Nuclear localization of prostaglandin E2 receptors


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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 95, pp. 15792–15797, December 1998Pharmacology

Nuclear localization of prostaglandin E2 receptors

MOUSUMI BHATTACHARYA*, KRISHNA G. PERI†, GUILLERMINA ALMAZAN*, ALFREDO RIBEIRO-DA-SILVA*,HITOSHI SHICHI‡, YVES DUROCHER§, MARK ABRAMOVITZ¶, XIN HOU†, DAYA R. VARMA*,AND SYLVAIN CHEMTOB†i***Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1Y6; iDepartment of Pediatrics and †Hopital Sainte Justine,Montreal, QC Canada H3T 1C5; §Biotechnology Research Institute, Montreal, QC Canada H4P 2R2; ¶Merck Frosst Labs, Pointe-Claire, QC Canada H9R 4P8;and ‡Department of Ophthalmology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48201

Edited by Robert J. Lefkowitz, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, and approved October 9, 1998 (received for review June 10, 1998)

ABSTRACT Prostaglandin E2 receptors (EP) were de-tected by radioligand binding in nuclear fractions isolatedfrom porcine brain and myometrium. Intracellular localiza-tion by immunocytof luorescence revealed perinuclear local-ization of EPs in porcine cerebral microvascular endothelialcells. Nuclear association of EP1 was also found in fibroblastSwiss 3T3 cells stably overexpressing EP1 and in humanembryonic kidney 293 (Epstein–Barr virus-encoded nuclearantigen) cells expressing EP1 fused to green fluorescentprotein. High-resolution immunostaining of EP1 revealedtheir presence in the nuclear envelope of isolated (cultured)endothelial cells and in situ in brain (cortex) endothelial cellsand neurons. Stimulation of these nuclear receptors modulatenuclear calcium and gene transcription.

Prostanoids are present in all mammalian tissues and exert awide variety of actions via G protein-coupled receptors (1).Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a major brain prostaglandin, hasbeen implicated in various cerebral functions during develop-ment (2). PGE2 acts on prostaglandin E receptors EP1, EP2,EP3, and EP4; EPs are found in most tissues and are abundantin the uterus (3) and brain (4). High levels of perinatalprostaglandins arising mostly from cyclooxygenase-2 (5) wereshown to result in down-regulation of plasma membrane EPsand to reduce their functional responses to barely detectablelevels in the newborn neural and neurovascular tissue (2, 4);however, the actions of PGE2 in the preservation of neuralfunction (6) and in gene transcription (7) appeared to beunaffected. Based on the predominant localization of cyclo-oxygenase-2 in the perinuclear envelope, it was suggested thatprostanoids could act at or near their site of synthesis (8).Furthermore, a transporter that facilitates the inward move-ment of prostanoids recently has been cloned and character-ized (9). These observations suggest possible intracellular sitesof action for prostanoids. The presence of other G protein-coupled receptors on nuclei has been suggested for muscarinic(10) and angiotensin (11) receptors. Also, PGD2, its metabo-lite PGJ2, and PGI2, but not PGE2 or PGF2a, can activate theperoxisome proliferator-activated receptors, which are mem-bers of the nuclear receptor superfamily, which includessteroid hormones (12, 13).

These observations favor the possibility that some effects ofPGE2 may be mediated by EPs other than those found in theplasma membrane. We searched for the presence of nuclearEPs in a variety of cells and tissues from various species byusing several experimental approaches. Our results provideevidence for the ultrastructural localization of a G protein-coupled receptor such as EP1 in the nuclear envelope of cells

in culture and in situ in brain cortex; data also reveal that thesereceptors are functional.


Cell Culture. Murine Swiss 3T3 cells (American TypeCulture Collection) were cultured in DMEM with 10% fetalcalf serum. Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells (Ep-stein–Barr virus-encoded nuclear antigen, EBNA) (Invitro-gen) were grown in hybridoma serum-free medium (HSFM)with 1% bovine calf serum. Primary cultures of porcinecerebral endothelial cells from brain microvessels (4) wereestablished as described (14).

Materials. AH6809 and AH23848B were gifts from GlaxoWellcome, Stevenage, U.K., M&B 28,767 was a gift fromRhone-Poulenc Rorer, Dagenham, U.K., and Butaprost was agift from Miles. The following products were purchased: PGE2and 17-phenyltrinor PGE2 (Cayman Chemicals, Ann Arbor,MI); DMEM, HSFM, and geneticin (GIBCOyBRL); fetal calfserum, and goat serum (Jackson ImmunoResearch Laborato-ries); and radiolabeled prostaglandins and nucleotides (Am-ersham). Other chemicals were from Sigma.

