Managing your network[1]

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Page 2: Managing your network[1]

The work you do right after your LAN is up and running and configured can save you huge amounts of time in the coming months.

Mapping your network for easier management and troubleshooting.

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Setting up appropriate security measures to protect against accidental and intentional harm.

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Tuning up your LAN so that you get the best possible speed from it.

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Creating company standards for adding hardware and software, so you don’t have nagging compatibility problems later.

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Putting backup systems in place so that you have copies of data and programs if your hardware fails.

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Installing some monitoring and diagnostic software so that you can check on your network’s health and get an early warning of impleading problems.

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Figuring out how you plan to handle troubleshooting – educating your LAN administrator, setting up a support contract with a software vendor, and so on.

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