A Decomposition of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation into Physical Components Using...


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A Decomposition of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning


School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom


School of Mathematics, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom


School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom

(Manuscript received 5 July 2005, in final form 5 May 2006)


A decomposition of meridional overturning circulation (MOC) cells into geostrophic vertical shears,Ekman, and bottom pressure–dependent (or external mode) circulation components is presented. Thedecomposition requires the following information: 1) a density profile wherever bathymetry changes toconstruct the vertical shears component, 2) the zonal-mean zonal wind stress for the Ekman component,and 3) the mean depth-independent velocity information over each isobath to construct the external mode.The decomposition is applied to the third-generation Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere GeneralCirculation Model (HadCM3) to determine the meridional variability of these individual componentswithin the Atlantic Ocean. The external mode component is shown to be extremely important wherewestern boundary currents impinge on topography, and also in the area of the overflows. The Sverdrupbalance explains the shape of the external mode MOC component to first order, but the time variability ofthe external mode exhibits only a very weak dependence on the wind stress curl. Thus, the Sverdrup balancecannot be used to determine the external mode changes when examining temporal change in the MOC. Thevertical shears component allows the time-mean and the time-variable upper North Atlantic MOC cell tobe deduced at 25°S and 50°N. A stronger dependency on the external mode and Ekman componentsbetween 8° and 35°N and in the regions of the overflows means that hydrographic sections need to besupplemented by bottom pressure and wind stress information at these latitudes. At the decadal time scale,variability in Ekman transport is less important than that in geostrophic shears. In the Southern Hemispherethe vertical shears component is dominant at all time scales, suggesting that hydrographic sections alonemay be suitable for deducing change in the MOC at these latitudes.

1. Introduction and aims

The meridional overturning circulation (MOC) in theAtlantic Ocean strongly influences the climate of north-western Europe, and is a key part of the planetary cli-mate system (e.g., Vellinga and Wood 2002). The upper

North Atlantic and lower Antarctic MOC cells bothplay a significant role in the distribution of heat withinthe Atlantic Ocean system. Each cell is made up of acombination of buoyancy-driven baroclinic and baro-tropic geostrophic flows, wind-driven Ekman trans-ports, and other ageostrophic components. Under-standing the contribution of each MOC component andtheir interactions is critical for determining how theMOC may respond to changes in atmospheric forcingover a range of time scales.

Zonal hydrographic sections offer a direct means ofcalculating MOC and heat transport in the Atlantic(e.g., Bryan 1962). The basin has zero net meridionalvolume transport, apart from a small Bering Strait

* Current affiliation: Physical Sciences Division, British Antarc-tic Survey, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Corresponding author address: Louise C. Sime, Physical Sci-ences Division, British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge CB3 0ET,United Kingdom.E-mail: lsim@bas.ac.uk

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© 2006 American Meteorological Society


throughflow and surface freshwater fluxes. This makessuch calculations easier in the Atlantic as comparedwith other ocean basins, where throughflows compli-cate the situation. However, one-off or repeat hydro-graphic zonal sections are likely to be influenced byseasonal and lower-frequency fluctuations in the MOCcomponents. This study aims to clarify this question ofhydrographic section representativeness in the calcula-tion of the MOC at all latitudes in the Atlantic. This isachieved by deriving and applying a decomposition ofMOC components to a coupled global circulationmodel (GCM).

Hall and Bryden (1982) decomposed heat transportacross a hydrographic section into contributions fromthe barotropic, Ekman, and baroclinic components.This method has subsequently been used by a numberof authors (e.g., Saunders and King 1995; Böning et al.2001). In this paper we further develop a decomposi-tion originally employed by Lee and Marotzke (1998)and Baehr et al. (2004). This decomposition allows us toseparate out geostrophic vertical shears, Ekman, andbottom pressure–dependent (or external mode) circu-lation components. Of these components, the variabil-ity of the external mode component of the MOC is notwell known and is sometimes neglected. Consequently,the impact of the external mode on reference-level in-formation used in observational studies of the MOC isalso not well understood (e.g., Koltermann et al. 1999).This decomposition represents a chance to determinethe latitudinal variability in sensitivity to reference-level velocity information. We present the decomposi-tion in a generalized form, and in this study apply it tothe zonal integral of the circulation components in aGCM.

GCMs are the best available tool to investigate howthe components of Atlantic MOC interact on seasonaland longer time scales. We use the control integrationof the third-generation Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere GCM (HadCM3), a global non-flux-adjusted coupled atmosphere–ocean GCM. HadCM3has been shown to represent a stable realistic oceanicand atmospheric climatology (Gordon et al. 2000). Ad-ditionally, Böning et al. (2001) noted that this class ofCox- (1984) type models does not differ substantiallyfrom other classes of models in their seasonal anoma-lies. Willebrand et al. (2001), however, showed that theannual-mean patterns of MOC transport and the struc-ture of the western boundary currents do differ. Using100 yr of the HadCM3 control run allows us to examineseasonal-to-decadal variability in MOC components,without contending with any significant model drift inproperties or behavior.

Previous authors have focused on the impact of

MOC variability on the optimum design for a monitor-ing array at 26°N, with the purpose of detecting anytrend in MOC transport (Hirschi et al. 2003; Baehr etal. 2004). Here, we are interested in the componentsunderlying variability in the MOC at seasonal-to-decadal time scales. We present a generalized decom-position of the MOC and apply this to latitudes be-tween 30°S and 70°N. Additionally, three frequencybands, each characterized by time variability of a dif-ferent nature, are considered in turn, generating a com-plete picture of the variability of these componentswithin both hemispheres. This provides a quantitative,if model-based, estimate of the errors associated withthe time-mean assumption in analysis of hydrographic,wind, and barotropic flow fields, and has the potentialto assist in identifying improvements on this approach.

2. Model description: HadCM3

The ocean component of HadCM3 is a 20-level Cox-(1984) type ocean model on a 1.25° latitude � 1.25°longitude Arakawa B grid (Gordon et al. 2000), and isbased on the primitive equations. The vertical levels aredistributed to have enhanced resolution near the oceansurface. Each high-latitude ocean grid box can havepartial sea ice cover. The atmospheric component ofHadCM3 also has a regular latitude–longitude grid witha lower horizontal resolution of 2.5° � 3.75°, and 19hybrid coordinate levels in the vertical (Pope et al.2000). The Bering Strait is closed in the model (Par-daens et al. 2003) ensuring no net Atlantic meridionaltransport (except for insignificant surface fluxes).

Roberts and Wood (1997) showed that Bryan–Cox-type models can be sensitive to the depth of the variouschannels along the Greenland–Iceland–Scotland Ridge.Many of these channels are subgrid scale and so threeroutes (one grid point wide on the velocity grid)through the ridge represent the total of the subgrid-scale channels in HadCM3. These lead to a long-termmean outflow of approximately 8.5 Sv (1 Sv � 106

m3 s�1) of deep water from the Greenland–Iceland–Norwegian Sea in the coupled simulation. This com-pares to the observed outflow of around 5–6 Sv byDickson and Brown (1994), or 4–8 Sv by Bacon (1998).Convective adjustment in the region of the DenmarkStrait and Iceland–Scotland Ridge is modeled so as torepresent the downslope mixing of the overflow water,allowing it to find its level of neutral buoyancy insteadof convectively mixing it through the water column.Thorpe et al. (2004) find that although the densitystructure in the Labrador Sea does depend upon thespecifics of how the mixing of these overflows are mod-eled, the (global) thermohaline circulation and climate

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responses are not sensitive to these details. While thismodel setup is still not fully realistic, it has enabledHadCM3 to capture the observed separation of deep-water sources (Gordon et al. 2000; Thorpe et al. 2001).