Animals. Newborn pigs (1–3 days old) were killed withpentobarbital (i.c.) and tissues were removed. Tissues fromadult pigs were obtained from a local abattoir.

Preparation of Subcellular Fractions. All solutions con-tained 1.1 mM acetylsalicylic acid, 1 mM benzamidine, 0.2 mMphenylmethylsulfonylf luoride, and 100 mgyml soybean trypsininhibitor. The details for cell fractionation methods weredescribed (11, 15, 16). Nuclei and nuclear envelopes wereisolated from porcine adult myometrium (11) and newbornbrain cortex (15), and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) also wasisolated (16). The purity of fractions was verified by enrich-ment of marker enzymes 59-nucleotidase for plasma mem-brane (11) and glucose-6-phosphatase for ER (17). Proteincontent was determined by Bio-Rad assay.

Radioligand Binding to Subcellular Fractions from Brainand Myometrium. Saturation binding of [3H]PGE2 and[3H]PGD2 to membranes, time course of association anddissociation experiments, and displacement of [3H]PGE2 byreceptor isoform-specific ligands were performed as reported(4). Receptor densities (Bmax), affinity (KD), and association(ka) and dissociation (kd) constants were determined fromsaturation isotherms (Prism, GRAPHPAD; LIGAND; ref. 18).

EP1 Receptor Expression in Swiss 3T3 Cells. The humanEP1 receptor cDNA [HindIII–XbaI fragment (19)] was clonedinto the mammalian expression vector pRC-cytomegalovirus(pRC-CMV; Invitrogen). This EP1ypRC-CMV plasmid was

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page chargepayment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ inaccordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.

© 1998 by The National Academy of Sciences 0027-8424y98y9515792-6$2.00y0PNAS is available online at

This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the Proceedings office.Abbreviations: PG, prostaglandin; EP, PG receptors; ER, endoplasmicreticulum; GFP, green fluorescent protein; EBNA, Epstein–Barrvirus-encoded nuclear antigen; HEK, human embryonic kidney.**To whom reprint requests should be addressed at: Hopital St.

Justine, 3175 Cote St. Catherine; Montreal, QC Canada H3T 1C5.e-mail:


transfected into Swiss 3T3 cells by using the calcium phosphatemethod (20), and geneticin (1 mgyml)-resistant clones wereselected. A clone was selected that expressed 2- to 3-fold moreEP1 protein than cells transfected with vector alone (as judgedby Western blotting; data not shown) and routinely culturedwith geneticin.

Indirect Immunofluorescence of EP1. For examining theimmunolocalization of EP1 receptors, immunocytochemistrywas performed as described (21) on Swiss 3T3, HEK293(EBNA), or endothelial cells with rabbit anti-EP2 antibodies(22) and fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated orTexas red-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG (BioyCan Scientific,Montreal) diluted 1:50. As a negative control, primary anti-body was omitted or used with its cognate peptide (22).Intracellular membranes, mostly ER, were stained by using3,39-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide [DiOC6(3)], and nucleiwere stained with either 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI), sytox green, or propidium iodide as per instructionsof the manufacturer (Molecular Probes).

Expression of EP1–Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Fu-sion Protein in HEK293(EBNA) Cells. A BamHI–XhoI cDNAfragment encoding the full-length EP1 (19) was cut at position1,174 with FspI, resulting in the deletion of the 10 C-terminalamino acids (EP1DCt). The cDNA encoding the GFP S65T(23) was obtained by PCR amplification using primers con-taining an in-frame EcoRV site and a XhoI site at the 59 and39 ends, respectively. GFP was ligated in-frame to the Cterminus of EP1DCt in pcDNA3 expression vector (Invitrogen)linearized with BamHI and XhoI. Transient transfections weredone for 6 h in 6-well plates seeded at 105 cells per well in 1.0ml of OptiMem and transfected with 0.2 ml of OptiMemcontaining 750 ng of plasmid and 7.5 ml of lipofectamine. Anequal volume of HSFM containing 2% bovine calf serum wasadded, and cells were incubated overnight. Cells were fixedwith acetoneymethanol (1:1) and viewed by using confocalmicroscopy.

