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¦vrefblnftop. June 12.-O. TValdo Bmlth. of N«w-

TorV pre.ident of tho Whnlesale Grocera' Asaocla--.-r, wae tfye only wltnesa hefore the InduattiaJCorntnl'»,nn to-day ln eonnection wlth the trtiHt tn-

,)|r_(lon Mr Bmlth proved to be a defender of

»-_».» hut be refuaed to apeak nf comhinatlo-m of

<_>Jtal hy thla name. He .leeerted that there were

tni»t* and thai the comhlnationa were ao re-

egrred M unjuat y.

wr. Bmlth gave the partlrulara of the oriranlfla-tiau of tfca Orocrrs" Aaaoclatlon, whlrh oreurred ln

^_ He aald that before thla comblnatlon thewho'eaft'*- grocera were aelllng many articlea at

^,. includtng eugar. bakir.g powder and eoap. and

-a^.r artlclBfl of unlform quality. There waa ea-

me^. renaen to complaln of the price of eugar. he^T-lare.. and rhe arnolesalera had given partlcular-tt.nti^n te aeeurlng ro-or>eratlon wlth the augar^,.,r. fo a.« to Insure a rllght profit. The Amerl-

n jio>:ar Beflning .'"ompany. he pald, then co»»

Mlled the nianufarture of augar. and the whole-.jfrfc had been able after much conaultatlon to

-grur" g unlfnrm rate of 5 3-1* centa a pound. wlth

.__ j-leratandlng that all who dld r.ot aeil at a

3., price th»n thla ahould have a rebate at therf _' ea-h three montha of V\ cent» on each2,001 Kar PUr-haaed. Thla arrange-JTt had contlnued untll the preaent day, and

1 the grorers of the. neceeatty* J- Mng flugar at a lo«e Tf aome of them had not°»de j_' cui in the petce. There wee really no

Intten ccntrart with the reflnere for a reb.ite. andZJae i reductlone aecured them aa dldiher. wbe 4td nd make them Mr Bmith aald

-. of reflnerlea hy At"bu<-kV andr__aeher had had the eftact of renderlng prb <¦* le.a^ ;'. thej wer- now maintatned at all

.-eflnenee tn the fleld wap due to

J^"h r deallng of the grocers ihem-

Th* wltnaaa enfaaeal that he waa a zeaio.*. ad-vne_i< of the rebate aystem. eontending tha* It.ffo'r'ed t>>e oi \y method of lnaurlng an honeetV,.n, on huelnee's. ln certaln artlcle* An.rtingP^" Mr Smlth aala he had

wyere to name one, and they hado do no As- for comhlnationa of capltal.

JtV- were nerepw.ry to do the bustnepg nf therM and whei n"v °* them ahould r-

*0.,,'¦ ¦.!.? maklng exceaslve proflta'P- an.d, t\hu* 'VIU!"_ un

r alb o evtl that migh' BliaeJr_ that th* comhlnation of

__ar r.fliierl«. had resulted in a reductlon of price.."e. ' that he was now- able to

ma of oll with the proth heone gallon. Hanc* he argued

that aucti -ombmatlnna were ln the Intere.t of the


. 0 BHA'.-OHXEI Bl .-. . ri'F SIR W1LI.IAM VAN


Mentr**:. Jaaa 12 Haec_aO..At the month'v -neet-

iTig 0; | ol the Canadian Pa-ific Rall-

WVt I Sir Wliliam Van Home re-

taaaat the prealdency of the road and was ap-rhairman of dirertora. a new poaiti.

t ., Bna ighnenfly, »1ee-pr<a'id general manager. wa» elerted presldent. Theehange- v.... ;:.. ilve a rtarratigi-ment of the offi-

.ad. D. M' N'i.-ol. now generalB___enaer ag< "al manap-

r. wlll I* taken hy Roberi K^rr.iasernger _geni for the weatern divi.a-

irter« t; Wlnnlpeg.jj. . prealdent, Ie, llke Slr

WlllUm Van Homa an Amerlonn He wap h.vrn inlasa, and came to the Canadian Fa-

.go. Mi.wuukef and St.a Lhat of general paa-

.v iingr ihe rhange, it la..-iderstood that Sir Wliliam Van Home

V dlrecttag miml cf theCan*- ' Rallroad ln his new place, thoughbt wli! ot reHeved of nll matterp of Ml



apaajjurm and nakraoanpett bay unes

at oooa.

fiertdenoa, R L, Ja«a U (ipedal)..A mlid

MBB.I >al war haa begun here. The New-HavenFttatii. kt '"ompany has beftta lo run Ita boats

re io Now-York, makinc New-Haven a way

lUiior. T:ie Klchard Pe- k left here thl? afternoonk on the malden trlp of the Narragar,-

laf. i .;¦ Line. The d pre-unced Ita openlng for June 13. but

e new line wns anno inced. the eeaenn has(drcr -d a we*k. and the Plymoutb -

te-wgrd Tle Ngrraaai.aett Hay Line announceaThe Provldence Une followa buIL

7/ie Narragansett Bay Line arranged wlthC_u--h"a tlcket agency to handle the tlckete, butthat a.n'."v l>a(ke,1 out un !. r preppure s^piied from

r for tbe Provlj,,-. i une, however. has Mtabllatied an

agencv next door The Nnrracansett Bay I.lne haarate on pasaf-r.gerj. from 13 to 1210. or W .'"

tr-.;,. Thla move has not been met aa

lower rates ar« cnnfldently hoped forfcy'th*- travellmg publlc aa the reeull « the rlvairy.


y.LECTRIC COMPAXT IX QUEEXtAlbanr, June 12.-The New-York and Qneenfl Gas

and Electrtc Company. to operatc ln the clty of

Kcv-Tork. within the county nf Qneena, wjs ln-

aareorated tO-Bay wlth the Seeretary of Stnt* wlth

_ rar ....000. Its purpope ls tn manu-

>. gas and eleetrlelty. Tne di-.. . J Patteraon. of Plainfleld.

.\ j : ¦.. WUBOn, of Brooklyn, John F.E._ p Mathewaon. of New-Tork, and

Harry T. Bnyder, of Montclalr. BJ. J.-e-

OYER FIFTY MTUJ0X8 PAID TB.Trenton, N J.. Jun" 12 (Sper'.a'.i Th» Am-rlcan

Bmeiting aad Refinlna Compnny flled a certlflcatetn l|M leaetary nf State'a offlce to_4ay sptting

ot the rnrflpnny jo th-,amount nf C >. "nn has heen pald ln. o, thisamount |4T.'> i.ent ir, nrqiiiring property.

70 MABUFACTVBl JBLTOB.Trentrm N. .1 June 12 (Special) -The Xelton

f I'hliadelphia. was IneerpOMted tn-

day witr. a capttal at^-k of ~,eBMBa The com-

par.y wlll BBailiifai line a product known aa Xel-ter. avhlrh ia tn he used aa a aubstltute for rubber.The orporatora ar» Henry M Undau»r. I-'rankWirgman and A Reynolda Oaleaberry, all of

H H. Martln, ofOBaBdi


BBW-TORl comtam rs IBOOBPOBATBD.ti ... -. Conn., Jun" 12-In the Connectlcut

¦eeaa ot Repreeontativee tr,-day a reaolutlon was

W, K ' Company. ofNaw ' r tA.000.OM The enm-

¦ i.ustneaa ln connec-.. rera

'. T'ei Jun" IS..Tbe Beeretanr of State to-day i.aued certlflcates of lncorporatlon to theGeorge H. Tuttle Company, ef New-Tork. to buy.ael! and exchange forelgn and domeatlo atampR,

.toek. 1180,000; and m the Intamal.: New-Tork, for the

dlapUy a:,,. | r, w hlskey anil aoftdrlnkg. capltal atork. U0.000.

