Smooth Muscle Actin Determines Mechanical Force-induced p38 Activation


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Smooth Muscle Actin Determines Mechanical Force-inducedp38 Activation*

Received for publication, September 20, 2004, and in revised form, December 6, 2004Published, JBC Papers in Press, December 9, 2004, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M410819200

Jiaxu Wang‡§, Jennie Fan‡, Carol Laschinger‡, Pamela D. Arora‡, Andras Kapus¶, Arun Seth‡,and Christopher A. McCulloch‡�

From the ‡Canadian Institutes of Health, Group in Matrix Dynamics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto, OntarioM5S 3E2, and the ¶Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, Canada

The mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 is activatedby mechanical force, but the cellular elements that me-diate force-induced p38 phosphorylation are notdefined. As �-smooth muscle actin (SMA) is an actin iso-form associated with force generation in fibroblasts, weasked if SMA participates in the activation of p38 byforce. Tensile forces (0.65 pN/�m2) generated by mag-netic fields were applied to collagen-coated magnetitebeads bound to Rat-2 cells. Immunoblotting showed thatp38� was the predominant p38 isoform. Analysis of bea-d-associated proteins demonstrated that SMA enric-hment of collagen receptor complexes required the �2�1integrin. SMA was present almost entirely as filaments.Swinholide depolymerized SMA filaments and blockedforce-induced p38 phosphorylation and force-inducedincreases of SMA. Knockdown of SMA (70% reduction)using RNA interference did not affect �-actin butinhibited force-induced p38 phosphorylation by 50%.Inhibition of Rho kinase blocked SMA filamentassembly, force-induced increases of SMA, and force-in-duced p38 activation. Force application increased SMAcontent and enhanced the association of phosphoryl-ated p38 with SMA filaments. Blockade of p38phosphorylation by SB203586 abrogated force-inducedincreases of SMA. In cells transfected with SMA promo-ter-�-galactosidase fusion constructs, co-transfectionwith constitutively active p38 or MKK6 increased SMApromoter activity by 2.5–3-fold. Dominant negative p38blocked force-induced activation of the SMA promoter.In SMA negative cells, there was no force-induced p38phosphorylation. We conclude that force-induced p38phosphorylation is dependent on an SMA filament-de-pendent pathway that uses a feed-forward amplificationloop to synergize force-induced SMA expression withp38 activation.

The mechanisms by which mechanical forces regulate geneexpression is of considerable biomedical importance, but the

force-transduction circuits have not been defined. Mechanicalforce transmission through the extracellular matrix, integrins,and the cytoskeleton has been convincingly demonstrated us-ing matrix protein-coated magnetic beads bound to integrins(1–4). With these experimental approaches, critical mechano-transduction processes have been studied including force-in-duced activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP)1 ki-nases (2, 3, 5–7). Activation of the MAP kinase p38 has beenassociated with increased binding of transcription factors toregulatory sites on the promoters of cytoskeletal genes, includ-ing the actin-binding protein filamin A (2, 5, 8), thereby sug-gesting a potential mechanotranscriptional circuit in whichforce application leads to p38 activation and, ultimately, regu-lation of gene expression.

�-Smooth muscle actin (SMA) is an actin isoform that isnormally restricted to vascular smooth muscle cells. In healingwounds and fibro-contractive lesions, SMA is also expressed bycertain non-muscle cells such as myofibroblasts (9–11). In cul-tured myofibroblasts, SMA expression is associated with thegeneration of increased contractile forces and stress fiber for-mation (12–14). Interference with SMA expression inhibitsforce generation and the formation of focal adhesions andstress fibers (15). In myofibroblasts, induction of SMA byTGF-� is dependent on the compliance of the substrate (16),suggesting an important role for cell-generated tension in reg-ulating gene expression (17). SMA in myofibroblasts is largelyassembled into actin filaments (15, 18), and some of these SMAfilaments are localized to focal adhesions (19). These are im-portant observations because the transmission of tensile forcesinvolved in the induction of force-regulated genes requires ac-tin filaments (16–18), and focal adhesions are thought to func-tion as mechanosensors (20). Accordingly, we hypothesizedthat specific actin isoforms such as SMA, when associated withfocal adhesions, may provide a selective physical link by whichmechanical forces induce specific patterns of gene expression.

Currently, it is unknown if SMA can mediate mechanicalsignals such as force-induced activation of MAP kinases. Incertain cell types, TGF-�-induced SMA expression is dependenton p38 activity (21). Force-induced regulation of SMA expres-sion is also associated with p38 activation, depending on theextent of actin assembly in the specific types of cells examined(3, 22). As p38 activation is a prominent cellular response toapplied tensile forces (2, 3, 5, 6), we examined the role of SMA

* This work was supported in part by Grant T-4819 from the OntarioHeart and Stroke Foundation and Canadian Institutes of Health Re-search Major Equipment and Group Grants (to A. S. and C. A. M.). Thecosts of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the paymentof page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked “adver-tisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicatethis fact.

§ Supported by an Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation fellowshipand Canadian Institutes of Health Research Cell Signals Strategictraining fellowship.

� To whom correspondence should be addressed: Rm. 244, FitzgeraldBldg., University of Toronto, 150 College St., Toronto, Ontario M5S3E2, Canada. Tel.: 416-978-1258; Fax: 416-978-5956;

1 The abbreviations used are: MAP, mitogen-activated protein; SMA,smooth muscle actin; RNAi, RNA interference; TGF, transforminggrowth factor; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; RSV, Rous sarcomavirus; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TRITC, tetramethylrhodamineisothiocyanate; GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase;siRNA, small interfering RNA; DMEM, Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’smedium; ERK, extracellular signal-regulated kinase; JNK, c-Jun NH2terminal kinase; CMV, cytomegalovirus.

THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 280, No. 8, Issue of February 25, pp. 7273–7284, 2005© 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

This paper is available on line at 7273

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in mediating force-induced activation of p38, and conversely,we studied the importance of p38 in regulating force-inducedSMA expression. Our data indicate that when tensile forcesare applied to �2�1 integrins, phosphorylated p38 binds toSMA, and there are p38-dependent increases of SMA expres-sion. As our results showed that cells with abundant SMAexhibit enhanced force-induced activation of p38, we suggestthat SMA and p38 participate in a feed-forward amplificationloop to synergize force-induced SMA expression with p38phosphorylation.


