ANZAC Legend



Pretty ordinary. Threw this together the night before.

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ANZAC legend essayMitchell Christie

The ANZAC legend is about the heroic characteristics of the

Australian troops who fought at Gallipoli and subsequently. They

were brave men, ready to fight “the enemy” for honour, for freedom

and for king and country. These were the men who shaped opinion

of Australian soldiers forever.

The average trooper were drunken, unruly larrikins only too happy

to skive off when on leave and in training (as seen by British forces),

they never showed submission to foreigners, even if they were

outranked, and this gave them the added characteristic of


When they faced battle they were resolute in defence, determined

to hold ground and never fall back. The odds were often against

them, but they fought to the last, always making the enemy pay in

lives for every inch.

In attack, they were not a little reckless. They would rush enemy

fixed positions or moving forces and storm tanks one on one. No

matter the cost or impossibility of the mission, the colonial diggers

would emerge triumphant or dead. They obeyed orders and got the

job done, and were one of the few forces which created some

leniency in the orders, making them very flexible. This made them

prized shock troopers on the western front during WWII.

The Officers were resolute, strong men who were concerned with

the welfare of their men and fought for them at the political level to

stop them being sent on suicide missions.

The Legend has become a part of our identity because it helped

give other nations the image of us they have, and we have

accepted, celebrated and commemorated by events such as ANZAC

day, remembrance day, memorials and foundations and RSLs.