscribe to all email notifications, but

please ensure you get email notifications when people send you a private message: gear icon >> preferences >> private messenger >> ‘receive email for new private messages’ is checked on.

Style & ToneMaintaining an overly friendly style and tone in the community is incredibly important as users are not able to discern your vocal tone or body language through the internet. Community evokes a lot of emotion from users, and responding with template responses implies that we don’t care in a very public setting.

When responding in the community, follow these tips: Increase your emotion 2-3x — Be double as friendly or triple as empathetic in the community as

you would be when talking to the customer over the phone. This helps to ensure the correct tone is conveyed through written communications

Write the Anti Email — Don’t respond as if it were an email message, instead, write as if you were speaking to the user in person. Lose the salutations, and feel free to use exclamation points or emoticons. Do not use corporate jargon, and modify any templates so that they have a more personal feel. Re-read your response for spelling and grammar before clicking “post.”

Don’t Get Defensive — Because community evokes a lot of emotion, it’s very easy to get defensive about certain subjects. However, a defensive response will only make OpenTable look bad in the eyes of the user, and the hundreds of other visitors to the site. If a particular post strikes a nerve with you, take a break before responding. When you sit down to write, envision the situation from the community member’s point of view, and then ask a colleague to review your reply before clicking “post.”

Use Happy Sandwiches — If you have to deliver bad news, sandwich your bad news between 2 positive statements. Keep your tone light and friendly as well.

Under-Promise, but Over-Deliver — Do not ever give dates in the community for when a feature may be fixed or released. Ever. Do not promise concessions that have not been approved by OpenTable support management first, and be very mindful of setting precedents. Remember, everything you post has the potential to be seen by hundreds, if not thousands of other users.

Remember Your Manners — Say “thank you” even if the feedback being shared is critical. Apologize for poor experiences, but don’t ever throw a restaurant under the bus. Over emphasize your empathy and tone.

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Be Mindful of Setting Precedents — This is hugely important. OpenTable has official policies related to points and dining cheques as mandated by our legal and risk management teams. We do empower our frontline employees to do what’s necessary to make it right for the customer, however, special concessions should not be shared publicly in the community. If we set a precedent in the community, thousands will expect the exact same concessions.

Common IssuesHere are the most common diner support issues you will encounter in the community:

1. “My account was deactivated. Please reactivate.”2. “I got an email saying I didn’t show up (no show) for my reservation.”3. “I got a cancellation email even though I showed up for my reservation.”4. “I didn’t get any points for my reservation.” – posted publicly5. “I didn’t get any points for my reservation.” – sent PM to “Points_Help” account6. “I booked a 1000 point reservation but only got 100 points.”7. “I need to merge multiple accounts together.”8. “I need my dining cheque reissued.”

How to Reactivate User AccountsUsers can get locked out of their accounts for 2 reasons:

1. They have 4+ failed password attempts. The system will lock them out after 4 failed password attempts. We have to reset the password attempts, and reactivate the account in CHARM in order to unblock the user

2. They have had 3+ “no show” reservations in the last 12 months. The system will send the diner an email after each no show with the opportunity to contest the no show if they did, in fact, keep their reservation. You simply have to reactivate the account to unblock the user.

To reactivate the account for password attempts, follow these steps:1. Log into CHARM: http://charm.otcorp.opentable.com/2. Click “User Info”3. Enter the user’s email address, and click, “Find available information”4. You will see a page similar to the screenshot below:

1. To reactivate the account, click on the link that says “De-Activated.” When an account is active, the link will say “Active.”

2. To reset the password attempts, click on the link that says “reset password attempts.”

You must reset both the “de-activated” link and “reset password attempts” link to unblock the user.

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Once the account has been reactivated, let the user know with a post in the community and give them the “reset password” link.

Here’s a sample reply to an account reactivation request:

Just took care of that for you! If you need to reset your password, use this link: https://secure.opentable.com/forgotpassword.aspx

To reactivate accounts for no show issues, follow steps 1-4a above. Once the account has been reactivated, let the user know with a post in the community and remind them to cancel reservations to keep their accounts active. Here’s a sample post:

Looks like your account had been deactivated due to a few too many no shows. If you can, try to cancel your reservations if you're not going able to make them to ensure your account stays in good standing.

