Up-regulation of endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor but not vascular...


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Kai-Fai Le


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Up-regulation of endocrine gland-derived vascularendothelial growth factor but not vascular endothelialgrowth factor in human ectopic endometriotic tissueKai-Fai Lee, Ph.D.,a,b Yin-Lau Lee, Ph.D.,a Rachel W. S. Chan, Ph.D.,a Ana W. Y. Cheong, M.Sc.,a

Ernest H. Y. Ng, M.D.,a,b Pak-Chung Ho, M.D.,a,b and William S. B. Yeung, Ph.D.a,b

a Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and b Center for Reproduction, Development and Growth, LKS Faculty of

Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China

Objective: To study the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), endocrine gland-derived VEGF(EG-VEGF/PK1), and its receptors (PKR1 and PKR2) in eutopic and ectopic endometrial tissues.Design: A case-control study.Setting: University reproduction unit.Patient(s): Infertile women undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy for tubal patency.Intervention(s): Endometrial and endometriotic tissue sampling from women with and without endometriosis.Main Outcome Measure(s): Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of genes in eutopic andectopic endometrial tissues. The EG-VEGF protein was studied by immunohistochemistry.Result(s): In normal endometrium, EG-VEGF messenger RNA (mRNA) expression was 50-fold higher in the se-cretory than in the proliferative phase, but that of PKR1 was 6-fold higher in the latter than in the former. The PKR2transcript was detected in the proliferative but not the secretory endometrium. In patients with endometriosis, eu-topic endometrial PKR2 transcript level was 4-fold higher in the proliferative than in the secretory phase. No dif-ferences in EG-VEGF or PKR1 were found in proliferative versus secretory endometrium in these patients. Therewere no significant differences in the expression of EG-VEGF in eutopic endometrium of normal women and inthose with endometriosis. In the paired laser-captured microdissected eutopic endometrial and ectopic endometri-otic samples, a significantly higher EG-VEGF, but not VEGF, transcript level was detected in the ectopic whencompared with eutopic samples; whereas the expressions of PKR1 and PKR2 were barely detectable. TheH-scoring confirmed that the stroma of endometriotic samples had a significantly higher EG-VEGF protein expres-sion than that in the paired eutopic endometrium.Conclusion(s): High levels of EG-VEGF expression may play an important role in angiogenesis in endometriotictissues. (Fertil Steril� 2010;93:1052–60. �2010 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)

Key Words: Endometriosis, endometrium, laser-captured microdissection, EG-VEGF, PK1, PKR1, PKR2

Endometriosis refers to the presence of endometrial tissuesoutside the uterine cavity. It occurs spontaneously in humansand nonhuman primates, including baboons and macaques,but is rare in other animal species (1). Endometriosis is a com-mon gynecological disease affecting 6%–10% women of re-productive age. Affected women have higher risk than thegeneral female population in developing cancers, autoimmune

June 27, 2008; revised November 26, 2008; accepted

er 2, 2008; published online January 9, 2009.

nothing to disclose. Y.-L.L. has nothing to disclose. R.W.S.C.

ing to disclose. A.W.Y.C. has nothing to disclose. E.H.Y.N. has

to disclose. P.-C.H. has nothing to disclose. W.S.B.Y. has noth-


e and Yin-Lau Lee contributed equally to the work.

in part by grants from the General Research Fund, Research

ouncil (HKU 7395/04M and HKU 7514/05M) to P.-C.H. and

ttee on Research at Conference grants (CRCG) to K.-F.L.

uests: Kai-Fai Lee, Ph.D., Department of Obstetrics and Gyne-

The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, People’s

of China (FAX: 852-2816-1947; E-mail: ckflee@hkucc.hku.hk).

ertility and Sterility� Vol. 93, No. 4, March 1, 2010opyright ª2010 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, P

and atopic disorders (2). Its etiology and pathophysiology arestill unclear. Endometrial tissues in the uterus (eutopic) andoutside the uterine cavity (ectopic) respond to the cyclicchanges of steroid hormones. However, the proportions of es-trogen (E) and P receptors, as well as the histology are differentbetween paired eutopic and ectopic endometrial samples (3–5).

