Intermediate PowerPoint Effective Teaching and Learning Department [email protected]

Intermediate Powerpoint

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Page 1: Intermediate Powerpoint

Intermediate PowerPoint

Effective Teaching and Learning Department

[email protected]

Page 2: Intermediate Powerpoint

04/30/08 2

Module Objectives

Determine appropriate graphicsInsert graphics from a fileCreate PowerPoint graphicsScan graphics and picturesAdd a chart to a presentationAdd special animation effectsDraw on slides in a slideshowCreate original slide masters

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Graphics Can….

Provide visual variety from text slides General goal is one type of graphic

every 3-4 slidesShow relationships between

concepts Audiences sometimes relate better to

pictures than words

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Graphic Types


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Representational Graphics

Provide examples to support visual memory and learning

Share some sort of relationship with the concept they explain

Include: Photographs Line drawings

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Turning on the Projector

Turn the timer switch to turn on the projector.

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Analogical Graphics

Transfer existing understanding to a new concept

Use when audience has little or no previous knowledge of subject A good analogy is key to student

understanding of a concept

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Office Politics

Participating in office politics can be as effective as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

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Abstract Graphics

Help to explain concept without being physically related to it

Can often be used for process and flow lectures

Include: Graphs Flowcharts Diagrams

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs






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Getting Started…

Storyboard your graphics by drawing a picture by hand first

Verify that you have permission to use graphics and pictures you did not create

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Graphic Resources

Sites for public domain or royalty free images and photographs

Corbis http://www.corbis.com/rf Yahoo Gallery http://gallery.yahoo.com/ Free Clip Art http://www.free-clipart.net/ Barry’s Clip Art http://www.barrysclipart.com/ Microsoft http://dgl.microsoft.com/ Free graphics http://www.free-graphics.com/

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Textbook Resources

Publishers are beginning to offer drawings and pictures from textbook as a supplemental resource.

These additional resources are generally found on the Instructor CD provided by the publisher

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Graphic File Formats

PowerPoint supports many formats, including: JPEG (.jpg) for photographs Graphics Interchange Format (.gif) most

other types of graphicsIf your file type is unsupported, you

can export or resave the file from the creating application

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Photograph Sample

Dr. Chris [email protected]

(810) 766-4183

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Photograph Modifications

Available modifications to a photograph include:

Moving it to a different location on the slide

Cropping, to reduce the size Resizing to fit the space available

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PowerPoint Tip

If a presentation will only be printed in black and white, changing the colors to Grayscale in the Picture toolbar will make the presentation smaller

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Activity - 15 minutes

Open a Web browser to one of the sites listed earlier and review copyright restrictions

Save a picture to a file by right clicking, choosing Save Picture As)

Insert the picture into a presentation and format appropriately

Refer to pages 2-11 in your manual for detailed directions

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Drawing Toolbar Provides

A menu of commands Access to several graphic toolsAccess to different graphic

formatting optionsA standard location – normally at the

bottom of PowerPoint window

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Types of Graphics

AutoShapesLinesArrowsRectanglesOvalsText BoxWord ArtClip Art

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Drawn Objects

Include: Line Arrow Rectangle Oval

Provide a basis for many diagrams and charts

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Speeds complex graphic creation

Displays main categories on menu

Creates images using click and drag method

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Text Options

Text boxes are text without borders or fill Click and type where

the text should appear

AutoShapes can also contain text Click on the shape and

type your text

A Text Box

Text in a Box

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Word Art

Contains stylized text for you to customize

Provides for both color and black/white options

Allows for flexibility in text options

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Fill color: Fills shapes with selected color Set to “No Fill” to create transparent shape

Line color: Changes the color of lineFont color: Changes the color of selected

text Highlight text before applying color

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Line Styles

Line style: Controls the thickness of the line

Dash style: Makes the line dashed or solid

Arrow style: Adds arrow heads to the end(s) of a line

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Shadow and Special Effects

Shadow: Adds a shadow to selected item

3D: Adds a 3D option to the selected item

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Drawing Toolbar Menu

Click on the Draw button to access these commands

Allow you to change your graphics so they fit your presentation

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Example 1 - Maslow’s Hierarchy