Reagents—Antibodies to �-smooth muscle actin (clone 1A4), �-actin(clone AC-15), total-actin (clone AC-40), vimentin (clone VIM-13.2),vinculin (clone hVIN-1), TRITC-phalloidin, TGF-�1, DNase I, and bo-vine serum albumin were from Sigma. Goat anti-mouse IgG2a, goatanti-mouse IgM, and goat anti-mouse IgG1 antibodies were purchasedfrom Caltag Laboratories (Burlingame, CA). Antibodies to p38�, p38�,p38, ERK1/2, and JNK and the respective phospho-specific antibodiesfor each of these kinases were purchased from Cell Signaling Technol-ogy (New England Biolabs, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). Antibodiesto p38� and p38� were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology(Santa Cruz, CA). Mouse monoclonal antibody to GAPDH (clone 6C5)was purchased from Chemicon International (Temecula, CA). Solubletype I bovine collagen was obtained from Celltrix (Palo Alto, CA). TheRho kinase inhibitor Y27632, rat polyclonal antibodies to �1, �2, �3integrins, DDR1 receptor, and mouse monoclonal antibody to the �2�1integrin (clone PIE6) were purchased from Calbiochem. The Rho acti-vation assay kit was purchased from Cytoskeleton, Inc. (Denver, CO).

siRNA Preparation—We designed target-specific siRNA duplexesbased on the sequence of the rat SMA gene. A 21-nucleotide SMA siRNAsequence relative to the start codon (876–896, accession numberX06801) was submitted to a BLAST search against the rat genomesequence to ensure that only the SMA gene of the rat genome wastargeted. An siRNA sequence (5�-GACGUAAACGGCCACAAGUUC-3�)for green fluorescent protein was synthesized as an irrelevant control.All siRNAs were produced by Qiagen.

Cell Culture and Transfection for RNAi—Rat-2 cells were incubatedat 37 °C in complete Hg-DMEM containing 5% fetal bovine serum anda 1:10 dilution of an antibiotic solution (0.17% w/v penicillin V, 0.1%gentamycin sulfate, and 0.01 �g/ml amphotericin). Cells were main-tained in a humidified incubator gassed with 95% O2, 5% CO2 and werepassaged with trypsin. One day before transfection with siRNA, cellswere trypsinized, diluted with fresh medium without antibiotics, andtransferred to 6-well plates for immunoblotting and 12-well plates forimmunostaining. Transient transfection of siRNAs was conducted withOligofectamine according to the supplier’s instructions (Invitrogen).The entire mixture was added to the cells in one well resulting in a finalconcentration of 200 nM for the siRNAs. Cells were assayed 48 h aftertransfection. Triplicate assays were conducted for a minimum of threeindependent experiments.

Mechanical Force Application—A force delivery system employingcollagen-coated magnetite beads and magnetic fields was used to applyexogenous tensile forces in vitro as described previously (8). Briefly,magnetite beads (400 mg; Sigma) were incubated for 10 min with 1 mlof an acidic bovine collagen solution (�95% type I collagen; 3 mg/ml) at37 °C and neutralized to pH 7.4 with 100 �l of 1 N NaOH. Under theseconditions, collagen polymerizes and forms fibrils around the beadswithin 30 min. The beads were sonicated to eliminate clumps and werethen dispersed. Analysis of bead size was performed by electronic par-ticle counting (Coulter Channelyzer, Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL).Prior to incubation with cells, beads were rinsed in PBS, washed threetimes, resuspended in Ca2�-free buffer, and added to attached cells incomplete medium for 10 min. Cells were washed three times to removeunbound beads prior to exposure to force. A ceramic permanent magnetwas used to apply perpendicular forces to beads attached to the dorsalsurface of cells. For all experiments, the pole face was parallel with and2 cm from the surface of the cell culture dish. As the surface area of themagnet was larger than the culture dishes, and as the bead coveringwas relatively uniform for all cells, the forces applied to cells across thewidth of the culture dish were relatively uniform (23). Constant forces(0.65 pN/�m2 projected cell area) but of varying duration were used forall experiments.

Immunofluorescence—After transfection (48 h), cells were fixed with3.7% formaldehyde, permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100, blockedwith 0.2% bovine serum albumin, stained for SMA, and counterstained

with fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG. Fordouble staining of SMA and actin filaments, cells were incubated withantibody to SMA, counterstained with fluorescein isothiocyanate-con-jugated goat anti-mouse antibody, stained with TRITC-phalloidin, andimaged with wide field immunofluorescence microscopy.

Immunoblotting—Magnetite beads with the associated focal adhe-sion complexes were isolated in CSKB buffer, and bead-associatedproteins were recovered by magnetic selection. Beads were sonicatedand washed in PBS, and the associated proteins were eluted by boilingin SDS sample buffer (62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, containing 2% SDS,10% glycerol, 50 mM dithiothreitol, 0.1% w/v bromphenol blue). For celllysates, the cells were washed with PBS and proteins solubilized in 200�l of SDS sample buffer without bromphenol blue. Total protein wasmeasured using the RC-DC protein assay (Bio-Rad), and equal quanti-ties were loaded on SDS-PAGE (10% acrylamide) and transferred tonitrocellulose. Blots were blocked for 1 h with 5% skim milk in TBS andincubated with the indicated antibody (SMA, vinculin, vimentin, �-ac-tin, GAPDH, JNK, ERK1/2, and p38) diluted 1:1000 in 0.5% Tween/TBSfor 1 h at room temperature or overnight at 4 °C. Blots were washedwith 0.5% Tween/TBS, incubated with appropriate second antibodiesfor 1 h, washed four times in Tween/TBS, and developed by chemilu-minescence (ECL; Amersham Biosciences). The blots were exposed toKodak X-Omat film, and band density was analyzed by IP Lab GelScientific Image Processing (Signal Analytics Corp., Vienna, VA).

Immunoprecipitation—The immunoprecipitation protocol for SMAhas been described previously (6). Briefly, cells were scraped into RIPAbuffer containing sodium vanadate (1 mM), a protease inhibitor mixture(Sigma). The cell lysate was pre-cleared, normalized for protein content,and then incubated overnight with anti-SMA antibodies at 4 °C. Immu-noPure® Plus(G) from Pierce was added, and after incubation for1.5 hat 4 °C, the resin was washed four times, and specific immunoprecipi-tated proteins were eluted by boiling in SDS sample buffer and pro-cessed for immunoblotting.

Northern Blotting—RNA (10 �g per sample) was denatured in form-aldehyde and formamide at 55 °C for 10 min and electrophoresed in1.2% agarose gels. The SMA and �-actin cDNA probes were made byreverse transcription-PCR from Rat-2 cells using the following primers:SMA primers, 5�-ccgcaaatgcttctaagtcac-3� (forward) and 5�-cacgagtaa-caaatcaaagct-3�(reverse). For �-actin the primers were 5�-tggcctgtacact-gacgtgag-3� (forward) and 5�-tggccaggtgtcagggagata-3� (reverse). RNAwas isolated from cells (Qiagen RNeasy total RNA kit), and cDNA wasproduced from total RNA (2 �g per sample) using Omniscript ReverseTranscriptase. PCR products were inserted into a PCR3.9 vector usingthe Original TA cloning kit and sequenced to confirm the correctproducts (24).

Rho Activation—Rho activation was measured in Rat-2 cells culturedovernight without serum and subjected to force for 15 min. Control cellswith beads but no force were also assayed for Rho activation. Lysophos-phatidic acid treatment of these cells was performed as a positivecontrol for Rho. Briefly, the assay relies on the specific binding ofGTP-Rho to Rhotekin-RBD protein coupled to glutathione S-transfer-ase beads. The amount of GTP-Rho was quantified by immunoblottingwith a Rho monoclonal antibody and by comparing the bead-boundprotein (active Rho) with total Rho in the cell lysates.

