8/27/20151 Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014 科学布道 -- 2014 年 3 月 Sermons from Science is...


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04/19/23 1

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 2

Both WiFi and Cell Phones Radiate WiFi和手机辐射 In the February 13, 2014 issue of China Post,

there is a short article on the above subject. Five Denmark junior high students found that when they kept their cell phones close to their pillows at night while they slept, they could not concentrate in their classroom studies in the morning. They suspect that the cell phones radiate. The school does not have the facility to test their idea. Instead, they use their apartment rooms for such an experiment. The room is separated from the another room by a distance.

04/19/23 3

Both WiFi and Cell Phones Radiate WiFi和手机辐射 Both rooms have similar cell phones and six pots

containing seeds and water lilies. The WiFi router is close to one room and far from the other room. After daily recordings of plant growth for 12 days, the seeds and water lilies in the far room grow normally, while most in the near room died. That means the radiations affect the plant growth. Therefore, it is advisable to turn off your cell phone at night. At the very least, cell phone should be placed far away from the bedroom. Thank God for such useful information. Of course, the experiment can be repeated by more rigorous setup.

04/19/23 4

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 5

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 6

Aging Mars Rover Finds Signs of Water 老化火星漫游者查找水的迹象 This is the title of an article written by Meghan Rosen in

the February 22, 2014 issue of the Science News. It says, “The veteran Mars rover Opportunity has dug up evidence that groundwater flowed near a giant crater called Endeavour about 4 billion years ago.”

The Mars rover dug up evidence of groundwater is a fact, but saying that the water is 4 billion years old is a speculation based on unverifiable assumptions. Water exists everywhere in the universe in various forms depending on temperature. Who knows anything that is 4 billion years old? All these long ages are based on unverifiable and refutable assumptions. Dating equations do not give a numerical value without multiple assumptions. Let us give all glory to God.

04/19/23 7

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 8

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 9

Storytelling vs Evidence 讲故事与证据 This is the title of an article in the Creation 35(4) 2013

magazine. The subtitle is ‘Paleolithic-Neolithic humans’ vs 70 Dutch generations.’ It says “A paper in the journal Investigative Genetics has dropped a ‘bombshell’: Patterns of genetic diversity which indicate population movement may not be as ancient as previously believed, but instead can be simply explained by recent events. This conclusion was reached after genomic analyses of people across the Netherlands showed the Dutch population could be separated genetically into four geographic groups (north, central-west, central-north, and south).

04/19/23 10

Storytelling vs Evidence 讲故事与证据 “The researchers diplomatically acknowledged that their

results could be explained by invoking movement of ancient, Paleolithic-Neolithic humans, in line with prevailing academic long-age views. However, they stressed that their data also is in line with the movement of people within the last 70 generations of modern Dutch, ‘for which there is a wealth of archaeological evidence’.

“Leader of the study, Professor Manfred Kayser of the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, said the results ‘highlight that future population history studies need to take into account recent demography before assuming all genetic variation observed is due to ancient events.’

04/19/23 11

Storytelling vs Evidence 讲故事与证据 “Wise advice. Note that, it’s not the evidence that is

in dispute, but the interpretation of it. Genetic evidence is proving to be very useful in confronting long-age ideas and overturning false notions that hunter-gatherer peoples never practiced agriculture. Why would you bother with ‘Paleolithic-Neolithic’ fairytales when ‘70 generations of modern Dutch’ adequately explains the genetic findings? This also fits the biblical perspective that we are now on average about 200 generations removed from the first couple, Adam and Eve.”

04/19/23 12

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 13

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 14

Lunar Water Overturns Moon Formation Theory 月球水颠覆月球形成理论 This is the title of an article in the Creation 35(4) 2013

magazine. It says that “Apollo mission rock samples from the moon contain traces of water, according to a recent analysis by University of Michigan researchers. They say that their findings show the early moon was wet, and that water was not substantially lost during the moon’s formation. But this is a challenge to secular ideas about the moon’s origin.

“That is somewhat difficult to explain with the current popular moon-formation model, in which the moon formed by collecting the hot ejecta as the result of a super-giant impact of a Martian-size body with the proto-Earth, said researcher Youxe Zhang. ‘Under that model the hot ejecta should have been degassed almost completely, eliminating all water.’”

