Patricia Feeney Product Support Manager Intro to CrossRef Technical Basics

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Patricia FeeneyProduct Support Manager

Intro to CrossRef Technical Basics

I. Depositing DOIs and metadata

II. Looking up DOIs

III. Maintaining DOIs and metadata

DOI = Digital Object Identifier

Uniquely identifies a digital object

Solves link rot (broken links)

http://dx.doi.org/ + DOI = persistent URL


CrossRef DOIs

Uniquely identifies a digital objectand the publisher maintained

version of an item

Solves link rot (broken links)Citation (and other) metadataUsed for outbound linking

75,769,815 DOIs

Type # titles #DOIs % of total

Journals 41,305 58,538,114 77%

Books 646,117 9,814,568 13%

Proceedings 46,339 4,294,206 5%

Components* 2,093,025 2%

* figures, tables, supplemental materials

Also: Standards, Working Papers, Dissertations, Datasets

CrossRef Status Page

Basic citation metadata:author (s), journal title, article title, volume, issue, publication date, book title, chapter title, page numbers, article IDs, internal identifiers, ISSN, ISBN…

Optional (but recommended):Funding information, ORCIDs, references (to support cited-by linking), CrossMark metadata, text and data mining license information, relationships

SchemaMetadata deposit schema:


More info: schema


supported (for now)

Resource schema:

doiresources4.3.6.xsd recommendeddoiresources4.3.5.xsd OKdoiresources4.3.4.xsd OKdoiresources4.3.3.xsd OK doiresources4.3.2.xsd OKdoiresources4.3.0.xsd OK

Query input schema: crossref_query_input2.0.xsd

More info: schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><doi_batch version="4.3.6" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6 http://www.crossref.org/schema/deposit/crossref4.3.6.xsd" xmlns="http://www.crossref.org/schema/4.3.6" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><head> <doi_batch_id>123456</doi_batch_id> <timestamp>2015011511345682</timestamp> <depositor> <depositor_name>Sample Master</depositor_name> <email_address>[email protected]</email_address> </depositor> <registrant>CrossRef</registrant></head>

Deposit XML

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Journal metadata

<journal_article publication_type='full_text’> <titles> <title>Lets have a meeting</title></titles> <contributors> <person_name sequence='first' contributor_role='author'> <given_name>Bob</given_name> <surname>Surname</surname> </person_name> <publication_date media_type='print'> <month>5</month> <day>9</day> <year>2001</year> </publication_date> <pages> <first_page>100</first_page><last_page>200</last_page> </pages> <doi_data> <doi>10.50505/test_200704082300</doi> <resource>http://www.crossref.org/sampleurl</resource> </doi_data>

Article metadata

<pages> <first_page>335</first_page> <last_page>375</last_page> </pages><fr:program name="fundref"> <fr:assertion name="funder_name">IMA Funder <fr:assertion name="funder_identifier">http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/xxxxxxxxxx</fr:assertion> </fr:assertion> <fr:assertion name="award_number">HPC-227</fr:assertion</fr:program><doi_data> <doi>10.1007/s100970100032</doi> <resource>http://www.newurl.org/1234356677777</resource></doi_data>

<doi_data> <doi>10.1007/s100970100032</doi> <resource>http://www.newurl.org/1234356677777</resource></doi_data><citation_list> <citation key="key-10.9876/S0003695199034166-1"> <issn>0027-8424</issn> <journal_title>Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.</journal_title> <author>West</author> <volume>98</volume> <issue>20</issue> <first_page>11024</first_page> <cYear>2001</cYear></citation><citation key="key-10.9876/S0003695199034166-2"> <unstructured_citation>Hungate, B. A., &amp; Hampton, H. M. (2012). Ecosystem services: Valuing ecosystems for climate. Nature Climate Change, 2(3), 151-152.</unstructured_citation></citation>











Deposit interfaces

The vast majority of transactions are made via a machine interface

Public interface:Web deposit form:http://www.crossref.org/webDeposit/

System interface:http://doi.crossref.org


More info: Deposit Basics

curl:curl -F 'operation=doQueryUpload' -F 'login_id=USERNAME' -F 'login_passwd=PASSWORD' -F 'fname=@FILENAME' https:// doi.crossref.org/servlet/deposit.

HTTPS:POST http://doi.crossref.org/servlet/deposit?operation=doMDUpload&login_id=USER&login_passwd=PSWD&area=live HTTP/1.1

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Host: Myhost

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Submission queue

More info: Submission queue

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<msg>Added with conflict</msg>













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Submission report

Submission report

More info: tracking submissions

Deposit problems

XML errors (files do not parse)

System errors


Test system: http://test.crossref.org

More info: Interpreting submission logs


Where is my DOI?