G-actin and Immunodepletion—We determined G-actin content uti-lizing the specific binding of G actin to DNase I (25, 26). Briefly, DNase Iwas coupled to Aminolink (Pierce) as per the manufacturer’s protocol.Cells were lysed at �10 °C in cell lysis buffer (1% Triton X-100, 10 mM

Tris, 2 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM dithiothreitol, pH 7.4) with 1 �M phalloidin tostabilize F-actin and sedimented at 14,000 � g for 1 min to remove celldebris, and the cell lysate was incubated with DNase beads for 2 min at4 °C. Beads were rapidly washed three times, and bound protein (G-actin), supernatant (F-actin), and the total cell lysate (F plus G actin) werequantified by immunoblotting using monoclonal antibodies that recog-nized all actin isoforms, including �-actin and SMA. For estimation of therelative proportion of SMA in the total actin pool, we used an immu-nodepletion method. First, because no SMA was detected in the G-actinfraction by immunoblotting, we incubated the F-actin fraction overnightwith SMA antibodies at 4 °C. SMA immunocomplexes were removed withImmunoPure® Plus(G) (Pierce) using incubation for 1.5 h at 4 °C followedby centrifugation. The remaining actins in the supernatant were pro-cessed for total actin immunoblotting as described above.

Cytoskeletal Pellets—Pellets were prepared by lysing cells in PBScontaining 1% Triton X-100, 1 �M phalloidin, and inhibitors. The deter-gent-insoluble pellet was obtained by centrifugation (20,000 � g at 4 °Cfor 30 min) and solubilized by boiling in 2% SDS sample buffer. Equiv-alent amounts of proteins were loaded in each lane and immunoblottedfor �-actin and SMA.

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Transfections and Reporter Gene Assays—ROS 17/2.8 cells weregrown in �-DMEM with 10% fetal calf serum. Prior to transfection, cellswere plated at 1 � 104 cells/well in 6-well plates and incubated incomplete �-DMEM for 24 h. Cells were transiently transfected withreporter plasmids containing p547/LacZ constructs (from Dr. G.Owens) in which the whole SMA promoter is present. Cells wereco-transfected with a pCMV-p38 structures. The vectors used in theco-transfection are the following, and their source is indicated inparentheses: pCMV-MKK6� (constitutively active from Dr. J.Woodgett, University of Toronto), pCMV-p38FLAG and pCMV-38WT(constitutively active; Dr. R. J. Davis, University of Massachusetts),pCMV-p38DN (dominant negative p38 from Dr. Andras Kapas). Roussarcoma virus (RSV) expression plasmid was normalized for equalloading using the effecting reagent according to the supplier’s in-structions (Qiagen). Cell extracts were prepared with a detergentlysis method. For estimates of promoter activity, �-galactosidasereporter enzyme activity was measured with an enzyme assay system(Roche Applied Science). �-Galactosidase activities were normalizedto RSV luciferase activity as a transfection control. The RSV (�124 to�34) luciferase construct was provided by H. P. Elsholtz (Universityof Toronto) and was used as described earlier (8). RSV luciferaseassays were conducted using a luciferase assay system (Promega)according to the manufacturer’s instructions. RSV luciferase activity(reflecting promoter activity) was unaffected by all treatments at allexperimental times.

Statistical Analyses—For quantitative data, means and standarderrors were computed. When appropriate, comparisons between groupswere evaluated by Student’s t test or analysis of variance with statis-tical significance set at p � 0.05. At least three independent experi-ments were conducted for each condition described, and in each exper-iment, there were at least three replicates.


SMA Incorporation into Collagen Receptor Complexes—Weused Rat-2 fibroblasts and ROS 17/2.8 cells as cell models toexamine the role of SMA in mechanotransduction. These cellscan be induced to express SMA with appropriate stimuli (27).They express abundant cell surface collagen receptors thatprovide attachment for collagen-coated beads and are readilytransfected (2, 5, 6). We first examined the collagen receptorsthat were associated with collagen beads bound to Rat-2 cells.Immunoblotting of bead-bound proteins showed that the �2integrin, �3 integrin, and the discoidin domain receptor 1 wereassociated with attached collagen beads (Fig. 1A), although incontrast, the �1 integrin was not expressed.

As SMA actin filaments are associated with mature focaladhesions in human fibroblasts (19), we asked if SMA was alsoenriched at collagen receptor adhesion complexes in Rat-2 cellsand if this enrichment required the �2�1 integrin or �3�1integrin. Incubation of cells with �3 integrin antibody did notblock the association of SMA or the focal adhesion proteinvinculin with collagen-coated magnetite beads (Fig. 1B). Incontrast, incubation of cells with �2�1 integrin antibodyblocked the association of SMA and vinculin with collagen-coated magnetite beads. By densitometry, there was a small(18%) inhibitory effect of the �2�1 integrin on the association of�-actin with collagen beads (Fig. 1C). Fluorescence microscopyshowed rings of immunohistochemically stained SMA aroundcollagen beads that co-localized with actin filaments stained by

FIG. 1. SMA incorporation into collagen receptor adhesion complexes is mediated by �2�1 integrin. A, collagen-coated magnetitebeads with bound focal adhesion complexes (30-min bead binding) were isolated magnetically, and bead-associated proteins were immunoblottedfor �1, �2, and �3 integrins and DDR1. Rat cardiac fibroblast lysates were used as a positive control for �1 integrin. B, cells were preincubatedwith �3 integrin antibody (�) or with control antibody (�) for 30 min (both antibodies at 1 �g/ml). Bead-bound material or cell lysates wereimmunoblotted for SMA, vinculin, or �-actin. C, Rat-2 cells were preincubated with �2�1 integrin antibody (�) or isotype control antibody (�) for30 min (both antibodies at 1 �g/ml). Bead-bound material or cell lysates were immunoblotted for SMA, vinculin, or �-actin. D, immunohistochem-ical staining shows collagen-coated magnetite beads (in differential interference contrast images) are spatially associated with SMA (green, leftpanel) or �-actin (green, right panel) around the bead periphery. Cell preparations were stained for actin filaments with rhodamine phalloidin (red).Note co-localization of SMA and actin filaments in merged image (inset). Ab, antibody.

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rhodamine phalloidin (Fig. 1D). Incubation with the �2�1 in-tegrin antibody blocked the formation of SMA-stained ringsaround the collagen-coated beads but did not affect staining for�-actin. Thus the incorporation of SMA into the adhesion com-plexes that form around collagen beads, the site of force appli-cation to cells in this model system (6), is dependent on the�2�1 integrin.

