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  • 2. WORLD POPULATION The world POPULATION si nearly seven billion people and is growing everyday. The most populated countries in the world are China and U.S.A The least populated countries are Canada and Australia. Overpopulation results in a massive depletion of the Earth's natural Resources.
  • 3. POPULATION Population is the Numbers of people who live in a particular area. Population can grow thanks to natural growth and migratory growth. Natural growth is the difference between the Number of people who are born in an area in one year and the Number of people who die. Migratory growth is the difference between the Number of inmigrants who come and the Number of emigrants who leave the place.
  • 4. Work People work in three economic sectors: The primary sector includes jobs which obtain Resources from nature ( fishing, mining, livestock farming and agriculture). The secondary sector includes jobs which transform natural Resources into manufactured products. The terciary sector includes jobs which provide services.
  • 5. Population in Spain The population in Spain is not distributed equally. Some areas are densely populated, such as big cities like Madrid and Barcelona. Other areas are sparcely populated such as rural areas.
  • 6. Today, the population is over 47 millions thanks to positive natural growth and inmigration. Positive natural growth happened when the birth rate is high and the death rate is low. Negative natural growth happened when the birth rate is low and the death rate is high. Nowadays, several changes slowed down the death rate and the population increase in Spain: economy developed, nutrition improved and medical advances.
  • 7. Migration An Emigrant is a person who leaves their country to live in another country. An Inmigrant is a person who comes to live in a foreign country. There are three types of migration: International emigration is migration from one country to another Internal migration is migration within the same country ( usually the people moved to the big cities looking for work). International inmigration, people from countries in South America, Eastern Europe and Africa come to Spain looking for work.
  • 8. Population Density Population Density show us is a place has a large or small population in relation to its area. It's the Number of inhabitants per square kilometres. Area is a measure in square kilometres ( km2). Population Density: Number of inhabitants: surface area. Inland provinces are less populated than reas on the coast and on the Islands except Madrid. Within Each province the population is concentrated in the cities but the countryside is sparcely populated.
  • 9. Population and jobs Population can be divided into to groups related to work: Active population: people who are of legal working age (16 to 67 ) healthy and able to work. Employed: They are working and earn money in exchange. Unemployed: They are looking for work. Inactive population: people who are not of legal working age (children and retired people) and people who do not receive a salary (students...)
  • 10. Population and jobs Population can be divided into to groups related to work: Active population: people who are of legal working age (16 to 67 ) healthy and able to work. Employed: They are working and earn money in exchange. Unemployed: They are looking for work. Inactive population: people who are not of legal working age (children and retired people) and people who do not receive a salary (students...)