Publisher who did not review their submission log

CMS subscriber

Member querying for outbound links



Submission report

Submission report



Display CrossRef DOIs as a URL

Include CrossRef DOIs on response pages (required), TOCs, abstracts, PDFs, citation downloads, metadata feeds, social network links

Do not publicize DOIs until links are live

Outbound Reference Linking

Outbound linking

DOI guidelineshttp://www.crossref.org/02publishers/doi_display_guidelines.html

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1097-2765(03)00225-9

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260, http://doi.org/bm6

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1097-2765(03)00225-9

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260, CrossRef.

Ghosh, M.K., M.L. Harter. 2003. A viral mechanism for remodeling chromatin structure in G0 cells. Mol. Cell. 12:255–260, Article.

Public interfaces:

SimpleText Query

CrossRef Metadata Search


Machine interfaces:



OAI-PMH (for CMS subscribers)

api.crossref.org (for searching)

More info: How Querying Works

Query and search interfaces

SimpleText Query

DOI match!

DOI match!

CrossRef Metadata Search

<query key="CR3>








Query xml

<query key="CR3" enable-multiple-hits="false" forward-match="true” secondary-query="author-title">


<author search-all-authors="true">Anderson</author>






More info: XML querying Query controls

Author/title query<query enable-multiple-hits="false" key="key1">

<article_title match="fuzzy">Concluding remarks</article_title>

<author search-all-authors="true">Somiari</author>


<query key="q1" enable-multiple-hits="true"> <unstructured_citation>Hungate, B. A., &amp; Hampton, H. M. (2012). Ecosystem services: Valuing ecosystems for climate. Nature Climate Change, 2(3), 151-152.</unstructured_citation></query>

Unstructured citations

http://doi.crossref.org/servlet/query?usr=<USERNAME>&pwd=<PASSWORD>&qdata=<?xml version="1.0"?><query_batch version="2.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.crossref.org/qschema/2.0 http://www.crossref.org/qschema/crossref_query_input2.0.xsd" xmlns="http://www.crossref.org/qschema/2.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><head><email_address>[email protected]</email_address><doi_batch_id>ABC_123_fff</doi_batch_id> </head> <body> <query key="1178517" enable-multiple-hits="false" forward-match="false"><issn match="optional">15360075</issn><journal_title match="exact">American Journal of Bioethics</journal_title><author match="fuzzy" search-all-authors="false">Agich</author><volume match="fuzzy">1</volume><issue>1</issue><first_page>50</first_page><year>2001</year><article_title>The Salience of Narrative for Bioethics</article_title></query></body></query_batch>

15265161,15360075|American Journal of Bioethics|Agich|1|1|50|2001|full_text|1178517|10.1162/152651601750079104


Update and maintaining metadata

URL update

H:[email protected];fromPrefix=10.5555;toPrefix=10.555510.5555/doi1 http://www.yoururl.com/journal/art110.5555/doi2 http://www.yoururl.com/journal/art210.5555/doi2 http://www.yoururl.com/journal/art12

There is no charge for updating your DOIs – we encourage you to update them as often as needed.

Updating metadata

To make changes to your metadata, resubmit your entire deposit.

article metadata


As-crawled URLs

Multiple Resolution

CrossMark FundRef AccessIndicators



URLs (manual)

Multiple Resolution URLs

As-crawled URLs






Components (uses metadata deposit schema)

More info: Resource deposits CSV upload

Add or update:

Maintaining Journal Titles

Title and ISSN combinations are determined by the publisher.

A valid ISSN is required for all journal titles

The title / ISSN combination in your deposit must match the title / ISSN combination in our system.

If a title changes, a new ISSN is required

Journals should be deposited under the original title

Title list: http://www.crossref.org/titleList/

Do not create new DOIs if DOIs already exist!

A DOI prefix indicates who created the DOI, not who owns the DOI

It’s just a way to make sure DOIs are unique across registrants

When you acquire a title, you’ll probably acquire existing DOIs.

Acquired DOIs should be redirected to your content

Title transfer policies: http://help.crossref.org/#ID5855

Recurring reports:

Resolution Report (email)

As-needed reports:


DOI Error Report (email)

Schematron Report (email)

Always available:

Depositor Report

Status Report

Go-live report

Title list


XML Parser

Test system: http://test.crossref.org

Deposit Harvester


The overall resolution failure rate for all publishers is 4.1896% and your failure rate is 6.0445%.

‘Bad’ DOIs

compiled from reports submitted by end users

emailed nightly to technical contact

DOI Error report (emailed nightly as needed)

Reasons for DOI Error:

a DOI has been published but not deposited

the published DOI does not match the deposited DOI

the end user misinterpreted or mistyped a DOI (i.e. confusing 1 for l or 0 for O)

Conflict reportWhy are conflicts bad?

Only one DOI should be assigned per item

Queries will return multiple DOIs, causing confusion

Some queries (OpenURL) may not return a DOI if multiple results are present

Conflicts between two DOIs often result in one of the DOIs being neglected

Conflict reports (in Members Area)

More info: Conflict Report

Where to find help:

Help documentation: http://help.crossref.org

CrossRef support: email [email protected] or visit http://support.crossref.org

Webinars: http://www.crossref.org/01company/webinars.html

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