SMA Incorporation into Actin Filaments Is Sensitive to Swin-holide—We determined whether swinholide A and latrunculinB, actin filament disrupting agents, could be used to block theassociation of SMA and �-actin with collagen receptor com-plexes. After washing away unattached beads, only cell-at-tached beads were used for analysis of bead-associated pro-teins. Pretreatment with latrunculin B (1 �M, 30 min) was notsufficient to dissociate SMA, �-actin, and vinculin from colla-gen beads. In contrast, swinholide A (0.1 �M; 20 min) stronglyblocked the incorporation of SMA and vinculin into collagenbead complexes, while preserving the binding of �-actin (Fig.2A). This result was not because of a lack of bead binding tocells because only proteins from bound beads were analyzed.Immunohistochemically stained SMA around collagen beadsthat co-localized with actin filaments stained by rhodaminephalloidin were found after latrunculin B treatment, whereas

swinholide A blocked the formation of SMA-stained ringsaround the collagen-coated beads (Fig. 2B). Thus swinholide Abut not latrunculin can be used reliably to dissociate SMAfilaments from the sites of force application in Rat-2 cells.

In some well differentiated fibroblast sub-types cultured invitro, SMA comprises up to 14% of total actin content (14). Asthe rate of assembly of SMA into actin filaments during cellspreading can be quite different from that of �-actin filaments(29), we considered that SMA, even as a relatively low abun-dance actin isoform, may have an impact on the transmission offilament-dependent mechanical signals. We estimated the rel-ative proportions of SMA and other actin isoforms in mono-meric (G-actin) form by measuring the binding of G-actin toDNase I (30) followed by actin isoform-specific immunoblottingand densitometry. In untreated Rat-2 cells, �20% of total actinbound to DNase I and was therefore monomeric (Fig. 2C).Treatment with swinholide A (0.1 �M; 20 min) or with latrun-culin B (1 �M, 30 min) greatly increased the abundance of totalactin monomers (to �50%) in comparison to untreated controls.In untreated samples and in samples pretreated with latrun-culin B, SMA monomers were present at extremely low levels,whereas swinholide A treatment increased the amount of mo-nomeric SMA to �70% (Fig. 2C).

FIG. 2. SMA incorporation into collagen receptor adhesion complexes and actin filaments are sensitive to swinholide A. A, Rat-2cells dorsally loaded with collagen-coated beads (15 min) were treated with swinholide A (SwinA) (0.1 �M; 20 min), latrunculin B (LatB) (1 �M; 30min), or vehicle. Bead-bound material or cell lysates were immunoblotted for SMA, vinculin, and �-actin as in Fig. 1. SMA incorporation intocollagen receptor adhesion complexes is resistant to latrunculin B but not to swinholide A. B, immunohistochemical staining shows collagen-coatedmagnetite beads are spatially associated with SMA (green, left panel) or �-actin (green, right panel) around the bead periphery. Cell preparationswere stained for actin filaments with rhodamine phalloidin (red). C, Rat-2 cells were lysed in cytoskeleton-stabilizing buffer. Lysates wereincubated with DNase I-coated beads to bind G-actin. Total, whole cell lysates; F, actin filaments in cytoskeletal pellets after sedimentation; G,material eluted from DNase-coated beads. Samples were immunoblotted for total actins or for SMA. Top two rows, controls, no detectablemonomeric SMA in Rat-2 cells, whereas 20% of total actins are monomers. Middle rows, swinholide, conversion of SMA actin filaments intomonomeric actin after swinholide A treatment (20 min). Bottom rows, latrunculin: no conversion of SMA filaments into monomers after latrunculinB (Lat B; 1 �M, 30 min) treatment.

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To determine the relative abundance of SMA in actin fila-ments, we removed G-actin with DNase I followed by SMAimmunodepletion and immunoblotting for total actins. Thisapproach showed that based on the blot densities before andafter immunodepletion, there was 18.1% SMA filaments in thetotal actin filament pool. Collectively these results indicatethat in untreated fibroblasts, SMA is present almost exclu-sively as filaments and that swinholide converts relativelymore SMA to monomers than other actin isoforms.

Actin Filaments and p38 Activation—To study the impact ofactin filaments on p38 activation, we first examined which p38isoforms are expressed in Rat-2 cells. Immunoblotting showedthat p38� is the predominant p38 isoform, whereas p38� wasexpressed at much lower levels. p38� and p38� isoforms werenot detected in Rat-2 cells (Fig. 3A). Therefore, in Rat-2 cells,force induction of p38 is largely restricted to the p38� isoform.

As the relative proportion of SMA assembled into filamentsis greater than the relative proportion of other actin isoformsassembled into filaments, we asked if p38 kinase activationafter force is influenced by the relative abundance of actinfilaments. Previous reports (3, 6, 7, 22) have shown that MAPkinase activation following application of mechanical forcesrequires intact actin filaments. We used swinholide A andlatrunculin B to disrupt actin filament networks. Swinholide Aefficiently severs actin filaments (31), whereas latrunculin B,as shown above, does not reliably depolymerize SMA filamentsin focal adhesions. Rat-2 cells were incubated with collagen-coated beads, treated with actin-depolymerization agents, sub-jected to tensile forces, and immunoblotted for p38, phospho-p38, and GAPDH. Swinholide A strongly inhibited p38phosphorylation after force application, but latrunculin B ex-erted no significant effect (Fig. 3B). Quantification of phospho-

p38 content normalized to p38 content demonstrated that swin-holide A significantly inhibited force-induced p38 activationcompared with controls and latrunculin B treatment (Fig. 3C;p � 0.01 at 15, 30, and 45 min after force). Thus actin filamentsare required for force-induced p38 activation in theRat-2 model.

We employed an alternative strategy to reduce actin fila-ment content by using short term plating of Rat-2 cells prior toexamining force-induced p38 phosphorylation. When Rat-2cells were incubated overnight on tissue culture plastic, theyshowed abundant SMA expression and exhibited prominentactin filaments as assessed by rhodamine phalloidin staining.In contrast, 45 min after plating, cells showed no significantstaining of actin filaments (Fig. 3D). With this same approach,cells were plated for 20 min or were plated overnight, incubatedwith beads (10 min), and subjected to force application for 15min (total time � 45 min). Phase contrast microscopy showedthat the relative abundance of bead binding to cells after shortterm plating or overnight plating was equivalent (data notshown). Immunoblotting of cell lysates showed that cells platedovernight (with abundant actin filaments, Fig. 3D) exhibitedgreatly increased p38 phosphorylation after force application,whereas cells with minimal levels of filaments (short termplating) showed little increase of force-induced phosphorylationof p38. Collectively, these results suggest that p38 activation byapplied force depends on actin filaments.