04/19/23 15

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 16

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 17

Triceratops dinosaurs buried in Wyoming 三角龙恐龙埋藏在怀俄明州 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is an article on

the above topic. It says “Paleontologists recently excavated three large Triceratops skeletons in Wyoming, USA. A ranger alerted the Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, which organized the dig. The find reveals dramatic clues as to what overtook these three-horned reptiles and buried them so close together.

“The animals were remarkably well preserved. Peter Larson, president of the Institute, said that the largest of the three skeletons could be the most complete Triceratops skeleton ever found. That means they were buried rapidly. There was no time for them to be scavenged by other animals or to rot away.

04/19/23 18

Triceratops dinosaurs buried in Wyoming 三角龙恐龙埋藏在怀俄明州 “Burying such large animals would need lots of

water and much sediment. Interestingly, the evolutionist researchers, no doubt aware of this, say that the area was once part of a vast inland sea they call the Cretaceous Seaway.

“Rapid burial does not take much time, contradicting the idea they are millions of years old. Instead, these Triceratops fossils are what we would expect from Noah’s Flood (not a mere ‘Cretaceous Seaway’): ‘Everything on the dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died.’ (Genesis 7:22)

04/19/23 19

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 20

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 21

Evolutionary ‘Spin’ 进化“旋转” In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is an article on the

above title with the subtitle “When stars don’t look their ‘age’, give them a ‘dynamical age’ instead!” The article says “When Francesco Ferraro, of the University of Bologna, Italy, and his colleagues studied 21 star clusters that all supposedly formed over 10.5 billion years ago, they ran into problem.

“Some of the star clusters looked ‘surprisingly young’—i.e. younger than their assigned evolutionary ‘age’. They had ‘blue stragglers’ (stars that are much bigger and brighter than their evolutionary ages should allow) distributed throughout, making the star clusters appear much younger than their presumed age of 10.5 billion years. Other clusters had blue stragglers clumped in the center, which the researchers say makes them appear older than 10.5 billion years.”

04/19/23 22

Evolutionary ‘Spin’ 进化“旋转” “To try to overcome this ‘chronological age’ problem, the

researchers have proposed giving the stars a ‘dynamical age’, in line with how old the stars look. Pointing out that just as people appear to ‘age at variable rates depending on their lifestyles’, so too do star clusters age at different rates, the researchers say.

“As the University of Bologna’s Barbara Lanzoni put it, ‘Since these clusters all formed at roughly the same time, this reveals big differences in the speed of evolution from cluster to cluster. In the case of fast-aging clusters, we think the sedimentation process can be complete within a few hundred million years, while for the slowest it would take several times the current age of the universe.’

“How old are the star clusters really? From the Bible, we see that God created the earth on Day 1 of Creation Week, about 6,000 years ago, then the stars were made on Day 4.”

04/19/23 23

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 24

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 25

Katydid’s Amazing Ear Design 蝈蝈惊人的耳设计 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, Dr. Jonathan Sarfati

has an article on the subject. He reported that “our hearing requires this very same transfer of sound energy from air to liquid, since our sensory cells are immersed in liquid—to avoid drying out. And the sound waves are very low energy to start with. Our ears solve this problem, called acoustic impedance mismatch, with the tiniest bones in our body: the three inner ear bones act as impedance converters. The eardrum collects the air vibrations applied to a window in the coiled liquid-filled cochlea. This is a frequency analyzer, lined with sensitive tiny hairs that pick up different frequencies and cause nerve impulses. Our brain interprets them as sounds of different pitches.

04/19/23 26

Katydid’s Amazing Ear Design 蝈蝈惊人的耳设计 “Scientists at the University of Bristol have found that

an insect uses the same principles on a far smaller scale. The orange-faced South American katydid sings at 23 kHz, too high for humans to hear, but this is designed to attract a mate. So they must also be able to hear from about 10-50 kHz, so they can probably tell the difference between a mate and a bat hunting with its amazing echolocation capabilities.

“Katydid ears are only 600 microns long, smaller than a rice grain. And they are on the legs, not the head. The new discovery is a tiny and easily overlooked tube, filled with oil under pressure—it bursts when opened. So the researchers used microscopic CAT scans to analyze it.

