Arash Arabi - A guide to multi-organisational distributed scrum


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Why is it harder?

Key factors Implementation Rules of thumb

It all comes down to communication



Have trust budget.

Travel and co-locate frequently this builds trusts and maintains trust.

Have human connection, meet often, spend time together, work together, have social events.

Work on few smaller projects or pilot projects with low risk of failure.

Be genuine, honest and transparent, don’t be a salesperson.

Take responsibility for mistakes and avoid the blame game.

Be clear on what the common goal is.

Available Empowered

Domain Expert Stakeholder


Deliver (or demo) every sprint

Have a cross functional team

Inspect and adapt every sprint

Longer Shorter

Distributed projects

have higher risk

Scrum increases


Focus on improving

communication and trust

Travel and co-locate


Use technology

to the fullest

Get training

Inspect and adapt