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You can do that from the "cancel" link at the bottom of your confirmation email, or by calling the restaurant directly.Hope that helps & happy dining! :)

Live community examples: https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Account-Reactivation/m-p/3114#U3114 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Account-locked-out/m-p/3102#U3102 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/How-do-I-have-my-account-unlocked/m-


How to Manage Points IssuesDiners may not have received points after a reservation for a few different reasons:

1. The restaurant marked them as “no show” even though they dined2. The restaurant marked them as “cancelled” even though they dined3. The restaurant marked them as “seated,” but the reservation is worth 0 points4. The user booked a 1,000 point reservation but only received 100 points

1. Restaurant Marked as No ShowIf the user has complained that the restaurant marked them as “no show” even though they dined, follow these steps:

1. Log into CHARM: http://charm.otcorp.opentable.com/2. Click “User Info”3. Enter the user’s email address, and click, “Find available information”4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click, “Total Reservations”5. The page will show the user’s entire reservation history. Find the No Show reservation, and click

on the “No Show” status6. Select the “Seated Disputed” reservation state, and leave “disputed via community” in the notes

section7. Once you save the new status, the points will automatically be allocated to the user, the

restaurant will be billed for the cover, and the dining feedback form will be sent

Sample Response:Sorry to hear this happened to you! It’s likely that the restaurant accidentally marked you as a no show in haste. I’ve updated the status appropriately on your account, so you should now see the points in your account and a dining feedback form will be on it’s way to you shortly. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else!

Live Examples: https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Listed-as-a-no-show/m-p/2224#M196 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Incorrect-no-show/m-p/2564#M232 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/No-show/m-p/3106/highlight/


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2. Restaurant Marked Diner as CancelledIf the user has complained that the restaurant marked them as “cancelled” even though they dined, follow these steps:

1. Log into CHARM: http://charm.otcorp.opentable.com/2. Click “User Info”3. Enter the user’s email address, and click, “Find available information”4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click, “Total Reservations”5. The page will show the user’s entire reservation history. Find the “cancelled restaurant”

reservation, and click on the “cancelled restaurant” status link6. Select the “Seated Disputed” reservation state, and leave a note7. Once you save the new status, the points will automatically be allocated to the user, the

restaurant will be billed for the cover, and the dining feedback form will be sent

Sample Response:Apologies for the trouble! It looks like the host accidentally marked you as cancelled, but I’ve gone in and reversed the status for you. The points have been added to your account for a reservation, and the dining feedback should be on it’s way to you shortly!

Live Examples: https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/restaurant-cancelled-my-reservation/m-

p/3172/highlight/true#M254 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/reservation-cancelled-by-restaurant/m-

p/2308/highlight/true#M214 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Restaurant-Cancelled-My-Reservation-


3. Restaurant Marked as Seated but 0 Points — Public Post

The restaurant marked them as “seated,” but the reservation is worth 0 points, and the user has posted publicly in the community:

1. Respond to the user on the public post with something similar to this:

Sorry for any confusion! I’ve figured out what has happened and am going to send you a private message with more information. Please look for it in the upper, right-hand corner of the site.

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[Include screenshot if you’d like]

2. Private Message the user, explain why they were not given points, and say that you’re willing to give points this time to make up for the confusion. Point them to this FAQ to learn about which reservations are worth points: https://community.opentable.com/t5/Points-Questions-Issues/Please-Read-Zero-0-Points-for-My-Reservation/m-p/3260

3. Go into CHARM and look up the user’s information4. Click “Adjust Points”5. Select a reason from the drop down:

1. 0 point restref adjustment for Zero Point Issues2. Other = explain

6. Depending on the amount of points, click the +100 preselected point amount1. Only give out 100 points at a time. If you want/ need to give more, please clear with

Caty or Tony first2. Points are heavily monitored by our Risk team. Any abnormal points issues will be

immediately flagged.7. Once you click the +100 point button, the points will immediately be added to the account, and

your change will be updated in the history.

4. Restaurant Marked as Seated but 0 Points — Private Message to Points_Help

The restaurant has marked them as “seated,” but the reservation is worth 0 points, and the user has sent a private message to the Points_Help user profile asking for either points or more info.

1. Log in as “Points_Help”1. Login Name: Points_Help2. PW: outpoints

2. Private message the user back, and explain the issue. Offer points to make up for any confusion.3. Go into CHARM and look up the user’s information4. Click “Adjust Points”5. Select a reason from the drop down:

1. 0 point restref adjustment for Zero Point Issues2. Other = explain

6. Depending on the amount of points, click the +100 preselected point amount1. Only give out 100 points at a time. If you want/ need to give more, please clear with

Caty or Tony first

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2. Points are heavily monitored by our Risk team7. Once you click the +100 point button, the points will immediately be added to the account, and

your change will be updated in the history.

Note: Users private messaging the Points_Help account have likely already read the “Zero Points” FAQ noted above.

Look in the “Sent Messages” folder of the Points_Help account for examples.