The models are coupled once per day. The atmo-spheric model is run with fixed sea surface tempera-tures through the day and the various forcing fluxes areaccumulated each atmospheric model time step. At theend of the day these fluxes are passed to the oceanmodel, which is then integrated forward in time (Gor-don et al. 2000). The fields used in this study are allmonthly averages, so the highest temporal resolutionmodel behavior is not examined.

The model climatology is similar to that observed,with an excellent match between model and observa-tion estimates of poleward oceanic heat transport (Coo-per and Gordon 2002). Additionally, the run used inthis study exhibits realistic low-frequency variabilityfrom El Niño–Southern Oscillation and North AtlanticOscillation events (Collins et al. 2001). However, somesalinity and temperature drifts occur throughout the1400-yr control run (Gordon et al. 2000), with somedepth dependence in the drift of these properties (Par-daens et al. 2003). For this reason we restrict analysis to100 yr of the run to avoid the need to detrend results. Inthe North Atlantic, slight cooling and freshening stilloccurs over the period of the run we use, but this isinsignificant when compared with 100-yr interannualmodel variability. Other noted model deficiencies arein the simulated sea surface temperature front over theGulf Stream region, which is weaker than observed,and the zonal and meridonal wind stresses are weakerthan observed in midlatitudes (Dong and Sutton2002b). The associated underestimation of the windstress magnitude is also seen in the atmosphere-onlyHadAM3 model. See Pope et al. (2000) and Gordon etal. (2000) for more details about internal dynamics andbasic climatology.

3. Method: A decomposition for cross-sectionalvelocities and fluxes

It is useful to decompose the velocity across any sec-tion into geostrophic and Ekman components (Bryan1962), because it is reasonable to assume that tidal (av-eraged over a tidal cycle), frictional, and other ageo-strophic contributions are small. The geostrophic com-ponent can then be partitioned into barotropic andbaroclinic components (Hall and Bryden 1982). Thebarotropic component represents the vertically aver-aged velocity, and is therefore a function of horizontal,but not vertical, location, although Wunsch (1996) ar-gued that barotropic flow should strictly be defined asuniform in all spatial dimensions. The baroclinic com-

ponent represents deviations from the vertical mean. Ifthe water column is in hydrostatic equilibrium, suchdeviations can only be caused by horizontal density gra-dients.

Here, the cross-sectional velocity � is decomposed asfollows:

��x, y, z, t� � ��y, t� � ���x, y, z, t� � ���x, y, z, t�

� �*�x, y, t� � �E�x, y, z, t�, �1�

where x, y, and z are the along-sectional, cross-sectional, and vertical (positive upward) coordinates,respectively, and t is time; � is the section-mean veloc-ity, �� is the geostrophic vertical shears component, �

is the Ekman component, �* is the depth-independentexternal mode component, and �E contains small ageo-strophic terms and errors resulting from imperfect sam-pling. Our terminology follows that of Lee and Ma-rotzke (1998).

The various components are most useful if their sec-tion integrals are each equal to zero, because this fa-cilitates calculations of their contribution to overturn-ing and gyre transports, as well as heat and freshwaterfluxes. For this reason, we define our componentsslightly differently in comparison with those of Hall andBryden (1982). The section-integrated Ekman compo-nent is unlikely to be zero, but, if the section encloses apart of the ocean, volume conservation requires a bal-ancing return flow. Following Baehr et al. (2004), wesubtract a barotropic velocity of equal magnitude fromthis term to obtain the Ekman component �; the im-plications of this are discussed below. If the verticalshears term is taken to be the zero vertical-mean geo-strophic velocity, then its column integral (and there-fore its section integral) is zero. Defined in this way, ��

can be inferred from the temperature and salinity field,without any additional information. The depth-independent flow is separated into a section mean �,and the residual once the mean is removed is �*. Sec-tion-mean velocity � is the only component that mayintegrate over the section to a nonzero volume trans-port, although in the HadCM3 Atlantic Ocean, the clo-sure of the Bering Strait leads to � � 0, simplifying ourdecomposition. Using this decomposition we are ableto quantify the role in overturning of nonuniformdepth-independent external mode, which can be an elu-sive quantity.

Nonzero �E may arise because of imperfect samplingor the presence of ageostrophic terms (other than theEkman component). In this study, however, the use ofdepth-independent velocity, rather than pressure, fieldsmeans that depth-independent ageostrophic flow is notincluded in �E. If � is obtained using the same data and

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assumptions that are used in obtaining each compo-nent, as is typically the case in hydrographic sectioninversions, �E � 0 would be obtained. In this study, isinstead obtained directly from HadCM3 (which doesnot assume geostrophic balance), and the output den-sity and velocity fields have each been monthly aver-aged. Thus, we anticipate that �E � 0, but is still small.

Herein, x is taken to be eastward and y is taken to benorthward. The northward velocity is given by

� �1

�0 f���p�x, y, z, t�

�x ��H�z � h��x, y� �x�x, y�

h��x, y� �� �a�x, y, t� � �E�x, y, z, t�, �2�

where p is pressure, x is the zonal wind stress, �0 is areference density, f is the Coriolis parameter, h is theEkman-layer depth, and �a contains any depth-inde-pendent ageostrophic flow; H is the Heaviside functionand so H(z � h) gives 1 in the Ekman layer (top 10-mlayer of the model) and 0 elsewhere. The geostrophicterm can be decomposed as



�pm�x, y, t�

�x� g��


z ���x, y, Z, t�


� ��p�

�x ��x, y, t�, �3�

where hb is the local bathymetric depth, g is the accel-eration resulting from gravity, �pm/�x is the vertical-mean horizontal pressure gradient in the water column,and


�x � � �g



0 ��hb

z ���x, y, Z, t�

�xdZ dz�. �4�

If the vertical shears circulation is defined as circulationthat is directly driven by temperature and salinity gra-dients, then the last two terms in (3) form this thermo-haline component—the only terms containing �. Thus,for the vertical shears velocity (��), we can write

�� � �1

�0 f��g��hb

z ���x, y, Z, t�



�x �. �5�

Integrating the Ekman transport over the section anddividing by area provides us with a uniform (in both thevertical and along-sectional dimensions) velocity to beremoved from the Ekman velocity to yield the Ekmancomponent

�� � �1

�0 f �H�z � h���x



�x �,�p�



A, �6�

where x is the zonal-mean zonal wind stress and L0 isthe basin width at the surface. The component is writ-

ten in terms of a pressure gradient to emphasize thatthis response is geostrophic. We anticipate that the Ek-man-compensating return flow is poorly represented asbeing uniform in the along-sectional dimension. Devia-tions from this are contained in �*; thus, we wouldexpect correlation between � and �*. Nevertheless,any improvement on this approach would need to bemade a posteriori.