As TGF-� can increase SMA content in fibroblasts (16), wedetermined whether increasing SMA levels with TGF-� altersforce-induced phosphorylation of p38. Immunohistochemistryshowed low but detectable levels of SMA in unstimulated cells(Fig. 4A). After 48 h of incubation with TGF-� (10 ng/ml), therewas greatly enhanced SMA staining (Fig. 4B). Immunoblotting

FIG. 3. Actin filaments are required for mechanical force-induced p38 activation. A, Rat-2 cells were immunoblotted for �, �, �, and �p38 isoforms. Positive control cells are 3T3 fibroblasts. B, cells loaded with collagen-coated beads were treated with swinholide A (Swin A; 0.1 �M;20 min), latrunculin B (Lat B; 1 �M, 30 min) or vehicle (C), subjected to tensile force for the indicated times, immunoblotted for p38, phospho-p38,and GAPDH. Ultraviolet light was used as a positive control for phosphorylation of p38. C, quantification of inhibition of phospho-p38 contentnormalized to p38 content. Data are means of ratios of densitometric scans of immunoblots (p � 0.05 for swinholide A treatment compared withcontrol and latrunculin B treatments; representative experiment from three separate experiments). D, Rat-2 cells recently plated (45 min) or platedovernight (O/N) in tissue culture dishes. Top panels, cells plated for 45 min show minimal staining with rhodamine phalloidin compared with cellsplated overnight. Bottom, cells plated overnight with abundant actin filaments show increased phospho-p38 after force application (F), whereascells with minimal filaments exhibit low levels of tensile force-induced phosphorylation of p38. NF, no force.

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confirmed that in Rat-2 cells, SMA was increased �2-fold byTGF-�1 treatment, but there was no significant effect of TGF-�on phosphorylation of p38 (Fig. 4C). As TGF-�1 treatmentcould also alter the number of bound collagen beads availablefor force application, we used flow cytometry to measure bind-ing of fluorescent collagen beads to cells. In this assay, collagenbead binding was reduced �2.1-fold by TGF-�1, indicating thatTGF-� could not increase force-induced SMA by simply increas-ing the number of bound collagen beads available for forcegeneration. Densitometry of immunoblots for p38 and phospho-p38 showed increased p38 phosphorylation after 15 min in cellspretreated with TGF-�1 compared with controls (1.5- versus2-fold; p � 0.01; Fig. 4D), even though bead binding was sig-nificantly less in the TGF-�1-treated cells. These data indicatethat the relative abundance of SMA affects force-induced phos-phorylation of p38.

Inhibition of SMA by RNAi—We used RNAi to reduce SMAselectively and thereby assess its role in force-induced p38phosphorylation. We first determined whether RNAi for SMAcould inhibit SMA expression in Rat-2 cells using duplexes of21-nucleotide SMA siRNA. Immunohistochemical staining ofRat-2 cells showed abundant SMA in cells treated with thevehicle control or with an irrelevant 21-nucleotide siRNA togreen fluorescent protein (Fig. 5A). Cells treated with SMARNAi exhibited little or no detectable staining for SMA. Wenext induced higher levels of SMA expression by incubation

with TGF-�1, and we evaluated the effect of RNAi on SMAcontent. There was strong staining for SMA in vehicle-treatedcontrols and in controls treated with irrelevant RNAi (Fig. 5A).In contrast, cells treated with SMA RNAi showed only veryweak staining for SMA that was comparable with the stainingintensity of unstimulated Rat-2 cells that were subsequentlytreated with RNAi. In cultures treated with RNAi for SMA,there was no detectable effect on vimentin content, a marker ofmesenchymal cells (Fig. 5B). Northern analysis of SMA and�-actin in cells previously transfected with SMA RNAi showedthat the relative abundance of SMA transcripts was reduced byRNAi, but there was no effect on �-actin mRNA (Fig. 5C).Immunoblots of TGF-�-induced cells probed for SMA, �-actin,and vimentin showed that SMA RNAi selectively reduced SMAprotein content (Fig. 5D). We quantified the effect of SMARNAi in immunoblots by densitometry and normalized blotdensity to �-actin content. In unstimulated fibroblasts, SMARNAi reduced SMA content by 70% compared with controls(p � 0.01). In TGF-�1-treated cells, SMA RNAi reduced SMAcontent by 85% (p � 0.01; Fig. 5E). Thus RNAi can selectivelysuppress SMA expression to low levels.

SMA RNAi Inhibits Tension-induced p38 Phosphoryla-tion—We determined whether knockdown of SMA affects phos-phorylation of p38 and other MAP kinases in response to ap-plied tensile forces. Cells that were pretreated with RNAi wereexposed to exogenous force application through magnetite

FIG. 4. TGF-� increased SMA ex-pression and increases of force-in-duced p38 phosphorylation. A and B,TGF-� treatment for 48 h induces SMA.C, immunoblots of SMA, p38 and phos-pho-p38 and �-actin content in cells with-out (�) or following (�) TGF-� treatment(10 ng/ml; 48 h). D, force application (15min) to cells with TGF-�-induced in-creases of SMA content promotes in-creased p38 phosphorylation comparedwith untreated control cells with lowerlevels of SMA (p � 0.05; n � 3 replicates).Data are mean density ratios S.E. Bot-tom, immunoblots of phospho-p38 andp38 in untreated Rat-2 cells and in TGF-�-induced cells after 15 min of force ap-plication. NF, no force; F, force.

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beads and immunoblotted for phosphorylated and total p38,JNK, and ERK as well as SMA and �-actin. As expected,immunoblots of SMA and �-actin showed reduced SMA contentby RNAi, but there was no effect on �-actin content (Fig. 6A). Incells transfected with RNAi to SMA or vehicle control, afterforce application (0–45 min), there were time-dependent in-creases of phosphorylated p38 (Fig. 6A). In control cells, p38phosphorylation was increased to maximum levels at 20 minafter force, whereas in cells treated with SMA RNAi, p38 phos-phorylation was 50% weaker and peaked later (p � 0.05; 30min to peak; Fig. 6B). In cells transfected with RNAi to SMA,force did not affect ERK phosphorylation, whereas cells treatedwith phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (as a positive control)showed abundant phospho-ERK (Fig. 6C). Similarly, force hadno effect on JNK, whereas stimulation with ultraviolet light(positive control) activated JNK (Fig. 6D).

As the data above (Fig. 3) indicated that force-induced p38phosphorylation was dependent on the presence of well devel-oped actin filaments, we determined whether cells transfectedwith SMA RNAi showed marked loss of actin filaments. Simul-taneous immunostaining for SMA and rhodamine phalloidinshowed that whereas RNAi greatly reduced SMA, there wasabundant rhodamine phalloidin staining, nearly equivalent tothat of controls (Fig. 6E). Thus the reduction of force-inducedp38 phosphorylation was not due to a global loss of actin fila-ments as shown in the experiments in Fig. 3 but was attribut-able to selective reduction of SMA.