Angiogenesis is important in the development of endome-triosis (6–8). Angiostatic treatment reduces the number ofendometriotic lesions at implantation in the chick chorioallan-toic membrane model (9) and after implantation, in the nudemice model (10). Various growth factors, including vascularendothelial growth factor (VEGF), have been found to be as-sociated with angiogenesis in endometriosis (6, 10, 11).

Endocrine gland-derived VEGF (EG-VEGF) belongs tothe prokineticin family. It is also known as prokineticin 1(PK1), and shares about 44% amino acid homology with pro-kineticin 2 (PK2) or Bv8 (12). The EG-VEGF was previously

0015-0282/10/$36.00ublished by Elsevier Inc. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2008.12.001

thought to be selectively expressed in steroidogenic glandsand stimulate the growth of endocrine gland endothelium(13). It promotes proliferation, survival, and chemotaxis ofendothelial cells from steriodogenic tissue, such as adrenalcortex capillary endothelial cells (14), but not those fromother tissues, such as human umbilical vein endothelial cellsand other nonendothelial cell types (12, 13). Although EG-VEGF is structurally distinct from VEGF, they induce similarangiogenic responses in the ovary (15, 16).

The EG-VEGF acts through G-protein coupled receptors,PKR1 and PKR2 (17, 18), and induces mitogen-activatedprotein kinase and Akt serine/threonine kinase phosphoryla-tion in bovine adrenal capillary endothelial cells (17),HEK293 (18), adrenal cortex-derived endothelial cells (19),neuroblastoma cell line (20), and human uterine microvascu-lar endothelial cell (21). Human PKR1 and PKR2 shared 85%amino acid identity and are most divergent in their amino-terminal sequences (18).

Prokineticins and their receptors are likely to be involvedin reproduction, as they are expressed in male reproductivetissues including testis and prostate (22, 23), and in female re-productive tissues such as ovary, uterus, and various tissuesduring pregnancy (16, 24, 25). The EG-VEGF has alsobeen implicated in the pathology of the reproductive tract(26), including Leydig cell neoplasms (27), prostate cancer(23), ovarian carcinoma (15), and polycystic ovarian syn-drome (PCOS) (16). Whether EG-VEGF is involved in endo-metriosis is unclear. During early pregnancy and in hypoxicconditions, hypoxia-inducible factor-1a binds to the pro-moter of EG-VEGF and PKR1 leading to up-regulation ofthese genes in the placenta (13, 25, 26).

Interestingly, transient hypoxia also up-regulates hypoxia-inducible factor-1a and induces the expression of VEGFin endometrium (28) and transplanted endometriosis-likelesions (29). In the mice model, suppression of hypoxia-in-ducible factor-1a decreases VEGF production and inhibitsgrowth of the transplanted endometriosis-like lesions (29).

Recently, EG-VEGF was found to be expressed in nonen-docrine tissues including endometrium (26, 30, 31). In humanendometrium, EG-VEGF is highly expressed in the secretoryphase of the menstrual cycle when active angiogenesis occurs(30, 31). The facts that EG-VEGF is detected only in steroid(E2 and P) treated endometrial epithelial and stromal cells,and is up-regulated in the peri-implantation endometrium af-ter gonadotropin stimulation and hormone replacement ther-apy suggests that the production of EG-VEGF is hormonedependent (30, 31). Despite all these observations, the func-tion of EG-VEGF in the uterus remains unknown.

Inview of the importance of angiogenesis in the developmentand progression of endometriosis, the involvement of multiplefactors in the regulation of angiogenesis and hypoxia-induciblefactor-1a target genes in endometriosis, and the potential angio-genic role of EG-VEGF in endometrium, we hypothesized thataberrant expression of EG-VEGF could be associated with thepathogenesis of endometriosis. In this study, we used a laser mi-

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crodissection technique to isolate paired human eutopic and ec-topic endometriotic biopsies for real-time polymerase chainreaction (PCR) analysis on VEGF, EG-VEGF, and PKR1 andPKR2 messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. The increased ex-pression of EG-VEGF mRNA and protein in ectopic endo-metriotic tissues suggests that this molecule is associated withthe progression of the disease.


