Music video analysis 7


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Music Video Analysis:- No Church in the Wild - Jay Z & Kanye West

Use of Camera The use of camera angles and skills in this music video vary a lot, This is due to the factor they want to show the perspective of both parties. The lyrics are going on about the people against the law. But we see that the police are doing what they are told. The opening shot is one of the most interesting shots within the whole music video. I believe this this because its the only shot with out music in the background, its a shot of Kanye lighting a water bottle bomb. Not showing Kanye face suggests he's a naturally born leader who doesn't need an identity.

Editing The use of editing in this music video is very unique. Going through the whole music video their is only one shot that is over 3 seconds long, this shot being the opening to the video. I believe this is here to represent the franticness of the riot. Also through out the video you see some shots switch roles, for example when the police men came in on a horse and started beating this man and then later on in the video we see the man take the horse off the police men and gets his revenge. This is represents the police starting to loose control of the riot.


The mise-en-scene in this music video is actually important to the main means behind the song. The clothes that the characters wore represented their place in society. So the police were all wearing uniform suggesting that they were working for a higher power. But the people in the riot wore their own clothes suggesting that they were fighting for freedom and not to be controlled by a higher power. As you can see in the shot the police are fighting against the riot but the clothing represents the side they are fighting for, the public fighting against the power and the police working for them.

Artist Representation Jay Z and Kanye are trying to get the message across that it is when their is a riot or a rebellion their isn't any people who are in charge. But from listening the lyrics and watching the music video I got the impression that they are trying to tel us that religion leads people on to do certain actions. I personally believe they are trying to tell us that religion is bad when man manipulates its to benefit himself. This is the reason why so much uproar about religion and its wars. As you can see in this shot we have the rebellion taking over the religion by beating the car, this is trying to suggest that the power of the war as fluctuated,

Meanings The meanings that are created in this music video are mainly about the idea if religion and how its a gift but also a curse. I personally believe that the music video is trying to create awareness about the government doing stuff with out people knowing so thats why Kanye wants to over through them. But a lot of people could suggest that the song is about when religion is taken away from us this is what happens to us, we all go crazy to try and fight the power. In this shot you can see the police is isolated because the other people left him, I interpret this as all of the other police went over to the religion with Kanye.

Applying Theory The main theory that was applied in this music video was the Andrew Goodwin’s theory about amplification. This is where the artist singing matches what is happening in the music video. I believe this is happening because they are trying to take over a church in the wild because it represents authority. This is why the people are rioting.