AVTOEAT1C AIR fjLRRiAGF. COMPAXY.Ba, June 12. -The Automatlc Alr Carrlase

a-Tork. was Incorporated to-day.' j»..:,i«i t., manufacture and aell

The capltal atock la to conalst- . $100 each The dlrectora are Ed-

»ard A WBIard f. a Willard. Jr. Robert R.'h»rie« j Hensiey and Beymour L. Huated.

*ii of New-y, k


.udnnent for |_K.«" waa entered here jester-«*y again.t Alfred Dolge. rnanufacturer of piano¦.ll at T*T_f|||lli. K. Y . at Nos. 110 and 113 EastTMriaaaia BC, who falled ln April. 18»a, ln favor of

lldwell on an agreement on December«. Iia*. by wnlch he wns to purrhase _,400 sharea.I tr.e f Zunmerman Company. of Dolg.

paytng f..r It by roonthly lnstaJrnents.«' pfc'.'i f HD JuiJgTTient for the same amuurt wasantered against Affred Dolgre A flon, whict flrrn**d the agreeinent made by Alfred Dol_rew|,h Katie BldweJl.

Juogment fr.r t_6.75»» was entered yesterdayat-taal l'*nsselaer G. Wilbur ln favor of KountseMBthara for the halanee due of money advanced ln!.» to Wllbar on a plan tn purfhase. the bagrgnge"."¦d pa.aenger' tranafer bustnesB of Utles, Byraeuaaar.d fr

WeSaySti Don't Eat ^^tEWJ ¦ mlaceple..»dthln|.

cau.log indlfcation. Ifyot-

Must and Will do so

JOHNSON'S DIGESTIVEjg' TABLETS(5) wtll **ve you the pen.lry.




RESPONPENT8 IN PERIL.Manrhester. Ky June 1? .Pp*olan.-The flercest

frt.d ever waged In Kenturky ls now engaglng theattentlon of p«op|» everywhere "Tom'' P.aker,th. ieader of the Baker faetlon, wa. burled to-dayln th. Ilttle famlly burylng ground on hls farm. or,cran. Creek. twelve mllet from Manchester, »ndhls brother Wlley .nd hls son "Jlm" were lodge.lin th. Knox County Jall here. to await deel.lon onthe motlon for a rhange of venue from Clay Countyfor the murder of Rurr>h Btorr and Wilson Howar.i."Dee" and "Al" Baker, who accordlng to th. eon-fesslon "f Jerre Barrett, wer* not cnnnerted wlththe crlme. were r»)eased fmm cu.tody. and theyaccompanled the hody of their brother back to theold home.".Itm" and Wlley Baker were aecompanlel hy two

companles of State mllltla. fme rompany esc.ortedthe body of 'Tom" Baker anl hia frlends to thelittl* lilllslde, where the other members of the fam¬lly meetlng a llke fate nro burled. To-nlght thetroops started for Lexlngton. The Bakers arehitter at the troops for faillng to sfford them pm-teetlon. and swear in the future not to surrenderMrs. "Tom" Baker, when bldding tne troops andher hrothers-In-law and son farewe'l. declared shewould brlng each of her thlrteen boyg up wlthvengeano* sworn ln hls heart to klll the elayere ofthelr father. Th* total relatlonshlp wlll at presentnumber IH persons ln the male lln*. The Whitennd Howard fectlon ls somewhat larger, and lt ispredli-ted that the real flght has only begun Nawihy way of I.ondon to-nlght Is that the relatives >.fboth fartion. nr« aeflembling In Clay.Judge A. Klng Cook. who wss oonduetlng court In

the afoaenoe of Judge Everaole, the reguiarly electelJudge. ls determined to wash hls hand. of the mai-tar. H« asserts that "Tnm" Baker wa. out of hlsr-ustody; that he had granted the rhange of venue.dellvered the Bakers Into the handfl of the mllltaryand constahles, and that he has no further dutie*-.It ls not known what Judge Eversole will do, bullt Ib helleved an atternpt wlll be made to learn who«hot Baker.The statement that Sherlff "Bev" White, fmm

whose houee th* shrt was flred, la under arrest isuntrue. White wsf not in the house at the tlme.und says he has no idea who the gullty party could

Than ara no Baker eympathizers left ln thetown. nnd the White? and Hnwards hardly knowwhat way to turn. fearlr.g a bullet from an av*r.e-lng foe. Bueiri'ss ls at a Htar.dstill Last nlghtso.-ru oa. mii tba Utraal of a horse brought h*r*for or.e of th* n<:w...-._p_r corresponaents. The feel-Ing sg.i.'ist them was becoming lnrense. and aftertha kllling ol P.aker and the i-hargtr.g of SherlffWhlt.'. house. tl.*ie wh. no plaee 0. fafety lnClay County for nor.-comt.atants.At I.ondon. th- nearest t*!egraph gtatlon. th*

State Department last night could not hlre a nr*-sengcr. although fabulous prices were offeredOov.rn r Bl J hns remalned q ilet Herstoforahe has been & great bellever in th* mtlitla. Wheti".Tar-k" CMnn. "_5ph" Lfllard, "C'hsrlle" Bronstonand "Bob" Kranklln were bulldoilr.g the .re. Oovernor Bradley checaed the troublew'.th the troops He had the Bakers indlcted amlput in Jnil a year ago wlth tbe aid of the milltia.but the Court of AppealB re\er*ed th. declsion ofthe lower courts ar.d released them on bond.



Albany. June 12 Special...Govr-rnor Rooae-velt lsln great danger of belng aOCBMd by the Re¬

publican orannization of an intentlon of smaahtngth. "machlne" along th. line of the State's canals.That, of cour**. would b« a great calamlty.A few day* ago the Oovernor Btate 1 that her*-

«f*-r many of tho hlgh plaees ln the State C__->_1

Department wouM b* fllled by the promotlon tosuch vaoancl«-s as should occur of men of lowerrank, and nol by the appointment of new-

men from 8Uta4d. of the Oaaal Department. TheOovernor s?ld ha had been l*d Into adoptlng thls

policy ln ronseqt.enee of belrg ir.formed that theCanal Advisnry Commlssion had d;s<~overed, whllejoum*ylng through Canada lately, exeeptlonallywell quallflad canal ofnolaJs ln chnrce. of the Wel-larid Canal. and that thls aMIity was due tn largedegren to the facl that theae Canadtans had beenlong in the publx BcralUB, Bnd were not requlred to

meddle with politlcal prlrr.aries.Tohn tt. P* the Ruperlntendent of

Publl Works. following out thls policy of th*Oovernor, appointed to-day Houston Bamnrd asA--!-- tal Sup-rinrendent of Fuhlio Works for theWaat. "i Dlvlslor. in pla^e of Albert H. Porter. ofSTIacara Falls, WhO has Just r*sisr.»d the pia.-eTorpersonal rea.or... colonel Pnrtrldg* did not askany Republican organiz.-it.or, to re-o.mend Mr.Barnar-1. Ifl far-t. Barnard had r.o politlcal "pu.l."il- -::r.ply had attracted Sup"lnt*nd*r.t Partrldg.'aattentlon as an unusually competeat and lndue-tr.ow. _aal oflctal. Mr. Barnard, it was also

....l by 'olonel Partri'ige. had entered th.Canal Departaaenl by th* gataw.y of a auccaaafuUypassed ClTll Barvic. raaralnation. When admltfedto the .'ana! Department he wa. <!!k!M« oa four

