Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers Webinar 17 April 2014

Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers

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Do you manage financial operations at a hotel, OTA, airline or any other e-commerce site that sells travel? Then don't miss this FREE webinar presented by Tnooz and WEX, a leader in VCC payments for the travel industry. In our webinar you will discover how: a VCC transaction does not require any different processes than a physical plastic card understanding trends in VCC acceptance can lead to greater acceptance and best practices experience with clients confirms security, financial, and workflow benefits for acceptance from hotel suppliers the hospitality sector is working through a key industry organization to develop a framework for facilitating VCC payments Our panelists are: Nicole Tackett, manager for global product and marketing, WEX Virtual Deena Jones, senior product manager for Travel, WEX David Sjolander, COO, Hotel Technology Next Generation (HTNG) Kevin May, editor and moderator, Tnooz Gene Quinn, CEO and producer, Tnooz

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Page 1: Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers

Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers


17 April 2014

Page 2: Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers

Your hosts

Kevin May Editor & moderator

Gene Quinn CEO & producer

Page 3: Simplifying acceptance of virtual credit cards for travel sellers

Webinar  April  17,  2014  

Simplifying  Hotel    Acceptance  of  Virtual  Credit  Card  

Payment  Solu8on  

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Today’s  Presenters  

Nicole  Tacke7  –  WEX  Inc.  Manager,  Global  Product  &  Marke4ng  [email protected]    

Deena  Jones  –  WEX  Inc.  Senior  Product  Manager,  Travel  [email protected]  

David  Sjolander  -­‐  HTNG  Chief  Opera4ng  Officer  [email protected]  

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•  Introduc8ons  •  WEX  Overview  

•  WEX  Travel:  how  does  it  work?  

•  Hotel  Distribu8on  Channel  •  Hotel  Processing  Best  Prac8ces  •  Hotel  Acceptance  •  HTNG  and  Workgroup  Overview  

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Poll  Ques8on  #1  Where  are  you  located?    1.  North  America  

2.  EMEA  

3.  La8n  America  

4.  Asia  Pacific    

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Poll  Ques8on  #2  What  travel  business  segment  do  you  represent?    1.  Hospitality  supplier  2.  Other  supplier  3.  OTA  4.  TMC,  corp  buyer,  travel  agency,  other  intermediary  

5.  Technology  solu8on  provider  or  consultant  

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WEX  Overview  

Nicole  Tacke7  

Manager,  Global  Product  &  Marke4ng  

[email protected]    

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Who  We  Are  

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WEX  Global  Growth  

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How  It  Works  

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Virtual  Payments  

Benefits      •  Reduc8on  in  fraud  and  misuse  

•  Financial  rebate  incen8ve    •  Timely  transfer  of  funds  globally  

•  Automa8on  of  reconcilia8on                                    •  Cost  and  process  improvement  




•  One-­‐8me  use,  secure  account  number  

•  Global  payment  pla_orm  

•  Real-­‐8me  processing  

•  Transac8on  specific  controls  

•  Enhanced  data  quality  


WEX  Travel:  A  New  Approach  

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IT  AutomaOon   Benefits      • WEX  pioneered  single-­‐use  B2B  virtual  card  payments,  13  years  experience  

• No  upfront  or  ongoing  fees  for  implementa8on  and  soaware  

• Seamless,  nimble  integra8on  with  exis8ng  systems  via  web  service  

• Updates  do  not  require  code  change  • Capacity  to  support  24/7  environments  



©2013  WEX  Inc.  Confiden8al  and  proprietary.    

WEX  Travel:  IT  Innova8on  

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Poll  Ques8on  #3  What  is  the  main  obstacle  keeping  your  organiza8on  from  implemen8ng  a  VCC  payment  solu8on?    1.  Convincing  suppliers  to  accept  virtual  credit  card  2.  Integra8on  to  back  end  systems  3.  Shortage  of  IT  resources  for  implementa8on  or  API  dev  4.  Privacy/security  concerns  5. My  organiza8on  currently  u8lizes  a  VCC  payment  solu8on  

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Insights  into  Hotel  Acceptance  and                  Best  Prac8ces    

Deena  Jones  

Senior  Product  Manager,  Travel  

[email protected]  

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Complexi8es  of  Hotel  Distribu8on  

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Hotel  Supplier  Best  Prac8ces  •  Pre-­‐authoriza8on  based  on  guarantee/deposit  

rule      •  Ensure  the  authoriza8on  code  is  presented  with  

the  subsequent  pos8ng  of  transac8on    •  Standard  check-­‐in  procedure  2  folios      •  Check-­‐out  se?lement  transacted  in  property  


•  Par8al  payments  can  be  transacted  to  the  sum  of  the  total  authorized  amount    

•  Par8al  or  full  refund  can  be  transacted  against  VCC,  however  you  cannot  charge  it  again      

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Case  Study  –  Decline  Authoriza8ons  •  Trend  Iden8fica8on  of    decline  authoriza8on  

across  a  hotel  chain  •  Analysis  revealed  that  PMS*  scheduled  job  

was  a?emp8ng  authoriza8on  of    VCC  from  8me  of  crea8on  to  check-­‐in  for  all  reserva8ons  for  all  integrated  OTAs  

•  SoluOon  PMS*  configura8on  changes  made  at  all  proper8es  so  proper  reserva8on/gtd  type  is  associated  to  the  reserva8ons      