Because mechanical force-induced regulation of SMA contentis dependent on the basal levels of SMA in cardiac fibroblasts(22), we determined whether exogenously applied tensile forcescan regulate SMA in Rat-2 fibroblasts. Cells were subjected toapplied static tensile forces using collagen-coated magnetitebeads. Densitometric analysis of immunoblots for SMA and�-actin showed that SMA was increased by mechanical force

(Fig. 7A). Preincubation of cells with the p38 inhibitorSB203580, or with swinholide A or the Rho-associated kinaseinhibitor Y27632, blocked force-induced increases of SMA. Incontrast, latrunculin B exerted no significant effect. These re-sults indicated that force-induced SMA requires p38 and Rhoactivation as well as SMA filaments. Furthermore, the datasuggested that SMA and p38 phosphorylation may be mutuallydependent. Accordingly, we considered that SMA might medi-ate force-induced p38 phosphorylation by providing dockingsites for phospho-p38 in the mechanotransduction pathway.Rat-2 cells were incubated with collagen beads and were sub-jected to force. Cell extracts were immunoprecipitated withantibody to SMA. Immunoblotting of immunoprecipitates forphospho-p38 showed that force application enhanced the asso-ciation of phospho-p38 with SMA but not of p38 with SMA.Furthermore, the force-induced association of SMA with phos-pho-p38 was insensitive to latrunculin (Fig. 7B), whereas swin-holide completely disrupted binding of phospho-p38 to SMA(data not shown).

Role of Rho in Force-induced p38 Phosphorylation—The gen-eration of contractile forces by fibroblasts is enhanced by SMA(12, 15) but is dependent also on Rho, a Ras-related GTPasethat regulates actin filament assembly (32, 33). As the ROCKinhibitor Y27632 blocked force-induced increases of SMA con-tent, we asked if force induces Rho activity. Rho activationassays showed that within 15 min after force application therewas a significant increase (�50%; p � 0.01) of activated Rhocompared with cells without force (Fig. 8A). As the Rho-asso-ciated kinase is an effector for Rho (34) and helps to maintainsustained contractile forces in cells (35), we examined the im-pact of ROCK on the assembly of SMA into actin filaments andstress fiber formation in Rat-2 cells. Rat-2 cells were incubatedwith Y27632 (10 �M) without serum in overnight cultures.Rhodamine phalloidin staining showed that Y27632 slightly

FIG. 5. SMA knock down by RNAi. A, immunostaining for SMA in Rat-2 (controls) or TGF-�-induced cells shows large reductions of stainingintensity after transfection with SMA RNAi but no change with vehicle control (VC) or treatment with irrelevant RNAi (green fluorescent protein).In TGF-�-induced cells, RNAi also effectively reduces SMA. B, immunostaining for vimentin in control and TGF-�-induced cells shows no changeof staining intensity after transfection with SMA RNAi or with vehicle control. C, Northern blotting of SMA and �-actin in cells after transfectionwith SMA RNAi show very large reductions of SMA content but no effect on �-actin content. D, immunoblots of SMA, �-actin, and vimentin in Rat-2cells and in TGF-�-induced cells after transfection show that RNAi reduces SMA content, but there is no effect on �-actin and vimentin.Quantification of reduction of SMA content normalized to �-actin content. Data are densitometric scans of immunoblots. NT, no treatment controls.(Mean S.E. of ratios; p � 0.05 for RNAi compared with controls with or without TGF-�; n � 3 replicates.)

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FIG. 6. RNAi for SMA inhibits tensile force-induced p38 phosphorylation. A, in cells transfected with vehicle RNAi, after force applicationfor 0–45 min, there are sharp, time-dependent increases of phospho-p38 in vehicle controls (0–20 min). After RNAi for SMA, p38 phosphorylationwas attenuated and slower to peak. B, line graphs of mean S.E. of ratios of phospho-p38/p38 blot density show that RNAi for SMA reduces p38activation at 10 and 20 min after force application (p � 0.05; three replicates). C and D, in cells transfected with RNAi to SMA or with vehiclecontrols (VC), force does not affect phosphorylation of ERK or JNK in response to force. Cells treated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)or ultraviolet light (UV) are positive controls and exhibit abundant phospho-ERK and phospho-JNK. E, immunostaining of SMA and rhodaminephalloidin staining of actin filaments in RNAi-treated Rat-2 cells show no change of actin filaments despite decreased SMA staining by RNAi.

FIG. 7. A, force-induced SMA requiresp38 and Rho activation and SMA fila-ments. Immunoblots of SMA in cellstreated with tensile force (4 h) with vehi-cle or with p38 inhibitor SB203580 (10�M), swinholide A (Swin A; 0.1 �M, 20min), latrunculin B (Lat B; 1 �M, 30 min),or ROCK inhibitor Y27632 (10 �M; over-night). Histograms of densitometric scansof immunoblots for SMA and �-actin. Cal-culation of ratio of SMA:�-actin (n � 3separate experiments; data are means S.E.). B, force promotes association ofphospho-p38 with SMA. Rat-2 fibroblastswere preincubated with vehicle control orwith latrunculin B (Lat B; 1 �M, 30 min)and then subjected to force or no force.Cell extracts were immunoprecipitatedwith antibody to SMA. The immunopre-cipitated material (IP) and remaining su-pernatant (Sup) were separated by 10%SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for phos-pho-p38 and p38. A whole cell lysate ofUV-treated cells is shown as a positivecontrol for phospho-p38.

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inhibited stress fiber formation compared with untreated con-trols (Fig. 8B). Cytoskeletal pellets were prepared and immu-noblotted for SMA. Compared with vehicle-treated controls,treatment with Y27632 reduced SMA incorporation into actinfilaments by 3-fold (Fig. 8B). Furthermore, Y27632 increasedthe amount of SMA binding to DNase from undetectable levelsin controls to readily detectable amounts. There were no sig-nificant changes in the relative amounts of �-actin in the cy-toskeletal pellet or the fraction that bound to DNase (Fig. 8B),consistent with the rather small impact of this inhibitor onrhodamine phalloidin-stained filaments and stress fibers. AsROCK appeared to be important for the assembly of SMA intoactin filaments but did not exert a strong effect on �-actin inRat-2 cells, we asked if inhibition of ROCK would block force-induced p38 activation. Immunoblot analysis of phospho-p38 incells preincubated with Y27632 (10 �M, overnight) prior to forceapplication showed that inhibition of ROCK strongly blockedforce-induced p38 phosphorylation (Fig. 8C).

Activation of SMA Promoter Activity by p38—The data de-scribed above showed that exogenously applied tensile forcesincreased both SMA expression and p38 phosphorylation inRat-2 fibroblasts. Furthermore, knockdown of SMA inhibitedforce-induced p38 activation, whereas blocking phosphoryla-tion of p38 inhibited force-induced increases of SMA. In view ofthese findings, we asked if phosphorylation of p38 alone wassufficient for enhanced SMA promoter activity. To eliminatethe potentially confounding effect of p38 binding to endogenous

SMA on the p38 regulation of the SMA promoter, we conductedtransfection experiments using ROS 17/2.8 cells that do notexpress SMA in the absence of force (8). Cells were co-trans-fected with plasmids containing an SMA promoter (547 bp)construct fused to �-galactosidase and either pCMV-MKK6�

(constitutively active MKK6), pCMV-p38FLAG (constitutivelyactive p38), pCMV-38WT (constitutively active p38), or pCMV-p38 DF (dominant negative p38) in which either MKK6 or p38expression is under the control of a CMV promoter. Cells werealso co-transfected with an RSV luciferase plasmid as an inter-nal loading control. Co-transfection of cells with either pCMV-MKK6�, pCMV-p38 WT, or pCMV-p38FLAG expression vec-tors with SMA p547 increased �-galactosidase reporter enzymeactivity. In contrast, transfection of the dominant negativepCMV-p38 slightly reduced SMA promoter activity (Fig. 9).These results indicated that activation of the SMA promoterrequires p38 phosphorylation.