Human Subjects

Infertile women with endometriosis, shown on diagnosticlaparoscopy for assessment of tubal patency, were recruited.The eutopic endometrial samples from these diseased women(n¼ 15) were obtained by pipelle. The American Society forReproductive Medicine (ASRM) revised American FertilitySociety (AFS) scoring was used to classify the stages of thedisease. Eutopic endometrial samples were also taken from33 normal women who had no endometriosis as determinedby laparoscopic examination and had regular menstrual cy-cles. There were no difference between the mean age (nor-mal: 33 years, range 24–39 years; endometriosis: 34 years,range 29–38 years, P>.05) and mean cycle length (normal:30 days, range 26–35 days; endometriosis: 30 days, range25–35 days, P>.05) of the normal and the diseased groups.For the paired eutopic and ectopic endometriotic samples(n ¼ 16), tissues at proliferative phase (n ¼ 4) and secretoryphase (n ¼ 12) were obtained from women with endometri-osis (age: 31–49 years). All recruited subjects had not re-ceived any anti-inflammatory or hormonal medication forat least 3 months before the sample collection. The classifica-tion of the endometrial samples into proliferative or secretoryphases was based on the day of the last menstrual period andwas confirmed by endometrial histology (32). The Institu-tional Review Board (IRB) of the University of HongKong/Hospital Authority Hong Kong West Cluster hadapproved the protocol of the study and informed consentwas received from each subject.

Laser-captured Microdissection and Real-time PCR

The endometrial and endometriotic tissues were snap-frozen,embedded in optimal cutting temperature (OCT) medium andcut into 6-mm thick sections at �20

�C. Ectopic endometrial

samples containing glandular and stromal cells were isolatedby laser-captured microdissection to avoid contamination byovarian stromal tissue. Eutopic endometrial samples wereprocessed similarly as sham procedure before RNA extrac-tion. In brief, frozen tissue sections were mounted on a mem-brane slide with a 2-mm thick membrane framed byaluminum and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E)for histologic examination. After drying in air for 10 minutes,the membrane slide was placed on a regular glass slide, whichwas put on the microscopic stage with the membrane slidefacing up (Leica DM IRB; Leica Microsystems Ltd., Wetzlar,Germany). Glandular and stomal tissues were microdissectedusing a laser beam (VSL-337ND-S nitrogen laser; Laser Sci-ence Inc., Franklin, MA) and picked up by the capturing caps.


The attached tissues were then put directly into microcentri-fuge tubes. RNA from three captured tissues were extractedwith the Absolute RNA Miniprep Kit (Stratagene, La Jolla,CA), as described previously (33) and eluted with 30 mL ofdistilled water. One-third of the total RNAs from each samplewere reverse-transcribed into complementary DNA (cDNA)using the First-strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (Amersham Phar-macia, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom). Real-time PCRanalysis of human VEGF, EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 tran-scripts were performed using an ABI 7500 Sequence Detec-tor (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). MultiplexPCR reactions were carried out in a 20-mL reaction mixturecontaining 2 mL of sample cDNA, 10 mL 2� TaqMan Univer-sal PCR Master Mix, 1 mL of 18S internal control, and 1 mLof 20� Assays-on-Demand Gene Expression Assays (PEApplied Biosystems) in triplicate. The quantitative PCR ex-periment was repeated three times for the 16 pairs of RNAsamples. Quantitative analysis was done by the software sup-plied with the ABI 7500 Sequence Detector. The thresholdcycles (Ct) for each reaction were calculated and used forquantifying the amount of starting template in the reaction.A difference of Ct values (DCt) was obtained by subtractingthe Ct value of 18S from the Ct value of the genes of interest.The relative gene expression values were calculated by the2�DDCt method (34). The relative amount of the transcriptof interest in the normal sample (X) and the diseased sample(Y) after normalization to an endogenous reference (18S)was calculated as 2�DDCt, where DCt is the difference in Ctbetween the gene of interest and 18S, and DDCt is the differ-ence for sample X and Y (i.e., DCtX�DCtY). The expressionlevels in normal endometrium or in proliferative phases wereused as calibrators for different PCR experiments.