Electron Microscopic Detection of EP1. Pre-embeddingimmunoperoxidase and immunogold staining methods (24, 25)were used for localization of EP1 in cells and tissues. Porcine-brain endothelial cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and0.25% glutaraldehyde, permeabilized with 0.2% Triton X-100for 15 min at room temperature, and incubated with anti-EP1antibodies (1:50) overnight at 4°C. The immunoperoxidasereaction was performed by using a VectaStain ABC kit(Vector Laboratories) as per the manufacturer’s instructions,and the diaminobenzidine reaction product was intensified(25). Ultrathin sections were examined with a transmissionelectron microscope (Philips 410; Eindholden, The Nether-lands). For immunogold staining (24), cells were fixed andincubated with anti-EP1 antibodies (1:25), followed by incu-bation overnight with an IgG conjugated to 1-nm gold particlesdiluted 1:50 (Amersham), followed by silver intensificationwith a silver enhancement kit (Amersham).

For detection of nuclear EP1 in vivo (25), adult rats (Spra-gue–Dawley) were perfused with 4% paraformaldehyde and0.2% glutaraldehyde, and brain cortexes were subjected torapid freezeythawing to improve penetration of immunore-agents before Vibratome 1000 (Technical Products Interna-tional, St. Louis) sectioning. Permeabilization was furtherenhanced by treating sections with 50% ethanol for 30 minbefore incubating with anti-EP1 antibodies (diluted 1:10) for 48hr at 4°C. Subsequent steps of the technique are describedabove.

Nuclear Calcium Measurements. Nuclear calcium was mea-sured as described (14, 26) with some modifications. Isolatedmyometrium nuclei were resuspended in buffer (125 mMKCly2 mM K2HPO4y25 mM Hepesy4 mM MgCl2y0.4 mMCaCl2, pH 7.0) and preloaded with 7.5 mM fura-2-acetoxymethyl for 45 min at 4°C. The nuclei were washed andstimulated ('2 3 106 nuclei per ml) with 17-phenyltrinor

PGE2 with and without AH6809 (10 mM). The intranuclearcalcium concentration was measured with a spectrofluorom-eter (LS 50, Perkin–Elmer). Calibration of fluorescent signalwas determined (14).

Dot Hybridization of RNA. Nuclei were isolated from Swiss3T3 cells (27). Nuclei (100 mg of protein) were incubated withor without EP1 agonist, 17-phenyltrinor PGE2 (0.1 mM) in atotal volume of 40 ml for 60 min at 37°C in a 10 mM TriszHClbuffer (pH 8.0) containing 5 mM MgCl2; 300 mM KCl; 0.5 mMeach ATP, CTP, GTP, UTP; 111 units of RNase guard; and10 units of DNase per reaction tube. RNA was extracted (5).For the isolation of total cytoplasmic RNA, cells were incu-bated with or without test agents for 1 hr and washed withice-cold PBS. Nuclear and total RNA were applied to a nylonmembrane by using a vacuum-filtration apparatus (28). 32P-labeled cDNA probes for murine c-fos (29) and b-actin (Am-bion) were prepared by using an oligolabeling kit (Pharmacia);unincorporated nucleotides were removed by G-25 columnchromatography. Membranes were hybridized to the radiola-beled probes and washed (28). The bands were visualized andquantified by using PhosphorImaging (Molecular Dynamics).


[3H]PGE2 Binding to Nuclear Membranes from PorcineBrain and Myometrium. [3H]PGE2 binding was performed onsubcellular fractions of homogenates from porcine newbornbrain cortex and adult myometrium. Fraction 1 containedplasma membranes, fraction 2 contained cytosol, fraction 3contained ER, and fraction 4 contained nuclei, nuclear mem-branes, and some ER. Specific [3H]PGE2 binding reachedequilibrium within 20 min and remained stable for another25–30 min and was saturable and reversible as described (5).Association (ka) and dissociation (kd) constants for plasma-membrane fractions were 0.15 6 0.04 min21 and 0.03 6 0.01min21, respectively, and for nuclear fractions were 0.09 6 0.03min21 and 0.04 6 0.01 min21, respectively. The affinityconstants for PGE2 binding were comparable in myometrium(6.3 6 1.4 nM and 8.7 6 2.6 nM for plasma-membrane andnuclear fractions, respectively) and newborn pig brain (9 6 1nM and 8.5 6 1.2 nM for plasma-membrane and nuclearfractions, respectively). Maximum specific PGE2 binding washighest in the plasma membrane and undetectable in cytosolof adult myometrium (Table 1). In newborn brain, PGE2binding was comparable in fractions 1, 3, and 4. PGE2 bindingin nuclear fraction is not the result of contamination by plasmamembranes, as indicated by negligible 59 nucleotidase (aplasma membrane marker) activity (220 6 13.7 and 7.0 6 0.2units per mg of protein in plasma-membrane and nuclearfractions, respectively). PGE2 binding to nuclear envelope andto intact nuclei was comparable; nuclear extracts devoid ofnuclear membranes did not bind PGE2 (data not shown).