5. Booked a 1,000 Point Reservation but Received 100 Points

1,000 point reservations are a marketing tool offered by OpenTable to help restaurants fill last minute reservations. Because a restaurant pays $7.50 per seated cover for a 1,000 point reservation, they are only offered at certain times during the day.

If a restaurant offers 1,000 point reservations, a schedule is listed on their opentable.com profile.

However, in order for the diner to receive the 1,000 points they must book the reservation by clicking the reservation time that has the “1,000 points” icon associated with it. If they book during the 1,000 point schedule, but do not click on a timeframe with the 1,000 points icon, they will only be awarded 100 points for the reservation.

1,000 points icon as it appears on opentable.com

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1,000 points icon as it appears on the iPhone app

Many diners are confused by our 1,000 points program as it’s not always super clear that you have to click on the 1,000 point reservation icon. Many think that they can just book within the scheduled time to receive the points. Here’s how to handle these types of issues:

1. Open the user’s account in CHARM. Click on “Total Reservations” to confirm that they did receive 100 points for the reservation.

2. Look up the restaurant’s 1,000 point schedule on OpenTablea. It’s easiest to google “restaurant name opentable” to quickly find the profile. Then click

“view 1000 point reservations”b. If they booked within the proper times on the schedule, but the account only shows 100

points, then it’s definitely because they didn’t click the 1000 points icon reservation. 3. Respond to the user on the public post with something similar to this:

Sorry for any confusion! I’ve figured out what has happened and am going to send you a private message with more information. Please look for it in the upper, right-hand corner of the site.

[include PM screenshot if necessary to clarify for users]

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4. Send a private message to the user explaining the situation, and include screenshots as necessary. Here’s a sample:

So sorry for the confusion! Though the reservation was made during a time window in which [restaurant name] offers 1,000 point reservations, it doesn't appear that the reservation was made by clicking on a booking link that explicitly has the 1,000 point icon. In order to get the 1,000 points, you have to click on the time slot with the 1,000 point icon. That said, you did book during the offered timeframe, so I'll go ahead and credit you the points. Just keep the icon thing in mind for next time to ensure you get the full points. Here are some screenshots to clarify:

[insert screenshots]5. Go back to the user’s profile in CHARM6. Click “adjust points”7. From the dropdown menu, choose “Dining Incentive Points Adjustment,” and then click the

+900 points button

Booked a 1,000 point reservation but received 0 points

Occasionally diners will complain that they were marked as a “no show” or that the restaurant cancelled their reservation when, in actuality, they were there. We are happy to reverse statuses/ offer points for these issues, but since the restaurant pays so much money per cover, we must have proof from the diner that they actually dined at the restaurant before we can reverse the status.

Here’s how to handle these types of issues:

1. In your initial response back to the user, apologize for the issue and explain that it was likely a mistake made in haste.

2. Explain that you’ll be happy to correct the status, but because it is a 1000 point reservation you will need to see proof that the reservation took place. Have the user send you a screenshot/ photo of their receipt via private message. The receipt needs to show date, time, and restaurant’s name.

3. Once you have the receipt, verify that the date/ time/ restaurant name match up with the details in CHARM.

1. If it matches up, update the status of the reservation in CHARM as necessary. Include in the notes that the reservation was disputed via the community, and that you verified with the receipt

2. If the information does not match up, go back to the user and explain that the details on the receipt do not match with the reservation details, so you are not able to update the status/ offer points at this time

How to Merge (consolidate) Duplicate Accounts

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Some users may have ended up with multiple accounts that they need to merge together. Unfortunately we cannot do a true merge of accounts. What we can do is consolidate all of the points into the main account, remove the email address from the old account, and then deactivate the old account. To consolidate the accounts together, follow these steps:

1. Ask the user to send you a private message with the 2 accounts that they would like to merge, and have them state which account to keep as the main account. You should be able to self verify that the name/ phone number/ locations on the two accounts match. If they don’t, do not hesitate to ask the user to provide more information to confirm their identity.

2. Once you receive the information, look up both accounts in CHARM. It’s best to have 2 browser tabs open… one for each account.

3. Click the “Total Reservations” link in the bottom left corner of the page to check out the upcoming reservation history for the account that needs to be deactivated.

a. We are unable to move pending reservations, so if there are pending reservations on the account you will need to let the user know that you either have to wait until after the reservations have been honored, or they need to cancel and rebook under their main account

4. Once you have confirmed that there are no pending reservations, look up how many points are associated with the account that needs to be deactivated.