.-. rvlre lis's He wns flrst on th*- masonryllst. flrst on the Inspe^tlon of stone Ust, numbertwo as in.pertor of iron and number four as an

ir.spf-c-mr of earthwork. fluperint.-ndent Aldrldg«ted him '.:: Inspe'tor nnd li<- !>».. ame annt to .1 Nelaon Tubba, the general Inspector.

and th*- exaciltlve .'hlef of the Canal l"p..rtmentIfl n ality.Last v. lnter the attentlon of Colonel Partndge

lled to u.,*-r.arri i.y the azcellence of hlsr.-poris upon van i. pi .dvaaead ln th-

r a culvert' the bllla caUlnf for apaclal canal appro-

prlations were thus r*ferr-d to Mr Harnard.Colonel Partrldgv found alao thal *h« waswllling to work har-i. »rA ove>r::me if nee«sBaryThe Republlcaun polltlcian. of i who

d.s:r>-ri tne appolnUDCBl Wlll be greatly dlsap-polnted hy Sujwrir.'endent Panndges actlotlth. servlce wlll he greatl) IrapiColonel Partrldg. hag e.ap*. s cr'-ju Bquiarnong polltl'-lans o\per the appoli


CONTEPTANTS. FRIOHTFnfi> py the i.toht at-



Th" a'tendance at Madteon Bqnare Garden yep-terday and lapt nlght would Indlcnte that thp pub-llc has had a purfelt of alx-day go-aa-you-pleaaeracea. Ther* was scarr*ly anybody In the Gnrd.n

-dav aft"rnoon. and fl," "dead-game Bpoit"¦ dropped ln. Juat for old time.' aake. thoughtthat he had made a mlatake and got Into the PoloGrounda.

It became nolped around early ln the evenlngthat all waa not aa lt ahould !*». and the eoaapet'Itora grew n»-rvou». Some of th* men were told

'ghtfall that they would not get an\ moneyand that lhe race would be ptnpped. At 10:30 moptof the com^etltors left the tra'k. convln'--d thatthe race waa over. Th" race was to hav.¦.conducted hy ''aptaln A. R. Samu"ls. Flnan-lal

n cau'sed the collapse.Golden Gllck and Tracey remnln"d on the *--b-«

nntll a 'f"w mlnutea before midr.mht. CaptalnSamueli who had left the Garden "arll"r

k.- had not r"turneri. and Mr S<-hroeder. theagent n fthe Garden. turned nu' the llghtp.The crowd had iona betnre g.<ne hom* and theband had atopped playlng Mr Mlller aald h" un-derstond that J£00 waa ptll! d'ie tn tne men whobuilt the track. and thnt the musldans were outBM None of th< enta reeeived a cent.Nearl) a'll are ont nf p.,ck-t fnr tralnlng,raiimad far"




London, June 12..Commande-r-ln-Chlef Lord

Walaalejr haa been bupy for aeveral daya and

evenings at the War Offlce pr<*paring for event-

ualitles, Ln South Afrlca. The effectlve llite ofthe Ftrst Clase Reserve have been prepared and

trannport for the Flrat Army Corpa haa beenproviaionally arranged. The offlcera on fur-lougti have been warnt-d t" hold themaeivea lnrtadlneaa ta reiurn to thelr reglments. The gen¬eral trend of news. however. la more paciflc.


Senator Marcus A Hanna, of Ohlo, waa at the¦\Valdorf-Aetorla laat evenlng, and he wlll remain

ln the clty untll to-morrow, when he aalla for

Europe on the St. Loula ln company wlth hla wlfe,daughter and nlece. He waa a vlsltor at the houseof Vtce-Prealdent Hobart. In Paterson. on SunrTayMr Hanna eald laat evenlng that he bad no doubtof the renomlnati, r. and re-electlon of PresldentMcKlnley and Yk*. Prealdent Hobart ln 1900. Healao deolar.d hla t>elief that tbe Repubilean tlcki-iln Ohlo waa sure of electlon thla fall.

DIOVESAX (OSYF.XTIOX AT HARTFORD.The annuai dln'eaan convention of the Proteater.t

Eptpnopal Church of Connectlcut wlll be held tnChrlst Church. Hartford. to-day. BrewaterWlll dellver hla flrat addreaa to the < lergy. aa Hlahopof the diocee* At the mornlng eervlce Blahopfoane, of Albany. wlll preach a memortal atrraonon the late Blahop WlliiaT). In the afternoonBlahop Dnane will epeak In hehalf of the Otn.rwlBand of iilaalona in aupport of rolaaton work.







Everyhody cannot Hve ln the country. ofcourse. and, lnde»d. were lt not for extenslveayatema of transrv'rtatlon at rheap ratea, le**'would he abl. to go ther., even for a day ot

on a ahort vlslt. Clrrumst.ncea. aoclal con¬

dltlon., h-jslnes. relatlons. the exlgencle. andresponslbillties of our hlghly complex clvillza-tlon practlcally restrlrt men ln their movementsand to a cartain llmlfed environment. The Trib¬un* ha. told somethlng about the beautleB ofthe suburbs of Brooklyn. and Of the new homesthat are belng built day by day beyond theold clty lin*s.In the clty proper, however. there are many

fln* resldentlal seetlona Among these Ib thatattractive dlstrlct known aa Rtuyvesant Helghts.Its heart lles within the terrltory bounded bySumner and Re|r] aves. and Madison-ave andOhauneey-st., wlthln the conflnes ot the Twenty-thlrd Ward. In th*.*-* av*nu*s and str**ts andthose whlch InterBect them ther. are rowa ofstately houses ln brownstone, red and whitebrlck, wlth trlmmlngs of grayBton*. gr*at broadstoopg gnd entrar.ce'i artlatleally carved and ar¬

ranged, wlth atone ccplngB winding around th*areaways. It is an admlrable neighhorhoodThe ground Ib high. the rfreets are broad andasphalted. and aa clean aa It la poaslhle to mak-them; they are well lighted, tree lined, nearlytroiipyi*«s, and in every way are lr. an txcel-lent condition.Take the northerh* and Boutherly sldes of De-

catur-st. in the best part of thia dlBtrirt tolllustrate the clar-s of hous*B open to rental orfor Bale. All of them have b**n built wlthlnthe laat ten year*. Then Stuyvesant Helgh's,now auch a beautlful reBid*mia! district, eon-

s!st*d tooatly of vacant iota and a few hous*sOf th* old style. Shrewd investors. r*al estat*

agents and builders, pem*!ving that Brooklynwas nound to grow rapldly. bought the land.*re< ted houaes with th* be*u aystem of ganita-tlon and having all modern acoommodatlons.In ten yeara one wrll-known builder haa ln-vest*d |2.<)00.000 ln bulldlng houa*a on Stuy-vesant Helghta. Only recently he erected thlrtyhouses ln I>ecatur-st., batwaaa L*wis and Stuy-vesant aves. Thes* are equal ln deslgn, archl-tectural detail and flnish to any houaes not lnthe man«k>n elaaa. ln either Brooklyn or Man¬hattan. Thes/> ho.s*s rang* ln prW from $11.-.'-<.. t.. $17.... They are built of carved LakeSuperlor redstone. Cr>nneoticut brownstone andIndlana Umertooa. They have octagonal bayfronts. with box .toops, and are trimmedthrouvhr.ut with hnrdwood, conBtBtin*; of quar-tered aycamore, eurty and Btralght blrch an.lhazel, San Domingo and Mexlean mahoganyand gtratght and quartered oak. There are foy-ers and regulatlon halle. wlth or wlthout *x-

tenslon dlnlng-roomB. Th* cellars are pavedwith artlflrlal aton*. the w-alla are of bluestone.and by an lngenioua arrangement of the win-dows each cel'.ar Is as brlght as lf th* walls-iv*r* of glass lnstead of stone and brlck. Th*cellars cor.tatn wlne closeus for cold larder or

wlne opiiar, and are geparatcd from the maincellar by glass doora.Th.-r* js a dining-room ln th* bas»m*nt, wlth

parquet flror; quart*r*d oak walnsrotlng. man-

tel, with tiled flr*plar* and gaa grate, and th*r*are many closetB. dressers and a refrigerator.wlth a flltering apparatus.

