All types of farming are affected by climate, relief and soi

Factors affecting farming

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All types of farming are affected by climate, relief and soil.

• climate warm summers, cold frosty winters. Average temperature 18 C or more . Low rainfall, falling during the growing season mainly.

• Soil - Fertile boulder clays, which are easy to plough.

• Relief - Generally flat, so it is easy for machinery to be used on it.

• Climate - Cool summers, cold winters and plenty of rainfall all contribute to these areas being unsuitable for arable farming but good for grass growth.

• Soil- Thin poor soils that can be easily eroded and would not be good enough for other forms of farming.

• Relief- Hilly, steep land that would not be suitable for machinery or cattle. Sheep can cope with the slopes though.

• Climate- Warm summers and mild winters mean that pasture is available all year long. High rainfall also encourages fast grass growth.

• Relief - Gentle sloping, the green rolling hills of the Uk. Cattle can not cope with land that is too steep.

• Soil- Fertile enough for good pasture growth, but not for arable crops.

• Relief- The greenhouses themselves need flat land on which to be built.

• Climate- Temperature and water is usually controlled carefully by being in huge greenhouses.

• Soil- Soil is brought in to provide the best nutrients for the crops. Fertilisers are used extensively.