5. Go to the CHARM record for the main account, and add the points from the deactivated account to the main account. Select “Other” from the reasons drop down, and enter the reason “Consolidating points from UID: XXXXXXX”. (Replace XXXXXXX with the customer ID that appears on the deactivated account)

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6. Go back to the CHARM record for the account that needs to be deactivated. Copy the user’s email address and then click the “Edit email” button. Replace the user’s email address with the following: “deactivated_<users email address>”

7. Once you’ve changed the email address, click the “Active” link on the user profile to deactivate the account

8. Once the account has been deactivated, deduct the points from the account.a. Click “Adjust Points”b. Choose other from the drop down. Enter the reason: “Consolidating account (UID:

XXXXXX)” where XXXXXX is the user id of the main accountc. Enter the number of points to deduct, and click “Deduct points”

How to Manage Dining Cheque IssuesIssues related to OpenTable Dining Cheques are handled almost explicitly by Michael Whatley on our Tier 2 support team. If you stumble across an issue related to Dining Cheques in one of the other support boards, please move it to the Dining Cheque board so that Michael can address.

ProcessesManaging the Points_Help AccountPoints_Help is an account we created so that users could message anyone directly about issues with points. This private message inbox needs to be reviewed, and cleared, daily.

Login Name: Points_HelpPassword: otpoints

It’s best to open up this account in a separate browser, or in an incognito window, so that you can remain logged into the community with 2 accounts at the same time.

This account is accessed by several different people through out the day. Do not leave a message marked as “read” unless you are able to complete the customer’s ask. You can always mark a message as “unread” by checking the checkbox next to the message, and choosing “marked checked messages as new” from the options menu.

EscalationsFollow normal escalation processes when escalating community topics. Given that community topics are quite public, its important to escalate issues quickly vs. going through several back and forths with the customer online.

When escalating, always post an initial response that lets the customer know we are investigating the issue. Sample response:

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So sorry for the trouble here! Unfortunately I am not able to resolve this issue, so I am escalating this to our technical support team. Someone from the team will be in touch just as soon as they’ve had a chance to review the issue. I appreciate your patience, and we’ll do our best to get this sorted out for you just as soon as we can!

Trust your instincts to quickly recognize patterns. If a lot of users are suddenly posting about the same thing, then it means that there’s likely a bigger issue underfoot. Be vocal and persistent when communicating potential issues & fires up to the management teams.

Managing NegativityThe community has been a big change to some customers, and because of that, there are some that have been frustrated by the forum though we still offer an email form. Most cases of negativity can be handled by simply acknowledging & apologizing for their frustration, and letting them know they can still reach our team by email if they would prefer.

Email form: http://opentable.custhelp.com/app/ask_community How to Contact OpenTable Support: https://community.opentable.com/t5/General-Help/How-


When dealing with negativity in a public community, you must never come off as defensive towards the user. If you’re at all concerned about your post, run it by another colleague, or ping Caty/ Tony via instant messenger before posting.

Live Examples: https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/changing-email-address/m-p/3176/

highlight/true#M113 https://community.opentable.com/t5/Archived-Topics/Missing-points-on-5-2-14/m-p/3238/


Because community evokes a lot of emotion from users, you may occasionally encounter more extreme examples of negativity. If this happens, do not respond, and instead, escalate immediately to [email protected] with the subject line “Negativity: [post title].” Include the link to the post, and any other background information that you can provide. Extreme examples of negativity include the usage of profanity, phrases like “heartless,” or, “greedy,” or, “lawsuit,” etc. If the post is really bad (trust me, you’ll know what “really bad” is), ping Caty or Tony directly on instant messenger

End of Shift ReportAt the end of each shift you are responsible for providing a quick overview via email to the management team. In this report, please note any topics that we should be aware of, both positive and negative. Call out examples of customers helping each other out, along with issues that require more attention. Be sure to include links… if the conversation happens via private message, please copy & paste the text along with the link to the user’s profile in the community.

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Note: If an issue in the community is urgent, DO NOT wait until the end of your shift to escalate.

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Core Knowledge – Reservation Operations Management System (ROMS)

ROMS was replaced by Salesforce in February 2014. ROMS is no longer used to create and manage cases, but at times, maybe required for historical purposes. To view data on ROMS you can use the link http://roms.otcorp.opentable.com on a computer wired to the OpenTable corporate network. Please keep in mind that you SHOULD NOT create a new service request (SR) or edit the data in any way.

You can then log into ROMSThen search for a customer by account name, Restaurant ID Number (RID), or existing SR.

Once the customer has been found in ROMS, you’ll see a customer profile containing their contact information, OpenTable account support, CHARM status, and software version along with a historical list of all of their existing S/Rs.