We next asked if force can stimulate p38 acutely with orwithout SMA. We used TGF-� (10 ng/ml for 48 h) to increaseSMA levels and then applied force to either TGF-�-treated cells(SMA-positive) or to untreated cells (SMA-negative). Immuno-blotting showed very low levels of SMA in untreated cells (Fig.9B), and after force application (0–45 min), there were nodetectable increases of phosphorylated p38. Stimulation of cellswith ultraviolet light as a positive control showed phosphoryl-ation of p38 in these cells. After 48 h of incubation with TGF-�(10 ng/ml), immunoblotting showed abundant SMA, and in

FIG. 8. Impact of Rho activation on force-induced p38 phosphorylation. A, densitometry of immunoblots of activated Rho and total Rhoin cells with and without force treatment (15 min). Data are mean S.E. of ratios of active/total Rho. Force significantly increases Rho activation(p � 0.05; n � 3 replicates). F, force; NF, no force. B, top panels, ROCK inhibitor Y27632 (10 �M; overnight) only slightly inhibits phalloidin stainingcompared with vehicle-treated controls. Bottom panels, F-actin (cytoskeletal pellet) and G-actin (DNase I binding) assays show that Rho inhibitorY27632 (10 �M; overnight) inhibits assembly of SMA filaments compared with untreated controls. Y27632 has no significant effect on relativeabundance of �-actin filaments. C, immunoblot analysis of phospho-p38 and p38 protein content in cells preincubated with Y27632 (10 �M,overnight) prior to force application for times indicated below each blot. Density of each blot was quantified and data are mean S.E. of ratios ofphospho-p38/p38 blot density. ROCK inhibitor significantly reduces p38 activation at all time periods (p � 0.01; n � 3 separate experiments).

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these cells, following exposure to exogenous force, there weretime-dependent increases of phosphorylated p38 (Fig. 9B). Wealso used cell culture-induced tensile force to determinewhether tensile force-induced SMA could enhance phosphoryl-ation of p38 by applied force. Cells were cultured overnight(undetectable SMA) or for 4 days to induce SMA by cell culture-induced tensile force. Only in cells with force-induced SMA wasphosphorylated p38 detected after tensile force application bycollagen beads (Fig. 9C). Collectively, these results indicatedthat activation of p38 phosphorylation requires SMAexpression.

We determined whether force-induced activation of the SMApromoter was regulated by p38. Cells were transfected witheither the SMA promoter and RSV or with the SMA promoter,RSV, and pCMV-p38DR (dominant negative p38). Cells weresubjected to force for 4 h, and promoter activity was analyzed(Fig. 9D). Dominant negative p38 blocked force-induced in-creases of SMA promoter activity, whereas cells transfectedwithout the dominant negative p38 showed a 2-fold increase ofSMA promoter activity (p � 0.01).


SMA is an actin isoform that is associated with increasedcontractile force generation during wound healing (21) and is aphenotypic marker of myofibroblasts (36). We considered herethat SMA is also a critical element in the mechanotransduction

pathway. Our data show that SMA is a central component of amechanically induced, feed-forward amplification loop that syn-ergizes force-induced SMA expression with p38 activation. Pre-vious work has established that p38 activation is an importantmechanotransduction process in fibroblasts (2, 5, 6, 19). Con-versely, our findings of a specific requirement for SMA in medi-ating p38 activation suggest that this actin isoform could partic-ipate in a feed-forward amplification loop; cells that express SMAare more likely to activate p38 after force application, and thesecells will consequently exhibit even greater SMA expressionwhen stimulated by tensile forces. Thus force-induced SMA ex-pression and p38 activation are mutually co-dependent.

SMA Incorporation into Matrix Receptor Complexes Requires�2�1 Integrin—Integrins physically associate with cytoskeletalproteins and may be mechanosensory (37, 38). Collagen canbind to several integrins, one of which, the �2�1 integrin, isrequired for matrix contraction (39) and for mechanotranscrip-tional coupling of cytoskeletal proteins such as filamin A (2, 6).Our immunohistochemical and immunoblotting data of colla-gen bead-associated proteins showed that both SMA and thefocal adhesion protein vinculin are enriched in collagen recep-tor adhesion complexes mediated by the �2�1 integrin. Incontrast, �-actin recruitment into collagen adhesion complexeswas not specifically mediated by the �2�1 integrin and isinstead possibly associated with other collagen receptors in-

FIG. 9. A, transcriptional activation of SMA requires constitutive activation of p38. Cells were transfected with �-galactosidase reporterconstructs driven by the SMA promoter (P547) in which the whole promoter is present. Cells were co-transfected with CMV-p38 constructsincluding pCMV-MKK6� (constitutively active MKK6), pCMV-p38FLAG (constitutively active p38), pCMV-38WT (constitutively active p38), andpCMV-p38DN (dominant negative p38). In all constructs, p38 and MKK6 expression are under the control of a CMV promoter. RSV-luciferaseconstruct was co-transfected as an internal loading control. Cell extracts were prepared with a detergent lysis method. �-Galactosidase reporterenzyme activity was measured with an enzyme assay system (Roche Applied Science) and normalized to RSV luciferase activity as a transfectioncontrol. Data are mean S.E. of ratios of �-galactosidase to RSV luciferase activities (n � 3 replicates for all experiments; p � 0.01 for MKK-6,p38 WT and p38 FLAG constructs compared with p547 or dominant negative p38). B, TGF-�-induced SMA enhances phosphorylation of p38mediated by tensile force. ROS 17/2.8 cells were treated with vehicle control (minimal SMA) or with TGF-� (10 ng/ml; 48 h; abundant SMA). Afterforce application for 0–45 min, there are time-dependent increases of phospho-p38 in SMA abundant cells. Ultraviolet light (UV) was used as apositive control for phosphorylation of p38. C, force synergizes SMA-dependent p38 phosphorylation. ROS 17/2.8 cells were cultured overnight(undetectable SMA) or were cultured for 5 days on rigid culture dishes to induce tensile forces on cells. Tensile forces induced SMA (Force-inducedSMA). Cells were incubated with collagen beads and forces applied for the indicated times. Cells were immunoblotted for �-actin, SMA, andphosphorylated p38 as shown. D, force-induced activation of the SMA promoter is inhibited by dominant negative p38. Cells were co-transfectedwith the SMA promoter and RSV or with the SMA promoter, RSV, and pCMV-p38DN (dominant negative p38), subjected to force for 2 h, andanalyzed as described above. Dominant negative p38 blocks force-induced increases of SMA promoter activity (n � 3 replicates; p � 0.01 for cellswithout dominant negative p38 transfection).