Substituting (1) into (2) and subtracting ��, �, and[H(z � h)x/h] � (�p /�x)� leaves us with

�* �1

�0 f ��pm



�x � � �a � �. �7�

Because HadCM3 outputs velocities rather thanpressure gradients, the vertical-mean velocity �m is amore useful variable than the vertical-mean horizontalpressure gradient, so we write

�m �1

�0 f ��pm



hb� � �a. �8�

Substituting into (7),

�* � ��m � �� �1

�0 f � �x



A �. �9�

The first part contains the anomaly in vertically aver-aged velocity, relative to the section mean. Subtractingthe second part removes the anomaly in vertically av-eraged Ekman velocity, caused by horizontal variationsin zonal wind stress or bathymetric depth. This leavesthe anomaly in depth-independent flow, the section in-tegral of which is zero. We note that while � and �� aredefined as the Ekman and vertical shears components,wind- and density gradient–driven circulation plays astrong role in determining �*, but their contributionscannot be extracted from instantaneous velocity, den-sity, and wind stress fields.

The HadCM3 output overturning streamfunction is

��y, z, t� � ���h

z �xw�y,Z�


��x, y, Z, t� dx dZ, �10�

where xe(y, Z) and xw(y, Z) are the locations of easternand western boundaries, respectively, at depth Z, and his the maximum bathymetric depth of the section. Themaximum in � represents the Atlantic cell and is de-fined as �N ; the location at which this occurs is zN. Theminimum (maximum negative) value below zN repre-sents the Antarctic cell and is defined as �S, with loca-tion zS. Figure 1a shows the 100-yr mean �.

Similarly, we integrate ��, �, and �* along the sec-tion and vertically to obtain the overturning stream-functions of the three components,

2256 J O U R N A L O F P H Y S I C A L O C E A N O G R A P H Y VOLUME 36

���y, z, t� �1

�0 f���h

z �g��h


�̂�y, Z�, t� dZ��� p̂��y, Z, t� dZ�, �11�


p̂��y, z, t� � �xw�y,z�

xe�y,z� �p�

�xdx, �̂ � ��xe, z� � ��xw, z�,

and h is the maximum bathymetric depth of the section,

���y, z, t� �1

�0 f ��h

z L0H�Z � h���x


�L�y, Z�L0�x



�*�y, z, t� � ���h


L�y, Z�

� ���̃m � �m� �1

�0 f �� �x

hb� �


A �� dZ,


where L(y, z) � xe(y, z) � xw(y, z), and a tilde �indicates the along-sectional average of a property over

the region where hb(x) � �z. These components aredepicted in Figs. 1b–1d.

The above definitions of L, p̂�, and �̂ are based on theassumption that the section crosses a single basin, withdepth monotonically increasing from 0 to h and thenmonotonically decreasing to 0. In practice, sectionstend to be divided into subbasins by topographic fea-tures, particularly in the deep ocean. The analysis isequally applicable in such cases. The terms p̂� and �̂ arethe sum of the zonal pressure and density differences,respectively, in each subbasin, and L is the sum of sub-basin widths.

The information required to construct each compo-nent is as follows. A density profile is required wher-ever bathymetry changes to reconstruct ��. The zonal-mean zonal wind stress is required for �. The meanvelocity [from bottom pressure, or from suitably aver-aged lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler(LADCP) data] as well as the Ekman contribution tothis, over each isobath is needed to reconstruct �*. Anonzero value of �* occurs if there is a correlation be-tween depth-independent flow and bathymetric depth.For example, northward depth-independent flow overshallow isobaths and southward depth-independentflow over deep isobaths would yield positive �* be-tween these levels. (If isopycnal coordinates were used,

FIG. 1. The 100-yr mean MOC diagnostics for the Atlantic Ocean in the HadCM3 controlrun: (a) �, the total overturning, (b) ��, the thermohaline or vertical shears component, (c) �,the Ekman component, and (d) �*, the external mode component. Gray shading and positivevalues indicate clockwise (looking west) overturning; white indicates anticlockwise overturn-ing. Contour intervals are 2 Sv. The overturning is not decomposed within 5° of the equator.

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�* would also depend on the correlation betweendepth-independent flow and isopycnal layer thickness.)

We can now define ��N � ��(zN), �N � �(zN),�*N � �*(zN), ��S � ���(zS), �S � �� (zS), and�*S � ��*(zS), where zN and zS are the depth of themaximum in North Atlantic and Antarctic overturning,respectively. We also define terms representing the ef-fect of nonzero �E, �EN � �N � (��N � �N � �*N), and��ES � �S � (��S � �S � �*S). It worth noting thatthe maximum and minimum of each overturning com-ponent is liable to occur at z � zN and z � zS. Changesin the location of the maximum overturning stream-function will affect the magnitudes of the various com-ponents as defined here. For example, if zS increases indepth, the magnitude of �S will decrease, independentof any change in x, because � decreases monotonicallyfrom 10-m depth to the bottom. These definitions areuseful in allowing a discussion of the MOC and its com-ponents in relation to published observational estimates.

4. The structure of the MOC cells

HadCM3 depicts an Atlantic MOC with two distinctcells, consistent with our current understanding of theAtlantic circulation. The upper Atlantic cell is fed withNorth Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) that originatesfrom dense water masses formed in the Nordic seas andthe Labrador Sea. The Nordic seas overflows entrainoverlying water while flowing southward to attain amaximum strength of 18–22 Sv between 25° and 45°N(Fig. 2a). The warmer waters of the North Atlantic Cur-rent flow north replacing these deep southward cur-

rents. The Antarctic cell occupies the lower portion ofthe basin. It is fed by waters transformed in the South-ern Ocean. The northern limit of the cell varies zonallyand temporally, but on average is at 60°N (Fig. 2b). Thehorizontal boundary between the two cells is not con-stant with latitude, but on average is about 3000 m indepth (Fig. 1a and Fig. 2c). By defining zN and zS as thetemporally variable vertical location of the maximum inthe Atlantic (Fig. 2c) and Antarctic (Fig. 2d) cells, respec-tively, we both aid investigation of the meridional andtemporal MOC strength and structure of the cells, andenable comparison with observational MOC estimates.

Observational Atlantic MOC estimates are derivedfrom zonal hydrographic sections. Recent studies in-clude those from inverse-box-model studies (McDon-agh and King 2005; Ganachaud 2003b; Lumpkin andSpeer 2003) and a manual adjustment of geostrophic(plus Ekman) velocities for mass conservation (Talley2003). Estimates of North Atlantic MOC from thesestudies are shown on Fig. 2a. For figure clarity, theuncertainties associated with the estimates are notshown. When these uncertainties [of around 3–4 Sv forGanachaud (2003b)] are taken into consideration, theestimates generally match the model overturning. Esti-mates from Lumpkin and Speer (2003), calculated spe-cifically for the North Atlantic, are indistinguishablefrom the model overturning. HadCM3 therefore seemsto represent a good approximation of our current un-derstanding of the time-mean North Atlantic MOC cell(Gordon et al. 2000). For the Antarctic MOC (Fig. 2b)the estimates of McDonagh and King (2005) and Talley(2003) agree with the model circulation. However,

FIG. 2. Components of the (a) North Atlantic �N and (b) Antarctic MOC �S with inter- andintra-annual variability. The shading shows the range of interannual variability at each lati-tude. The dotted lines show the range of seasonal variation. The depth of the maximum (c)North Atlantic overturning zN, and (d) Antarctic overturning zS with inter- and intra-annualvariability. Here (a) and (b) show observations of MK2005: McDonagh and King (2005),G2003: Ganachaud (2003b), LS2003: Lumpkin and Speer (2003), and T2003: Talley (2003).