04/19/23 27

Katydid’s Amazing Ear Design 蝈蝈惊人的耳设计 “The katydid has an eardrum connected

by a lever to a plate inside the tube, and the air side of the lever is longer than the liquid side. So any sound vibrations in the air generate smaller movements but with greater force in the liquid in the tube, where sensor cells detect them. This is a very efficient system, simpler and more robust than ours, and on a much smaller scale.

04/19/23 28

Katydid’s Amazing Ear Design 蝈蝈惊人的耳设计 “However, the researchers paid the obligatory fact-free

homage to evolution. They proclaimed that the human and katydid ears are a great example of convergent evolution. That is, supposedly unrelated structures evolved to perform the same function. But the evidence fits better with a Designer solving the same acoustic problems using the same principles applied in remarkably different ways. Indeed, lead researchers Dr Fernando Montealegre Zapata says that the ‘efficiency of this tiny system would inspire engineers to create microsensors based on the katydid’s ear design.’ Ron Hoy, a professor of neurobiology and behavior at Cornell University, wonder what katydid-inspired sensors ‘could be in the hands of an imaginative engineer?’”

04/19/23 29

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 30

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 31

The Fish Wars Shows Creation is no Side Issue 鱼大战提醒创造论不是偏题 In the January 2014 issue of CMI Prayer News,

there is an article on the above topic. The article states “We have all seen the Christian ichthus (Greek for fish) symbol on the trunks and bumpers of cars. Similarly, you have probably seen the ‘Darwin fish’ as a parody of that Christian symbol. There are others that show the Darwin fish eating the Christian fish. The ‘battle of the fishes’ actually highlights a very significant point that is often overlooked by many Christians and churches who are reluctant to enter the origins debate under the mandate of “We need to avoid controversial issues that keep people away from the faith.”

04/19/23 32

The Fish Wars Shows Creation is no Side Issue 鱼大战提醒创造论不是偏题 “By portraying Darwin’s name inside the well-known

Christian fish symbol, they are candidly demonstrating their belief that ‘scientific evidence’ for evolution disproves Christianity. Thus, how can this be a side issue? The beliefs about where we came from are the core of a person’s worldview. As such, we need to be able to engage and defend our faith. Conversely, if we can falsify evolution, then the opposite is true. This is why origins is a hot button issue.

“What about a hybrid of evolution and Christianity? One Christian scientist who believes in evolution wanted to put both stickers on his car! Would an atheist convert because he was told that he can add evolution to the Bible?

04/19/23 33

The Fish Wars Shows Creation is no Side Issue 鱼大战提醒创造论不是偏题 “It takes no sense to avoid a subject that

creates so much confusion. Particularly when there is so much good information available to support biblical creation and oppose evolution. If we believe that the Bible is the Word of God then we should believe that the truth will convict hearts. Perhaps this last ‘fish symbol’ is apt. (A fish of truth swallows the Darwin fish.)”

04/19/23 34

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 35

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 36

How Many Badgers Did Noah Need on the Ark?挪亚需要多少只獾放置在方舟? In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, Dr. David Catchpoole wrote

an article on the above subject. He noted that today’s American badger is descended from a

male and female pair of animals that Noah took on board the Ark about 4,500 years ago.

“Also likely descended from that same pair are these 9 non-American badger species: the European badger, the Asian badger, the Japanese badger, the hog badger—which lives in central and southeast Asia, the Chinese ferret-badger, the Javan ferret-badger, the Bornean ferret-badger, the Burmese ferret-badger, and the Vietnam ferret-badger.

“These are 10 different species but also 4 different genera. It is important for Christians to remember, when asked, “How could Noah have taken all species aboard the Ark?”, that the biblical ‘kind’ is not the same thing as ‘species’, or even the ‘genus’.

04/19/23 37

How Many Badgers Did Noah Need on the Ark?挪亚需要多少只獾放置在方舟? “However, two species with ‘badger’ as their common name are

most probably not descended from the same kind as these –the Asiatic ‘stink badger’ of the genus Mydaus. These are grouped with the skunk family ‘Mephitidae’, rather than with the true badgers in the family ‘Mustelidae’.

