Kiran Varri : Imagination vs Reality Imagination VS Reality Case: I just felt my computer (An old Pentium 200Mhz Desktop) was dragging and getting lazy by the day. It quite often started getting stuck for some unknown reasons. It could be the Windows ME (which requires high end processors to run smoothly!).It could be the new hardware I added recently. An USB card…an external Zip drive…a memory stick reader and tons of utilities (every time I ended installing at least 8 software utilities before I got the utility that best met my needs). So what needs to be done?…. A scandisk. A defragmentation …Clearing up of some unnecessary extra softwares…Nothing worked. As on today I got a new CD-RW drive and decided to install it. There starts the whole story (The problem finally became worse enough ..if u keep breeding inefficiency ..one fine day….u don’t need to breed it anymore…. its everywhere.) Once I installed my CD burner: Problem 1:The CD burner software doesn’t recognize the drive… denying me from burning any CDs. After downloading 4-6 utilities and trying to make it work… Real one finally recognized the hardware, but every CD gets stuck in the process of recording ..thus wasting CD after CD. Finally I was on the verge of reinstalling the whole windows..probably the low resource demanding windows 98…I got one utility that successfully burned a CD..It was already day 2 night. Day 1, I ended up sleeping after a marathon stay till 4:00 in the morning trying to sleep only after finishing off the job(many professionals can’t accept to give up before accomplishing the task..But one has to realize that after 9-5 your professional clock stops..U can restart it only at 9 in morning again..A properly balanced person and professional only can ensure success of wider work force…Newton’s and Edison’s may have succeeded just professionally….I believe a Corporation needs professionals who are from their end customer base..A common human being.

Imagination Vs Reality Research Paper

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A personal experience analysed to understand and figure out a desired future approach to similar situations

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Kiran Varri : Imagination vs Reality

Imagination VS Reality

Case: I just felt my computer (An old Pentium 200Mhz Desktop) was dragging and getting lazy by the day. It quite often started getting stuck for some unknown reasons. It could be the Windows ME (which requires high end processors to run smoothly!).It could be the new hardware I added recently. An USB card…an external Zip drive…a memory stick reader and tons of utilities (every time I ended installing at least 8 software utilities before I got the utility that best met my needs). So what needs to be done?…. A scandisk. A defragmentation …Clearing up of some unnecessary extra softwares…Nothing worked. As on today I got a new CD-RW drive and decided to install it.

There starts the whole story (The problem finally became worse enough ..if u keep breeding inefficiency ..one fine day….u don’t need to breed it anymore…. its everywhere.) Once I installed my CD burner:

Problem 1:The CD burner software doesn’t recognize the drive…denying me from burning any CDs.After downloading 4-6 utilities and trying to make it work…Real one finally recognized the hardware, but every CD gets stuck in the process of recording ..thus wasting CD after CD.Finally I was on the verge of reinstalling the whole windows..probably the low resource demanding windows 98…I got one utility that successfully burned a CD..It was already day 2 night. Day 1, I ended up sleeping after a marathon stay till 4:00 in the morning trying to sleep only after finishing off the job(many professionals can’t accept to give up before accomplishing the task..But one has to realize that after 9-5 your professional clock stops..U can restart it only at 9 in morning again..A properly balanced person and professional only can ensure success of wider work force…Newton’s and Edison’s may have succeeded just professionally….I believe a Corporation needs professionals who are from their end customer base..A common human being. Every company have only a few or a small departments with hardcore workaholics (To better understand what is needed at the earliest, even these research worms are being forced to come out..listen..).Finally on day 2, I slept with the sense of achievement…Day 3 morning: the system still gets stuck for odd reasons..now often more…Finally I decided to remove and get rid of all inefficiencies….A decision to reorganize (reformat) has been taken..It looked simple….a reformat….new Operating system…and everything should be fine. It sounded simple…But the fact: A 2 hr installation (The processor is quite slow)…The surprise: The only utility that enabled me to burn CDs doesn’t get installed. Reasons unknown… back to square one..the situation looked worse ..i have to reinstall all my softwares…The primary reason for which I did it didn’t get fulfilled. After trying all utilities once more,as a last resort not to leave any stone unturned..I tried the software that came bundled along with the CD burner..Hurray! the software recognized the drive and now I can burn CDs. I thought everything was fine now..went out for class in the evening,came home after class and tried to get connected to net. Surprise: My Net connection does’nt respond. Reason unknown. I tried all ways and finally was about to install yet another version of windows: Windows 2000.I tried to uninstall and reinstall my AOL Internet connection software. It did some fixes by itself and at last it got connected

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Kiran Varri : Imagination vs Reality

to the net..I browsed the net and went to sleep with a sense of satisfaction, a feeling that I resolved the problem. The next morning I gave one last try to install the utility that worked first (This utility has the best tools to burn CDs in a variety of ways).Surprise: It got installed. I can use it too.

What would I have been doing if I were a hardcore workaholic? I would have spent whole night trying to install this utility at any cost, though it is not very crucial.

Breaks are meant to refresh minds and give mind a chance to find a way on its own. The brain has the power to corsslink all its knowledge to find ways to discover a solution for the problem. If given some time, we human beings have a brain which builds on its previous experiences to come up with better solutions every time, even though the problems vary in complexity and nature. This requires one to stay focused. So, finally the system is up and running better..all the hardware works well too.So..when is the right time to fix the problem?..The moment it shows up?…wait till it starts showing up quite often? or till it halts the whole system.??.I believe there is no right time..It could vary from case to case..On the first show-up the problem may not be analyzed thoroughly. I believe, once you have the confirmed causes for the problem and proper analysis done and all cost-benefit analysis done, leave no time to solve or fix the problem. It’s all about striking a balance between: The problem intensity, The cost to figure out and solve the problem..The future costs.