10 Things Mom Never Told You About Social Media For Business




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10 Things Your Mom Never Told You About Social Media

For Business

That’s right, she left some stuff out…

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When you were a kid…

During your formative years you no doubt had important talks with your mother, where she instilled in you the values you carry with you today.

You know, important stuff like the birds and the bees, and how to use social media for your business.

Well she was probably right on when it comes to the birds and the bees, but she left a few things out when she went over social media with you.

Let’s clear that up…here’s 10 things she never told you about using social media for business.


#1 There is no “Right Way”

News flash! There is no right way to use social media for your business. And if you’re paying someone who is telling you there is a right way –

save your money.

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#2 It Doesn’t Have to be Time Consuming

To get the most of out social media you need to be on every social

networking site, responding to every comment, and spending hours a day

communicating right?

Wrong. Focused effort on a select few networks, along with a blog, is

enough for 99% of us.

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#3 Not Everyone will Play Fair

You’re out of the sandbox and into the real world now. It may feel all warm and fuzzy, but that doesn’t mean everyone is genuine, and some

will abuse the system.

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#4 What Works for me may not Work for You

What works on social media is as varied as the people participating. Just because it worked for

me, doesn’t mean it will work for you.

Find your own way.

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#5 Don’t Begin with the End in Mind

For social media to work for your business you need to enjoy the process. If your only concern is

driving sales, generating leads, and getting your followers to “buy-buy-buy!” you’ll miss the intangibles social media offers. And those intangibles could be more value adding than any of the above.

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#6 It Won’t Cure Everything

Social media can’t fix a broken business. It can help an okay business get good and a good

business get great.

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#7 You Won’t Know What Works, Until it Works

Social media will have you feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, and wasting your time…until it


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#8 Front Page of the Newspaper Times 10

Remember mom telling you to behave as if everything you do today will end up on the front page of the

paper tomorrow?

Social media is like that, times 10. What you do this minute will end up

on social media sites the next minute. And what you do the minute after that will determine your fate.

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#9 You Get What You Give

If you think social media is all about you, get used to talking to


The most effective social media practioners give much more than they get. Be valuable to others around you first, and you’ll get value in return.

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#10 Building Trust will Build Your Business

The most important component to social media is the trust you are building.

People buy from trusted sources. Be yourself, be helpful, build trust, and build your business.

That simple.

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