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Click into an S/R number to view the full details. You’ll be able to see the reason for the call, detailed troubleshooting steps, time and date stamps, as well as full resolution details.

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Core Knowledge – CHARMS

Logging InGo to http://titan.microdyne.com/clients/opentable/techpage/(This is referred to as the Tech Page). Enter your Username and PW (Provided by your Trainer)

Note: If using a Window’s 7 Machines your Login Name must be in this format: opentable.com\m_ggoodwin” (opentable.com\M_first initial, last name)

Once you have logged in, enter the Restaurant in the Search box in the upper right hand corner and hit enter. (Note: In order to make the charms link work you must have the restaurant ID in this field NOT the phone number).

Click on the menu bar listed as Charm (CHARMS Tab). You will get the following options –All Reservations – You can view/find/export the restaurant’s reservations

Blocked Days – Where we can block a day or a range of days (up to 31) for a restaurant

Connect: View OT Connect Profile

Contact Info – This page houses all of the Restaurants contact information

Credit Card Dates: Where you can setup a credit card requirement for a reservation.

Date Specific Messages: Where you can setup a customized message for a day or a range of


Menu: Where we can view their menu that listed on OT.com.

POP: A quick link to their POP tab on OT.com

POP Profile: This is where we can view their POP Settings

Private Dining: Where we can view their private dining profile settings.Page | 24

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Reviews: A quick link to their reviews tab on OT.com

Update Messages: This is where we can edit any message settings for the restaurant.

Update Profile: This is where you can view the restaurant details and settings on OT.com

Upcoming Reservations: A link to the upcoming Reservations of the all Reservations page

Website Profile: A quick link to their OT profile page.

All Reservations

This window allows us to view the ONLINE reservations for the given restaurant. We can either view all upcoming reservations, all reservations in general, or all reservations made since a certain date. If a restaurant requests a copy of any information in this window we can export this to Excel using the button in the upper right hand corner and email it to them. This will not show any in house reservations.Note- When emailing to a diner the file must be edited to remove the OpenTable only information (they should only be getting first name, last name, phone number, part size, date of booking, and date made (under no circumstance should we be sending an email address).

At the bottom of the list of Reservations you can also view a month ahead or behind by clicking on the month that you want to review.Note: All Reservations for the month of (Date). Reservations highlighted in green indicate a POP (1,000 pt.) reservation. Click on "diner name" to view the customer record.

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To show upcoming


All is to view all (this is

the default setting)

Made Since allows you to search from a certain start date to current

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If a restaurant calls in wanting to fix a status (example: they marked a guest as a no-show or cancelled and the guest did show up) we can fix this for them. Click on the diner’s name as shown above. You will get a list of the guest’s information. You are looking for “Total Reservations” at the bottom of the screen.

Find the reservation the restaurant is emailing in about.

Click on the reservation status and it will give you a list of options you can set the reservation status to.

We should be using the status options that end in “Disputed” so we know that a change was made. So if this reservation was cancelled and it was supposed to be marked as seated, the restaurant would have verified this with you on the phone, you would select the option for “Seated Disputed”. The “Reason for

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Change” field should contain the ticket number from your call as well as the reason for the change. Once you do this it will bring you back to the guest’s information. Please copy the entire line of guest information for the guest you changed and paste it in your SR notes, so we know what guest status you fixed.

Blocked DaysIf you get a call from a restaurant and they want to block off an entire day or range of days, (you can only block up to 31 days) you select if it’s a daily or weekly block, the range of the block and whether they want our standard closed message or a custom one. You can also view any changes to existing blocks with the “view change log button”.

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To unblock the day(s) you can use the Unblock All button.

To View Reservations on Blocked Days

Tech Note: To block a day for the restaurant enter

the information as requested. If the

restaurant wants a Custom Message on the

website like “Happy Valentine’s Day”, you can also enter that here. Once you have completed this

page, click update.Please Note: If you are blocking more than 3

consecutive days please send the SR to the Account

Manager, so they are aware. Also, we are not

allowed to place a “Please call the restaurant

message” in this field.

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ConnectIn this window we can view the associated logins for their OT Connect. The restaurant can only have 5 logins total. There is an “add account” button beside any open login slot to allow for more logins to be activated. If the restaurant calls us with an OT Connect issue and needs to be walked through the software, we can use the “Log in to Connect now” button to bring up their OT Connect.

Connection SettingsWe use this page to see what their current WAN IP is, the restaurant’s current connection status, their past status history and there is a setting here that allows CHARMS to update per the ERB or to leave it static.