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those from Ganachaud (2003b) are generally weakerthan those from the HadCM3 Antarctic MOC. Salinityand temperature drifts in the Atlantic during the modelrun mostly relate to a buildup of Antarctic Bottom Wa-ter in the Atlantic, suggesting that the model has aslightly too strong Antarctic MOC (Pardaens et al.2003). Evidence therefore suggests that the meanHadCM3 Antarctic cell is probably stronger than thatin reality.

The time-mean �N hides considerable interannualand seasonal variability (Fig. 2a). At 26°N, the mean of�N is 16 Sv, the seasonal range is 20 Sv, and the high-pass standard deviation (��N) is 2 Sv. The range inannual-mean �N is 4 Sv, and the low-pass standard de-viation is 1 Sv. These values seem smaller than theobserved decrease in �N of 30% at 26°N over 45 yrfound by Bryden et al. (2005), though it is worth notingthat aliasing seasonal into decadal trends in HadCM3could give a similar change in magnitude, so the rangein �N in HadCM3 could be similar to that found in theBryden et al. (2005) study. The cell center zN (Fig. 2c)has a �200 m range of interannual variability, and itsaverage depth is meridionally quite constant, lying be-tween 500 and 750 m. It becomes a little deeper at 30°Nand there is more variability associated with zN north of60°N, where the �N is smaller. The Antarctic overturn-ing cell weakens north of 20°N. At 26°N �S has a meanof 7 Sv (Fig. 2b), while the seasonal range can be up to12 Sv and the annual variation up to 5 Sv. The celldepth zS (Fig. 2d) changes from 3200 to 4000 m be-tween 8° and 16°N.

It is unclear whether the time-varying HadCM3 cir-culation matches real ocean variability, because the ob-servational evidence is limited to hydrographic sectionsrepeated only a few times in the last 50 yr (e.g., Kol-termann et al. 1999; Bryden et al. 2005). Most studiespresume that hydrographic sections depict the meanocean state, though some evidence (e.g., Thurnherr andSpeer 2004) suggests that synoptic hydrographic sec-tions may not be representative of any mean oceanstate. But, because there are few repeat data of suffi-cient quantity, insight is limited on real ocean time vari-ability, and it is difficult to assess whether HadCM3oceanic variability is a good representation of realocean variability.

5. Components of the MOCs

a. Time-mean results

The decomposition presented in section 3 allows usto ascribe the North Atlantic and Antarctic MOC overany time scale to vertical shears, and Ekman and ex-ternal mode components. Over 100 yr, Fig. 3 shows the

division of the MOC into these components against lati-tude for both the North Atlantic and Antarctic cells.

The largest component of �N over most latitudes is��N, or the vertical shears component (Fig. 3a). Wecalculate this to be between 97% and 145% of �N for allSouthern Hemisphere latitudes, and between 62% and101% between 35° and 62°N. Between 5° and 19°N �N

(the Ekman component) provides the largest contribu-tion (Fig. 3c). Between 19° and 35°N, where the GulfStream overlies shallow topography and the DeepWestern Boundary Current overlies deep topography,the external mode (�*N) component is dominant (Fig.3e). It ranges between 45% and a peak of 131% of �N

at 28°N. The shape of �*N corresponds closely to thegyre (not shown), and the 28°N latitude corresponds tothe maximum in North Atlantic gyre transport (with a100-yr mean of 50-Sv gyre transport).

In the region of maximum Antarctic MOC strength,��S is the largest component of �S (Fig. 3b). Where theAntarctic cell is weaker south of 20°S and north of 40°N(Fig. 2b), the external mode �*S is the largest propor-tion of �S. The Ekman �S component is small every-where relative to the vertical shears and external modecontributions.

This division into contributions from each compo-nent tells us about the information required to assessthe mean strength of the MOC in the Atlantic. By se-lecting latitudes that minimize Ekman or external modecontributions, we can minimize the systematic errorsthat can arise either from using uncertain bottom pres-sure (or velocity) data for the calculation of reference-level velocities or from poorly known wind fields. Thus,Fig. 3 indicates that hydrographic sections, unsupportedby bottom pressure (or other reference velocity in-formation) and wind stress information, around 25°Sor 50°N will tend to succeed in time-mean North At-lantic MOC reconstructions because the mean NorthAtlantic MOC has external mode and Ekman contri-butions of less than 20% of the total overturning. Incontrast, North Atlantic MOC reconstructions between8° and 35°N require the time-mean Ekman and externalmode contributions to be ascertained. For the Antarcticcell, latitude of 20°N confines the non–vertical shearscontribution to less than 20%. Thus, for reconstructionsbased on long-term-averaged hydrography, carefulselection of particular zonal sections appears toallow 80% or greater of the mean MOC of both theNorth Atlantic and Antarctic cells to be deduced solelyby the geostrophic vertical shears component [Eq.(11)].

The error term �EN is shown in Fig. 3g and �ES is inFig. 3h. The mean error associated with the North At-lantic cell decomposition is 6% and the maximum is

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16% at 32°N. For the Antarctic cell, the mean of �ES is13% and the maximum is 35% at 57°N, where the Ant-arctic cell is very weak. This confirms our expectationthat �E � 0, but is still small when compared with �N

and �S. The error terms represent a combination ofboth ageostrophic vertical shears and errors in the cal-culation related to using monthly average model out-put. As such they are not analyzed here to determinethe ageostrophic component, because with the currentdataset we cannot separate out these two componentsof the error term.

Table 1 (first four columns) shows the breakdown oftime-mean MOC component at latitudes where hydro-graphic section has been repeatedly occupied. It con-firms that �N and �*N are small at around 30°S and48°N. However, we note that the 1.25° resolution of themodel cannot produce a North Atlantic Current (NAC)that is as narrow as that observed (Gordon et al. 2000;

Meinen 2001), and the NAC separates from the coastfarther north than in the real ocean. These differencesbetween HadCM3 and the ocean imply that there is notnecessarily direct equivalence between model and indi-

TABLE 1. Mean and std dev (e.g., ���Nis the std dev of the North

Atlantic vertical shears ��N component) of MOC components(Sv) at latitudes commonly used for hydrographic sections.

