Why You Shouldn’t Buy LOL Account From Dummy Subscribers

Why You Shouldn’t Buy LOL Account From Dummy Subscribers

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Page 1: Why You Shouldn’t Buy LOL Account From Dummy Subscribers

Why You Shouldn’t Buy LOL Account From Dummy Subscribers

Page 2: Why You Shouldn’t Buy LOL Account From Dummy Subscribers

To enjoy every single game in the Unranked League of Legends every gamer must have a well tailored LOL account in place.

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Usually these accounts are bought from expert subscribers. And what are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t buy from dummy subscribers?

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Your Could Easily Get Banned Trust me when buying a LOL account from dummy subscribers this is the greatest risk that there is to the game. Depending on their production method, your risk of a ban could stick with your every step along the way. But when buying from the experts such as AussyElo you will get ideal accounts that are tailored using advanced technology and one that comes with a100% surety.

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Your Account Could Be Hijacked

Remember how the last fall of 2014 had been with the gamers? If it wasn’t unfinished games it was always a hacked gaming account. Well this nightmare is still real even to this very day.

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When you buy from dummy subscribers you risk losing your account to hackers. So instead use secured and well automated risky free accounts from the expert subscribers we have today.

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Your Registered Email Could Be Changed

Well this might look quite unlikely but it happens all the times on dummy subscribers and in fact from account auction sites. Usually what they do after selling the account to you is to reclaim the account off you by having their own registered email in place.

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And trust me this is the top notch con in the game since once they reclaim the account your cash plus the account is no more.

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Your Account Name Will Look Noobish

Spare me the tirade but I know many of us out there have seen queer account names popping up on their screens every single day when they play. There are never any doubts that such accounts are bots. Painfully enough, such an account will easily get you banned or simply make you lose your money. That’s why getting the very best account from the experts will be ideal.

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Your Account Will Come With No IPWhen you buy lol account from an expert subscriber it comes with enough IP to get you your desired LOL champions. However buying from dummies will prevent you from having this kind of privilege since you can easily find your account without any IP to buy champions even when you were buying a level 30 account. So seek the services of ideal subscribers for the best offer.

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Conclusion So what are some of the things that make expert subscribers the very best people to deal with?

Usually all their accounts are created using the latest advanced technology.

None of their user accounts fall within any traded accounts. They will tie total guarantees on their accounts in case of a ban.

They allow you to set your own registered email address on their accounts.

They use well secured means of payment that do not allow any loss of money.

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