Unlike the distribution of PGE2 binding in various fractionsderived from both brain and myometrial tissue, PGD2 specificbinding was minimal-to-undetectable in fraction 3 (ER) de-rived from both brain and myometrium, whereas nuclearmembrane (fraction 4) from brain but not from myometriumdisplayed PGD2 binding (Table 1). As expected, ER contigu-

Table 1. Maximum specific binding on cell fractions


Uterus PGE2 58 6 4 37 6 4 23 6 3 udPGD2 36 6 3 2 6 0.4 ud nd

Brain PGE2 13 6 3 13 6 1 12 6 3 udPGD2 21 6 1 ud 15 6 1 nd

Values (Bmax in fmolymg protein) are the mean 6 SEM of threeexperiments performed in duplicate. PM, plasma membrane; NM,nuclear membrane; CYT, cytosol; ud, undetectable (,0.1 fmolymgprotein); nd, not determined.

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ous with the outer nuclear membrane (30) was found infraction 4, as indicated by glucose-6-phosphatase (ER marker)specific activity (9.5 6 3.2, 23.1 6 2.2, and 19.2 6 1.4 mmol ofPO4 released per mg of protein in fractions 1, 3, and 4,respectively). Hence, prostaglandin binding detected in nu-clear membranes cannot be simply caused by contamination bythe ER.

Displacement of [3H]PGE2 by receptor subtype ligands,AH6809 (EP1 antagonist), butaprost (EP2-selective agonist),M&B 28,767 (EP3-selective agonist), and AH23848B (EP4antagonist) revealed the presence of all EP subtypes in bothplasma-membrane and nuclear-membrane fractions of myo-metrium, albeit EP3 was the most abundant (50%; Fig. 1 a andb). In plasma-membrane fractions of newborn brain, EP3accounted for all EP receptors (Fig. 1c), whereas in nuclearmembranes, EP3 comprised 45% of total EPs, and the balancewas evenly distributed among EP1, EP2, and EP4 (Fig. 1d).

Intracellular Localization of EP1 in HEK 293(EBNA) Cells.There are many isoforms of EP3 (31); because specific anti-bodies or selective pharmacological ligands for these isoformsare not available, we did not conduct further studies of thisreceptor. On the other hand, the clear displacement of bound[3H]PGE2 by EP1 antagonist AH6809 on nuclear fractions oftwo distinct tissues, brain and myometrium (Fig. 1 b and d), andthe availability of specific anti-EP1 antibodies (22) led us tofocus our investigation on the cellular localization of EP1receptors. In HEK 293(EBNA) cells, which do not naturallyexpress EP1 receptors (32) and subsequently are stably trans-fected with human EP1 cDNA (33), EP1 immunoreactivity wasdistributed in the cytoplasm and perinuclear areas (Fig. 2c); noimmunoreactivity was detected in the wild-type cells (Fig. 2a),which confirms specificity of the EP1 antibodies.

Intracellular Localization of EP1 by Indirect Immunofluo-rescence. On murine fibroblast Swiss 3T3 cells overexpressingthe EP1 receptor, EP1-specific immunofluorescence was dis-tributed in the cytoplasm (Fig. 4 a and b), although anintensified halo surrounding the nucleus was seen in trans-fected cells (Fig. 4b). Confocal microscopy of these EP1-overexpressing 3T3 cells and also of cerebral microvascularendothelial cells (primary culture) revealed a distribution ofthe receptor throughout the cytoplasm concentrated in theperinuclear region (Fig. 3 a and b; Fig. 4 c and d). EP1 antibodyand intracellular membrane stains were partially superim-posed, as revealed by the yellow and orange speckles (Figs. 3cand 4e). Confocal microscopic images were also obtained forEP1-overexpressing cells stained with the nuclear stain, Sytoxgreen (Fig. 4g). Superimposition of EP1 immunofluorescence(Fig. 4f ) with nuclear staining (Sytox green; Fig. 4g) disclosedcolocalization (bright yellow nucleus) of EP1 immunoreactivityin the nuclearyperinuclear region (Fig. 4h); a Z-section ofthese cells indicated that EP1-specific f luorescence was limitedto perinuclear and surrounding regions, but was not foundwithin the nucleus (Fig. 4i).