In the kit.-hen there ls a rang* with a 4^-gallon copper boiler, porcelain alnk, clo.«*trooms. a laundry wlth three porcelain tubs. ashut* for foiied lin*n from the bathroom to the

and a laundry rang*.Th*re is a gr-at BRtraaca hall on the parlor

floor. whie.n ia don* ln qu"irt*r»-d oak ranelllnc,nlne f*et high. This floor has front and backparlors. ar.d a musl.- room. dtvld*d from theOth.r roonis hy covetrad ?'r*tns. Th* ba-'k par¬lor is o<ta_-onal Pi shap* and has a losct. book-r-as*. maniel an.l an onyx flr*plar-e and ganlogF. The wh .le floor hns a panelled baaa twofeet high. and Ifl carved in cablnet trlm. Th*

ar- inlald; is n rjoraa '-. iling, and thechan'lellf-rs ar* of th* rlchaai .l.-sicrn^

t.n th* r-econd flr.r,r there ar* Iwe large bed¬rooms and a bath. The front parlor on thisfloop tias bay windows, in whi.-h, ther. ar* s*tnl-circular aeatfl Th* dreaatng Batooaa hav* pan-ell*d cejUngs. full-l*ngth dreaalnc and tlipllcatemlrmrs, marble hasins wlth oval. d*.Ih-.wIf, wardrobea, dreaaera, an.l bo on. Th*bathroom ls finished ln white *nam*l and g"!iiTh- third (W>r contalns four bedrooma, withdresa cloaeta. mlrrora and rnantela.

In th- Btuyveaanl Helghta dlatrlcl r*nt« for afloor or apartmanta rua from ?2."> tr. J7"> .-. month,according to location and Bccorr.odflgoma of tba itoarn hoatrd apartmenl houthls seotlon ur- imporing and bulld¬ings. with an eastern -xposur*. Apartment. lnon* of th* fln*st of th*«* hous- ng ..f¦.vea rooms and bathroom. all comfortably anlheautifully arrang*d nnd carved in oak, having

antels, de.orations and grll! U'-r',-.rented to adult famili*s for from $4-" 10 $50 a

month.Th-r* ls no mor* desirable r*sid*ntlal district

rhan Btuyveaanl Helfhta. It la eaajand ls ln every way a most attractive neighbor-hood.




Antnntn Flpchettl. peventoen v»ars old. was nn

epterday before Judge .lurd nn a ch;,rp»of murder tn the flrpt d"gre« He ls the yotmgestdef. nd-int ever pl.iced on trial for murder In KInps

Th" \i-tm nf the m-.rderer was Mlcha"!Qulgley, nlneteen years old. an Irlahman. Thetroubli b aed throofk ra se jealouQ iisley li\"d wlih his mnther at No. *7B K"r,f-

a\e On a was standlng at Parat ai.lKen' area. wlth fnur cnmp.ininns cm» of th"m.Jamea Malloy. tea wbl .. they arere p'and-Ing there Fiechettl came up w-tt;-i nim» friends and

knll Th»knif" pen"trited fhe hmg. and th" hny dled b«fore

rnval of s?n ainbulanc" aurg"on.lettl does nnt deny th.t he itabbed 'juleley.

but suvp the latter and hls frlends haklcklng him. and he waa afrald th"y were about to

:m. James W. Rldgway ls defendlng theyoung f«-ll"w


BRIDGE EEFPERS RECEITB MEDALS.John T Cnhlll and Alexander McLoughlln. the

brldg" k"epera at the brldg" over the Gnwar.usCaral at Nlnth-st have recetved medals fmm the.-. I.lfe Savlnir AeeoctatkM fnr reg.-ulng a womanfrom drowntr.g nn the nlght of Octnh"r I, 1W. Thewoman had Juinpad fr".-n the br.dg" in an eff.,r- te

r llfe when 'ahlll Jumped after her sheto draw- hlm ir.der the wa;er He was nearly-ted from hla etrugglea when M^I-oughlinto hls aaalstance Tngether they got the

woman out of the water. Cahill. who llves at Ko71 Yi-mna-ave.. reeeived a gnid medal. and Me-

ln. whose home ls at No. W Columbla-at.,reeeived a bronie medal.


BEADBTOXEi AXO M0XVMBXT8 BPOILBD.Bayvllle. L">ng laland. June 12..Some tlm* laat

nlght a number ef he.idstnneg and moniim"nts in

.ery were besmeared wlth aome greeeyor ollv s ibotanofl TBe Itquld nas run down in

v disflgured them. It Is fearedthe .tains cannot be obllter.tied The vandals

rir, nnt appear to have iiimed at any perenn or fam-,,. _,_< ».- wbout dsublng the stone. at random.XOTBB FROM THE POUTICAL FIELD.Commlssloner of Recorda George E Waldn pald

;ay mornlng that Controller Coler had ln-

formed hlm that ther" waa no dlsposltlon nn the

part of the Bn.rd of Fstimate and Apportlonmentto rtold up the approprlatlon fnr his offl ¦". and that

ln all probablltty tt would b" made at the meetlngthls week Mr Waldn eatlmateg that If wlll oet

hlm p30.faV> to enndu't the work of the offlce throughthe pre»"nr yearOn eppM -I""" of George rt Serenhetx, of No. 740

r»*.ctur-at who waa a Jleut-r.ant In the 47th Regl¬ment V B Vm and waa wlth th.t regiment atFort'Adama and ln Porto RI 9 durlng the cam-

nugn last year and voted by mall. Pollee f'ommls-.lo.ier Ahe II has Iti.t made a declalon !n whlch heiMva that aJl aoldiera anl aa:l rs who voted ln ac-cordance wlth the law provi ln,g fnr thelr vottngaw-'.y fmm home are entltlet to he enrolled at

membera of thelr party organu.ttnns thls vear.

Cratl'e B itts and John Wlrth hare i.lreadv teguna canvaaa ln the XYIlth Aaaemhly Dl.trict for thenominetmn for Alderman from that dl.trict Aller-man John Ack.rmaa aeema to have wlthdrawnfrom the raco.





NO Ml'RPER WAB COtOfTTTftDThe flndlng yesterday of all the mlsalng portlons

.wlth the exceptton nt the leara .nd the top of thehead.of the dlsmemhered body. the trunk of whichwa. dlscover.d. floatlng In front of the grounds ofthe Creaeent Athi< tir ciub. in Bay Ridge on B»t-urday. seerns, If anythlng. to atrengthen the theoryof faptaln Reynolda of the Detectlve Fureau thata murder haa not l>ei»n commltted. There are, how¬ever, many mystertou. featt.res to the caae, and Itla prohlibl* thal nothlng deflnlte tn work on wlll bedtseovered untll the bodv Is Identlfled. On a^countof the flndlng yeaterday of a greafer portlon of theface anl a number of tattoo marks on the rlghterm. the rhanreg are that some one wlll be ableto ldentlfy the body within a short tlme.Early yesterday mornlng Charlea Foeter. a bops

atevedore, worklng nn the Clyde Une pteamerCherokee. at Bnsh's Btorea. at Forty-aecnnd-atfnund the upptr part of the body. wlth the ex-