“But we haven’t exhausted the badger kind yet. The honey badger or ratel marks the 11th species and the 5th genus of badgers in the Mustelidae, which is sometimes referred to as the ‘weasel family’. Indeed, the honey badger itself is often described as ‘weasel-like’. In fact, it’s highly likely that weasels and other members of the Mustelidae are also descended from the same ancestral pair of badgers. That includes not just the likes of polecats and stoats but also otters—recent genetic studies point to American badgers having become reproductively isolated from Eurasian badgers before weasels, ferrets and otters were.

04/19/23 38

How Many Badgers Did Noah Need on the Ark?挪亚需要多少只獾放置在方舟? “The Mustelidae is actually therefore a great example of post-

Flood adaptation and speciation—which as we’ve pointed many times, are not evolution! As badgers ‘diversified’ or ‘diverged’ to become the creatures we now refer to as minks, martens, mountain weasels, and marbled polecats, there was nothing happening of the kind needed to support the evolutionary claim that bacteria became badgers and biologists over billions of years. This sort of diversification, as when mongrel dogs gave rise to new breeds, does not require any new genetic information to arise. It involves the new varieties or species carrying less variation than the ancestral group. Each species within the Mustelidae is carrying a subset of the genes borne by the mustelid pair aboard the Ark. That pair of animals on the Ark was in turn descended from the original ‘badger kind’ created on Day 6 of Creation Week, about 6,000 years ago.

04/19/23 39

How Many Badgers Did Noah Need on the Ark?挪亚需要多少只獾放置在方舟? “So here’s something to tell your friends:

Noah didn’t need to take pairs of American badgers, Eurasian badgers, hog badgers, honey badgers, ferret-badgers, weasels, stoats, ferrets, minks, sables, polecats, martens, fishers, wolverines and otters on board the Ark—he only needed two ‘badgers’!”

Praise God for Dr. David Catchpoole’s discovery.

04/19/23 40

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 41

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 42

No Junk (DNA) Here 没有垃圾( DNA)在这里 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is a short

article on the so-called junk DNA. “For years, evolutionists claimed that up to 98% of our

genome was ‘junk’—a leftover vestige of evolution. Modern science has now caught up with what creationists have long pointed out: that our DNA contained sophisticated systems, language and information that could only have come from a mind—including the alleged ‘junk’. Leading evolutionary geneticist Prof. John Mattick said: ‘…the failure to recognize the implications of the non-coding [junk] DNA will go down as the biggest mistake in the history of molecular biology.’”

04/19/23 43

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 44

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 45

Baleen Whales Have Unique Sensory Organ 须鲸有独特的感觉器官 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is an article on the

above subject by Dr. Jonathan Sarfati. The article says: “Some of the largest animals ever to exist on the earth are the baleen whales, including the largest of all, the blue whale, about 30 meters long and weighing about 200 tonnes. They are very different from the toothed whales that evolutionists claim they evolved from. Instead of attacking large prey, they gulp enormous amounts of water into their mouths—up to 80 m3 (almost 3,000 cubic feet). This is expelled through comb-like bristly plates of baleen, often called ‘whalebone’ although it is made of keratin, just like hair and skin. Shrimp-like animals called krill, as well as small fish, are caught and swept up by the tongue then swallowed as food, only about 10 kg per gulp.

04/19/23 46

Baleen Whales Have Unique Sensory Organ 须鲸有独特的感觉器官 “The largest group of baleen whales, including the blue,

are rorquals, which have pleated folds of skin running lengthwise along the lower jaw. These enable the mouth to expand enormously. Also, the right and left halves of the lower jaw bone are not fused, so can expand sideways.

“Both these features are important for the rorquals’ unique mode of attack called ‘lunge-feeding’. Swimming very fast to build up the necessary pressure. Lunge-feeding ‘involves rotating the jaws, inverting the tongue and expanding the throat pleats and the blubber layer,’ according to Nick Pyenson of the Smithsonian. Lunge-feeding has been called the largest biomechanical event on earth.