Distribution of EP1 Fused to GFP. GFP from the jellyfishAequorea victoria has been used as a fluorescent tag to studythe intracellular localization of G protein-coupled receptorssuch as the b2-adrenergic receptors (34). The protein fusionsto either b2-adrenergic receptors (34) or to human EP1 (Y.D.,unpublished results) did not interfere with receptor functionssuch as ligand binding, G-protein coupling, or activation ofsecond messengers. HEK 293(EBNA) cells were transientlytransfected with an EP1–GFP construct, and the intracellularlocalization of the fusion protein was visualized. Nuclear(optical microscopy) and more specifically perinuclear (con-focal microscopy) localization of EP1–GFP protein was ob-served in transfected cells (Fig. 5 b and c); in cells transfected

FIG. 1. Competitive displacement of [3H]PGE2 binding to subcel-lular fractions from porcine adult myometrium and newborn brain byprostaglandins and analogs: fractions 1 (a) and 4 (b) from myometriumand fractions 1 (c) and 4 (d) from brain. Fraction 1 contained plasmamembrane and fraction 4 contained nuclear membrane. Membraneswere incubated with 10 nM [3H]PGE2 and increasing concentrationsof prostaglandins and analogs. E, PGE2; ■ AH6809; l, Butaprost; F,M&B 28,767; Œ, AH23848B. Each point is mean 6 SE of threeexperiments, in duplicate.

FIG. 2. EP1 immunofluorescence of ectopically expressed humanEP1 receptor in HEK293(EBNA) cells. (a) Cells transfected withvector alone; note the absence of fluorescence. (b) Nuclear stain(DAPI) of cells from a. (c) An EP1-overexpressing clone; note theperinuclear halo. (d) Nuclear stain (DAPI) of cells from c.

FIG. 3. Confocal microscopic images of EP1 immunostaining inporcine cerebromicrovascular endothelial cells. (a) Anti-EP1 antibodyand Texas red-conjugated IgG. (b) DiOC6(3), intracellular membranes(mostly endoplasmic reticulum) stain. (c) superimposed images of aand b. (d) Anti-EP1 in the presence of cognate peptide (10 mgyml) andnuclear stain (propidium iodide); note the absence of immunostaining.

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with GFP alone, f luorescence was diffusely distributed in thecytoplasm (Fig. 5a). In contrast, b2-adrenergic receptor taggedto GFP was shown to exhibit primarily plasma-membranelabeling without perinuclear localization (34).

Detection of EP1 Immunoreactivity by Electron Microscopy.Radioligand binding, immunofluorescence identification ofnative EP1 protein in endothelial and fibroblast cells, clonedEP1 expressed in fibroblasts, and use of EP1–GFP fusion

protein revealed a prominent localization of EP1 receptor inthe perinuclear area. To discern the nuclear envelope, high-

FIG. 4. EP1 immunofluorescence of ectopically expressed EP1receptor in murine Swiss 3T3 cells: (a) Cells transfected with vectoralone. (b) EP1-overexpressing clone; note the intense perinuclear halo.Confocal microscopic images of EP1 overexpressing cells. (c) Anti-EP1antibody and Texas red-conjugated IgG. (d) DiOC6(3), intracellularmembranes (mostly ER) stain. (e) Superimposed images of c and d. ( f)Anti-EP1 antibody and Texas red-conjugated IgG. (g) Sytox greennucleus stain. (h) Superimposed images of f and g. (i) Z section of h.

FIG. 5. GFP protein localization in transfected HEK293(EBNA)cells. a and b are optical f luorescent microscopic images and c and dare confocal images. (a) GFP alone; note the diffuse stainingpattern. (b and c) EP1–GFP fusion protein; perinuclear halo athigher confocal magnification (c). (d) Nuclear stain (propidiumiodide) of cells from b.

FIG. 6. Immunoperoxidase and immunogold localization of EP1 inporcine endothelial cells detected by electron microscopy (arrows). (a)Immunoperoxidase-IgG alone; note absence of immunostaining whenprimary antibody is omitted. (b) A low magnification showing immuno-staining in plasma membrane and nuclear envelope. (c) A higher mag-nification showing immunostaining in the nuclear envelope. (d) Immu-nogold-IgG alone; note absence of immunostaining. Specific immuno-staining can be observed in the plasma membrane in e, nuclear envelopein f, and Golgi apparatus in g. (Bar 5 0.5 mm, except in b 5 2 mm.)

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resolution studies of cultured newborn pig cerebral microvesselendothelial cells and of adult rat brain cortex were done. Incultured endothelial cells, the immunoperoxidase and immu-nogold methods revealed EP1-specific immunostaining in theplasma membrane (Fig. 6 b and e), the nuclear envelope (Fig.6 c and f ), the Golgi apparatus (Fig. 6g), and vesicles (notshown). No immunostaining was detected in the ER.

To verify that the localization of EP1 in the nuclear envelopewas not only a newborn andyor an in vitro characteristic,sections from adult rat cerebral cortex were examined. EP1immunostaining was seen in inner and outer nuclear mem-branes of endothelial cells (Fig. 7a) and neurons (Fig. 7b).