When everything is operating properly the “Restaurant Status” will show “Active”. If a connection issue was present and we resolve it, the status may show “Temp Inactive”. If you resolve a connection issue make sure this selection says “Active”. If it says “Temp Inactive”,

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Tech Note: You will need to check “Enable Connect Access” to connect. We should not be

checking or un-checking this box.

Tech Note: There are also three settings here that will allow the restaurant to see guest phone

numbers in new reservation alerts, override their shift time minimum

requirements and a setting to relax their max covers minimum. To

enable or disable you would either check/uncheck the boxes.

Tech Note: You can login to their OT Connect site by

clicking on this link.

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switch it to “Active”. If it is set to anything other than that, we cannot change it. Please note that if an OpenTable employee has set this to “Temp Inactive, we should not be changing the status. You should however, review the tickets on the account to find out why it was set this way and to see if there are notes about setting the site back to “Active”.

To view the WAN IP address history, click on “IP Address Tracking”. We can use this to see if their WAN IP has changed. This is important when working on connection issues.

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Contact InfoThis page houses all of the Restaurants contact information. Items include their website addresses, survey pages, phone numbers and physical address. Ideally, we can only update their phone number and email, as long as support notes don’t say otherwise.

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Tech Note: The physical address also includes GPS coordinates, which keep the map on their

OpenTable profile page correct. Physical address also encompasses

any parking accommodations or transit stop nearby.

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Credit Card DatesIf the restaurant has a credit card vault already setup to store credit cards, we can use this window to set up reservations that need a credit card to be booked. This is only used for special events. Special events can also have party size requirements. Once you get the dates and messaging setup you would click the update button (Example: )

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Tech Note: You can set up a day or a range of days.

You can “View the Change Log” here for any changes or addition.

There is a list at the bottom of the page. This shows the current credit card days. To remove ALL days you would hit the Un-CC all button.

Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


Tech Note: You can set a message to pop up from

this window for these days. It can either be standard or custom.

Remember, we cannot put a message up to call the


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Date Specific MessagesThis is where we can set messages for any special events, advertising, or comments the restaurant wants the public to see. These can either be ongoing or for a certain amount of time. This message can either go out as part of a confirmation message for the days set OR we can set it to only display the message on the details section of their OT profile. Unlike other messages there is no standard message due to the fact that we cannot create a standard message for a special event, they can be very specific and we cannot predict what it may be specified to.

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Note: Click the Top Box if you want the message to be perpetual

Click the second box if they only want this displayed on the Reservation Details Page

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition.

You can view the change log here for any changes or addition. At the bottom of the window is a

list of any messages set up. There are also drop downs to search

particular months/years. To view you would select the necessary

dropdowns and hit show messages to see what messages

they have set up on a given month/year.

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The Menu window in CHARMS is a quick way for us to bring up the menu section of their website profile. If they ask you to look at their menu on OpenTable.com this is our quick link to that.

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POPIf the restaurant is set up for POP (1,000 point program) we can use this screen to review their POP times and other settings. This part of the page lets us see if they are signed up for this feature; their status is shown in the POP status drop down. The only thing we can use this page for is viewing the settings that the POP team has set for them. We cannot add, remove or change anything here. Currently all changes must be sent to our [email protected] email address.

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To view changes, click view history.

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This is the second part of the POP configuration page. This is the part of the page where we can see the times their POP has been approved to run. We can also see any drafts for their POP schedule here that are waiting for approval.

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This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

This part only helps us to see if they have suppressed their POP times. If the restaurant ever called to temporarily stop their POP schedule for something like a special event it will show on a table where it says suppress POP.

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POP ProfileThis page in CHARMS shows us what the customer facing POP page looks like. This is a quick link for us to get to what the customer sees, when they view the POP page for a restaurant on opentable.com.

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Private diningThis part of CHARMS is dedicated to private dining. If a restaurant is signed up for private dining this is the page where all of the settings are. Here we can see name of the private dining contact, the number a diner would call to set up a private dining booking. There is also an email address the diners can email.

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Click here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining HistoryClick here to see the Private Dining History

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Here you can see the Private Dining Menu

Here you can see the Private Dining Menu

Here you can see the Private Dining Menu

This will show you if they are using the paid

or FREE Version. Premium offers

longer descriptions, more rooms, and pictures

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There is a private dining room section where you can edit the room details. The restaurant can have up to 5 if they are a Premium Private Dining customer. If the room slot is set to active in the right hand corner than it’s a usable slot for a dining room description. They have to pay for each slot. Each slot gives a place to table the room, give a description and the seating capacity with a picture.