ceptlon of th" top and hack of the head and therlght arm, floatlng near the hnw nf the vaBBBlLater Willlam Mahoney. of No 441 Smlth-st dls- the rlght arm floatlng ln Buttermtlk Chan-nel. between Oovernor's laland and the AtlantlcBaaln.At the Morgue an examination waa made hy a

number nf doetnre and others. lneludlng Dr.Hartung, who mad* th" autnpey on 9t.nd.iy, andDr. Weptnn. th» Cnrnner's phyplcian. from Man¬hattan. They came tn the pnsiflve conriupion thatthe portlnns nll belong"d to the same body. Theakln on the breast and shnuldere seemed tO be as

falr and flrm as that on the trunk. The halr was

brown. The face was elean shaven. The ehoul-ders meaaured seventeen Inches acroaa. Ail of thefact waa Intact, with the exc-"ption nf the upp"r partof the hridge nf the noae, the eyeballs and thebrow The upper part and back of the head were

mlsalng. and the eranlum had parted aiong thenatural sutures. The upper te"th gave the Im-

ptamaUm '.ha' there was a double rnw. They evl-dently had heen neglected Al! of the mlaslng rtbsBJer. with the rhest. and the tendons show-d th"same evldenc»s of havlng been t,,rn away aa hadbeen notteed ln the \ygs The lungs were deflated.The heart ls atill mlaslng.RIOHT ARM WITH A CKUCOTX IN TATTOOBy far the moet Important Und of the day was

that of the riRht arm. On the Inslde of the for--arm a cniciflx, four or five inebM ln length, lstattnoed In purple. It Is d"Ilcafe',v drawn, and ls an

aittBtte pi^,. of arork. At th» foot of the cruclflxls a graundworh r"pres*nttng shrubbery. Thetattnolng ia ef a klnd to be rememhered when ono

seen. ar.d the police are OOnfldflBl that IdentlBca-tlnn wlll pnnn be mad" Above th» eruch-Z, andpartlally -urrnunding It. In a half ctr-le, are elghtstars. Another p|ec*> nf taffnning is on the the Beeby portloa of the »ktn. between the thumbanl flrst flrger. lt represents an anchor. but lsnn- BO sklifullv drawn as the crii'-ifix. Th"se twomarks mak" It likely that the man followed the seafnr -i llvellhoodTbe arrn wns lncaaed ln tha, g|»eve of a gray

Bai rtel underahtrt The rloth was cut away, andth" t.itton marks were revealed. Thls fragm"nt ofunderahir; would s>em to confllel wlth th-- theorythat tbe man'had been drowneri whii" in »wtm-

It W.-a'nn. nf the Manhat'an Coroner's frV-e,he Morgue at 4 o'clock, en

mlnuta examination nf the h<>dy. When he gnt|b h" was patlsfied that nn murder had been

I do not flnd any axe or knlfe marks nn thebOdy." aald T>r Weaton. "On the nther hand. Ipee p\|cienc« of tbe man havlng com" Into cont.ctwlth somethlng llk* a rapld,y revolvlni pnblade The man's bruteefl are all rommlifract ii frflu turefl in whlch the bone was

ebattered with « terrtflc bloei nf a.,irif. sort. ThisIa evident nn the wrist of the rlght arm, where thewriat bone pmirudes thrnugh tne skin Whlle the

the man's cbeal looks elean and as Ifm.'i l" wi-., ¦ knlfe, a cloae examination shows tha'lt was not made wlth a knlfe. and rlght undertheskin the musdes und tendnns ar" ptilled apnrt "

ATTEMPT! AT IDENTIFICATTON MADE.Dr James E. Thompson. a rormer surgion ln the

Army. and lately returned fmm Porto Rlco, sald

lhat the fractures dld not nt all resemble the work

of a knlfe In 'he handa of n murderer. "If the manwas Bflurdered." sald he, "hlfl murderera could not

hare cut hlm up mnre awkwardiy. They choppedhim np Where the bnnep are the heaviest. Theycould have cut nff hls head wlth one-tenth the

trouble renulred In chopplng off the tnp of thl

h"ad Just Bbova the noae It looks to me llke the

work ttt a pmpeller b!ad«." .

The police al pres-nt are bendlng thelr entlre en-

ergies to dlacoverlna the Identlty ef the bo<vw Bhepard, the plmtographer for th" Poll De-

partm"nt. haa made photographa of all

tlona nf th" body now at the Morpi" A I

of theae wlll be printed and turnlabed to the de-

tedlvea on th" case

la of Olaf Penann of No UI MI' ka-fltcalled at P "'' ,1""'1' ',1"

man. Thej sald hc res"mbl"d the deacrlptlonnf tbe floater but they were «untat.i.oii.g on tney

or, and had lat..o to sell some there.

That flra« thlrty daya ago, »nd he had not been

"*Tlie"wlfe of John C. Roe. nf Nn. M Twelfth-at.uiade an Innulry laal anand,John C Roe irho dleappeared th" nlght tvfor- theconej laland Ure. He w. Ighed onlj

i however. and ln that reapeet doea notwith th" dlsmemr,"red man at th» Morgue.

re was alao aomi « that the man waaI s.ulor. thlrty -r-

on Ct'edneadaj. flhlpped aa ¦ mai rd thebark Enaena Ia Captaln Oecar I nd for

American porta On Thuredaj he borrowedmate, and on Pr

houra for hirn. th" bark aalled wi-houthlm Johnaon has nm been s-n al ¦- bjha frenda He ilved al N

.ind'hoardlng houae kep- by Blgil,an BTbith went to the Morgue wlth De-

. Marphy ar.d Delehenty. «ad declared that,iv wns not Johnaon'a, th" latter belng. hasmaiier man As Johneon came from the

nor-h of Ireland. >h" I. [l_,o eoncluded hewould not r ',m-




- -d-nlr.l Pr-hl»v ls AtataOM rn be pre«»nf at

. I- whlr-h th* sailor. of th* Br

arr. ., b.V. on JulV 3. the*r.ary "f <*f'

of Snntlago St*phen Donnelly. chlef gunner s

mar. of th* Brooklyn. who 1. chatrman of the

ratton Canratlttaa, rmtarAmt recelved the foi-

r from th_> re..r-a.lmira!:Th* Bvarett. -*aahlatrtoB, D. <_JuaeW

Step-n.n Donnelly. Chlef fjunnet-. Mata.Chalrman of th* OLbratlon Commltt.-- Hr...k-

Deanr S.r I am d*!'sh**d to b*ar thar my brav*

_< a on b-.-.rd th* Hrooklyn are to have a pler <.

h-r klnd on 'hl. thlrd of July to rel,bra,eth* oa. of a \**ir ago off Santlagro. and lf I <*an

g-i _ r. ;.-ase'from an engagement for tha, day.mnd'- befor* 1 kn-w that my rorr.rades were to

rei-brate I shall .urely COBM Nothlng oould leiieht th-.n t-. partlelpate ln the

' m) t-.mrad" .board th. Brooklyn m

commemoratlng a dav whleh th*lr hravery andg.1 work h*iow 4h* prot*rfive >!*.-k and behindth* guns made «o ch.riou. for \s we.har*d ln eommon danger a y*ar ago. I hoo* jo he*b!« ro «hir* in their pleasur* on th* oomlng annl-v*r«.rv of that gr*at bartl* ln whleh they madeth* Brooklvt.-a name a bousehoH w.rd thr-.nghoutour h*lov-d eountry. Wlth many thank« I am al-wayB trury yours. W 8 BCHLETTh* m*n on the Brooklyn hav* already ehrlet*n*d

th* day ''rV-hley Day," and they say that theylntrr.d to show th* people of thls clty su<-h a eei»-hrntion as has not been seen In rhany a day. Theyar* partl-ularly glad that they are In thls portat thls t!m*. not only beeaus* thelr shlp ls namedafter Hrooklyn. but beo_u*e the people of thia plaeehave always trested them so k'.ndly.Each m*ml>er of the crulser's crew wlll be »n-

tltled t.. lavtt. three frleni. t., »ake part ln th*festlvitleji of the day. The mar-h wl.l b* begunat 10 nVlork ln the mornlng Th* parad* wiii i *

ably b* revlewed at Borough HaJI, and the sailor.will then take .p*r!_l trolley cars to SchlltzenI'ark, Olendale. Queen. County. I_ong Island. Re-fr*phments wtll be served and there w|!l b* ath-letlc game* All of the offWra who s*rv*d on theBrooklyn during th* war and Rear-Admlral Bamp-son have been invited to be preaent.