Immunohistochemical Staining

Antibody against human EG-VEGF was obtained from R&DSystems (MAB1209; Minneapolis, MN). Frozen endometrialand testicular sections were acetone and then methanol fixedfor 5 minutes and the tissues were blocked by 10% rabbitserum in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 30 minutes. A1:100 dilution of the antibody was used and the tissues sectionswere incubated at 4

�C overnight. The tissues were washed five

times with PBS, incubated with 1:300 diluted rabbit antimousebiotinylated secondary antibody for 60 minutes, and were in-cubated with the ABC complex (Vectastain ABC kit, Vector,Burlingame, CA) for 30 minutes. Specific signal were visual-ized by 3, 30 Diaminobenzidine (DAB) staining and the tissueswere counterstained with hematoxylin. Semiquantitativeassessment of staining (n¼ 12) was done on five fields of ep-ithelial and stromal tissues by H score (35), which was calcu-lated as: H score ¼ SPi(i þ 1), where i ¼ staining intensitygraded as 0, 1, 2, and 3 with 3 being the highest intensity,and Pi ¼ percentage of tissue staining at each intensity.

Statistical Analysis

Data were analyzed using the SigmaPlot software package(Jandel Scientific, San Rafael, CA). Statistical analysis was

1054 Lee et al. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissu

performed by Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U test orpaired t-test as appropriate. Linear associations of ASRM’sclassification revised AFS scores on the endometriosis pa-tients with EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 mRNA expressionwere tested using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. A P value< .05 was considered statistically significant.


Expression of EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 in Normal andEutopic Endometrial Tissues

To determine whether there were differences in the mRNAexpression levels of EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 betweeneutopic endometrium from normal women (n ¼ 33) and eu-topic endometrium of diseased women with endometriosis(n ¼ 15), tissue samples were divided into four groups: nor-mal proliferative endometrium (n¼ 14), normal secretory en-dometrium (n ¼ 19), eutopic proliferative endometrium withendometriosis (n ¼ 9), and eutopic secretory endometriumwith endometriosis (n ¼ 6). The relative expression of thethree transcripts was normalized to 18S and calculated bythe equation: 2-DDCt using the proliferative phase normal en-dometrium as calibrator. It was found that normal endome-trium at the secretory phase expressed significantly (P<.05)higher EG-VEGF (50-fold) but lower PKR1 (6-fold)mRNA when compared with that of the normal proliferativephase samples (Table 1, Fig. 1A,B). The PKR2 transcript wasdetected in the normal proliferative endometrium but not inthe normal secretory endometrium. (Table 1, Fig. 1C). Theexpression of PKR2 in the eutopic proliferative endometriumfrom patients with endometriosis (Table 1, Fig. 1C) was sig-nificantly higher (4-fold, P<.05) than that in the eutopic se-cretory endometrium. However, no difference was found inEG-VEGF and PKR1 expression between the proliferativeand secretory eutopic endometria from patients with endome-triosis (Fig. 1A,B). When the expression of the three genes inendometrial biopsies of the same menstrual phase was com-pared, no difference was found between the normal and theendometriosis groups. The revised AFS scores of the endo-metriosis patients ranges from 1–85 with a median value of4. Analysis of the relationship between revised AFS scoresof the endometriosis patients and the mRNA expression ofEG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 had a coefficient of correlation(r) of�0.136, 0.0122, and�0.0152, respectively (P>.05), in-dicating that the gene expressions were not correlated withthe revised AFS scores (data not shown).

Expression of EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 in the PairedEutopic and Ectopic Endometriotic Samples

We further analyzed the expression of VEGF and EG-VEGFmRNA in an additional 16 paired human endometriotic sam-ples (Fig. 2A) in which 4 were in proliferative and 12 were insecretory phases by real-time PCR. The laser-captured mi-crodissection isolated tissues from eutopic and ectopic sam-ples contained a mixture of glandular and stromal tissues.Multiplex real-time PCR were carried out and the datawere normalized with 18S and calculated by the equation:

es Vol. 93, No. 4, March 1, 2010

TABLE 1Messenger RNA expression of EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 in eutopic endometria of normal women anddiseased women with endometriosis.