Low pass(pentadal)

High pass(seasonal)

Lat ��N �N �*N ���N��N

��*N ���N��N


30°S 18.8 �0.7 �3.7 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.9 0.911°S 21.3 �8.3 1.7 0.6 0.3 0.2 2.2 1.0 0.624°N �3.5 4.3 16.5 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.9 1.5 1.336°N 13.9 �1.9 7.8 1.1 0.4 0.9 0.8 1.7 0.948°N 17.5 �1.1 1.2 1.9 0.3 2.0 0.3 1.0 0.562°N 8.2 0.0 5.1 1.0 0.1 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.9

FIG. 3. Components of the Atlantic and Antarctic MOC with inter- and intra-annual vari-ability. The shading shows the interannual variability at each latitude. The dotted lines showthe seasonal variation. (a) North Atlantic vertical shears, ��N; (b) Antarctic vertical shears,��S; (c) North Atlantic Ekman, �N; (d) Antarctic Ekman, �S; (e) North Atlantic externalmode, �*N; (f) Antarctic external mode, �*S; (g) North Atlantic error term, �EN; and (h)Antarctic error term, �ES.

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vidual hydrographic sections, making the applicabilityof the results to inverse studies (e.g., Ganachaud 2003b;Lumpkin and Speer 2003) less straightforward. Addi-tionally, we note that these results do not necessarilyimply that latitudes with small �*N or �N are best forMOC monitoring. The MOC is generally monitored forvariations through time and, as Table 1 shows, a smallertime-mean component does not necessarily mean asmaller time-variable component.

b. Time-varying components of the MOCs

Section 5a indicates that a long-term mean of theMOC can be deduced using differing sets of observa-tions at different latitudes. We now address the impor-tant question (e.g., Bryden et al. 2005) of temporal vari-ability. Figure 4a shows the mean June–August (JJA)seasonal anomaly of the MOC and Fig. 4b shows themean anomaly in MOC from the 15 yr with highest

FIG. 4. Mean (a) June–August MOC streamfunction anomaly, and (b) MOC streamfunctionanomaly for the 15 yr with highest basin-averaged �N. Components of (a) are shown in (c)vertical shear ��, (e) Ekman �, and (g) external mode �*. The components of (b) are shownin (d) ��, (f) �, and (h) �*. Contour interval is 0.5 Sv. Gray shading and positive valuesindicate clockwise (looking west) overturning; white indicates anticlockwise overturning. Thecomponents are not calculated for the equator region from 5°S to 5°N.

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basinwide �N. The seasonal anomalous MOC largelyconsists of two counter rotating full-depth cells. In con-trast, the annual MOC anomaly is formed of one basin-length full-depth cell. The anomalous MOC structuresshown are supported by empirical orthogonal function(EOF) analysis (not shown). Less than 10% of theanomalous MOC variability is explained by EOFs thatexhibit more than one cell in the vertical dimension,indicating that only a small proportion of MOC vari-ability is related to positively correlated North Atlanticand Antarctic anomalous cell overturning. The vast ma-jority of the MOC anomaly relates to full-depth (nega-tively correlated anomalous �N and �S) cells.

Figure 4 shows the decomposition of the anomalousMOC. Figure 5 shows bandpass-filtered correlationsbetween the whole North Atlantic and Antarctic cellsand their components. For the North Atlantic cell, Figs.

4e and 5c show that �N explains the largest part of thetime variability of the MOC in the Northern Hemi-sphere at seasonal (and generally higher than pentadal)frequencies. For the common North Atlantic monitor-ing latitudes shown in Table 1, high-pass-filtered ��N islarger than high-pass ���N

or ��*N, indicating that thelargest time variability is in the Ekman, directly winddriven, component. These �N variations tend to ex-plain more than 80% of the seasonal MOC variation.This supports Dong and Sutton (2001) who found thataverage zonal wind forcing is the most importantboundary condition on overturning at seasonal-to-5-yrtime scales south of the overflows. On longer timescales, Figs. 4d and 5a and Table 1 show that ��N ex-plains the largest proportion of MOC variation. How-ever, in the Southern Hemisphere ��N is generally themost important component at all time scales; thus, high-

FIG. 5. Correlation coefficients for (a) �N and ��N, (b) �S and ��S, (c) �N and �N, (d) �S and�S, (e) �N and �*N, and (f) �S and �*S. The components are calculated using monthly datafields and are filtered into seasonal, annual-to-pentadal, and longer-than-pentadal frequen-cies. Each set of correlations is calculated using 100 yr of control run. Any correlations thathave a significance levels lower than 95% have been removed.

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frequency hydrographic observations are necessary todetect variation in the North Atlantic MOC. The �*N

component tends to have a larger standard deviation(Table 1) and a greater correlation (Figs. 4g and 5e)with �N at shorter time scales, except in the region ofthe overflows between 62° and 64°N where �*N ex-plains most MOC variance at all time scales (Figs. 5a,5c, and 5e).

Monitoring of low-frequency MOC variations (e.g.,Koltermann et al. 1999; Bryden et al. 2005) requiresdifferent observations at different latitudes, this in spiteof the fact that total low-pass MOC is actually almostconstant at all latitudes in Table 1 (low-pass ��N for alllatitudes in Table 1 is 0.6 Sv � 0.1 Sv, not shown).Low-pass ��N and �*N tend to be negatively correlatedin the Northern Hemisphere. This compensation be-tween the components appears to contribute to higherlow-pass external mode standard deviation ��*N in theNorthern Hemisphere relative to the Southern Hemi-sphere where the components are uncorrelated. Lowerlow-pass ��*N implies that there should be potentiallysmaller errors in MOC calculation in the SouthernHemisphere resulting from unknown reference-levelvelocities at these latitudes, because ��N carries most ofthe low-pass variability.

The ability to detect low-frequency MOC variabilitypartly depends on the ability to filter high-frequency(seasonal) variability in the components. Generally, it isconsidered easier to average or high-pass filter the Ek-man component, because repeat wind observations areeasier to obtain than repeat ocean density observations.Strong seasonality in the hydrographic section observa-tions therefore has the potential to bias MOC esti-mates. Seasonal MOC variation in ��N is lowest at 48°N(Table 1), suggesting that to minimize seasonality of��N this latitude is useful. However, the large contribu-tion of low-frequency �*N (Table 1) at this latitude isliable to be a disadvantage. Provided that hydrographicsections can be adequately high-pass filtered, or per-haps observed in a representative season, the resultsabove imply that a southern latitude, perhaps around25°S, is potentially a good latitude for monitoring low-frequency MOC variations, because there is less of aneed to obtain bottom pressure or other reference-levelvelocity information (at least in HadCM3), and sea-sonal variation in ��N is smaller than at most otherlatitudes (Table 1).

For the Antarctic MOC the seasonal anomalies (Figs.4a, 4e, and 5d) are most closely correlated with �S atmost latitudes, with a stronger correlation with ��S (Fig.5b) only between the equator and 20°N. The ��S com-ponent becomes the most significantly correlated com-ponent at virtually all latitudes at time scales beyond 5

yr. In the interim 1–5-yr band, �S and ��S show verysimilar levels of correlation with �S. The Antarctic ex-ternal mode contribution �*S is significant at all fre-quencies in the subtropics of the Northern Hemisphere.At subannual time scales it is also significant in theSouthern Hemisphere.

