Nirma Ent. Myths

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Throughout the years many myths have been arisen about entrepreneurship. These myths are the result of a lack of adequate research on entrepreneurship. As many researchers in the field have noted, the study of entrepreneurship is still emerging, and thus “folklore” willtend to prevail until it is dispelled with contemporary research findings. Ten of the most notable myths are explained as under:

Myth 1: Entrepreneurs Are Doers, Not ThinkersAlthough entrepreneurs tend to act, they are also thinkers.They are often very methodical who plan their actions carefully. The emphasis to-day on the creation of clear andcomplete business plans is an indication that entrepreneurs take action systematically after proper thinking. They arecalculated “risk takers” i.e. they do risk analysis which isagain a thinking process.

Myth 2: Entrepreneurs Are Borne, Not MadeThe idea that characteristics of entrepreneurs cannot be taught or learned, that they are innate traits one must be born with, has been long prevalent. These traits include aggressiveness, initiative, drive, a willingness to take risk,analytical ability, and skill in human relations. To-day,however, the recognition of entrepreneurship as a disciplineis helping to dispel this myth. Like all disciplines, entrepreneurship has models, processes, and case studiesthat allow the topic to be studied and the knowledge to beacquired.

Myth 3: Entrepreneurs Are Always InventorsThe idea that entrepreneurs are inventors is a result of misunderstanding and tunnel vision. Although many inventors are also entrepreneurs, large number of entrepreneurs have undertaken innovative activity. This innovation may be the result of inventions. Invention isan incident, entrepreneurship is a innovation process.

A contemporary understanding of entrepreneurship covers more than just invention. It requires a completeunderstanding of innovative behavior in all forms.

Myth 4: Entrepreneurs Are Academic and Social MisfitsThe belief that entrepreneurs are academically and socially ineffective is a result of some business owners having started successful enterprises after dropping out of a school or quitting a job. Historically, in fact, educational and social organizations did not recognize the entrepreneur.To-day the entrepreneur is considered a winner- socially, economically, and academically. No longer a misfit, the entrepreneur is now viewed as a professional and entrepreneurship plays is very important role for economicdevelopment.

Myth 5: Entrepreneurs Must Fit the “Profile”They are many publications listing characteristics of thesuccessful entrepreneur. The list is neither validated norcomplete; they are based on case studies and on research

findings among achievement-oriented people. To-day werealize that a standard entrepreneurial profile is hard to compile. The environment, the venture itself, and the entrepreneur have interactive effects, which result in manydifferent types of profiles. Contemporary studied conductedat universities across the United States will, in the future,provide more accurate insights into various profiles of successful entrepreneurs. “Entrepreneurial Perspective” within individuals is more understandable than a particularprofile.

Myth 6 : All Entrepreneurs Need is MoneyIt is true that a venture needs capital to survive; it is fact that a large number of business failures occur because of alack of adequate financing. Yet having money is not the onlybulwark against failure. Failure due to a lack of proper financing often is an indicator of other problems: managerial incompetence, lack of financial understanding,poor investments, poor planning, and the like.

Many successful entrepreneurs have overcome the lack ofmoney while establishing their ventures. To those entrepreneurs, money is a source but never an end in itself.

Myth 7: All entrepreneurs Need Is LuckBeing at “the right place at the right time” is always an advantage. But “luck happens when preparation meets opportunity” is an equally appropriate adage. They are, in fact, simply better prepared to deal with situations andturn them into success.What appears to be luck really ispreparation, determination, desire, knowledge, and innovativeness.

Myth 8: Ignorance Is Bliss for EntrepreneursThe myth that too much planning and evaluation lead toconstant problems – that over-analysis leads to paralysis –does no hold up in to-day’s competitive markets, whichdemand detailed planning and preparation. Identifying aventure’s strengths and weaknesses, setting up cleartimetables with contingencies for handling problems, and

minimizing these problems through careful strategy formulation are all key factors for successful entrepreneurship. Thus careful planning – not ignorance of it – is the mark of an accomplished entrepreneur.

Myth 9: Entrepreneurs Seek Success But Experience High Failure RatesMany entrepreneurs suffer a number of failures before theyare successful. They follow the adage “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again.” In fact, failure can teach manylessons to those willing to learn and often leads to futuresuccesses. This is clearly shown by the corridor principle,which states that with every venture launched, new andunintended opportunities often arise.

Myth 10: Entrepreneurs Are Extreme Risk Takers (Gamblers)The concept of risk is a major element in the entrepreneurial process. However, the public’s perceptionof the risk most entrepreneurs assume is distorted. Although it may appear that an entrepreneur is “gambling”

on a wild chance, the fact is the entrepreneur is usually working on a moderate or “calculated” risk. Most successful entrepreneurs work hard through planning andpreparation to minimize the risk involves in order to better control the destiny of their vision.These ten myths have been presented to provide a background for today’s thinking on entrepreneurship. By sidestepping “folklore” we can build a foundation for critically researching the contemporary theories and processes of entrepreneurship.

ExerciseRead carefully :THE E-MYTH (page no.31) and explain thefollowing observation:“The owners must begin working on the business, in addition to working in it.”