Effects of Nuclear EP1 Stimulation on Modulation of Nu-clear Calcium and Gene Transcription. Nuclear membranescontain a variety of intermediate factors involved in EP-mediated signal transduction, such as G proteins (35), calciumchannels, and Ca21-ATPase (36). The nuclear envelope servesas a pool for calcium and has been proposed to regulatenuclear calcium signals (37). We therefore tested whethernuclear EP1 are capable of eliciting a function such as affecting

calcium entry directly into isolated nuclei. As shown (Fig. 8 aand b), 17-phenyltrinor PGE2 (EP1 agonist) caused a concen-tration-dependent increase in myometrial intranuclear calciumconcentration; this effect was abrogated by EP1 antagonistAH6809.

Calcium has been implicated to play an important role innuclear functions, including the regulation of gene transcrip-tion (37) such as c-fos (38), which also has been shown to bestimulated by PGE2 (39). We tested whether the stimulation ofnuclear EP1 with prostaglandin analogs affects c-fos transcrip-tion. Dot hybridization of RNA revealed that exposure ofnuclei from Swiss 3T3 cells to EP1 agonist 17-phenyltrinorPGE2 (0.1 mM) increased transcription of c-fos to a greaterextent than that observed after stimulation of whole cells; thiseffect was augmented in cells overexpressing EP1 (Fig. 8 c andd) and was abolished by AH6809 (10 mM; not shown).

In conclusion, the present study provides evidence for theexistence of the prostaglandin receptor EP1 in the perinuclearregion from various species by numerous techniques and mostnotably in the nuclear envelope in cell lines and in vivo intissues, as revealed by high-resolution studies. This reportshows an ultrastructural localization of a functional G protein-coupled receptor in the nuclear envelope. The presence ofnuclear AT1 receptors that contain a nuclear localizationsequence has been detected by radioligand binding (11) andimmunoreactivity, mostly after pharmacological stimulation

FIG. 7. Immunoperoxidase localization of EP1 in adult rat braincortex by electron microscopy (arrows). Specific immunostainingobserved in plasma membrane and inner and outer nuclear mem-branes of capillary endothelial cell (a) and nuclear membranes ofneurons (b). Note the luminal space of capillary on right in a. (Bars 50.5 mm.)

FIG. 8. Effects of EP1 agonist, 17-phenyltrinor PGE2 (17-P) andAH6809 (EP1 antagonist, 10 mM) on calcium levels in isolatedmyometrial nuclei loaded with fura-2 AM (a and b). (a) Typicaltracings; arrow shows time of compound or vehicle administration;17-P (1 mM). (b) Peak increases in intranuclear calcium concentrations[(Ca21)n] after addition of 17-P (filled bars) or 17-P and AH6809 (10mM; open bars). Effects of 17-phenyltrinor PGE2 (0.1 mM) on c-fostranscription in native and EP1 over-expressing Swiss 3T3 cells asmeasured by dot blot hybridization of RNA. (c) Dot blot; Cont, controlwithout drug. b-actin dot blot is of parent cells; its intensity wasunaffected by EP1 cDNA transfection. (d) Densitometry of dot blots;c-fos RNA abundance corrected for b-actin RNA is expressed aspercentage of native untreated controls (open bar). Data are means 6SE of three experiments. p, P , 0.05 compared with the correspondingcontrol.

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with angiotensin II (40). A nuclear localization sequence wasnot found in EP1 receptor (19). So far, other than the EP1variant lacking all C-terminal tail (41) and thus undetectablewith our antibody (22), no other EP1 have been identified (42).The similarity in the kinetics of PGE2 binding and antibodyrecognition of EP1 receptors in both plasma and nuclearmembranes, matching localization of ectopically expressed EP1receptor and EP1–GFP fusion protein, as well as pharmaco-logical characteristics and comparable molecular weights [asdetermined by immunoblotting, which showed a single 65-kDaEP1 immunoreactive band (data not shown)] indicates that thereceptors in both cellular compartments are of similar identity.Finally, the presence of nuclear EPs provides an explanationfor actions of PGE2 when plasma membrane EPs are barelydetectable (4, 6, 7). In addition, consistent with the localizationof cyclooxygenase-2 in the perinuclear region (8), it is con-ceivable that locally generated prostaglandins can activatenuclear EPs that can in turn modulate gene transcription, asrecently speculated (43); details of transduction mechanismsremain to be elucidated in this action of prostaglandins vianuclear EP receptors.