6. The relationship between, and causes of, theMOC components

We have examined the division of the North Atlanticand Antarctic cell strengths into vertical shears, andEkman and external mode contributions above. It isclear that our vertical shears component is driven solelyby baroclinic geostrophic motions, is controlled by localzonal gradients in density (although these gradientsmay themselves be generated by wind stress), and, inour definition, has no expression in bottom pressure.Similarly, the Ekman component is solely controlled bythe zonally averaged zonal wind. The relationships be-tween these components-, and the drivers of the exter-nal mode component �* are poorly known. Thus, it isworth briefly exploring some interrelationships be-tween the components.

a. Ekman compensation and MOC components

The question of whether Ekman-driven cells tend tobe closed by near-surface baroclinic or barotropic flowshas been generally examined indirectly through heatflux considerations by previous authors (e.g., Böning etal. 2001). Over longer time scales these heat flux calcu-lations indicate that Ekman cells must be closed nearthe surface (e.g., Baehr et al. 2004), indicating that �

and �� will be negatively correlated at some lower fre-quencies. Three models presented by Böning et al.(2001) (geopotential-, isopycnal-, and sigma-type mod-els) support the Gill and Niiler (1973) and Bryan (1982)hypothesis that the density structure does not evolvefast enough to compensate for the seasonal changes inEkman transport, but can do so at longer time scales.At shorter time scales Bryan (1982) suggests that theseasonal Ekman transport is compensated by nearlydepth-independent return flows. This leaves open thepossibility that Ekman compensatory flow contribu-tions may arise within the external mode �* at theseshorter time scales. This question of frequency and lati-tudinally dependent compensation is also very relevantto the question of the seasonality of vertical shears flow,and is therefore critical to the correct interpretation oftransport estimates from one-time (or repeat) hydro-graphic sections at different latitudes. Thus, the timescale over which Ekman compensation occurs in either�� or �* is worth examining in HadCM3.

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Hydrographic sections are not available at the sea-sonal time scale to allow for direct observational infer-ences on basin-wide scales, and subbasin studies such asthose by Meinen (2001) or Thurnherr and Speer (2004)are of limited applicability to schemes that require fullzonal sections for closure. Figure 6a shows the correla-tion coefficients between low-pass-filtered (pentadaland lower frequency) � and ��. There is a clear strongnegative correlation in the tropical regions, particularlyin the surface and middepth waters, indicating shallowclosure of Ekman-driven surface cells at low frequen-cies. This correlation drops to insignificant levels forhigh-pass-filtered time series everywhere, except in theupper (0–2000-m depth) waters within �8°–10° of theequator, where R � �0.7 at z � 500 m (not shown).This result supports the reduction of the importance ofbaroclinic geostrophic constraints on inversions withinthe upper parts of tropical hydrographic sections (assuggested by Ganachaud 2003a,b), because single hy-drographic sections will be “contaminated” by theserapid baroclinic adjustments. Mid-bandpass-filtered (1–5-yr frequencies, not shown) correlation coefficients re-main high in this tropical band, and a strong band ofshallow (z � 100–500 m) negative correlation (R ��0.5) extends north to 40°N, suggesting strong baro-clinic Ekman closure at midlatitudes for interannualEkman anomalies. Thus, mean annual meridional Ek-man transports remain important over a large range oflatitudes. Without adequate Ekman information, theuncertainty in baroclinic transports in inverse modelswould significantly increase. Figure 6b shows the cor-relation coefficients between high-pass-filtered (sea-sonal) � and �*. Strong correlations (R � 0.7) supportthe Gill and Niiler (1973) and Bryan (1982) hypothesisthat the high-frequency Ekman variations are compen-

sated by nearly depth-independent return flows, at leastoutside the Tropics. Additional evidence comes fromFigs. 4a, 4e, and 4g, where the shape of the �* closelymirrors the seasonal MOC anomaly in �, suggestingthat the anomalous cells tend to be closed by the ex-ternal mode. At low frequencies there are almost noregions of significant correlations between � and �*(not shown); however, interestingly, at frequencies be-tween 1 and 5 yr the correlation coefficients between �

and �* rise, generally maintaining the same shape asthat shown in Fig. 6b, but with R generally 0.1–0.2higher than the high-pass correlation. In HadCM3 thebarotropic external mode closure of the Ekman cellappears to be strongest at frequencies between 1 and5 yr.

Wind stress can generate zonal, as well as meridional,Ekman transport, and is a potential driver of densityvariability within the North Atlantic. However, inHadCM3 we find that the zonal Ekman flow generatedby the meridional wind stress is not significantly corre-lated at any frequency with the vertical shears or theexternal mode MOC components at any latitude out-side of the Tropics (not shown). The small regions ofsignificant correlation in the Tropics reflect the shallowwind-driven tropical cell that is present in this region.The � component is positively correlated with the me-ridional wind stress, but this is simply a reflection of thetendency for meridional and zonal components of windstress to increase or decrease simultaneously. Thus, itappears that zonal Ekman flow is not a significant con-tributory component of anomalous Atlantic MOC.

b. The external mode

The external mode component of meridional over-turning is dependent on nonuniform topography in the

FIG. 6. (a) Contoured correlation coefficient between pentadal (low-pass filtered) � and ��.Shaded contours with labeled white contours show regions of negative correlation; the shadinginterval is 0.1. Black-line (unfilled) contours show regions of positive correlation. For clarityonly �0.7, �0.3, 0.3, and 0.7 are picked out. (b) Contoured correlation between seasonal(high-pass filtered) � and �*. Shaded contours with labeled white contours show regions ofpositive correlation; the shading interval is 0.1. Black-line (unfilled) contours show regions ofnegative correlation. For clarity �0.3, 0.3, and 0.5 are picked out.

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zonal direction and the depth-averaged flow that passesover the topography. Strong flows over variable topog-raphy, such as midlatitude gyre circulation, are liable toproduce large �*. For example, on the western bound-ary region between 20° and 40°N there is a particularlystrong �*N associated with strong upper water currentspeeds over shallow topography (not shown).

Various authors (Lee and Marotzke 1998; Kolter-mann et al. 1999) have suggested that the externalmode is, in part, a generalized version of the Sverdruprelation with time dependence and important frictionaleffects near the western boundary. Figure 7a shows thatthe region of the strongest �*N (Fig. 3e) is associatedwith the strongest zonally averaged wind stress curl.Theory suggests that response to wind stress curl atmidlatitudes should be primarily barotropic, and shouldbe rapidly transmitted to the western boundary bybarotropic Rossby waves (Böning et al. 2001), ensuringthat the Sverdrup balance is valid over time periods ofa few months. This implies that seasonal variation in theexternal mode should be observable in the Sverdrupbalance if it represents �*N, though weaker stratifica-tion and shallower topography at high latitudes willtend to erode the relationship north of the subtropicalgyre (Webb and Suginohara 2001).