Normal women Women with endometriosis

Proliferative Secretory Proliferative Secretory

EG-VEGF 0.03a (5.2 � 10-6–1.0) 1.50a (0–27.9) 0.04 (2.9 � 10-4–0.6) 0.28 (2.0 � 10-4–5.6)PKR1 3.92b (0–23.4) 0.64b (0–6.7) 1.89 (0.1–5.5) 0.43 (0–2.1)PKR2 0.75c (0–6.6) 0c (0–1.0) 0.93d (0–10.7) 0.24d (0–1.2)

Note: The transcript expression levels were expressed as median of threshold cycle values (ranges). P< .05 whencompared with the proliferative phase. EG-VEGF ¼ endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor;PKR1 ¼ prokineticin receptor 1; PKR2 ¼ prokineticin receptor 2.

a,b,c,d Statistically different (P< .05) between groups.

Lee. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissues. Fertil Steril 2010.

2�DDCt using the ectopic endometrium as calibrator. No sig-nificant difference was found in VEGF expression (Fig. 2B)between the eutopic and ectopic endometriotic samples(1.922 vs. 1.151, P>.05), but a significant increase inEG-VEGF expression (Fig. 2B) between the eutopic and ec-topic endometriotic samples (0.140 vs. 2.131, P¼.00879)was observed. Subgroup analysis of the secretory phase sam-ples demonstrated that the expression of EG-VEGF inectopic endometrium is significantly higher than that of theeutopic endometrium (0.202 vs. 1.970, P¼.0159), whereasno significant change in VEGF expression was found. Verylow or undetectable expression of PKR1 and PKR2 were ob-served (i.e., Ct value close to 40 cycles), in the eutopic andectopic endometriotic samples (data not shown).

EG-VEGF Protein Expression in Ectopic EndometrioticTissues

Immunohistochemical staining was performed using EG-VEGF antibody on frozen paired endometrial tissues. TheEG-VEGF immunoreactivity was strongly localized to theglandular and luminal epithelium of the eutopic endometrialsamples (Fig. 3A) and the expression of EG-VEGF in the stro-mal cells was weak. In ectopic endometriotic samples, intenseEG-VEGF immunostaining was found in the stromal cells (Fig.3B). No immunostaining was found when the primary antibodywas omitted (Fig. 3C). The specificity of the antibody was con-firmed when frozen human testicular section was used (Fig. 3D)and specific signal was observed in the Leydig cells of the testis.The expression of EG-VEGF protein in 12 pairs of endometri-otic samples was determined by H scoring (Fig. 3E,F). Signif-icant difference was found in the stromal cells (median andrange: 1.5 [0.5–2.4] vs. 0.5 [0–2.2], P ¼ .011), but not in theglandular epithelium (median and range: 1.4 [0.2–2.0] vs. 1.5[1.0–2.4], P>.05) of ectopic and eutopic sample, respectively.


The expression of EG-VEGF in human endometrium was up-regulated in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle (Fig.

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1A), consistent with a steroid regulatory mechanism of EG-VEGF production. Higher expression of EG-VEGF wasalso found in the gonadotropin-stimulated cycle when com-pared with the natural cycle of patients undergoing assistedreproduction treatment (ART) (30). The hormonal regulationof EG-VEGF expression by P has also been demonstratedusing cultured endometrial tissues (31). Furthermore, ourrecent study demonstrated that E or P stimulate EG-VEGFexpression in the human primary endometrial stromal andglandular epithelial cells (30).

We detected a higher PKR1 and PKR2 mRNA expressionin eutopic endometrial samples from normal women in theproliferative phase (Fig. 1B,C) than in the secretory phase,suggesting that the receptors for EG-VEGF (PKR1 andPKR2) may be mainly regulated by E. The differential ex-pression pattern of PKR2, but not PKR1, was also found inthe proliferative and secretory eutopic endometria from pa-tients with endometriosis. However, no significant temporalvariation of PKR1 and PKR2 mRNA expression was foundbetween the human proliferative and secretory endometriain another study (31). The reasons for this discrepancy remainunknown. It could be due to the inclusion of the full-thicknessof the endometrium with basal endometrial–myometrial re-gion expressing low level of PKR2 in the previous study,whereas only the superficial endometrial layer was analyzedin the present study.