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ReviewsIf you get calls where the restaurant wants to dispute the review and they want you to look at it, this your quick link from ROMS to view their reviews. Please see the wiki on the different ways we have to dispute reviews. Do not promise a site a review will be removed as you do not work for the reviews department. Submit a review dispute for the caller, and then give the callers the information on how to dispute these on their own in the future.

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Update Messages

This is the CHARMS message dashboard. From this window we can set any of our messages. Please check with a manager or trainer before making a change to any of these messages. Please do not put up a message that says to call the restaurant.

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Update Profile

This is the update profile window in CHARMS. This window is where all of the restaurants general information is housed. You can also find more information here like the hours of operations, type of food, dining style, If they accept walk-in’s, payment options, dress code, How far in advance they can make reservations, special events, minimum party size, maximum party size, & who the executive chef is.

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This displays what neighborhood they are listed

under. If a site wants this changed, it needs to go to the account manager. Pleas verify the location they want listed is

one in the drop down.

Restaurant ID

Restaurant Name – This will display the name of the

restaurantProduct Type - ERB or Connect is usually the setting

This displays the restaurant URL

Click here to update changes

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This displays what neighborhood they are listed

under. If a site wants this changed, it needs to go to the account manager. Pleas verify the location they want listed is

one in the drop down.

Update Reservations

This link in CHARMS is a quick link to the upcoming Reservations for the restaurant.

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We can make changes to this section of the profile. If you increase availability nothing

needs to be done. If you decrease availability go ahead and do so and hand the ticket off to the Account Manager.

Tech Note: We can change how far in advance a site takes reservations. Some sites want this done for just one day and that is not possible. Please reinforce that this change will affect all days.

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Core Knowledge – OT Tools Tab

This is from the 6. Charms.docx. Do we need this?

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Core Knowledge – OTRestautant.com

Are OtRestaurant.com and Restaurant Centre the same? If not, will need details for "OtRestaurant.com"

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Core Knowledge – CRASH

CRASH is a segment of the OpenTable intranet that houses a variety of troubleshooting tools. The tools available in CRASH include:

Book MaxConnectivity DashboardDashboard MonitorFax ToolFlapper ToolPROMRestRef ToolUpgrade Tool

BCC Email Form - Allows a team member to email a customer from the [email protected] email address.

Dashboard Monitor - The OpenTable Dashboard monitor is a tool used to track changes to restaurants with the Back Soon and False Reserve Now Status. The reason for tracking these statuses is because the Charm Dashboard, which tracks the statuses of restaurants in real time, does not keep track of these changes. The real time numbers from the Charm Dashboard does not always give all the details of what

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is happening with the statuses of restaurants. This information is crucial to the diagnosis of connectivity issues and ensuring restaurants stay online.

The Restaurant Status Numbers (A) are displayed on the homepage. It shows the current and prior numbers of each status and their percentage changes. The Dashboard Monitor updates every minute so changes are really accurate. This page also displays restaurants that have statuses that changed to Back Soon Status (B) or False Reserve Now Status (C).

Subscribing to Status Changes in the Dashboard MonitorThe Dashboard Monitor has a subscription service that can send notifications to it’s subscriber based on what kind of notifications they would like to receive. The user can track changes to restaurants and choose a status to track.

Dashboard-spike Email subscriptionsClick on the Subscription tab in the Tool Navigation (D). A screen like the one shown in figure 2 will appear.Check a status to subscribe to (Figure E). An email notification will be sent if the percentage threshold of each status is reached within one minute.

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Up/Down SubscriptionsClick on the Subscription tab in the Tool Navigation (D). A screen like the one shown in figure 2 will appear.Subscribe to a restaurant by entering the restaurant id in the New RID (G) Field and hit save. The Restaurant should now appear in the Restaurant Subscription List (F). This will send an email notification every time the restaurant changes status.To unsubscribe to the restaurant uncheck the box.

Fax Tool - Allows you to send common documents to a customer via fax.

Flapper Tool - Shows you all restaurants that have been offline during a certain period of time. There are many different options available for finding restaurants.

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Flap Report

iTuba - iTuba is a tool for prioritizing calls to make to restaurants that are having connectivity issues. The calls are based on the covers driven by the restaurant, and by the length of time that they’ve been offline.

STOP Tool - STOP, the Support Team for Outbound Programs was replaced by the Get Next Case tool in Salesforce. This helps to prioritize outbound calls to make by case type.

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Upgrade Tool - The upgrade tool allows certain OpenTable employees to upgrade customers from older versions of the ERB to newer version

Core Knowledge – RAT – Remote Access Tool

Loading a Remote Desktop ConnectionFirst thing is first you have to load a remote desktop connection. To start click on the click on the Window Start Button and Click All ProgramsClick on the Accessories FolderClick on the Remote Desktop Connection

When the remote desktop connection appears enter in the following IP address: in the Computer box and click Connect.