DFATII OF JAMES DAVREX. JR.James Davren. Jr, died yesterday at hls home,

Jarkson-ave. and Seventh-*t.. lx>ng Island Clty,after an lilness of ten day. from Uver oomplalnt.He ws. born ln Manhattan and wa. forty-three

I.OXG I8LAXD HAPT1STS TO MEET.Valley Btream. lx>ng Island. June li-The I.g

Ular.d Baptlst Associatlon wiH hold Its annual»ummer *p.*»lon h*r- next \\'-dn*«.lay. All th*

Baptlst rhur. h*. on Long Ieland wiii send dele-gat.a to attt-nd the eonvenUon. Ther* Will be anafternoon .ession. snd also an ev»ning ses.lon.Supper wlll b*> prorlded by th. wom*n ot tb. Val¬ley Stream Baptlst Church.



The Newark Tax Board wlll hold aittlnga forseveral days to pa.a upon personal valuatlopaof $\«tY) and more. and wlll take Into conaldera-tlon the asst-aament af the large value. repre-.ented lr» publlc franchlaeg. At pre«ent, theonly corporatlon paying anythlng llke a fran¬chlse tax Is th* North Jersey Streat RailroadCompany, whleh Ib assess-d f2.<-*>.<«'»» on per-aonalty besldefl $7S.0l.) on the grosa recelptaand f4.0nt'i ln llcenaes. The telegraph, telephone..lectlic Hght .nd gaa companles hav. b*en »!-low*d exemptlon on everythlng exoept thelr realeatate and tangible personal property. bo thattheir franehls*s are practlcally free from tax.There is a large increase of the tax rate thls

year, and the rate now may be aa hlgh aa $2 ln,ao that the Tax Board f*els that awn.thlngmust be done to ln"rease the ratabl...




Plalnfleld. June 1_ fBpertalV-A deelston wa. ren-dered thls mornlng by th* 8uprem* Court In the

.* Harper, Holllngsworth ft Darby, of BeotrhPlalns. against the Mountaln Water fompany, ofBummlt. eonflrmlng the verdlct of th* Po-nersetCounty- Court, glv*n a y*ar ago, ln favor of th*

plalntlffs. for damages amounting to heiw*en *.W)and »Vlf>. on the result of thls aetlon dep*nd»d a

number of other damage sutts against the water

company. whl'-h wlll amount to over »liY> <*>)It was alleg*d that the IfooatatB Water ""**.-

pany was div*rtlng the natural water supply ofOreen Brook bv per it on to |is own eommer-ci.l u.e. and that the volume cf water In th* brookwas so reduced that mllls along the stream wer*

unahl* to obtain sufrVtent power. The w.ver eom-

panv dld not get its supply dlrecUy from th*br ok. hut from wells sunk so that the water would

>:ate Into them _'-.,,Thre* years ago all the mlll-owners from FUln-

fleld to Bummlt d»Md*d to unite in compelling th*-o-npany »o abandon it. wells The e,-,** of

Harper. Holllngsworth & Darby wa* m..d* ,*

Benator Charlea a R**d. of R**d & cod-dlnston. of this elty. hav* r*pr*sent*d the ptaln-tlffs, and Rlk-r & Riker. of Newark. the defend-





raaaaln June 12 .Sp«rlal> .Th* Grand Jury. wh*n

lt cime Into court in Paterson thls aft*rnoon. hand-*d in a pr-esentment against the Pasaalc Clty Coun-

pre«*ntment states that for two years th*

manag*ment of th* poor hous* and farm In this

citv has b*en r-arel*s., loo** and unbuslnegsllke,and that. contrary to law, the Councll haa us .rp-dthe manngem*nt of the poor farm. whl<"h ls theduty of th. I'oorrr.a»t»r. Th* Grand Jury enarg-s

..ineil wltn gTOM ml.m inag*m*nt. and *.-.»-._ that ther* were hundred* of dollars' worth ofarticlei purcb.aed for whlch ther* ls no r*.elp;Mor How. baa refuaad to slgn the poor biII. rtc.-n»ly pas.ed beea-is* they were not authorlzed byPoorm rty.Th.- Grand Jury'a pre**ntm*nt also flnds that the

Councll -. i>lat*d the law by .p*ridtng &JHmor" on the *tlll unflnUhed rtty bulldlng than W.aauthorlae-l. The pr*.<ntm*nt states that the Juror*dld nol feel called upon to Indlct at thls tlm*.tho-igh lt Is known thal th* flrst rota wa* to IfldlCt.Th* Court ord*red that th* presentment be pub-

liehed ln the local n-w.psperB.

A sr< v/ Lf A Fi SEBAL



Mrs. Charlotte Buekman. wtdow of Wllson Burk-msn. formerly of No. 96 CUnton-Bt.. Hoboken. whoae

funeral took plaee at Odd F*llows- Hall. tn Wa.h-

ingron-8t. thnt elty Banaay Bftantao*-, was ardarad.BWay from tb. <'offln of her by her st.p-daughrer. Dottl*. slxteen yrare old. who plaeed her

ove* the mouth of th* body to prevent thewomm from kts.lng the dead man. Th. mcldentprodue*d a sensation.Mlaa B-n-kman yesterday eald that her atep-

t *)M«rtad h*r father la.t August and r*-

ceatly heg-an a sult for dlvorce. Bh* sald that Mrs.,.r. had no buslness whatever to lntrude at

the funeral.Th* widow sald y*sterday that the trouble b*-

tween h»r.elf and her husband was caused hy thelUghtar Mr. P-Kkman came from Provl-

d*ne* R. I to attend the fun*ral Sh. waa notavari allewed to rM" to th* c*m*tery.

.» .,-


Bellcvllla, Jun* 12 (Special). -The Board of Edu-catlon has arranged th* following programm* forcomm*ncement of the HJgh School: Sunday. June

-calaaraata sermon, by th* R*v Cornellus S.Ahbott, ln Christ Church 1 June 27. class day exer-

ei^r-s on thp Si*v*n-st. lawn; June 29. commenoe-

ment exerclses follow*d by ree*pr|o«i to the grad-loalng of tb* grammar d*part-

The addreaa to tb. graduates wiu he madehy Q C Gllbert. Buperlntendent of the Newarkschoo'ls. Mlss N'elli* Ha.ett wlll de',|v*r the vale-

gnd Beverlch Rr-tr th* .alutatory.

DEATH OF A TOLIXTEFR.Fr*derirk W. Vreeland. twenty years old. a

m-mber of the 1st New-.f*rs*y Volunte*rs, eon-

tr.cted a f.v.r ln camp Alger la.t summer. andrllei on Banday at his home. No. lll Arllngton-st..N'. wark having n»vr recovered from the effectsof ih* dtB. pany H ot th* r*glm*nt to

tnd belongad wlll attetid the funeralthls afternoon.

