Copyright 2007 www.englishteaching.co.uk What links all the words below?

Introduction to Language: The Tempest

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  • 1. What links all the words below? Copyright 2007 www.englishteaching.co.uk

2. Shakespeares language Shakespeare is credited with adding some 1500 2000 words to the English language. This list includes words which first appeared in print in Shakespeares writing. Some are believed to have been created by Shakespeare himself. Others were in use before he published them for the first time, or are words that he adapted from words already in use or from other languages. 3. Thursday, 5th December 2013L.O: To explore and analyse different types of language in the play. 4. A bit of background There were no dictionaries until 1604! This means that language used in that era was very fluid and could be moulded and shaped. People studied Rhetoric . Poets and playwrights experimented with words, phrases and imagery. Free to make up words and to adopt new ones, they could also change meanings of words too. 5. If a word didnt exist, Shakespeare changed an old one or made up a new one. Shakespeare had a huge fascination with dramatic language. He truly believed in the power of words to focus and light up the imagination, persuade the intellect and move the audiences emotions. You can apply almost all you have learnt about poetry to Shakespeares works. 6. Group task Look at the aspect of language your group has been given. Discuss and prepare to feed back your findings. 7. ImageryThe use of emotionally charged words and phrases which conjure up vivid pictures in the mind and imagination. 'Now would I give a thousand furlongs of sea for an acre of barren ground'(1.1) 'But that the sea, mounting to the welkin's cheek / Dashes the fire out ( 1.2) 'Sit still, and hear the last of our sea-sorrow (1.2) 'Re-enter Ariel like a water-nymph (1.2) 'This music crept by me upon the waters, / Allaying both their fury and my passion ( 1.2) 'Nothing of him that doth fade / but Doth suffer a sea-change / Into something rich and strange (1.2) 'Exposed unto the sea, which hath requit it, / Him and his innocent child: for which foul deed / The powers, delaying, not forgetting have / Incensed the seas and shores (3.3) 'I'll deliver all; / And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales (5 .1) Shakespeare uses a lot of Imagery from nature. Look out for it. What type of imagery is seen in the above quotations.Imagery can employ: Simile Metaphor Personification 8. Metaphor, personification and simile My library Was dukedom large enough. (1.2.128) .................The king's son, Ferdinand, With hair up-staring,then like reeds, not hair, Was the first man that leap'd; cried, 'Hell is empty And all the devils are here.' (1.2.213-216) The winds did sing it to me, and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounced The name of Prosper: it did bass my trespass.(3.3.97-99) We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. (4.1.168-170)Metaphor: A comparison between essentially unlike things without an explicitly comparative word such aslikeoras. The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities. Simile: A figure of speech involving a comparison between unlike things using like, as, or as though.Look at these examples and identify the techniques that have been used. 9. Antithesis The opposition of words and phrases against each other. To be or not to be To be is the thesis, not to be is the antithesis.There be some sports are painful, and their labour Delight in them sets off. Some kinds of baseness Are nobly undergone, and most poor matters Point to rich ends. This my mean task Would be as heavy to me as odious, but The mistress which I serve quickens whats dead And makes my labours pleasures. (III.i.1-7)Find the examples of antithesis in Ferdinands speech. Why does Shakespeare use this conflicting language? 10. Alliteration, Assonance and Onomatopoeia ................Hast thou forgot The foul witch Sycorax, who with age and envy Was grown into a hoop? (1.2.259-260) Full fathom five thy father lies (.2.394) Hark, hark! Bow-wow. The watch-dogs bark! Bow-wow. Hark, hark! I hear The strain of strutting chanticleer Cry, cock-a-diddle-dow!(1.2)Alliteration refers to the repetition of consonants in words of close proximity. It generally refers to the sounds at the beginning of the adjacent words Assonance refers to the repetition of vowel sounds within a series of wordsLook for examples in the quotes from the play. What is the effect on the audience? 11. Hyperbole exaggeration. E.g. Its so Extravagant and obvious hot I am dying!Your tale, sir, would cure deafness. (1.2.106)Explain the example in the quotation from The Tempest. What is the effect on the audience? 12. Oxymoron Two incompatible or clashing words are brought together to make a striking expression. Do thatgood mischiefwhich may make this island thine own forever. (4.1)Explain the example in the quotation from The Tempest. What is the effect on the audience? 13. Review Exit cards Write one thing you have learnt today about Shakespeares language and The Tempest