It was interesting to note that the level of EG-VEGF waslow, whereas that of the transcripts of EG-VEGF receptors(PKR1 and PKR2) was up-regulated in the proliferative en-dometrium when compared with the secretory endometriumin normal samples. The reason for the dissonance in the ex-pression between EG-VEGF and its receptors was not clear.It was possible that EG-VEGF/PK1 could act on another re-ceptor yet to be defined in the secretory endometrium. In linewith this, endometrium expresses another ligand of PKR1and PKR2, PK2 with a level that does not vary significantlyin the menstrual cycle (31). The PK2 has a long form splicedvariant, PK2L, which is co-expressed with PK2 in many



































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Lee. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissues. Fertil Steril 2010.

FIGURE 1 Continued

Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis ofendocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growthfactor (EG-VEGF), prokineticin receptor 1 (PKR1),and prokineticin receptor 2 (PKR2) mRNAexpression levels between normal and eutopicendometrium. Eutopic endometrial samples fromnormal women (NE) in proliferative (Proli, n¼ 14) andsecretory phases (Sec, n¼ 19) and from women withendometriosis (DE) in proliferative (n ¼ 9) andsecretory phases (n ¼ 6) were studied. The relativeexpression of the (A) EG-VEGF, (B) PKR1, and (C)PKR2 mRNA expressions were normalized to 18Sexpression and calculated by the equation: 2-DDCt

using the proliferative phase normal endometrium ascalibrator. A difference of threshold cycle (Ct) values(DCt) as obtained by subtracting the Ct value of 18Sfrom the Ct value of the genes of interest. The relativegene expression values were calculated by the 2-DDCt

method (see Materials and Methods section). Datawere presented as median with 10th, 25th, 75th,and 90th percentiles and outliers (C). Statisticalanalysis was performed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Pvalues were shown. A P value less than .05 wasconsidered significantly different from differentsamples.

tissues (36). The PK2L produces a peptide, PK2b, that can se-lectively activate PKR1 (36). The abundance of PK2L in en-dometrium at different phases of the menstrual cycle is notknown. Its determination would be useful to verify the exis-tence of the second possibility.

1056 Lee et al. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissu

The PKR1 and PKR2 share 87% homology in amino acidsequences and have almost identical transmembrane domainsequence (37), suggesting that they may have a similar acti-vation mechanism (26). However, it was reported that EG-VEGF induces phosphorylation of p44/42 mitogen-activatedprotein kinase in the PKR1 transfected cells but not in thePKR2 transfected cells (18). In mouse, PKR2 is essentialfor the maturation of the reproductive system, as its defi-ciency is associated with atrophy of the reproductive tract in-cluding gonads and endometrium, which has been linked tothe lack of GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus (38). Yet,no abnormality in the reproductive tract of PKR1 knockoutmice was found (38, 39).

When endometrial tissues in the same menstrual phasewere compared, there was no significant difference in themRNA expression of EG-VEGF and its receptors betweenthe normal endometrium and eutopic endometrium fromwomen with endometriosis, indicating that eutopic EG-VEGF expression was not associated with the occurrenceof endometriosis. This observation was supported by thepresent results showing no correlation between the severityof endometriosis (ASRM endometriosis scores) and themRNA expression of EG-VEGF, PKR1, and PKR2 in theeutopic endometrium.

Human ovary abundantly expresses EG-VEGF and PKR2but not PKR1 (14, 18). To avoid contamination of endometri-otic tissues by neighboring ovarian tissue, we used laser

es Vol. 93, No. 4, March 1, 2010


Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mRNA expression levels in paired laser-capturedmicrodissection isolated eutopic and ectopic endometriotic samples. (A) Three laser-captured microdissectionsections from ectopic or eutopic samples were used for RNA extraction. (B) The relative expressions of EG-VEGFand VEGF transcripts were normalized to 18S and calculated by the equation: 2-DDCt using the ectopicendometrium as calibrator. A P value less than .05 was considered significantly different from different samples.Ct ¼ threshold cycle; NS ¼ not significant.