04/19/23 47

Baleen Whales Have Unique Sensory Organ 须鲸有独特的感觉器官 “Now Dr Pyenson and his team performed a CAT scan of

a whale jaw. They found a unique grapefruit-sized organ, rich in nerve and blood supply, within the fibrous cartilage tissue that connects the left and right lower jaw tips. Pyenson said, ‘We think this sensory organ sends information to the brain in order to coordinate the complex mechanism of lunge-feeding’. The organ detects ‘dynamic rotation of the jaws during mouth opening and closure.’ and ‘provides the necessary input to the brain for coordinating the initiation, modulation and end stages of engulfment.’ It also ‘probably helps rorquals feel prey density when initiating a lunge’. That is, this particular organ seems essential so that the enormous energies involved don’t damage their unfused jaws.

04/19/23 48

Baleen Whales Have Unique Sensory Organ 须鲸有独特的感觉器官 “Common sense would suggest that this is a design

feature. However, the researchers pay the obligatory fact-free homage to evolution. Without giving any step-by-step mechanism, the researchers assert that this organ evolved before large size and other rorqual features did. Indeed, it was asserted to be a ‘pre-adaptation’ that is ‘responsible for rorquals claiming the largest-animals-on-earth status,’ according to Pyenson’s co-author Bob Shadwick of the University of British Columbia. Yet it is only the large size, producing the huge energies of this ‘extreme feeding method’, that would necessitate such a complex organ in the first place. The ‘pre-adaptation’ claim is a tacit admission that they can’t explain what selective forces could have produced the organ.”

04/19/23 49

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 50

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 51

The Pelican Spider 鹈鹕蜘蛛 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is an article

on pelican spider by Len de Beer. It is also known as “assassin spider”. “In 1881, in the eastern rainforests of Madagascar, a spider hunter named Octavius Pickard-Cambridge stared in disbelief as a long-necked spider walked straight out of the fossil record. But it was first described from Eocene Baltic amber in 1854, which is evolutionarily ‘dated’ at 44 million years old. It’s yet another example of a ‘living fossil’: a living creature that looks identical to a fossilized creature that supposedly lived millions of years ago. This oscure little ‘living fossil’ is known as a ‘pelican spider’.

04/19/23 52

The Pelican Spider 鹈鹕蜘蛛 “This little spider is bizarre. It does not build a web.

It has massively elongated, spiked jaws that can extend outward at 90 degrees, a long giraffe-like ‘neck’ and stilt-like legs that enable it to hover over its intended prey—other spiders! The fact that the victims are exclusively other spiders just adds to its mystique, which also gave rise to their other common name, ‘assassin spider’. The hind legs are much shorter than the front ones, enabling it to feel out the webs and bodies of other spiders with the elongated front legs.

04/19/23 53

The Pelican Spider 鹈鹕蜘蛛 “Living pelican spiders (archaeids) have only

been found in Magdagascar, Africa and Australia, with similar creatures found in New Zealand and Chile. This has been used to support the idea that these places were once one continent—commonly known as Gondwana. Archaeids have been used as a weapon against the Bible because of their Gondwanan distribution and their supposedly poor ability to travel (how did they disperse so widely following the flood?)

04/19/23 54

The Pelican Spider 鹈鹕蜘蛛 “However, this doesn’t fit the long-age story for these

spiders. According to the usual evolutionary scenario, they were in Burma—a part of Eurasia, not Gondwana—well before continental drift supposedly joined parts of Gondwana with Eurasia. These little spiders have been found in Burma, ‘dated’ to about 90 Ma ago. But long-agers think India and Madagascar were originally one land mass that split from Gondwana. India and Madagascar supposedly split apart after they split from Gondwana about 65 Ma ago. And India, presumably still sporting pelican spiders, supposedly first joined to Eurasia about 43 Ma ago. So there’s no reason to think the current distribution of pelican spiders has anything to do with the idea of continental drift over eons of time.

04/19/23 55

The Pelican Spider 鹈鹕蜘蛛 “I have also seen one of these spiders produce

a long silk thread as it dangled from my hand. They then could float on the wind in a dispersal method known as ballooning, reaching places thousands of miles from their origins without the need for ‘deep time’.

“May the forests of Madagascar be here for future generations to marvel at the freakier designer-labels of creation and give glory to the One who spoke it all into being.”