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cluding the �3�1 integrin or the discoidin domain receptors(40). These data indicate that the selective incorporation ofSMA into �2�1 integrin collagen receptor complexes may pro-vide mechanical linker or mechanosensory functions (20).

SMA and Actin Assembly—Force transmission from the ex-tracellular matrix through focal adhesions and into the cy-toskeleton is evidently enhanced by SMA filaments. SMA is anabundant protein of stress fibers (17) and focal adhesions (19).We have shown here and others have found (18) that in fibro-blasts SMA is present almost exclusively as filaments. This isnotably different compared with other actin isoforms, much ofwhich is in monomeric form (our data and see Ref. 15). Forstudy of the functional importance of actin filaments in force-mediated p38 activation, we used swinholide A, a dilactone ringmacrolide that sequesters actin dimers and severs actin fila-ments (31). Our immunoblotting data showed that after sever-ing actin filaments with swinholide A, the incorporation ofSMA and vinculin into collagen receptor adhesion complexeswas blocked. We also used latrunculin B, an actin-monomersequestering agent that can depolymerize actin filaments (41),in an attempt to promote actin filament disassembly in colla-gen receptor complexes. However, possibly because of its rela-tively selective effects on actin filaments rapidly turning over(42), latrunculin B treatment did not dissociate SMA and vin-culin in collagen receptor complexes. These adhesion complexesare evidently more resistant to latrunculin and are not subjectto the depolymerization of filaments induced by swinholide.Indeed, low-dose latrunculin B treatment may selectively pre-serve more stable actin filaments that insert into cell attach-ments on the cell surface (43, 44).

SMA is required for focal adhesion maturation and for theinitial formation of cortical filament bundles in spreading ratlung myofibroblasts (29). SMA comprises up to 14% total actincontent (14) in well differentiated fibroblasts and up to 60–70%of total actin in smooth muscle cells (45, 46). By using G-actinbinding to DNase I, we estimated the relative SMA filamentcontent in Rat-2 cells. In untreated cells, �80% of the totalactin pool was polymerized, whereas virtually all of the SMApool was polymerized. Swinholide A rapidly converted a muchlarger fraction of SMA filaments to monomers than it did forthe total actin pool. These results indicate that in untreatedcells SMA is almost entirely present as filaments and thatproportionally more SMA is converted to monomers by swin-holide A than the other actin filament isoforms.

Actin Filaments and p38—The MAP kinase pathway is acrucial mediator of cell survival during environmental stress.Tensile forces activate p38 and induce p38 relocation to thenucleus (5). In endothelial cells, actin stress fiber formation islinked to increased p38 activity (47). We found that in Rat-2cells the tensile forces used here selectively activated p38 butnot JNK or ERK, as has been shown earlier in cardiac fibro-blasts (3). We also found that swinholide A strongly inhibitedp38 phosphorylation after force application, whereas latruncu-lin B (which did not depolymerize SMA and �-actin in adhesioncomplexes) did not suppress force-induced p38 activation. Theimportance of actin filaments for p38 activation after forceapplication was confirmed in experiments using recently platedcells to reduce actin filament content. These data showed thatactin filaments may provide a selective link by which mechan-ical forces can activate specific mechanotransduction elements.

p38 Activation and SMA—Analysis of SMA null mice hasestablished a central role for this actin isoform in regulatingvascular contractility and blood pressure homeostasis (48), butprior to the present report, the functional importance of SMA inmediating force-induced activation of p38 has not been demon-strated. We used RNAi (49) to selectively knockdown SMA and

thereby determine its functional role in force-induced p38 ac-tivation. Our results show that RNAi can selectively suppressSMA expression to low levels; the specificity of this approachwas demonstrated by its lack of effect on other marker genesfor fibroblasts (e.g. vimentin and �-actin).

Tension-induced activation of specific MAP kinases is de-pendent on basal levels of SMA (22), and activation of p38 inparticular increases fibronectin polymerization in fibroblasts(19). We measured activation of MAP kinases in response toexogenous tension after treatment of cells with RNAi for SMA.Phosphorylation of p38 was abrogated by SMA RNAi. Thus,p38 kinase activation and basal levels of SMA may be function-ally interdependent because we showed that tensile force-in-duced production of SMA requires p38 phosphorylation. Wealso found that RNAi for SMA had no detectable effect on theintegrity of filaments containing other actin isoforms, becausein cells treated with RNAi for SMA, filament formation (asjudged by rhodamine phalloidin staining) was indistinguish-able from controls. This finding implies that although SMAfilaments do not markedly influence overall cell morphology,they contribute significantly to force sensing in the mechano-transduction system (19) that leads to phosphorylation of p38.

Previous work has demonstrated force-sensitive elements inthe SMA promoter (8), but upstream signaling elements werenot identified. We have shown here in transfection experimentsusing cells with very low levels of endogenous SMA that p38phosphorylation is an important requirement for activation ofthe SMA promoter. Conversely, our data also show that SMA isimportant in regulating force-induced p38 activation. Accord-ingly, we asked if SMA filaments might contribute a scaffoldingfunction for mediating the force response as has been shownearlier for �-actin (24). Immunoprecipitation data showed thatforce application increased the relative amount of phospho-p38binding to SMA, although in contrast, binding of p38 to SMAwas almost undetectable after force. These findings indicatethat SMA may play a critical structural role in mediating earlymechanotransduction events by facilitating appropriate local-ization of phosphorylated p38 in the cell (16).

Rho- and SMA-dependent p38 Activation—Fibroblasts re-spond to either exogenous mechanical loading or cell-generatedtension by increased synthesis of matrix proteins and by aswitch to a myofibroblastic phenotype in which cells expressSMA (28, 50, 51). Our current results indicate that exogenouslyapplied mechanical forces can increase p38 activation over avery short time scale, a feature that facilitates experimentaldesign. With the use of this model, and with the knowledge thatRho and ROCK are involved in regulating actin assembly andcell-generated tension (34, 35), we studied the mechanism bywhich upstream regulators of actin assembly are involved inthe force-induced p38 activation pathway. Our results showedthat tensile forces significantly increase Rho activity and thatinhibition of ROCK blocks SMA filament assembly. As SMAassembly into actin filaments may be important in the force-induced p38 response, our finding that the ROCK inhibitorstrongly blocked force-induced p38 phosphorylation suggeststhat the ability of ROCK to mediate SMA assembly is a criticalrequirement for force-induced activation of p38.

In summary, we found that mechanical forces applied tocollagen beads activate p38 through an �2�1 integrin-SMAadhesion complex. This signaling pathway is dependent onROCK-mediated incorporation of SMA into actin filaments andis associated with the selective binding of phospho-p38 to SMAfilaments. As force-induced p38 activation and force-inducedSMA expression are mutually dependent, we suggest that SMAand p38 interact to synergize structural and sensory functionsin the tensile force mechanotransduction circuit.

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Acknowledgment—We thank Laura Silver for assistance in the prep-aration of the references.


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SMA Determines Mechanical Force-induced p38 Activation7284

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