Structural Health Monitoring in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm Maurizio Bocca , Janne Toivola, Lasse M. Eriksson, JaakkoHollmen, Heikki Koivo Department of Automation and Systems Technology Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Helsinki, Finland www.wsn.tkk.fi

SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

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Page 1: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

Structural Health Monitoringin WSNs by the

Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

Maurizio Bocca, Janne Toivola, Lasse M. Eriksson,JaakkoHollmen, Heikki Koivo

Department of Automation and Systems Technology

Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Helsinki, Finlandwww.wsn.tkk.fi

Page 2: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm


Looking back at SHM

ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

AIM: accurate diagnosis of the health of civil infrastructures from data collected by sensors

Brooklyn Bridge, NYCAfrican


Page 3: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

Few Facts about Finland

• It is extremely difficult to retrieve elephants…

• Extremely cold climate

Very rigid temperatures

Lots of snow and ice

• 187 888 lakes… 14 000 (approx.) public roads bridges

• 150-200 new bridges built every year

• Most of the bridges built in the 60’s and 70’s: Originally not engineered for the current volume and type of traffic

Approaching the critical “50-years maintenance check”

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The 4 levels of SHM

ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

Damage detection

Damage localization

Damage quantification

Assessment of the remaining lifetime of the structure


PATIENT:the monitored infrastructure

DOCTOR:the structural engineer


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Outline of the Talk

4ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

Goertzel algorithm (GA) and Transmissibility Functions (TFs)

WSN architecture

Experimental evaluation

Page 6: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

• Published in 1958. Classic application: DTMF

• Compared to the FFT, the GA:

allows to efficiently calculate the amplitude of the frequency spectrum at specific bins (frequencies of interests, fi)

worksiteratively: no need to store the accelerationsignals in RAM orFlashmemory for off-lineprocessing

the number of collected samples (N) does not need to be a number power of 2

Why the GA for SHM? 1/2

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GA computationssample acquisition




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• Structuraldamagesmodify the frequencyspectrums of the accelerationsignalscollectedby the nodes

Why the GA for SHM? 2/2

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Page 8: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

GA: Concept&Parameters

• The GA implements a 2nd-order IIR filtercentered at each frequency of interest:

• 3 keyparameters (set by the end-user):


Distance (db) betweentwoconsecutivebins on the frequencyaxis(resolutionr = 1/db)

Vector of frequencies of interest (fi)

7ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011


1 2


1 2cos 2









eH Z

fZ Z


Page 9: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

From the Goertzel Algorithm...

• Before the sampling:

Number of samples (N) to be collected to obtain the fixed resolution (r = 1/db)

Bins (k) corresponding to the selected frequencies of interest (fi)

Coefficients (c) used in the GA iterations

• During the sampling:

• At the end of the sampling:

8ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011





0.5 i


N fk


2cos 2k


0 1 2

2 1

1 0

iq c q q s

q q

q q

si: last collected sample

q1 and q2 store the results of thetwo previous iterations

2 2 2

1 2 1 2i i i ii iX N q q q q c

Xi: squared magnitude of the spectrum

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...to Transmissibility Functions

• Transmissibility: the result of the interference of vibrations propating and reflecting along the structure

• TFsachieveenvironmentalinvariability

• Damage indicator:

9ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011






1 22







s f f

s f


f f

X f

T f f

X f

si and sj: sensor nodes

(fi ,f2): range of frequencies of interest

1 2 1 2

1 2

1 2

, ,,


j j

i ij

i j



s ss

r s REFs


T f f T f fD f f

T f f

REF: reference (undamaged)

TEST: current condition (damaged?)

Page 11: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

Flow of the Application

10ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

Sink Node Sensor Node #1 Sensor Node #2 Sensor Node #N...

Goertzel Algorithm Parameters Broadcast

Accelerometer Sampling &

Goertzel Algorithm Computations

Results BroadcastTransmissibility


TDMA ResultsSharing






t tt

Page 12: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

• Sensinode’s U100 Micro.2420:

• MSP430 MCU,clock @ 8 MHz

• 500 kB external serialFlash

• CC2420 transceiver

• 3 axisaccelerometer:

• 2g/ 6g full scale

• 12/16 bit representation

• Highsensitivity: 76.4 mV/m/s2

• Temperature-humiditysensor

Sensor Nodes Hardware

11ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

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“Our” Bridge

12ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

Page 14: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

Testbed Setup

13ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

WOODEN TRUSS STRUCTURE: 420 cm long, 65 cm wide, 34 cm high, 44 kg

D1, D2, D3, D4: 500 g weight

sensor node

Electro-Dynamic Shaker

Damaged Cross Bar

D5: 27.6% stiffness reduction

D6: 55.2% stiffness reduction

Random noise excitation

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Selection of the Critical Frequencies

14ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

[32-35] Hz

[32-35] Hz

[27-30] Hz


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ExperimentalValidation (D1)

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ExperimentalValidation (D2)

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ExperimentalValidation (D3)

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ExperimentalValidation (D4)

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ExperimentalValidation (D5 and D6)

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D5: 27.6% stiffness reduction

D6: 55.2% stiffness reduction

Page 21: SHM in WSNs by the Embedded Goertzel Algorithm

GA vs Off-Line Modal Analysis (1/3)

• Modal analysis: study of the dynamic properties of structures under vibrational excitation

• Centralized off-line data analysis for identifying natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios

20ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

M. Bocca, A. Mahmood, L.M. Eriksson, J. Kullaa, and R. Jäntti, A Synchronized Wireless Sensor Network for Experimental Modal Analysis in Structural Health Monitoring, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2011.

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GA vs Off-Line Modal Analysis (2/3)

21ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

measurementperiod: 30 s, samplingfrequency: 125 Hz

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GA vs Off-Line Modal Analysis (3/3)

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measurementperiod: 30 s, samplingfrequency: 125 Hz

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23ICCPS 2011, Chicago, IL, USA, 14.4.2011

• By the embeddedGoertzelalgorithm, it is possible to correctlydetect and localizestructuraldamages

• The proposedsystem is low-latency and low-power

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[email protected]://autsys.tkk.fi/MaurizioBocca