Connecting Classrooms - Fashion Show

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Page 1: Connecting Classrooms - Fashion Show
Page 2: Connecting Classrooms - Fashion Show

O coração de filigrana

contido na t-

shirt, representa

Portugal, dentro deste

pode-se ver os seguintes

monumentos, o relógio

astrológico de

Praga, República Checa; o

templo de Atenas, Grécia;

e, o Big Ben de

Londres, Reino Unido.

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A t-shirt Connecting Classrooms pode ser usada na

praia, no campo, de forma formal e até no dia-a-dia.

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Esta peça tem por




característicos do

folclore de vários

países, Portugal,

Grécia, República

Checa e Reino


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Esta peça tem

botões, nas

mangas da

camisola e no

fundo da saia,

em forma de

flor, por

influência do

traje dos Reis

e Rainhas de

Pérolas, do

Reino Unido.

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As mangas da camisola

acabam ligeiramente

acima do cotovelo, por

influência do traje

folclórico da República


Podemos ver por cima

da saia um avental a

representar Grécia, e,

no avental, o coração

que representa o

coração de filigrana, de


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Esta peça foi

elaborada, a partir da

reciclagem de vários

materiais. E com ela

pretendemos passar a

ideia de que parte da

poluição é causada

por vários elementos

envolvidos na

elaboração de peças

de roupa.

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A saia é feita com jornais

dobrados em leque, está presa

na cinta por uma fita prateada.

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O corpete foi feito com tiras de pacotes de

leite, entrelaçados um nos outros, fechado atrás

por uma fita rosa.

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Esta peça

simboliza a união

entre vários

países que em

tudo, ou quase

tudo, são

diferentes e que

juntos podem

cooperar no


de todos a vários


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O vestido é feito com influência no

estilo greco-romano, está atado à

cinta com fitas vermelha, amarela e

verde, que remetem para Portugal.

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Na cauda do vestido podemos

ver algumas bandeiras dos

países envolvidos no projecto

Connecting Classrooms.

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In the heart of

filigrana, that

represents Portugal,

we can see the


monuments: the

astronomical clock of

Prague, Czech

Republic, Athena’s

temple from Greece

and the Big Ben from

London, United


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The Connecting Classrooms t-shirt can be used at the

beach, on the field, in formal ocasions and even on a

day-to-day basis.

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This outfit is

based on certain

traditional folk

elements of four



Greece, Czech

Republic and the

United Kingdom.

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This garment

has buttons,

on the sleeves

of the shirt

and at the

bottom of the

skirt, shaped

as a flower,

influenced by

the folk

costume of

the Kings and

Queens of

Pearls, from

the United


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The shirts sleeves

end slightly above

the elbow,

influenced by the

folk costume from

Czech Republic.

On the skirt we can

see an apron

representing Greece

and on the apron, a

heart of filigrana



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This outfit was made

from many different

materials that we

recycled. With it we

hope to pass on the

idea that part of

pollution is caused

by various elements

involved in the

manufacturing of


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The skirt is made of folded newspapers in

the shape of fans, tide together with a

silver band.

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The bodice is made of strips of milk

cartons, interlaced one in the other, closed in the

back with a pink ribbon.

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This outfit

symbolizes the

union between

many countries

that are different in

everything, or


everything, but

together they can

help each other

develop on many


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The dress was made with a Greek-

Roman influence. It is tied at the

waist with red, yellow and green

bands that represent Portugal.

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On the dresses tail we can see

some flags of the countries

involved in the project Connecting