Lee. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissues. Fertil Steril 2010.

captured microdissection to isolate endometriotic tissues.The purity of the laser microdissected samples was demon-strated by the very low or undetectable level of PKR2, whichis known to be produced abundantly in the ovary. The micro-dissected ectopic endometriotic tissues used in this studycontained both epithelial and stromal cells. They producedEG-VEGF but not its receptors, suggesting that paracrine ac-tions of the EG-VEGF most probably act on the neighboringovarian cells, which express PKR2. Consistent with this pos-sibility is the observation that overexpression of EG-VEGF in

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the rat ovary resulted in excessive angiogenesis and cysts for-mation (13). Thus, the increase in EG-VEGF expression inectopic endometrium when compared with that in the eutopicendometrium is likely to be an event secondary to the initia-tion of ovarian endometriosis. The expression of EG-VEGFis also associated with PCOS (16). The etiology of EG-VEGF overexpression in ovarian endometriotic cyst warrantsfurther investigation.

Angiogenesis is important in the establishment and growthof endometriosis. In the ovary, the angiogenic response



Immunohistochemical staining of endocrine gland-derived vascular endothelial growth factor (EG-VEGF) ineutopic and ectopic endometrium. Frozen eutopic (A, C) and ectopic (B) endometrial, and archive testis (D)samples were stained with EG-VEGF (A, B, D) antibody. Specific brown signal was found in the glandular (GE)and luminal epithelium (LE) of eutopic endometrium (A), and in the stromal cells (SC) of the ectopic endometrium(B) of the same patient and no signal was found when the primary antibody was omitted (C). Leydig cells (Le) offrozen human testicular sample were positively stained with EG-VEGF antibody, but not in spermatozoa (Sp) inthe seminiferous tubule (D). The expression of EG-VEGF protein in 12 pairs of endometriotic samples wasdetermined by H scoring. Significant difference was found in the stromal cells (E), but not glandular epithelium (F)of ectopic and eutopic endometrium (P¼ .011).

Lee. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissues. Fertil Steril 2010.

induced by EG-VEGF is indistinguishable from that byVEGF (14). However, the expression of ovarian EG-VEGFand VEGF is temporally and spatially complementary toeach other (16), suggesting that the two growth factorshave distinct roles and targets in ovarian functions. Thismay explain why up-regulated levels of EG-VEGF could in-duce pathophysiological changes in endometriosis, even inthe presence of other potent angiogenic factors like VEGF.

1058 Lee et al. EG-VEGF/PK1 in human endometriotic tissu

In the present study, a significant increase in EG-VEGFprotein expression was found in the stromal cells of ectopicendometrium (Fig. 3B,E). It is possible that the stromal cellsmay synthesize more EG-VEGF or that EG-VEGF is synthe-sized in the epithelial cells but is accumulated in the extracel-lular matrix of the stroma. The latter explanation wassupported by the fact that VEGF binds to the extracellularmatrix upon secretion (40) and releases during tissue

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breakdown or hypoxia. The EG-VEGF is a heparin-bindingmolecule (13) and the heparin-binding domain of VEGF in-teracts with the matrix proteins (41). Thus, EG-VEGF mayalso be accumulated in the extracellular matrix giving an in-tense immunopositive signal. The current data cannot distin-guish these two possibilities.

The VEGF is generally accepted as a critical angiogenicfactor associated with implantation and early pregnancy(42), although there are opposing opinions (43, 44). Al-though the expression of VEGF mRNA and protein washigher in red peritoneal endometriotic lesion than in othertypes of peritoneal lesions (45, 46), no difference in themRNA expression of VEGF between eutopic endometriumand ovarian endometriotic tissues was found in the presentstudy. This observation supports a recent report on a lackof difference in VEGF immunoreactivities between eutopicendometrium and ovarian endometriosis (47). There is alsono difference in the mRNA and protein production ofVEGF by granulosa–luteal cells in women with or withoutovarian endometriomas (48).

In conclusion, we have demonstrated an up-regulation ofEG-VEGF but not VEGF in ectopic endometriotic tissues ob-tained from the same patients. The absence or low expressionof EG-VEGF receptors (PKR1 and PKR2) in the ectopic en-dometriotic tissues suggested that EG-VEGF may act asparacrine and endocrine factors to promote angiogenesis inadjacent tissues, leading to the paracrine disorder in women.Further studies on the functional role of EG-VEGF, PKR1,PKR2, and VEGF on the pathophysiological changes in ec-topic endometrium in vitro and in animal model will providea better understanding on the causes of endometriosis andmay lead to possible medical treatments for the preventionof this disease.

Acknowledgments: We thank the patients who donated their endometrial


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