We thank H. Fernandez and M. Ballak for their technical assistanceand A. Mcleod and S. Grant for sharing their expertise. M.B. is arecipient of the Doctoral Research Award from the Medical ResearchCouncil of Canada (MRC). This study was supported by grants fromthe MRC.

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Pharmacology: Bhattacharya et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95 (1998) 15797

Immunology. In the article “Absence of tumor necrosis factorrescues RelA-deficient mice from embryonic lethality” by Taka-hiro S. Doi, Michael W. Marino, Toshitada Takahashi, ToshimichiYoshida, Teruyo Sakakura, Lloyd J. Old, and Yuichi Obata, whichappeared in number 6, March 16, 1999, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA (96, 2994–2999), the following corrections should be noted:

In Table 1, page 2995, line 1 of the title, the second sentence,“Results of matings of TNF1y1 or TNF2y2 mice withrelA1y2 mice,” should be removed.

In Table 2, page 2997, line 2, right column, the genotype ofthe male parent which currently reads “TNF1y2relA1y1”should read “TNF2y2relA1y2.”

In Table 2, page 2997, line 3, right-most column, thegenotype of the offspring which currently reads “21y2relA1y1” should read “TNF1y2relA1y1.”

In line 2 of Discussion, page 2997, the sentence that reads“TNF mediates this abnormality and the associated lethality,as viable RelA-deficient progeny without liver damage resultfrom matings of TNF-deficient RelA-heterozygous mice withRelA-deficient mice” should read “TNF mediates this abnor-mality and the associated lethality, as viable RelA-deficientprogeny without liver damage result from matings of TNF-deficient RelA-heterozygous mice.”

Medical Sciences. In the article “RB-mediated suppression ofspontaneous multiple neuroendocrine neoplasia and lung me-

tastases in Rb1y2 mice” by Alexander Yu. Nikitin, Marıa I.Juarez-Perez, Song Li, Leaf Huang, and Wen-Hwa Lee, whichappeared in number 7, March 30, 1999, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA (96, 3916–3921), the following correction should benoted. The labeling of the gel in Fig. 1O was erroneouslymoved down and to the right. The corrected figure and itslegend are shown below.

Immunology. In the article “Ubiquitin-dependent degradationof IkBa is mediated by a ubiquitin ligase Skp1yCul1yF-boxprotein FWD1” by Shigetsugu Hatakeyama, Masatoshi Kita-gawa, Keiko Nakayama, Michiko Shirane, Masaki Matsumoto,Kimihiko Hattori, Hideaki Higashi, Hiroyasu Nakano, KoOkumura, Kazunori Onoe, Robert A. Good, and Kei-ichiNakayama, which appeared in number 7, March 30, 1999, ofProc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (96, 3859–3863), due to printer’serror, the following changes should be noted. On page 3859 inthe abstract, text, and footnote, the word “Cull 1” should be“Cul1.”

Biophysics. In the article “High-resolution NMR of encapsu-lated proteins dissolved in low-viscosity f luids” by A. JoshuaWand, Mark R. Ehrhardt, and Peter F. Flynn, which appearedin number 26, December 22, 1998, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA (95, 15299–15302), the term “high pressure NMR” wasincorrectly printed as “HPLC NMR,” due to a printer’s error.

FIG. 1. Multiple neuroendocrine neoplasia in Rb1/2 mice. (A andB) Gross compound pituitary tumor on P394. The tumor consists oftwo histologically distinct components that substitute for the pituitaryanterior (AL) and intermediate (IL) lobes, which are demarcated byremnants of Rathke’s cleft (arrows). AL tumor cells contain a-GSU(A) and are positioned loosely around sinusoid-like vessels. IL tumorcells contain a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (B) and form poorlyvascularized epithelioid fields with central necrotic and hemorrhagicareas. (C and D) EAP in the anterior pituitary lobe on P90 before (C)and after (D) microdissection for genotype analysis by the PCR. (E)C-cell carcinoma on P340 showing the typical arrangement of poly-hedral tumor cells in solid nests and rough hyalinized collagen withcalcification (arrow). (F and G) C-cell EAP (arrow) on P60 before (F)and after (G) microdissection. The atypical cells show a parafollicularlocation. (H) Medullary thyroid carcinoma invading surroundingtissues on P469. Accumulation of calcitonin (brown color) is evidentin the cytoplasm of tumor cells (arrow). CR, cartilage. (I) Calcitonin-containing metastatic cells in the lung on P463. The metastatic cellsexhibit intraalveolar spreading (arrows). (J) A well-vascularized para-thyroid tumor (PG) and a neighboring solid C-cell tumor of the thyroidgland (TG) on P370. (K) Parathyroid hormone expression in para-thyroid tumor cells. (L) Pheochromocytoma of the adrenal medulla(AM) compressing the adrenal cortex (AC). (M and N) EAP in theadrenal medulla (AM) on P60 before (M) and after (N) microdissec-tion. The arrow indicates multiple apoptotic figures. Staining: avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunostaining for a-GSU (A), a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (B), calcitonin (H and I), or parathyroid hor-mone (K) with hematoxylin counterstaining; (C–G, J, and L–N)hematoxylin-eosin staining. [Bar: 160 mm (A and B), 40 mm (C, D, andI), 110 mm (E), 60 mm (F and G), 50 mm (H), 150 mm (J), and 20 mm(K), 390 mm (L), and 70 mm (M and N).] (O) Absence of the wild-typeRb allele (151-bp PCR product) in gross tumors (T; lanes 3, 4, 7, 10,11, 17, and 18) and EAPs (E; lanes 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 14, and 16) of thepituitary anterior lobe (AL, lanes 1–4), the parathyroid gland (PG,lanes 6 and 7), thyroid C cells (TG, lanes 8–11), lung metastases (L,lanes 12 and 13), or adrenal medulla (lanes 14 and 16–18). N, Rb1/2

