19.1. What are the 4 MAIN causes of WWI? Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism ...




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QUICK CHECK What are the 4 MAIN causes of WWI?Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism What was the immediate cause of the war?Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (heir to A-H

throne) Where did the immediate cause take place and

who was involved?Sarajevo, Gavrillo Princip (member of Black Hand) What were the 2 alliances at the beginning of

the war?Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, Italy)

Triple Entente (Britain, France, Russia) When did the war take place? US involvement?War begins 1914, US attempts neutrality initially

TRENCH WARFARE No-Man’s Land- the area between opposing trenches

Between 200 to 1000 meters between trenches


Germany and France dug trenches on Western Front. Millions died in “no-man’s-land” between trenches.

German soldiers in a well-constructed trench in France pick lice out of their clothes. By the end of 1914, the Western Front had solidified into two systems of trenches running across France.

STALEMATE A situation where neither side can win a clear victory


Germany’s policy of sinking any ship, even civilian


May 1915 sinking of the Lusitania off coast of Ireland- 1200 killed (128 Americans)

1 year later- Sussex sunk Led to Sussex Pledge- Germany

promises not to sink merchant vessels without warning and saving human lives.

WILSON Wins reelection in 1916- “He kept us out of War”

“Peace without victory”

EVENTS THAT CAUSED U.S. TO JOIN WWI1. Sinking of the Lusitania2. Zimmerman Note- proposed

alliance between Mexico and Germany Mexico would get land back from the US

US DECLARES WAR On April 6, 1917 US declares

war on Germany The start of the war was July

28, 1914 WWI- 1914-1918
