Tany Rodriguez New Media 1A 12-04-12 Video Games

Video games

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Tany RodriguezNew Media 1A


Video Games

This game features many modes such as Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Search

and Destroy etc. When playing the game, you get into the game and can’t

seem to stop playing it. Many people get distracted too much when playing and

can’t seem to stop. People get addicted to this and eventually start slack off and

get lazy.

Game Addiction

First off, games are pricy. They vary from game to game. Not only will they be time consuming, but they are very expensive. Games like Call of Duty:

Modern Warfare 3 are still at the price range of 60$. Most games go around for

this price but others are even more expensive then this.

Money Expenses

Game discs aren’t really that durably. You have to be very careful when

handling these games. One scratch on the CD and it can mess up the entire

thing. Also, CDs can break easily so this makes them much more vulnerable. For the price that it is, buying some of these

games isn’t really worth it. The game might only last you a few years but after

that, its value ends.