normal tissue (lanes 5 and 15). Nondenaturing 12% polyacrylamide gelstained with silver. The 236-bp band corresponds to the mutant Rballele (11).

Corrections Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6571

Pharmacology. In the article “Nuclear localization of prosta-glandin E2 receptors” by Mousumi Bhattacharya, Krishna G.Peri, Guillermina Almazan, Alfredo Ribeiro-da-Silva, HitoshiShichi, Yves Durocher, Mark Abramovitz, Xin Hou, Daya R.Varma, and Sylvain Chemtob, which appeared in number 26,December 22, 1998, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (95, 15792–15797), the paragraph on page 15793, left column, should readas follows (change indicated in italic type): “Indirect Immu-

nofluorescence of EP1 Receptors. For examining the immu-nolocalization of EP1 receptors, immunocytochemistry wasperformed as described (21) on Swiss 3T3, HEK293 (EBNA),or endothelial cells with rabbit anti-EP1 antibodies (22) andFITC-conjugated or Texas red-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG(BioyCan Scientific, Mississauga, ON), diluted 1:50.” In ad-dition, because Figs. 6 and 7 were printed with markedly poorquality, they and their legends are reproduced below.

FIG. 7. Immunoperoxidase localization of EP1 in adult rat braincortex by electron microscopy (arrows). Specific immunostainingobserved in plasma membrane and inner and outer nuclear mem-branes of capillary endothelial cell (a) and nuclear membranes ofneurons (b). Note the luminal space of capillary on right in a. (Bars 50.5 mm.)

FIG. 6. Immunoperoxidase and immunogold localization of EP1 inporcine endothelial cells detected by electron microscopy (arrows). (a)Immunoperoxidase-IgG alone; note absence of immunostaining whenprimary antibody is omitted. (b) A low magnification showing immuno-staining in plasma membrane and nuclear envelope. (c) A higher mag-nification showing immunostaining in the nuclear envelope. (d) Immu-nogold-IgG alone; note absence of immunostaining. Specific immuno-staining can be observed in the plasma membrane in e, nuclear envelopein f, and Golgi apparatus in g. (Bar 5 0.5 mm, except in b 5 2 mm.)

6572 Corrections Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999)

Microbiology. In the article “Molecular and biophysical char-acterization of TT virus: Evidence for a new virus familyinfecting humans” by Isa K. Mushahwar, James C. Erker, A.Scott Muerhoff, Thomas P. Leary, John N. Simons, Larry G.Birkenmeyer, Michelle L. Chalmers, Tami J. Pilot-Matias, andSuresh M. Dexai, which appeared in number 6, March 16, 1999,of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (96, 3177–3182), the followingcorrection should be noted. The last author’s name has beenmisspelled, and it should be amended as Suresh M. Desai andnot Suresh M. Dexai.

Physiology. In the article “Parathyroid hormone leads to thelysosomal degradation of the renal type II NayPi cotrans-porter” by Markus F. Pfister, Isabelle Ruf, Gerti Stange, UrsZiegler, Eleanor Lederer, Jurg Biber, and Heini Murer, whichappeared in number 4, February 17, 1998, of Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA (95, 1909–1914), the authors wish to note that theAcknowledgment section should have included the followinggrant information: “Dr. Lederer is an employee of and herwork is supported by a grant from the U.S. Department ofVeterans Affairs.”

Corrections Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1999) 6573