KEXT PLACE 8CB00L COMMEXCEMBBT,Bummlt, Jun* 12 tPpeclnl. -Th* eomm*ne*m*nt

eB of the Kenr Pla a BchOOl wer* held In th*r.ouse. ln the Boul*vard ar Summlt. tht.

Il^mllton W. Btabt., Bdltor of "Th*e_ an addreB* upon education and

ed th. dii.lomas to th* ra.fl.bera of th* grad*_¦ eiass The graduatea wera Bllsabatb

M H Elis* 1'p.ton, Miss Evangellne- ,r.l Mlss Barab Palmer.

TIRED OF UFE-AXD ORIXK.Prldgeion. June 12 Henry G Rlley, a well-

knnwn merchatit of thl* clty. commltted aulcldelate Isst nlght by taklng laudanum. TI" was flfry-aeren years Hd, and had been Irinktng heavlly. He

aald tn his son "I am tlr"d of llfe; thls la the lastday I wlll spend on earth." Rlley leaveg a wldow

^ aone. He came here aome yeara ago fromMlddletown, Del.

.4.V AWERMAX IXDirTED.P;it"rsnn, Jun" 12 (Bpeclal) -Among the true bllla

.. ;t in hy tb. ounty Grand Jury to-a ,- _n inllctment agalnst Dr. S. F. Wlley,

Ai-lerman fmm th" ilftk W.rd. .harglng hlm wlthbrlhery. P ls undersr.,¦¦¦'. »hr, r Dr Wlley cnurte.

l.-ivestlgatlnn and deelrt th'- Indlctinent to b* that the ,-harg.-s alleged agalnst him could beInveetlgated in courtAn lndlctm^nt for manslaughter waa brought ln

agalnst Jopeph Grant for c;i jplng the death ofFrank Maglll by an electrlc shock.

FOUB VPBBT IX A OITrn.Hackenaa'-k. June 12 (Speclali. Mrs Jamea John-

pnn. her son. George, ar.d hls wife, ar.d a vlsltnr,Mr- Frank Page, of Boeton were m an excltlngrnnaway accldent near the Jchnson home. at Ar-cola. thls mornlng. The horse became unmanage-

ahle and upset the carrlage ln a dlt"h Mrs. Pagesustalned the most P"rlnua Inlurles. her n-ge belngbroken, her lips and forehead cut and aeveral teethkn'"'ked out Mrs Jamea Jnhneon suatalned a

fracture of the collar-nnue Mr and Mra. GeorgeJohnaon eacaped wlth a few gcratrhea

BCROOL WORK E1HIBITFD.Pasaalc. June 12 (Speclal) The annuai exh'bltlon

of the work of the publlc gchonhj opened this even¬

lng at the armory wlth a reoapttaa, whlch waa at-

tended hy several hundred ettlxena. The teacheraexplalned the work exhlblted, and refre»hmant»wer» gerved. There waa alao rendered by achorus nf Hlgh Hchool gtrla.Xhe work shown lncludep speclmen. from all th.

branch<p. 4nd-iding cooklng anl sewtng. The workwas hlghlv cnmmended by several edueatora whowere pr"«er.t. For the reat of the week the ex¬hlbltlon wlll be open to the publlc.

HIS CAXXOX Offl HJM IXTO TROFPIE.Plalnfleld, June 12 (Speclal) .John K Van *>>...

of Eaat FYont-at.. who waa not content wlth pl.c-lng a bulldlng on the proposed new line of thePlainfleld Btreet Rallway Company. to atop thelrprogreaa acrnpg hla property. but planted a braaecannon tn front of the ,-ottage and nred th. rvnto g*t th. range. waa arre.te- for dte-harftng flr"-arm. In.ide the clty ltmtta.


RFW'FO ABBBBBBBBT 8V8TAIBBB,E!l«aheth. June 12 .Bpeclal) -Tbe Bupreme Court

to-day declded agalnst the ettf of Ellaabeth on

tl," appeal agalnst the action ai the State Board ofTaxation In reduclng the valuatlon of the New-j.r-^y Jockey Club'a property la fiU«-,bei_ fruaa160.000 to 116.000.


Orange, June 13 (Speclal).-The Orange Com_»<m ICounell cieared the alr on the water queettaa. .*¦

nlght. declded practleally In favor of munlctpalownerahlp of Ita electrtr-llghMng plant. and alao>aetried the general plan of remedytng the preaentInw-water preeaure.The Water Commlttee preaented reeolutloaflh-

awardlng the contracta for bulldlng a pumplng ptaatat campbella Pond end the bulldlng of a reeerrolrthere. Theae were voted down. 7 to I. PrealdentLethbrldg. not votlng.Th" Btre.t Mghtlng Commlttee. ta whom taa>

whola matter had been referred. offered a aertee Mreeolutlnnfl. whlch were adnpted.Flrat-That the pumplng machlnery ahould ».'

aitueted at the pumplng atation In the valley aee-

tion ef the clty.a>"ond-Thtt the engtneer prepare plana for aa

electrlc pump to Increaae the preiaure throughoafthe clty. /Thlrd.That an aaaoclate engineer be appotataaf-

to aaalat »he Clty Engtneer In the workFourth-That It waa for the b*at intereata ef tW

clty that lt should own I'a own eleetrtc-ltghttngplant, and that the elty counael be dtrected to pra-pare the neceaaary resolutlons and ordlnaneee t©>thla effect 1Theae were a>l paaaed. the chalrman of tnea,

Water i'ommlttee ffghting them al: etubbornly ajasevery atep.



John R. Havens. sr of Ifbboken wbe haa beeflian actlve Repubilean wo-ker for many yeara andwho has always loyally worked for the Intereata afthe party, haa wntten the foiiowing letter to taw

Organlaation Commlttee, whlch la now engaged ao

the work of reorganiatng the party ln Hudao»County It reada aa follows:

Slr In reply to your re<_ueet fnr my ld*a ll te-what ta th" cau.e nt th.- dlaageettoii in tb. eVa-puhllcan party In Hudson inuntj I would say:Flrat-The fact that a pirson huidlng the position,

nt chilrman of the Hudson County B>puhll-anCommittee ls playlng to the D«m«vratiogallery. receivlm their p.audita and wan'only le-sultlng not only the chatrman nf the t nmmlt'eacn "rganlxatmn but everv c«n«<>ntloue Repubil¬ean ln the county Whlle such ealf-appolnted bumf-

sfhemers are tn cnntrol nf theRepubilean partv there ta no hO|»- for th" bettaa-ment of londitiona. nnd their preaen'-e ln the partyor in Ita co,: rauee for the .-ontempf feltfor nnvthing poliilcii thst they hav. a hand in.notonly by Republlcnna. hut by |temo«rata aa wolTThls man W.,oll»v should be sijuelched-not onrr

Woolley. hut all hls fuaay gang.Vlr hairman. It i.- lik> a mlsalonary t»

h"!l to a'tempt to rcnrganlae the R"publlcan partyIn Hudson Connty, tf .¦i'*h ma.erl.l aa lhe Wool-ley, Dickinson and th".r Moboken foiiowing andbeneflclartea are r»iiilned or pcrmit'ed tn tw mem-bers of. much leaa run. the Countv I'ymmlttee.They are engaged tn loottng the party for thelrown persnnsl end. and peddllng its mnfldenceg toDemocatl' leadera B*# Woolley'. hld tn r.plyto the Invltanon of the cha.rrnan of ih. Orgaaiaa-ttnn i'ommlttee Hnw epenklrgly h" put. th" p'umIn Davls'a hat when he a.eerts aa an exeuae for hla.fool -onduct In advertislng hla unworthlneaa. thatthe trouble wlth tbe party ln Hud.on County Iethat there are not "enough Repubhcana." Wlthhim and hla pecullar tactlca, the wonder i. thatth"re are anv. and unless pnme wav la found toget rtd of hlm and all hl. gang there la abeoluteryno hopeAgain. Govetnor Vonrhees ta gullty nf prllMca.

