Identity Enabled Disruption Chuck Mortimore VP, Product Management Salesforce Identity @cmort

Identity Enabled Disruption

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Keynote presentation by Chuck Mortimore of salesforce.com at the 2014 IRM Summit in Phoenix, Arizona.

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Identity Enabled Disruption Chuck Mortimore VP, Product Management Salesforce Identity @cmort

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identity management

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identity managementrelationship ^

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re·la·tion·ship noun \-shən-ˌship\ !: the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other

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re·la·tion·ship noun \-shən-ˌship\ !: the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other !: a romantic or sexual friendship between two people

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re·la·tion·ship noun \-shən-ˌship\ !: the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other !: a romantic or sexual friendship between two people !: the way in which two or more people or things are connected

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: the way in which two or more people or things are connected

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the disruptors

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the winners in the market will know their customer

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and deliver an experience that proves it

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and that starts with identity

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so how have we historically managed relationships?

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An entity-relationship model is a systematic way of describing and defining a business process. The process is modeled as components (entities) that are linked with each other by relationships that express the dependencies and requirements between them

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our relationships have been conceived and expressed as a data model

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“I reserve the right, not to do business with you.”

!- The Customer

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_____________Today’s customer is:

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FickleToday’s customer is:

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LoyalToday’s customer is:

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Connected Today’s customer is:

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PowerfulToday’s customer is:

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Expecting a relationship

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_____________Customers expect:

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ImmediacyCustomers expect:

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HonestyCustomers expect:

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TrustCustomers expect:

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ConversationsCustomers expect:

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IntimacyCustomers expect:

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You to know themCustomers expect:

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Our products must listen to the world around us, and respond with meaningful, targeted interactions

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we need to manage relationships, not just track them

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…and we’re not at all prepared.

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where are we today?

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the basics

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we’ve been telling ourselves only 2 things have changed

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same stuff…just more of it.

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unfortunately, it’s not the same stuff

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so what’s different?

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dn:cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=People, dc=company, dc=com!objectclass:top!objectclass:person!objectclass:organizationalPerson!cn:Barbara Jensen!streetAddress: 118 Elsie St.!l: San Francisco! !st: CA!postalCode: 94110!country: USA

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{! "schemas": ["urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0"],! "id": "2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646",! "name": {! "familyName": "Jensen",! "givenName": "Barbara",! },! "addresses": [ ! {! "type": "home",! "streetAddress": ”118 Elsie",! "locality": ”San Francisco",! "region": "CA",! "postalCode": ”94110",! "country": "USA”,! “primary”: true! },! {! "type": "work",! "streetAddress": ” 1 Market St”,

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singular & static

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multi-valued & verifiable

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high-fidelity & broadcast

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…and it’s changing over time

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the physics of attributes is being redefined

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attribute sources are exploding

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these are things we understand pretty well

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but what about…?

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datapoints from interactions are fuel for our relationships

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each of these is an interaction with a customer

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…and every one is a first impression

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I’ve never told Siri where I live

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I’ve never told Siri where I work

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I don’t see this on on Sunday

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I don’t see this in Phoenix

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we must develop identity systems that understand both the individual


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and how each datapoint changes our relationships

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Ok…that’s just the humans.

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what about the minions?

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first the good news…

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authentication actually gets easier

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but, our systems aren’t really designed for minions

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what’s different…?

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device constraints demand new capabilities


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spectrum of authentication !

( self asserted guid --> proof of possession )

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contextually constrained

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behind every

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behind every behind every device is a customer

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each producing attributes that inform our relationships

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what will these systems enable?

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Broadcast location and offer




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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer




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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer




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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit



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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit

Relationship Formed



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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit

Relationship Formed

Assess Risk and Demand



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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit

Relationship Formed

Assess Risk and Demand

Seamless Commerce



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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit

Relationship Formed

Assess Risk and Demand

Seamless Commerce

Relationship Ends



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AuthenticateBroadcast location and offer

Broadcast location and offer


Assess location, reputation, & credit

Relationship Formed

Assess Risk and Demand

Update Reputation Update Reputation

Seamless Commerce

Relationship Ends



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completely disruptive experience

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the old model learned nothing about us

or the relationship

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it will die !

( and regulation will not protect this )

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Identity dictates the terms of the relationship

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so what now?

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identity, big data, and marketing systems are on a collision course

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explore new types of persistence

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analytics needs to move beyond reporting

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logs_base = ! -- for each weblog string convert the weblong string into a ! -- structure with named fields! FOREACH ! raw_logs ! GENERATE ! FLATTEN ( ! EXTRACT( ! line, ! '^(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+) \\[([\\w:/]+\\s[+\\-]\\d{4})\\] "(.+?)" (\\S+) (\\S+) "([^"]*)" "([^"]*)"'! )! ) ! AS (! host: chararray, identity: chararray, user: chararray, time: chararray, ! request: chararray, status: int, size: chararray, referrer: chararray, ! agent: chararray! )! ;!by_agent_count_raw = ! -- group by the referrer URL and count the number of requests! FOREACH ! (GROUP logs_base BY REGEX_EXTRACT(agent,'.*(Windows|Linux).*',1)) ! GENERATE ! FLATTEN($0), ! COUNT($1) AS agent_count! ;!!by_agent_count = FILTER by_agent_count_raw by $0 IS NOT null OR ($0!='');!!dump by_agent_count;

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Identity & Security composed together with business process

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API enable everything

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take a real look at OpenID Connect

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Explore how connecting your product transforms your business

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transform your organizations

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did identity deliver the right access?

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did identity deliver the right experience?

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