Me and my friends were exploring a dark and gloomy cave to see what a cave was like. Then out of nowhere this amazing creature appeared. It was the hiss-ele-croc-ger-og-ird-rat. It looked scary at first but then it came up to me and it licked me. It wasn’t scary after all. My friend looked at it and she said it looks like half tiger, tree frog, crocodile, rat, bird and elephant. I agreed and we thought it was going to eat us. It didn’t. We played games. My friend and I taught it to play hide and go seek, tips and hop scotch and it taught us how


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Page 1: Jessica

Me and my friends were exploring a dark and gloomy cave to see what a cave was like. Then out of nowhere this amazing creature appeared. It was the hiss-ele-croc-ger-og-ird-rat. It looked scary at first but then it came up to me and it licked me. It wasn’t scary after all. My friend looked at it and she said it looks like half tiger, tree frog, crocodile, rat, bird and elephant. I agreed and we thought it was going to eat us. It didn’t. We played games. My friend and I taught it to play hide and go seek, tips and hop scotch and it taught us how to draw pictures on rocks, how to hop and run at the same time and others.

Page 2: Jessica

Secondly we had lunch and the food smelled like rotten eggs in a pan. He said “Eat some.” We tried a little bit and we liked it. Like parents say “try things and you might like it.” We said “what is this?” and the creature said “its bugs, bugs poo and cut offs of my nails.” The creature offered us a drink too and we liked it. The creature said “its bug’s blood.” Me and my friend thought it was red cordial.

Thirdly we asked is there a toilet and he said it is outside. We had to go outside and go to the toilet. After we went we said we had to go and the poor creature said “what about me?” We said “if you want you can go in a zoo.” It said “what is a zoo?” We said “a zoo is where animals go and people like us go and look at you.” The creature said ok.

Finally we were back home with the hiss-ele-croc-ger-og-ird-rat in the zoo. We always visit the zoo so we can see that amazing creature.

By Jessica O

The end