Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus” Tyler Aughney Mr. Buckman 0 Biology

Tyler Aughney, Bald Eagle, Period 0

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Bald Eagle“Haliaeetus leucocephalus”

Tyler AughneyMr. Buckman 0


Page 2: Tyler Aughney, Bald Eagle, Period 0


• On June 20, 1782 the bald eagle was chosen as the emblem of the United States of American, because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, and also because it was use to be thought to exist only on this

continent.• When flying the bald eagle can reach speeds of 35-43

mph. When diving the bald eagle reaches speeds of

75-99 mph.

Page 3: Tyler Aughney, Bald Eagle, Period 0

Food and Hunting

• Bald Eagles when mature will always have a favorite perch located above a river or a marsh. They will sit motionless until they see the shimmer of a fish. At that point it will leap from its perch and bomb dive the fish and pluck it out of the water.

• When fish are scarce the eagles will eat anything it can find including foxes, young deer, or even geese in flight.

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• The bald eagle will nest near costal areas, marshes, and riverbanks for their main food source fish.

• The bald eagle has been found in Florida’s estuaries and pine forest.

• The eagles greatest stronghold is in Alaska.

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Bald Eagles and Humans

• Bald Eagles are currentlyno longer on the endangered list. They use to be extinct in the lower 48 states because of a pesticide know as DDT was killing them all.

• They have also been hunted down to the brink of extinction form poachers collecting their feathers.

• In June 2007 they were removed from the endangered list.

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Bald Eagle Habitat Map


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• Bald eagles become sexually mature at four or five years old.

• Their nest are usually built near a source of water.

• Their nest on average are 13 ft deep, 8.2 ft across and weigh 1 metric ton

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• Length: Male, about 2 ½ feet Female, 3 feet• Weight: Male, 10lbs Female, 13lbs• Wingspan: 6-8 feet

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Works Cited

• http://www.baldeagleinfo.com/• http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/kids/animal-facts/images/bald_eagle_range.jpg• http://www.wild-bird-watching.com/bald-eagle.html• http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Bald_Eagle/id?gclid=CJmK6a2AwqgCFQkFbAodQC0RqA