04/19/23 56

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 57

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 58

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is

an article on the above subject by Michael Oard, who is a retired meteorologist for the US National Weather Service. He noted both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have been dated to be millions of years using uniformitarian assumptions. The ice core ages have been reduced to thousands of years based on realistic assumptions and observations.

04/19/23 59

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “The old ages ‘seen’ in the Greenland and Antarctic ice

cores depend upon the belief that the ice sheets are old to begin with. The problem is in the assumption of uniformitarianism within the paradigm of naturalism… Scientists believe the Greenland Ice Sheet has been generally the same size for millions of years. With this belief, they assume that the annual layers that are found near the top become thinner than a sheet of paper by the time the bottom of the ice sheet is reached. Annual layers are distinctive in about the top 500 m (1,640 feet) of the Greenland ice cores, then because of thinning, they assume the layers become more and more obscure the deeper down. This is where the old age assumption gives them the enormous number of years within their time scale.

04/19/23 60

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “For example, there are hundreds of back and

forth wiggles in the variables down the core. They are caused not only by annual layers, but also by individual storms, and within storm variability. By assuming the ice sheet is old, uniformitarian scientists believe layer thinning erases all but the annual layer. However, within the biblical timescale, the annual layers lower in the core, during the Ice Age, would be much thicker. Further, the storm and within-storm changes would not be erased.

04/19/23 61

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “So uniformitarian scientists are counting storm

and within-storm layers as annual layers, greatly inflating the ‘age’ of the ice sheet. At first, scientists counted only 85,000 years down the GISP2 core, but they got the ‘wrong’ date according to their assumptions. So, by increasing the resolution of one of their instruments, they went back and counted 25,000 more ‘annual layers’ in the bottom 500 m of the ice core. That is how they arrived at 110,000 years—the date they expected assuming old ages at the start. It is also interesting that the ice cores only show one ice age, just as expected within the biblical paradigm.

04/19/23 62

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “Scientists have claimed to date the long Antarctic

ice cores to almost a million years. However, because there is so little precipitation today, which is assumed to be the same for the past by uniformitarian scientists, annual layers cannot be counted. To date the ice cores, scientists have simply matched wiggles in different isotopes of oxygen or hydrogen to wiggles in deep-sea sediment cores. And deep-sea cores have been simply matched to the astronomical theory of the ice age, a weak mechanism out of over 60 theories invented to try to explain the mystery of the ice age. This is essentially an exercise in circular reasoning.

04/19/23 63

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “On the other hand, volcanism and other processes during

Noah’s Flood warmed the oceans of the Earth, causing increased evaporation and precipitation. So, the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets would have grown rapidly in the post-Flood period. At the present rate of precipitation, the Greenland Ice Sheet could form in just 5,000 years, while the Antarctic Ice Sheet would take only 10,215 years. But the ice sheets grew much faster in the post-Flood rapid Ice Age which lasted about 700 years. There was much heavier annual snowfalls and much less summer melting. Thus the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets grew rapidly for hundreds of years after the Flood, eventually arriving at the general steady state observed today. This means that the amount of ice in those ice sheets is what would be expected for an age of only about 4,300 years—the time since the Flood.

04/19/23 64

Are the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets Old? 格陵兰和南极冰盖是老? “So, while what you believe about the ice

sheets, as well as the rest of the world, determines how you analyze and interpret scientific data, it is obvious that accepting the Bible’s history of the Earth is most likely to lead you to the truth. This applies not only to science, but to God’s interactions with mankind, and His plan and purpose for this world.”

Thank God for Michael Oard’s contribution.

04/19/23 65

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 66

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 67

The Retrieving of Glacial Girl from Greenland 冰川女孩从格陵兰岛的检索 In the Creation 35(4) 2013 issue, there is an article

on the retrieving of the aircraft “Glacial Girl” in southeast Greenland. “Glacial Girl is one of six P-38 aircraft that was forced to land on the southeast Greenland Ice Sheet during World War II. All the men survived and were later rescued. The aircraft were subsequently buried by snow and ice over the years. Pat Epps, a wealthy entrepreneur, decided to retrieve the aircraft, but could not find them at first. Based on sophisticated equipment and 11 years of searching, they found the aircraft buried under 79 m (260 feet) of ice and 1.6 km (1 mile) from their original location.

