#y2soccomp week 1 - the emergence of web2.0

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IS52026 Social ComputingWeek 1: the emergence of web 2.0

dan mcquillan



1. the emergence of web 2.0We will look at how social media emerged from web 1.0 and the different ways it has had an impact globally. We will also try different types of social media and start blogging and tweeting for the course.2. seeing through social networksThe rise of social networking platforms has surfaced the fact that social networks are already key to our lives and society. We will look at different ways to understand this and experiment with different ways to visualise online social networks.3. programming & participatory cultureThe read/write web has become a base for a participatory culture that has its roots in programming and open source software. We will explore the impact of the GPL and Creative Commons and try some participation in code and culture.4. computing and crowdsThe internet enables aggregation of effort in a way that previously needed institutions. Well see how social computing has surfaced economies of peer approval and changed the immediacy of collective effort (think flash mobs). The lab sessions will try out tools for crowdsourcing.5. social businessSocial computing is transforming business, going beyond the early disruption of models like the long tail. We will examine how relationality is becoming key and how the focus is shifting to the social business. Well experiment with methods and tactics from our case studies.



What happened to IS52026A Information Systems for E-Business?

6. datascapesAll online activity leaves a data trail. Can this be used for anything interesting beyond targetted ads? Well look at datamining, privacy and open data and try out tools for analysis and data visualisation.7. liveness and the streamLiveness is increasingly the mode of the social web (live blogging, live streaming). Well look at its construction in code and the feelings it can produce (e.g. empathy). In the lab labs well explore a variety of live tools and methods.8. civic hackingWhile the early days of web 2.0 were of more interest to NGOs then governments, civic actors everywhere are now racing to engage with social computing. We will move from the work of early civic hackers like MySociety to the current crop of institutional App challenges and look at underlying dynamics of change. In the lab well experiment with existing tools and look at how to create social impact projects.9. critical theoriesThe impact of technology is not a given. Many of the thinkers whos work is a good guide to the effects of social computing were active before the web was created (e.g. Foucault). Well look at the interplay between critical thinking and spotting opportunities. In the lab wel explore projects and technology directly connected to these ideas.10. getting stuff doneSocial computing has catalysed a new approach to getting things done. From Agile Development to the idea of the Lean Startup, participatory methods and prototyping are becoming mainstream. Well look at case studies and test the methods in the practical setting of the labs.


weekly readings





10 tweets on the weekly readings. Weekly. 5 blog posts on the themes from term 1.One week after each theme. 5 comments on blog posts by other students.Two weeks after each theme.Collation of your blog posts, your comments, 5 of other people's comments, your tweets PLUS a 500 word reflection. Class on Friday 13th January.25

1 group assignment leading to a group presentation and an individual blog post.End of term15

Participation.Assessed termly5


10 tweets on the weekly readingsWeekly. 4 blog posts on the themes from term 2.One week after each theme. 4 comments on blog posts by other students.Two weeks after each theme.Collation of your blog posts, your comments, 5 of other people's comments, your tweets PLUS a 500 word reflection. Class on Friday 13th January.20

1 group project leading to a group presentation and a blog post by each team member 30

Participation.Assessed termly5





Photo by CERN







Flickr User Model, v0.3 by soldierant (Bryce Glass) on flickr

Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship, n.d. http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol13/issue1/boyd.ellison.html.








By faceyspacey on flickr



In today's LAB we will...