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The Remote Desktop Connection Window will appear the first time you login to identify your computer to bypass this click on Don’t ask Me Again for Connections to this Computer and Click Yes.

The Proper Authorization Required (OpenTable INC) Screen will appear. Click OK

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Now it will prompt you for your logins. Input your OpenTable username and password and click OK (Note: make sure you set the “log on to” to OPENTABLE.COM. )

Accessing the RAT ToolOnce you are logged into the Remote Desktop, Double Click on th Open Table Rat Version 2 ICON.Once you open up RAT you will see the following screen. To bring up a restaurant you can either search the restaurant ID or the name.

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To Search by Name Click on the (NAME) rado- button. To Search by Restaurant ID click


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Once you have entered a RID or Name Click Search. When you have done this the Restaurant will be displayed in the display window.Click on the Restaurant in the Display Window (1) to obtain the ROMS Inventory Information. The inventory lists all of the ERB systems on site, whether they are a client or a server, the port they use for VNC, their WAN IP address and where it’s placed on site.

Running a Port TestTo run a port test on their computers to ensure traffic is passing and the ports are forwarded properly, click port test on their server, if you get a green check the port is forwarding properly, if there is a red X the port is not passing. If you need to test a port that is not pre-listed you can use the “other” port box just type in the port and hit port test again.

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The different ports are –2368 (Listener) – This port ties to the OTL Service which allows the site to show as Active on the Open Table Site (Note: They may show passing here but not being showing on the website as active – Please see Charms Status for more details or Lock Outs)6319(Ipad) – This ports ties to the OTAPI Service which allows the Ipad and the Remote Manager to Function. This is also important for Text and Wait6320 (VNC) – This port ties to the WIN VNC Service which allows the End User to use the Real VNC Button to connect into a system remotely if the post is passing6321 – 632X (VNC) – These ports are tied to the WIN VNC which allows the End User to use the Real VNC button to connect to a client system if the post is passing.61002 & 60131 (OTA) – These ports are tied to the OTA Service which allows OT Anywhere to operateOther – This is open for you to enter what port you want to test.

How to VNCAfter you have searched for the Restaurant you are looking for Click Real VN for the ERB you would like to VNC Into

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Once you have clicked on for the ERB you want to connect to you will then be remoted into the Restaurants ERB. Once you have remoted into the ERB you can then right click on the Menu Bar. Choose Refresh Screen or Options.

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The two commands you will use here are:

Refresh Screen: This is used to send a signal back out to the restaurants ERB in case the connection has timed out

Options: This is used to render the cursor locally

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Options will bring you the VNC Viewer Options Window.

Core Knowledge – SuperNut

This remote access tool is primarily used if their VNC port is failing. This tool will get us in as long as the site has internet connectivity.

Open up a remote Desktop connection as shown earlier. When the Remote Desktop Connection Box Appears Enter in the Computer: and Click Connect

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Colour & Encoding: This tab will change the Colours on the Screen (The more colour the better it looks)

Tech Note: With Some Connection you will not see the Confirmation Messages without FULL COLOR

Inputs: This allowa you to bring commands from your computer to theres. Normally this is left as it is.

Misc is other options that are not listed in the other 2 tabs. This one will be used when you want to render the Cursor Locally which will enable you to see your mouse on their ERB

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OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual

Then continue with the login process and after that is successful, click on the “SuperNut” icon to log onto SuperNut. This is what will be displayed when SuperNut is opened

To get remote access to the ERB you first have to have the caller close their software using SHIFT+F10. Once closed, the caller will have to look for an icon on their desktop called SUPPORT.EXE. If they cannot locate that we have to have them download it from our FTP site using the OTREMOTE logins. Have them drag the support icon to their desktop and double click it to open it. They will then be asked for a 4 digit number. If the caller already has the support icon and it gives any error and won’t open you may have to have them grab a new installation from the OTREMOTE FTP site.

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Page 58: Day 4

OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual

Once they have done this you will need to enter supernut by click on the Outlet Plug, Go down to OTRemote Support and the Support ID Will come up.

Core Knowledge – QA Audit form

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Under Support ID enter a 4 digit number (Random)and advise the caller to mirror your steps and enter the number on their end. Once that has been completed both parites must hit Connect. (Note: You want to hit connect 1 second before the customer)

Page 59: Day 4

OpenTable Tier 1 Support Training Manual

Core Knowledge – CSats

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Trivia / Fun facts


Quick, useful tips


Discussions / Role Play / Assignment


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