-rime In retalnlng H\ per i-ent ef the onV»re ap-point»d hy Ivmorra.s. whlch I under.tand and be¬ll. \" is the caae. Wh"n a go«d. sound.'.ableRepuhlban eanribt ne found tn tlll an onV* itahould he abolishd. even lf the offlce sho ild b* theG.vernnrshlp <f the SiMa. To the vWor- he|on«th" apolls" ia the only honeai pollncgi motte Althe abnmlnatione of Clvll Ser\i-e. like other ahameand frauds. have beep lauded to the skl*s by fhoeowho were to *s'nf\r hy them Conoaived ln greed. ItIs one of the ir,nti ap«>c|ou. frauds known tn poll-tlcp and 1» th" cauae of in'";!igent c.mplalnts. r-ti-

tempt and apathy cn th. part of the bet'.r claaaot vntera.

Gtet rld nf th" avnphanta 'hat lumber up »hogl 1 (Wi rlubhm pe with thelr D«amocr»t!e elltea andth^lr as.umptl <n of au.horl.v. Recognlae the BBBBgml'tee get at the pound Repuhlli nn m»,»rlsl andlf you cannot add to their number untll a majorltyare Republlcana. wlthout DemocraUc araliatlon,nnthlng can b* done





Freehold .Ture 12 -Dr Frank D Toma. a pr**¦-.)ir-ent phyp.ctan. whose home ts at Keyport. waa te- jday ronrlcted of atrocioua aaeault and battery i

upon Willlam H Smlth on Aprll .V. Htorle. had ,

been clrculated rela.tve to Dr. Toms and 8mlth'ewife. Smlth caH"d at the physlclan a offlce whllehe waa intoxicated and la eetd to have threet.nedthe doctor F'r Toms put hJm out, but he returnedlater ar.d the doctor threw gulphurle ac.d on him.burnlr.g hls fsce neck and handa and deatroytngrth" slght nf th. left eye.Dr Tnms s defence was that he had by mlfltak*^

S'!*ed 'h<> wmng bott!" Th" exrreme penalty la>jseven vears In prlaon and a fln" of tl.'iAft It ls net Ibelleved that the s"nten,e will be hea\T. «a thalCourt accepted 11.000 ball fnr the prtaoner'a ep-'pearance for senten-e.

WERE MEMBERS OF A MATRIMOXIAL CLUBJCamden. June 12 (Special) .T» sflmony In the*.

Margerum dlvorc" cipp w.ip reaumed to-day befor»Vice-.'hancellor Gr">. The pult ta brought by J.Margerum. who alleges that hls wlfe drove hlm.*from her home wlth a broom Mrs Bpath. who>,runs a matrlmonlal cluh at Thirteenth and Browa]st... Phlladelphla. testifled that both the Marge-rums had belnr.g»d to th» club. and she Introduced,them -to each other four ye«,re ago Mrs Marge- |rum. she sald. told her that she had klcked herhu-hand out nf the houae fot- we"k« after theyw-re marrled Phe paid she hea.-d hls father hadmnn*v th.if llargarum waa tn Inl-erlt. and that lf'Phe could g"t that sh" would seek a dtvorce Mra.Snath sald she had conducted the matrlmonlal clubthlrte^n y.-ars. and It had now a memberahtp ofnearly f,,ur thousand.Margrrum recently Inherlted $50,100 from hua

father ¦ eetate.-a-

WAXTB TO BF. SFXATOR FROM WARREX.Washlngton, June 12 (Bpeclil) Robert M Pefty.

of Waahington. N. J., who ls here nn a vlatt. haaBtated to hla frl.nda that he la a candidate for thanominaMon for Senator from Warren I ounty. Itis unders.ood that Mr Pe.ty's ambltion ls not ap-tiroved by ex-Congressman Cornish. and that tholatter has annther candidat" tn vlew fnr the D»m-ocratte nnmlnatlnn When Ur. Cornlflh waa traCongress he turned Mr Petfi- dnwn «s an ap¬pllcant for the poatmastershla at Washlngton.Slnce then there has been much feellng betweenthemWilllam E Rog<-rs. o< New-J*r.ey. I. ehalrmara

of the National League of Repubilean Workera, ajnew anti-nvll Service organliatlon formed hererecently

DEATH OF EDWARP DIXGLER.Edward Dlngler. .n old rl»i_»n of J*rs*y Clty,.

dled yesterday. H* was born In New-Torb Clty*txty year* ago but had lived tn Jersey Cltyelnca.)bovhooa When 'he ovt! w»r beaan he enluted i_> a prlvate ln th* 7th New-Jer»ey \ olunteer*. aadwa. promoted for gallantry and aftatned th* rar.kof raptaln He was a memher of Van Houten,Po*t Orand Army of the Republlc. and of En-campmen: Ko. 81. I'nlon Yeteran Le.lon. For-many years he had been janltor of Publlc SchoolNo. 2. A wldow and a son survlve hlm.


Montclalr, Jun* 12 <Bp*el.l) -Thlrtv-rtght me.ajber. of th* Mantclalr Club who wer* promlnent,In tb* flght to prerent the .al* of ilquor In th*ciubhous* have reaigned. Th* offlrer. of th. clabd*olar* that .Inr* th* eluh \r.ted to hav. IlquorIn th* cijhhou.e enough .prlic.tlon. for mem.

barahlp have b^n recelved to more than off*_t lb*realgr.atlona.

QVARTF.T CLVB ASXIVFRSART.The fccleth annlver..ry of th. Quartet Club. an*

of the leadlng slnglng Bo.ietlea of tha Btate. waa

celebrated last nlght wlth a banquet tn th. elub-hous* ln Washlngton-st. Hobok<*n On* of 'h.f*atur'.B of the ever-lng was the rrea*nfaf|on to 'hacluh of a allver trowel. whl<-h fhomaa W. Ttld.n.of Jersey Clty, used ln laylnathe cornerstone of *._.clubhouB*. on Otober 38. 1*>1

.4\ IXCOBRIGIBLE LAD 8F.XT TO JAlLEllaabeth. June 12 .Special) .John Condon. aa M>-

corrlgible lad. only ten ye»r* old. was commlttedto th. county jall to-day for aUty days Bt hl*.other'a req i*st, she .tatlng to Ju.ilc. H*'fl.*i<_that ah. could do nothlng arlth tha lad He hai,broken some wlndows In a houae belnngtng ti>M Flynn. . eoal dealer snd sioten a M-ych» andboM it for 11*. Thls monn h- apent wlth aaaaarhuma. \

WAOFS ISCREASFD.Ellaabeth. Jun. 13 .Bpex-lat. -Tbe flrat of B. I*

Moore A Bon* Company. whleh oper.te. tb. Craa-cent Iron Work. *'¦ Eliaabethport. to-_a> gavanotlc. to thelr aev.r.l hupdred .mplovta that aftarW*dn*sday of thls week th*4r pay wlll h» ln-reaaedI p*r -en». and also that an addtrtonal I f* eeattwtll b. pald at th. end of a y*ar to all B__aj_yaajwho mak. full tlm. tn that pertod-

- ? -

RFnrrTtox of KAGFfi catseB J KTBJKE.Pat*rson June 11 (8|*c.»|).- A atrik* waa .*___. 1

at the August Silk Mlll thl* mornlng all th. waa-v*.i ln th. ribboa lepartmer.t i.avtng th*tr tnaca*.Tha strike la Uue ta an -nnouacii..Bt 9t a aafla.*.Uun of wage. by tb« firm.