•  ResoluOon  Impact    for  OTAs  and  travel  companies  is  reduc8on  of  false/posi8ve  alerts  on  decline  authoriza8ons.  For  the  hotel  suppliers  is  reduc8on  decline  authoriza8on  a?empts   *Property Management System

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Poll  Ques8on  #4    What  is  the  main  challenge  in  hotel  acceptance  of  VCC  payment  solu8on?    1. Merchant  fee  associated  with  processing  2.  Educa8on  in  understanding  the  benefits  of  

acceptance,  which  offset  merchant  fee  3.  No  standard  workflow  processes  on  hotel  side  for  


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Supplier  Acceptance  Benefits  

* Market research conducted by Ardent Partners in June 2013

*•  Faster  receipt  of  payments      •  Reduc8on  of  payroll  expense      •  Improved  payment  data      •  Guaranteed  payment    •  Controls  on  card  reduce  hotel  losses    •  No  addi8onal  processes  

•  No  addi8onal  soaware/hardware      •  Security    

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WEX’s  Ini8a8ve  to  Drive  Efficiencies  

•  Authoriza8on  and  transac8on  data  trend  analysis    •  Leverage  our  travel  companies  rela8onships  with  the  hotel  

chains  to  work  through  the  processing  challenges  •  WEX  team  collabora8on  of  SME’s  in  Payments,  OTA  

opera8ons  and  hotel  systems  and  opera8ons  enables  a  complete  end-­‐to-­‐end  understanding  of  the  payment  workflow  in  a  reserva8on  network  

•  Ac8ve  in  hospitality  technology  organiza8ons  to  con8nue  to  be  an  innova8ve  payment  solu8on  in  the  travel  ver8cal  

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HTNG  and  Workgroup  Overview  

David  Sjolander  

Chief  Opera4ng  Officer  

[email protected]  

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E 2014

Virtual  Credit  Cards  

Workgroup Incubation


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What  is  HTNG?  

•  Non-­‐Profit  Trade  Associa8on  •  Funded  by  4,000+  members  to  

–  Solve  common  industry  technology  problems  –  Promote  interoperability  of  systems  –  Encourage  development  of  new  meaningful  technologies  

•  Board  consists  of  senior  IT  execu8ves  from  17  global  hotel  chains  

•  Membership  represents  over  33,000  hotels  and  180  technology  suppliers  in  81  countries  

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Current  Ac8ve  HTNG  Workgroups  

•  Above  Property  Systems  

•  Event  No8fica8on  •  Event  RFP  Submission  •  Intelligent  Guestroom  •  Point  of  Sale  

•  Product  Distribu8on  •  Fiber  to  the  Guestroom  •  Mobile  Device  Iden8fica8on  and  Authen8ca8on  

•  Entertainment  Device  Control  

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HTNG  Released  Payment  Specifica8ons  

•  Data  Proxy  (tokeniza8on)  •  Payment  Processing  •  Hosted  Payment  Capture  Systems  •  Secure  Payments  Framework  

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Hotel  Challenges  with  VCC  

•  Determining  from  the  number  that  the  card  is  virtual  rather  than  tradi8onal  

•  Understanding  condi8ons  for  payment:  –  Can/should  the  card  be  pre-­‐authorized?  –  Is  it  for  a  specific  amount  or  a  range?  –  Is  there  a  specific  date  range  for  processing?  

•  Dealing  with  faxes  and  emails  that  contain  the  full  16-­‐digit  credit  card  number  

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HTNG  VCC  Workgroup  

There  is  neither  a  way  for  hotels  to  dis8nguish  virtual  credit  cards  (and  other  card  not-­‐present  situa8ons)  from  tradi8onal  ones,  nor  a  systema8c  way  to  communicate  the  business  rules,  payment  instruc8ons,  and  terms  and  condi8ons  of  using  them.    This  results  in  inefficiencies,  security  and  PCI  compliance  issues,  declined  payments,  poor  customer  check-­‐in  experience  and  addi8onal  

back  office  processing.      

Business  Problem  Statement  

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HTNG  Workgroup  Process  

ProspecOve   IncubaOon   Chartered  and  AcOve   Maintenance   ReOred  

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VCC  Workgroup  Status  

•  Currently  in  incuba8on  stage  •  1st  Mee8ng  held  on  Friday,  11  April  2014  

–  13  companies  par8cipated  –  Began  to  write  charter  

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Par8cipants  will  likely  include:  

•  Hotel  companies  •  Virtual  Credit  Card  issuers  •  Credit  card  associa8ons  (Visa  and  MC)  •  Core  technology  suppliers  (CRS/PMS)  •  Distribu8on  partners  (GDS,  TMC,  OTA)  •  Credit  card  processing  middle-­‐ware  suppliers  

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Next  Steps  

•  Chartering  call  #2  -­‐  Tuesday,  April  22nd  at  noon  EDT  •  Send  an  email  to  [email protected]  if  you  are  interested  

in  par8cipa8ng  –  HTNG  membership  not  required  un8l  charter  is  approved    

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We  see  corporate  payments  differently.  

Thank  You!  

Nicole  Tacke7  Manager,  Global  Product  &  Marke4ng  [email protected]    

Deena  Jones  Senior  Product  Manager,  Travel  [email protected]  

David  Sjolander  Chief  Opera4ng  Officer  [email protected]  

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Q & A

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Thank you!

Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

Replay and presentation of webinar will be available on www.tnooz.com