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  • 7/30/2019 Addendumjnlk


    Addendum 1

    -by Brent Brooks

    Punishments included a variety of techniques that overseers saw as effective. If the

    whip did not suffice, overseers commonly would smoke their slaves. This meant the

    slaves were placed in a smokehouse where conditions would be very hot and

    uncomfortable. The smoke would make it hard for the slave to breathe and would be

    tied up in the smokehouse for a long period of time. Slaves were branded just like

    cattle. This was done as punishment as well as to mark the slave as the property of

    a particular plantation. Slaves were also placed into barrels that had nails pounded

    into it and then pushed down a steep hill causing the nails to stab the slave with

    every rotation of the barrel

    ( .Slaves were often

    bound by chains to the ground. They would be put in shackles to preventing escape.

    Sometimes slaves were forced to walk on nineteenth century treadmills and whipped

    to increase their pace. Many kinds of contraptions were placed on slaves as

    punishment. A collar with iron rods sticking out from it was placed around a slave's

    neck. At the end of the rods were bells. This contraption caused a huge amount of

    discomfort to work due to its weight and made it impossible for a person to lay down

    to sleep (

    Addendum 2

    Turning points in history book 2- the impact and limitations of colomialim

    Chaper2 :development of a colonial slave society by wayne Doolingn

    between 1720 and 1790 slaves numbers increased from 2500 to 14500. At the time

    of the final ending of slavery in 1838 the slave population stood at around 38000.

    European settlers of the South Western Cape owned fewer than ten slaves.

    from the very first day when a slave was acquired by a settler and given a new

    name , slaces and owners struggled to see how much each could impose their will

    on the other.

    Addendum 3
  • 7/30/2019 Addendumjnlk


    South Africa 5th edition by A. Keppel-Jones

    in 1691 the white colonists numbered about 1000and their slaves 386

    other evidence suggerst that a farmer had no rooted objection to manual labout in

    his own concerns but regarded labour of any knid in another mans employment as

    characteristic of the slaves.

    Addendum 4

    R. E van der Ross Up from slavery

    the Far East (Indonesia ,Java ,Bali) would fetch higher prices than those from

    Mozambique because those from the East were believed to be more skilled, or to beable to learn the required skills more readily.

    carrying messages or goods, cleaning ,driving wagons or carriages, or being

    attendant to their masters.

    would depend on the gender, age and condition of the slave ,on his or her suitability

    for the work required, and on the number of slaves available the time of purchase.(

    slaves whose masters had gone bankrupt, or had died, or simply wanted to make a

    profit on their investment having had years of service from the slaves.

    they would be cleaned, fed and brought into such conditions that they would fetch

    good prices