When we use the Sverdrup balance to calculate anoverturning by closing the transport with western

boundary flow between 0 and 1000 m, we obtain thestrong time-dependent Sverdrup overturning �sN

shown in Fig. 7b. Although this calculation contradictsthe steady-state flat-bottomed Sverdrup assumptions, itclarifies the role played by the wind stress curl in theoverturning, and demonstrates that Sverdrup transport,with non-curl-driven closure, explains the meridionalshape of �*N to first order. We note that our closureassumptions may not be well justified at some latitudes,which may partially explain why �sN is much weakerthan �*N. At many latitudes a deeper southward-flowing western boundary current, which is not in re-sponse to a Sverdrup interior, is omitted from �sN bythe simplifying closure assumption that only permitsnon-Sverdrup balance transport in the upper waters.Bryden and Imawaki (2001) also find that the Sverdruptransport is much weaker than the observed transport.Thus, Fig. 7b only approximates Fig. 3e using the top-1000-m closure assumption, although it resembles theshape (though again not magnitude) of the HadCM3gyre transport much more closely (not shown). Alter-native calculations confining non-Sverdrup balancetransport to the westernmost oceanic HadCM3 grid cellor grid cells (which produce a meridionally varying clo-sure depth) produce results that bear no resemblance tothe external mode, and experiments using shallower ordeeper meridionally constant closures give results withless semblance to the external mode than those in Fig.7b (not shown). These results suggest that no simplealternative closure gives a significantly better represen-tation of the non-Sverdrup western boundary flows.

The correlations between time-varying �*N and �sN

explain less than 10% of the total variance over most ofthe regions where wind stress curl effects are large (Fig.8a). The Sverdrup balance explains a larger proportionof the time variability in the regions of the tropical andsubtropical gyres, with the correlation diminishing to-ward the poles. In the Northern Hemisphere, �sN ex-plains up to a maximum of 80% of the variance in the1–5-yr-frequency band at 10°N. Over most of the rest ofthe North Atlantic �sN does not explain more than�30% of the variability, and for the whole Atlantic themean explained variability in all frequency bands is11%. Because the Sverdrup balance is tending to leave70%–90% of the external mode variability unex-plained, it is probably not adequate to use the Sverdrupbalance to determine the decadal change in the externalmode (the approach taken by Koltermann et al. 1999).

c. The relationship between the external mode andthe vertical shears components

Because bottom pressure gradients are the result ofcolumn-integrated density, we expect a relationship be-

FIG. 7. Mean, interannual limits, and seasonal limits of (a) thezonal mean wind stress curl and (b) the overturning resulting fromthe component �sN. The gray shading indicates the interannualvariability at each latitude. The dashed lines show the seasonalvariation.

DECEMBER 2006 S I M E E T A L . 2265

tween �*N and ��N. Figure 8b shows that in the NorthAtlantic the majority of �*N variance is explained by��N, indicating a significant relationship between thecomponents because they are both dependent on zonalgradients in density. This can be seen by consideringthe approximate form of the depth-averaged vorticityequation,

��* ��

�y � g



0 �z

0 ��

�xdZ dz�


�x � g



0 �z

0 ��

�ydZ dz� �

�y � �x



�x � �y

�0hb�. �14�

The depth-independent horizontal flow largely dependsupon the joint effect of the baroclinity, relief term, andwind stress curl. This provides a link between �*N, ��N,and �N.

Figures 8a and 8b imply that while �*N in a time-mean sense may primarily be forced by wind stress curl,it is gradients in density, imposed on top of bottomtopography, that are important in determining the ex-ternal mode component �*. This is supported by Fig. 9,which demonstrates a very strong negative correlationbetween low-pass-filtered �* and ��. There are signifi-

cant negative correlations in the regions north of 20°N,where the NAC is confined to the western boundary ofthe Atlantic. Midbandpass correlations show a verysimilar pattern, though the correlations are a littlestronger than the low-pass correlations in the tropicalregions between 15°S and 15°N. High-pass-filtered time

FIG. 9. The correlation between pentadal and lower-frequency(low-pass filtered) �* and ��. Shaded contours with labeled whitecontours show regions of negative correlation; the shading inter-val is 0.1. Black-line (unfilled) contours show regions of positivecorrelation. For clarity only �0.9, �0.5, 0.5, and 0.9 are picked out.

FIG. 8. Correlation coefficients for (a) �*N and �sN, (b) �*N and ��N, (c) �*N and �N, and(d) ��N and �N. The components are calculated using monthly data fields. They are filteredinto seasonal, annual-to-pentadal, and longer-than-pentadal frequencies. Each set of correla-tions is calculated using 100 yr of control run. Any correlations that have a significance levellower than 95% have been removed.

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series show much weaker, mostly insignificant, correla-tion, except again in the tropical regions. This resultdisagrees with Meinen (2001) who found a weak posi-tive correlation of R � 0.29 between baroclinic andbarotropic northward flow (totaling �95 Sv) in the re-gion at about 42°N. However, given that Meinen’s re-sults are from an open-ended short section and do notrelate directly to MOC, it is difficult to interpret thepossible discrepancy between his results and the cur-rent study.

�he gradients in density that support �� will also bedependent on the zonal expression of meridional dif-ferences in surface buoyancy forcing. Detailed investi-gation of the nature of the relationship between ��, �*,and meridional differences in surface buoyancy forcingis outside the scope of this paper [see Haines and Old(2005) for a study of thermal surface forcing and ther-mal North Atlantic oceanic variability in HadCM3].

This correlation between �*N and ��N does highlighta difficulty in whether we should use a barotropic ornonuniform flow to close the �� velocity term, and thisdecision changes the balance of velocities between the�� and �* terms. Using zero bottom velocities, that is, auniform barotropic assumption to close ��, where �� iscalculated using cross-basin gradients, generates a dif-ferent balance to the MOC decomposition. This alter-native method means we would obtain a difference inthe component velocity fields between the equator and28°�. When examined in terms of �N, a large propor-tion (up to 15 Sv) of the MOC passes from �*N to ��N

(not shown). The Antarctic cell distribution of MOCalso changes significantly. Almost all Northern Hemi-sphere �S (up to 9 Sv) switches from ��S to �*S while inthe Southern Hemisphere, most of the �S MOCswitches from �*S to ��S. Thus, the choice of a baro-tropic or a nonuniform closure for �* and �� makes asignificant difference to the shape of the MOC decom-position. Interestingly, in favor of our presented (non-uniform) decomposition, the correlations between �N

and ��N are generally (slightly) higher and the correla-tions between �S and ��S are much higher than in thecase of the uniform barotropic closure with zero bottomvelocities. Moreover, the meridionally averaged corre-lation between �� and �* for both cells remains ap-proximately equal for either method (not shown). Thishighlights that it is not possible, using either barotropicor nonuniform flow to close the �� velocity term, toentirely divide geostrophic flow into that obtained fromdensity gradients and that from bottom pressure gradi-ents, because both are dependent on density gradients[see Eq. (14)]. This does not detract from our assertionthat the decomposition (as outlined in section 3) quan-tifies the proportions of MOC dependent on hydrogra-

phy, bottom pressure (or suitably averaged LADCP),and wind stress, respectively. We suggest that for tworeasons the decomposition we present is slightly pref-erable to one using a barotropic �� closure. First, thecorrelations between � and �� are slightly higher, andbecause the density field tends to be the best-knownpart of any hydrographic section, it is preferable toknow in detail the component of � that explains thelargest part of the time variability (without being de-pendent on knowledge of bottom pressure or other ref-erence velocities); second, this velocity decompositionis also directly comparable with previous decomposi-tions (Hall and Bryden 1982; Lee and Marotzke 1998).

7. Summary and conclusions

We have provided the explicit observational require-ments of the decomposition outlined by Lee and Ma-rotzke (1998) and Baehr et al. (2004) and an examina-tion of the interdependent nature of each of the com-ponents. The application of the decomposition to theAtlantic Ocean of HadCM3 quantifies the componentsat all latitudes and frequencies, and therefore the accu-racy of the detection of the time-mean (e.g., Lumpkinand Speer 2003) and time-variable (e.g., Bryden et al.2005; Koltermann et al. 1999) MOC cells.

The division into contributions from each componentindicates the information that is required to assess themean strength of the MOC cells in the Atlantic. Byselecting latitudes that minimize Ekman or externalmode contributions, we minimize the systematic errorsthat will arise from using uncertain bottom pressure (orreference-level velocity) data, or errors from poorlyknown wind fields. HadCM3 indicates that hydro-graphic sections, unsupported by bottom pressure in-formation and wind stress information, at �25°S aregood for deducing both time-mean and time-varyingMOC. This is because first, the mean North AtlanticMOC has external mode and Ekman contributions ofless than 20% of the total overturning; and second, theproportion of the MOC variability resulting from theexternal mode (and direct wind forcing) is also lower inthe Southern Hemisphere. This implies that thereshould be potentially smaller errors in MOC calculationbecause of unknown reference-level velocities at theselatitudes. This is despite the fact that total non-EkmanMOC high-frequency variation is actually higher in theSouthern Hemisphere. Low-frequency variation of theexternal mode is relatively small in the Southern Hemi-sphere. Provided that low-frequency (nonseasonal) ��N

can either be adequately represented by hydrographicobservations, which itself is not a trivial issue (Thurn-herr and Speer 2004), or observed in a representative

DECEMBER 2006 S I M E E T A L . 2267

season, a southern latitude around 25°S is potentially agood latitude for monitoring low-frequency MOCvariations, because it minimizes the need for bottompressure or other reference-level velocity information.We note that this study does not include an examina-tion of the effect of including information from instru-ment arrays such as the Florida Strait cable (e.g., Bar-inger and Larsen 2001), which will alter the balance ofavailable information at some latitudes (Baehr et al.2004).

For the Antarctic cell, a latitude of 20°N confines thenonvertical shears contribution to less than 20%. Thus,for reconstructions based on long-term-averaged hy-drography, careful selection of particular zonal sectionsappears to allow 80% or greater of the mean MOC ofboth the North Atlantic and Antarctic cells to be de-duced solely from hydrographic sections, with no addi-tional information requirements.

The external mode component (�*) has been shownto be extremely important where Western BoundaryCurrents impinge on topography, and also in the areaof the overflows. This term allows us to obtain a quan-titative assessment of the effect of bottom pressure in-formation at these locations on different time scales. Atworst case, omission can result in time-mean MOC er-rors in excess of 100% for the North Atlantic in the25°–32°� belt and at 62°�. �hese estimates quantifythe importance of bottom pressure and other arrays atthese latitudes (e.g., Lee et al. 1996; Bacon 1998; Bar-inger and Larsen 2001). The Antarctic cell externalmode is particularly important around 22°S, where itcontributes 70% of the time-mean Antarctic MOC, and75% at �48°N. We note that where reference levels areused (e.g., Bacon 1998; Koltermann et al. 1999) to mini-mize the impact of the external mode, error estimatesassociated with the omission of �* will not be directlycomparable with the values of �* obtained in this study.

We have shown that the mean seasonal and meaninterannual anomalous MOC tends consist of full-depthcells, with two cells for the seasonal MOC and just onecell spanning the whole North Atlantic for the meaninterannual anomaly. These anomalous cells explain90% of the time variability of HadCM3 North AtlanticMOC. As Dong and Sutton (2001, 2002a) suggest, theEkman transport explains the largest part of the timevariability of the MOC in the Northern Hemisphere onseasonal-to-5-yr time scales. Over longer time scalesthe vertical shears component ��N explains most vari-ability. However, ��N is the most important componentat all time scales in the Southern Hemisphere, wherevariation in the Ekman transport is less important.

We find that wind-generated Ekman transport cellsare closed near the surface in tropical regions at all

frequencies. This has implications for the representa-tiveness of hydrographic sections in tropical regions assuggested by Ganachaud (2003a) and arguably ob-served by Thurnherr and Speer (2004). Midlatitudebaroclinic closure becomes larger at time scales be-tween 1 and 5 yr. At higher (seasonal) frequencies, out-side the Tropics, the depth-independent external modetends to close the Ekman cell. Zonal Ekman flows donot correlate (at zero lag) with the vertical shears orexternal mode component at any latitude or frequency.(Except possibly for the shallow tropical cell, which wecannot investigate here because the decompositionbreaks down where beta effects begin to dominatewithin �5° of the equator.)

Sverdrup balance explains the shape of the externalmode MOC component to first order, however it ismuch weaker than the model external mode, or gyre,backing up Bryden and Imawaki (2001). “Second or-der” deviations in the shape of �*N and �sN are de-pendent on fluctuations in ��N. Correlations betweentime-varying external mode and the Sverdrup balanceexplain less than 10% of the variance over regionswhere wind stress curl effects are large. The Sverdrupbalance does tend to explain a higher proportion of thetime variability at lower frequencies, but even here itdoes not explain more than 30% of the external modevariability. Thus, it is probably not adequate to use theSverdrup balance to determine the external modechanges for detecting decadal change in the MOC (astried by Koltermann et al. 1999). So, while it is impor-tant to include the effects of changes in the externalmode for detecting interannual or decadal change inthe MOC, this cannot be done with the Sverdrup bal-ance alone.

For most of the Northern Hemisphere there is a verystrong negative correlation between the vertical shearsand the external mode contribution. This is related tothe confinement of currents to the western boundaryshelf region. When boundary currents move off theshelf they change from contributing to the externalmode to the vertical shears component. We note that ifan alternative closure is used, where the external modeis calculated from bottom velocities (giving a uniformbarotropic closure to the vertical shears component),then there is no change in this strong interdependenceof �* and ��. Therefore, perhaps the componentsshould be seen as providing more of an observational,rather than a dynamic, decomposition.

Previous authors (Hirschi et al. 2003; Baehr et al.2004; Vellinga and Wood 2004) have looked at the spe-cific instrumental setup, using predeployed (e.g., Bar-inger and Larsen 2001) and new (Hirschi et al. 2003;Baehr et al. 2004) instrumentation, that could be used

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to detect change in the Atlantic MOC. We havedemonstrated here, in more general terms, the obser-vational requirements for the deduction of MOCstrengths from one-time or repeat hydrographics sec-tions, without addressing these same instrumental is-sues. Future work will use inversions to investigate howincluding additional assumptions and information af-fects the deduction of decadal changes in MOC, heat,and freshwater transport.

Acknowledgments. We thank the Natural Environ-mental Research Council for funding this work throughthe Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Processes and Euro-pean Climate (COAPEC) Programme, Grant NER/T/S/2000/00303.


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