04/19/23 68

The Retrieving of Glacial Girl from Greenland 冰川女孩从格陵兰岛的检索 “This was a shock, but they managed after considerable effort

to bring one aircraft to the surface, but in pieces that were later reassembled. I (Michael Oard) happened to visit Middlesboro, southeast Kentucky, where they were finishing the restoration of Glacial Girl, and the director told me that the explorers thought the aircraft was buried under about 10 m (33 feet) of snow and would be easy to recover.

“The assumed depth of burial was likely based on the average precipitation in Greenland, but precipitation is actually over 70 cm/yr (28 in/yr) in southeast Greenland. This makes sense since the area is at low altitude close to the ocean near the semi-permanent Icelandic Low. Such heavy precipitation gives us an idea of how fast snow and ice could accumulate on Greenland when the ice sheet was first developing during the Ice Age.”

04/19/23 69

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 70

Sermons From Science -- Mar 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 3月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 71

Sunstones and Viking Magic 日光石以及海盗魔术 In the 35(4) 2013 issue of Creation magazine, there is an article

on using sunstones as navigational tool written by Philip Bell. The accuracy to determine the position of the sun in a cloudy day was about one degree of arc. These ancient Nordic and Icelandic peoples used this technique for navigation for thousands of years.

“Before the days of satellite-navigation systems, ships’ captains and sailors in general needed tools to help pin-point the position of their vessel.

“New research, published in the prestigious Proceedings of the Royal Society A, suggests that the Vikings could have used a large crystal of calcite to locate the sun’s position indirectly. Calcite has long been called ‘Iceland spar’. But this recent research suggests that this was also the fabled Viking sunstone.

04/19/23 72

Sunstones and Viking Magic 日光石以及海盗魔术 “As sailors on the high seas, making journeys

of hundreds of miles in often dangerous waters, the Vikings would undoubtedly have relied on other clues too—thought to have included the stars, the motions of the waves, and even the behavior of various sea-birds. However, the use of ‘crystal power’ is certainly intriguing.

“An experienced sailor and navigator himself, Leif Karlsen presented an excellent case for transparent calcite being the Vikings’ sunstone, aiding them in determining the sun’s position.

04/19/23 73

Sunstones and Viking Magic 日光石以及海盗魔术 “The research team responsible for the recent paper has formally

demonstrated what Karlsen himself showed in his book. By exploiting the property of birefringence of a transparent calcite crystal, the Vikings could have located the sun in the sky. Even in twilight conditions, with the sun below the horizon, the paper claims, it could give them an absolute reference point. Birefringence simply means that a beam of light passed through such a crystal will be refracted into two beams, resulting in a double image. Iceland spar is an optical calcite, the angle of whose sides leads to this double refraction of light. Unlike direct sunlight, reflected light is polarized (with light waves in a particular orientation), true of the scattered light on a cloudy day. It’s thought that the Vikings exploited these properties of light by mounting a calcite crystal in a wooden block and rotating it horizontally until the brightness of the two images equalized, at which point they could determine the sun’s position accurately.

04/19/23 74

Sunstones and Viking Magic 日光石以及海盗魔术 “So, do we have any hard evidence that these

legendary people navigated in this way? Although an Iceland spar crystal has been found on an Elizabethan shipwreck, archaeologists have found none associated with Viking wrecks or settlements. However, considering the fact that the Viking Sagas mention prized sunstones being used to navigate perilous Arctic seas, it seems very likely. This is further supported by what we know of their prowess and abilities generally. Also, the Bible informs us that people were made perfectly in God’s image (Gen. 1:26, 31), and that this image was broken but not lost at the Fall. So humans were endowed with intellect from the beginning of human history.

04/19/23 75

Sunstones and Viking Magic 日光石以及海盗魔术 “The technological ‘know-how’ in a given society

generally increases over the generations. This is due to the fact that discoveries are made, and the knowledge transmitted to later generations, who can build on them with more discoveries. Research, such as that on these sunstones, increasingly points to impressive feats of human ingenuity long before the modern scientific era. This gives the lie to evolutionary ideas of human progress by defying the ‘chronological snobbery’ that goes with it.”

Thank God for Philip Bell’s excellent report.

04/19/23 76

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝