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Activity - 15 minutes

Create your own graphic on a slideRefer to pages 11-14 of the manual

for detailed instructions

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Scanning Graphics and Pictures

All campuses have at least one scanner in a computer lab

Scanners allow you to take a regular picture and convert it to a format recognized by the computer Normally a .jpg file

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Below is an example of a scanned picture

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Placing Graphics on Scanners

Position the picture or graphic on the scanner surface

Align the picture with the arrow in the corner

Place a piece of scotch tape lightly on the graphic to keep the picture properly aligned after the cover is closed

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Adding Charts

Provide a way to display quantitative data graphically

Enter the data into a mini-spreadsheet and PowerPoint converts your data into a chart

Vary in format: Column, Bar, Pie, Line, X,Y/Scatter Plot, or many other formats

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This example uses data from the Baker College Instructional Technology Survey 2000

The data are percentages of faculty who use PowerPoint or would like to use PowerPoint in their classes

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PowerPoint at Baker College







% of


Used Would Like

to Use

Printed Overheads

Displayed onComputer

Used by Students

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Editing a Chart

Double click on a chart to perform edits, including: Numerical contents Column titles Row titles

Click outside of chart to close editing application and return to PowerPoint

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Animating Charts

Allows you to focus your audience on a specific chart point

Generates further interest in chart by slowly revealing chart items

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Animated Chart Example







% of


Used Would Like

to Use

Printed Overheads

Displayed onComputer

Used by Students

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Activity - 10 minutes

Create an animated chart in a presentation

Refer to pages 19-26 in the manual for detailed directions

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Special Animation Effects

Animation can be used to control the appearance and disappearance of text and graphics to demonstrate movement and processes

Animation can also be used to make it appear that an object moves to highlight an item

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Animation Tips

Animation can be used to control the appearance of items on the screen

Animation can be used to make different versions of a graphic appear to create a sense of change

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Example 1 Maslow’s Hierarchy






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Example 2 Maslow’s Hierarchy






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Example 3 Maslow’s Hierarchy
















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Animation Note

Animation effects that make things disappear do not effect printed output

Printed handouts will have all elements displayed unless they are hidden by another object

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Activity - 10 minutes

Create your own animation effects with graphics

Refer to pages 24-26 in your manual for detailed directions

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Annotated Slides

Allows you to draw or write on slides during the presentation of a slide show

Helps the audience understand where important points are in the presentation

Displays for a single slide presentation only

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Annotation Example





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Removing Annotations

Remove any additional annotations by: Moving to the next slide in the

presentation Right clicking and choose “Screen,

Erase Pen”

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Slide Masters

Slide Masters control the display of the following on a slide: Font color and size Bullets Template graphics Headers and footers

Existing slide templates can be modified or you can create new slide templates for your presentations

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The template of this presentation was created with two pieces of clip art from the Internet The yellow line The bus

You should always remember to check copyright when using graphics from the Internet

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Baker College Template

Example of a custom template created using colored lines and text.

Every slide in presentation will look like this one

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Applying a Design Template

Use the Format, Design Template option to change the existing design format of a presentation

Modify the new design template as necessary to customize your presentation

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Headers and Footers

Add headers and footers to a slide or set of slides without changing the master

Open the Header and Footer dialog box to control these options

Use Apply to All to apply to an entire presentation

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Activity - 10 minutes

Create and save your own slide masters for a new template

Refer to pages 30-32 in your manual for detailed directions

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Practice Makes Perfect

Learn by doing. The more you practice and experiment with PowerPoint, the more your skills will improve

Save often and before you try something so you can always go back

Remember the undo function as well to erase changes that don’t work out the way you expect

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